Dangerous Desires

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Dangerous Desires Page 73

by Siren, Tia

  Ten days till the final showdown.

  Ten days until either freedom. Or everlasting misery.



  I take a sip of my scotch and lean forward, listening to the piano.

  I’m at Bemelmans Bar and it’s still pretty dimly lit for being in the late afternoon and not so crowded. But then again, I guess that’s the vibe they're going for.

  Tomorrow is the Lowell and Company shareholders’ meeting. The lawyers and I spent most of the day discussing how we were going to hash this out and ambush Dad. Basically, I’m going to have to go up and ask him point blank if he is still the CEO, or if he is planning on ceding control. When he laughs off the question, that’s when the lawyers get involved, asking him if he has any requirement to or not.

  Because shareholders’ meetings, where the Board and all stockholders are present, are a basic regulatory requirement for all companies, there’s a penalty of fucking perjury for making intentionally misleading statements or lying outright.

  That’s where we’re going to trap him. If he says he’s going to hand shit over, then he’s on record as having conceded. But none of the dirt comes out.

  If he says no, then that’s where the real fight starts. Court documents start coming out. Legal challenges start getting placed. People get subpoenaed. We start taking depositions. Start leaking embarrassing stories to the press.

  On one hand, I want to make that bastard pay and have his name dragged through the mud. Quietly resolving our differences seems like too light of a sentence for him. He should most likely be in jail for what he did to my mother.

  But on the other hand, I can’t stand to think that Ashley is going to have to go through a complicated, messy, and fucking heart-wrenching ordeal. If Percy’s already started mentioning her name in the news he’s not looking to ramp anything down.

  “So I got a very curious message from my lawyer today,” I hear a voice say next to me and I turn around to see Percy sitting there. “Looks like you just filed paperwork to sue me?”

  “The legal paperwork should be more than enough to answer any questions you have, Percy,” I tell him and turn back to take a sip of my scotch. It’s funny. I don’t even feel like calling him Dad nowadays. He’s so far away from what a father figure should be like.

  “Oh I understand the implications of what you’re trying to do, son,” Percy says and motions to the bartender to get him another scotch. “I just don’t understand why you’d be so stupid as to risk jail time for that tramp you got riding your cock.”

  I turn to him, my eyes glaring. “You mean your wife?” I ask him, acid dripping from my words.

  He shrugs. “That would make her your stepmom,” he says.

  I turn back to my drink, ignoring his jibe. He continues.

  “The only way possible I can see that you bring a successful suit is if you’ve been to Switzerland,” Percy says. “When called, Herr Meier confirms that you and Ashley went to visit. He also confirms that you saw the Lowell and Company Ownership and Succession Agreement. And that against his specific requests, you two stole it.”

  I turn to him. There’s no way…

  “No one says they can’t have cameras in the rooms, son,” Percy says with a sardonic smile. “Just because they keep items in the vault doesn’t mean they’re private.”

  The implications are starting to fucking roll in at this point. That would mean…

  Again, he’s reading my thoughts. “That means that you and Ashley stole from the bank,” Percy says with finality, taking a large gulp of his scotch. “That means that technically you’re a bank robber. And not just a simple robber. You crossed international borders. You really want your stepmom to go to jail for being an international fugitive?”

  My head's starting to fucking explode thinking how this entire situation just went pear-shaped in a flash. Percy twists the knife in further.

  “That’s right. You would probably be the one they threw the book at, since you’re doing this all to get at the company, but she would definitely be aiding and abetting. Not to mention the optics of fucking your stepmom,” Percy says, giving me an evil smile.

  I turn toward him. “You’re bluffing,” I declare.

  He snorts. “Have I ever bluffed once in my life?” he asks me. “Would I even bluff about something like this?”

  He then continues onward. “No, son, if you know what’s best for you, you’ll give me that document right now,” he tells me. “You’ll drop this frivolous lawsuit and you’ll leave Ashley alone. You’ll back off and let me finish destroying her and her family for no other reason than I can.”

  I’m still looking at him and I realize he’s got me by the fucking balls.

  “Fine,” I sigh outwardly. It takes a moment for Percy to realize he’s won. But once that moment passes, he beams ear to ear.

  “Great!” he says. “Where’s the document?”

  “I’ll make sure you get a copy at the shareholders meeting tomorrow,” I tell him, defeated.

  Percy nods to me. “You’re making the right choice, son,” he says, taking a business card out of his pocket and tossing it on the bar.

  “Give this woman a call,” he tells me. “She’s good for a fuck or two when you’re down. Makes you feel like the king of the world.”

  But all I manage to do is nod absently as Percy—my Dad—gets up off the bar stool and walks away, confident in his victory.



  It’s ten am and I look at the clock outside the convention center at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. People are waiting in the lobby to take their seats inside and I still don’t see Parker. He spoke to me yesterday after Percy supposedly confronted him at Bemelmans Bar. Talked about the threats that Percy made.

  Speaking of which, I don’t see Percy anywhere either. Not sure what’s going on when neither the CEO of the company nor his son show up, and the shareholders’ meeting was set to begin five minutes ago.

  I can see people look around, a bit confused. Shareholders’ meetings are generally organized and polished affairs. They have to be with the large numbers of people that show up. Even for a closely held company like Lowell and Company, there are probably about a thousand to fifteen hundred people who are attending today’s shareholder event.

  People make a conscious effort to stay away from me. It’s not a secret why to me; the way Percy has been carrying on in the press the last couple days, they want to stay as far away from his wrath as possible.

  “Where is Parker?” I hear a voice and I turn. It’s Dad. I lean over and hug him.

  “He should be here soon,” I tell him, trying to sound confident. The truth is, last night when he got home Parker didn’t sound like the confident, in-charge man that I’ve gotten to know. Gotten to love. It was almost as if something had spooked him.

  “Well, if Percy gets here first and starts the meeting and Parker isn’t here, our best shot will have gone down. This thing will fall into a messy court battle that Percy will bankrupt Lowell and Company over,” Dad says to me. He doesn’t need to tell me. It’s not my family name on the building, but it feels like it is for all the blood, sweat, and tears that Dad has invested in it. For all the Lowells and their clan that he’s worked for and fought for so long.

  Speak of the devil—both figuratively and metaphorically—I see Percy come walking down the hallway toward the convention room. He looks at me and his eyes narrow. His face turns into a sneer as he sees Dad.

  “Good,” he says upon seeing us. “Both of you together. Easier for me when all my enemies are in one place for me to destroy them,” he sneers.

  “Percy, you’re a horrible human being. Why can’t you have at least some compassion?” my Dad says and I cringe at the thought of him looking for compassion in this man. “Don’t you care that she’s your wife?”

  “She’s nothing but a tramp and a whore,” Dad says and smiles as my Dad’s fists ball up. “I never wanted to touch her. Only to hurt her e
nough to hurt you. But even that lost its fun after a while. Until she fell onto Parker’s cock. Now it’ll be fun destroying him, and destroying her in the process.”

  I can tell Dad wants to hit Percy. He’s visibly restraining himself and his face is turning red. But that’s exactly what Percy wants. To further embarrass my father.

  I’ve never felt true hatred for anyone until now. When I look at Percy Kane, all I wish for him is misery. For the misery that he’s inflicted on others.

  That’s when the doors to the convention room open and I turn my head and gasp. Parker walks out, resplendent in a dark double-breasted suit and power tie.

  He holds a folder in his hands and walks up to Percy.

  “Here’s the Ownership and Succession Agreement,” he says to Percy as he hands over the folder.

  My heart sinks. I can’t believe what I’m seeing as Percy takes it and verifies the contents of the folder.

  People are walking in now, streaming inside to take their seats.

  I look at Percy and then I look at Parker.

  Parker doesn't meet my stare as Percy gives us one last evil smile and walks inside.

  “Parker!” I whisper to him going up to him, but he turns his head and smiles. He puts his hand behind my back and pushes me into the room gently.

  “Just wait,” he says to me. “Until you go inside.”

  Not knowing what to expect, I go through the door. We walk into the cavernous hall designed for wedding receptions and conventions.

  I’m about to say something again, when Parker shushes me. But I can’t help it. Everything that we’ve discussed, hoped for, dreamed about was in that folder. It was literally the key to any fight we could have put up against Percy.

  Our entire future is going away.

  “Parker, what did you do?” I ask, my heart starting to beat.

  “Look?” Parker says, pointing.

  I follow his gaze.

  People are sitting down, and before they sit, they’re taking a series of papers that are on their seats off their chairs. They’re reading through them. They’re looking at Percy. They’re talking among themselves and looking back at Parker.

  I still don’t understand, but I see that every seat in the entire convention hall has a copy of the same set of papers resting on it.

  The hubbub is increasing and people are beginning to talk louder.

  “Everyone please quiet down and we’ll get this meeting in order,” Percy says from the microphone on the raised stage. But no one listens. They continue to hum in conversation and talk amongst themselves.

  “Everyone, please come to order!” Percy says, with a little bit more exasperation. He’s used to being listened to, but this time no one does.

  People start to look over at Parker and point.

  I can’t contain myself any longer. People are reading something and it’s causing them to look at us and look at Percy.

  I run over to the closest of the chairs with the papers on it and pick one up.

  I start looking through the stapled pages. And I stop.

  It’s a copy of the Lowell and Company Ownership and Succession Agreement. Every page, detailing when Percy is supposed to step down.

  But after that are transcribed conversations. I read a snippet.

  Percy: Hand over the Agreement and I’ll make sure Ashley doesn’t get dragged in on all this.

  Parker: What you did was wrong. What you did to my mother was wrong.

  Percy: She deserved it—for being stupid. And if you know what’s good for you and Ashley, you’ll not fight me on this.

  Parker: You killed her.

  Percy: Only after I got her to change the agreement. I was patient. You can’t win against me.

  Oh my God.

  It’s from yesterday.

  “I was wearing a wire,” Parker says approaching behind me. “And I blew the doors open before people got here today,” he says.

  I look at him. He’s sacrificed everything to get rid of the man who was torturing me.

  Percy still has no idea what people are reading.

  Angry looks are being directed at him.

  “Will people please quiet down?” Percy cries out exasperated. There are some boos from the crowd. “What is going on?”

  That’s when two uniformed NYPD officers and a higher-ranking detective in plainclothes arrive.

  “What’s going on is you’re going to jail, Percy,” Dad says walking up to the stage. “At least for today. But you’re most likely never going to run this company again.”

  Percy starts to sputter and get red in the face as the cops get to the stage where he’s standing.

  “This is preposterous!” he shouts. His eyes lock on Parker and me. “You did this!” Percy yells.

  “You have the right to remain silent…” The plainclothes officer begins, and I turn away.

  I look at Parker. He looks back at me. All of a sudden, I no longer want to be here anymore. I want to jump for joy and scream with delight.

  We’re free. But decorum means the most I can do is hug him. And I do that, wrapping my arms around him and pulling myself close.

  “Come on, babe,” he whispers in my ear. “Let's get out of here.”

  Yes. I can definitely agree to do that.



  “I love you,” I tell Parker, coming up to him. I love him, I think to myself, these three little words floating inside my head. I really do love him. It’s hard to believe that I found love in someone like Parker, someone so much younger than me, but here we are now. Together against the whole world.

  “I love you too,” he says, looking into my eyes as if he were seeing me for the first time. He tucks a stray lock of hair over my ear, and then leans in and gently brushes his lips against mine. “It’s over now. We can be together.” Then, as if the right words had come to him, he corrects himself, “We will be together.”

  “Yes,” that’s all I can say. Right now, words are secondary and unimportant. For the first time since we met, we can be together without worrying about what’s right and what’s wrong.

  After leading me out of the meeting, Parker had the limo waiting for us, the engine already running. “Where to?” he asked me, placing his hand on top of mine as we sat inside. I told him the truth. “It doesn’t matter. As long as we’re together.” Smiling, he picked up the intercom and told the driver to get us to the Four Seasons Hotel. Thank God it was only a ten-minute drive; I would go insane if I had to wait much longer to get inside a room with Parker.

  But we’re here now, and that’s what matters. We’re here, and we’re happy.

  “You know what you’ve signed up for, don’t you?” he asks me, slowly kissing me down my jawline. “I’m an insatiable man.”

  “That’s exactly why I signed up,” I tell him, my fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. One by one, I unbutton them, the whole world fading away around me. Exhaling sharply, I press the open palm of my hands against his pectorals, tracing their contours, and then I slide my fingers down to his abs, caressing the valleys and ridges of his chiseled muscles. I’m about to go for his belt when he pushes me back against the wall, a look of pure hunger on his face. Never taking his eyes off mine, he goes down to his knees and places his hands on my legs. Moving them up toward my inner thighs, he hikes the dress up to my waist, smiling all the way.

  I place my hands on his head and run my fingers through his hair, my eyelids drooping as he leans in. There’s no hesitancy as his parted lips go straight for my black lace thong. He presses his mouth against the wet patch of fabric, sucking in my flavor as I bite on my bottom lip.

  “Am I going to be treated like this every day?” I purr, gently moving my hips and pressing my pussy against his face.

  “Every single day,” he pulls back from me just to say it, and then dives in again, this time harder. And to think that just a few weeks ago I was trapped in a sexless marriage… How things change.

  I raise one leg
and place it over his shoulder, angling myself for him. He places both his hands on my groin and pushes my thong to the side, his tongue going to work immediately, running over between my folds and all the way up to my clit. He circles it gently, and then goes back down, sucking on my pussy while he uses his thumb to work on my clit. My fingers turn into hooks and I start to pull him in, thrusting against his face at the same time. Oh, God, is this really true? Am I going to be able to do this every single day for the rest of my life? Please, don’t let this be a dream.

  As Parker starts to suck me harder, I lose myself in the world of pleasure that crawls up my spine. He has taken his hands to my ass, and with his fingers digging deep into my flesh, he makes me moan as if I were just a virgin girl, discovering the wonders of the human body for the first time. God, I’m so wet right now that I can feel my fluids dripping down my thighs, even though he has his mouth around my pussy.

  “Don’t stop…” I moan, throwing my head back and bumping it against the wall. He’s jabbing with his tongue, pushing it past my folds and into me, and he’s rubbing my clit as fast as he can; I don’t know how he does it, but I don’t think that even I would be able to do a better job. I sure know how to pleasure myself, but it seems that he knows my body better than I do. “Oh, God,” I whisper, gritting my teeth as I start to hear the rumbling of an avalanche inside of me.

  A deep moan tumbles out of my mouth as I come, the flames of ecstasy going from my toes to the top of my head. My arms are shaking and my knees are buckling, but Parker has his hands on my hips and he keeps me in place. Slowly, he takes my leg off his shoulder and then goes up to his feet. I force my eyelids open, and a smile takes over me as I look at him: his lips are glistening, and my fluids are dripping down his chin and onto his neck.


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