Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 5

by Destiny Patterson

  “You just wait till your next girlfriend, I’m going to have something wonderfully over-the-top embarrassing planned out.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh wouldn’t I?” I grin hugely.

  “Fine,” he rolls his eyes, “truce?”

  “I’ll think about it.” I say before quickly skipping off to Mom and Dad.

  “Did you have a good time?” Mom asks.

  I nod, minus my run-in with Abigail thanks to Drew.

  “Yeah we did one of those Historical tours. Very educational.”

  “Until you almost got kicked off due to your comments about the Union being intellectually superior to the Confederates.” I elbow him in the ribs.

  “Son, you didn’t.”

  “I did, but don’t worry it won’t happen again. This big dude wearing a rebel flag hat wanted to beat my a… butt. Journey convinced him I wasn’t mentally all there.”

  “Some Southerners are very… sensitive about that. From now on keep the Yankee comments to yourself. We may live here now but we’re still outsiders as far as some of them are concerned. Understand?”

  Drew nods quickly, “Yes sir.”

  “Good, we don’t want anyone messing up your beautiful face.” Mom smiles as they turned to enter the restaurant and I giggle looking at him. “Beautiful,” I snicker, “see you should’ve been my twin sister.” I whisper.

  “Journ.” Drew warns.

  “Okay,” I huff. His future girlfriends are going to be jealous that he’s prettier than they are. Not that he looks like a girl, he has masculine features but he is, I’d never tell him to his face, handsome. Kadence occasionally called him the beautiful one. Then I’d smack her and tell her she was going to give him a big head even though I knew he was already full of himself, and I dare not say what her comment on that was. I want to throw up just thinking about it.

  “What are we doing?” Drew asks with a grin as we pull into a car dealership on the way back home.

  Dad smiles, “I talked your Mom into trading in this monster.”

  Drew looks a bit crestfallen but says nothing.

  “You two feel free to look around.” Mom says squeezing Dad’s hand.

  “Yeah,” Drew says as we climb out and I follow behind him trying not to laugh. It’s like taking a kid in a candy store and telling them they can’t have anything. I’m waiting for him to throw a fit.

  “This sucks.” He scowls as we walk around looking at the cars.

  “Cheer up, maybe mom will let you drive hers.”

  “Sure, cause she’s so good at sharing. Remember when I asked to borrow the Suburban a few months ago?”

  I giggle recalling the look on mom’s face. I think she would’ve been less mortified if he had painted his nails black, wore eyeliner and said he was joining an occult. “Yes, it didn’t go over well.”

  “I just want my own car. I don’t want to have to ask for a ride somewhere like a child.”

  “Yeah it sucks.” I agree.

  He looks longingly at a new Mustang.

  “You can hang that up,” I shake my head, “I have a feeling it will be used cars for us.”

  “I’m cool with that, are you?”

  Wait a minute did I hear that right? Not too long ago he’d have died at the thought of getting something second hand, now he’s all right with it? Maybe he is maturing. “Totally fine with me.”

  We wander off towards the used-car section and he’s instantly drawn towards an old Chevelle. “Look at this baby.” He runs his hand along the blue hood, “She’s a beauty.”

  I don’t like it, not that it isn’t a good-looking car but it creeps me out. “Maybe you should look at something else.” I glanced around to find something to take his attention off of the Chevelle. “That Scion is newer and I bet it’s a lot better on gas.”

  “Journey this is a classic, they don’t make cars like this anymore.”

  Okay… Let me try a different angle, “This one will get you more female attention.”

  He chuckles, “I don’t need a car to get girls.”

  “I like your style.” Dad says walking up. “I’m surprised though, I assumed you’d be all over the newer cars.”

  Drew nods, “I was but this is awesome, it’s got my name all over it.”

  “Are you sure?” Mom asks, “You’re only getting one car from us.”

  “Really? I can have it?” He asks excitedly.

  “As long as you hold up your end of the deal, good grades and you drive responsibly.” Dad says.

  “Yes sir, you have my word.” Drew all but jumps for joy.

  “How about you, did you find anything you like?” Mom asks.

  “Umm…” I look around.

  “Maybe you should get the Scion.” Drew says leaning against the Chevelle.

  “It’s really cute and I like the pearl shimmer paint on it.” Mom says.

  “See, I told you it’s a girl magnet.” I say in one last-ditch effort.

  Drew shakes his head quickly. He isn’t going to budge.

  “Stick with the muscle car son, girls appreciate a guy with taste.” Dad pats his shoulder grinning.

  “How about the Jeep Wrangler? You could take the top off when it’s nice outside, put a couple of surfboards in the back. Girls dig a convertible.” I smile.

  “Why don’t you get it and I’ll borrow it.” Drew says.

  Shrugging, looking at the Jeep, I know he’s not going to change his mind. They could probably offer him a new sports car and he’d turned them down. “Fine, I’ll take it.” The little car is too cool for me. I like the Jeep it’s a formidable vehicle, it says I’m not a dainty little girl that will be pushed around, it says I have no boundaries, plus it’s black, my favorite color and it’s big enough that I don’t have to worry about other vehicles running me over.

  “This is so exciting Joe, our babies are growing up, getting their first cars, soon they’ll be going off to college, then they’ll be getting married and having their own babies.” Mom gets misty eyed.

  “Susan I think you are jumping ahead just a little bit.” Dad consoles her as she digs through her purse for a tissue.

  “What about you Mom? Did you find a smaller car?” I ask.

  “I’m not getting rid of mine honey it was just a ploy,” she sniffles, “Dad wanted to see if you too would behave like adults or children.”

  “I expected one of you to behave like a… brat.” He glances at Drew, “however you were both very mature, I am impressed.”

  “So I passed the test?” Drew asks.

  “With flying colors.” Mom smiles looking like she’s going to start crying again.

  “Awesome? When can I drive it?” Drew beams.

  “Let’s get a couple of salesmen for a test drive, if you still like them we’ll come back and do the paperwork. Then it’s all yours.” Dad nods.

  “Cool, I’ll go get them.” Drew says rushing off towards the building.

  “Sweetie are you sure you wouldn’t rather have the girlie car?” Dad points to the Scion.

  “No, this would fit me better.”

  Dad chuckles, “What is it with you and your mom liking bigger automobiles?”

  “Hey, at least I won’t look lost in mine.”

  “You have a point.” He laughs looking down at Mom.

  “I can’t help I inherited the short gene.” She smiles at him playfully.

  Drew all but runs back jingling a set of keys as the salesman try to keep up with him.

  “You’re coming with me.” He drags Dad towards his car.

  “Guess you’re stuck with me.” I tell Mom, as I hold out my hand for the keys to freedom feeling a little giddy.

  The guy instantly starts his sales pitch as we pull out of the parking lot. Mom sits in the backseat quietly listening but he’s really starting to get on my nerves.

  “Dude, unless it falls apart in the road it’s sold okay?” I say following close to Drew. “What can you tell me about my brothers car?

  He looks at me confused for a second. “Well it’s a 1969 Chevelle, everything is original, runs great, overall it’s an amazing piece of machinery.”

  “I’m no car expert but if it’s so great why’s it so cheap and still on your lot? Don’t they usually cost about the same as a new car in that condition?”

  He shrugs and looks out the window, “We got an excellent deal on it, just passing along the savings.”

  Freaking liar! Since when do car lots try to save the public money? “Sure.” I roll my eyes. Something about it is not kosher.

  “Do you like it?” Mom asks leaning forward.

  “Not really.”

  “You want to test drive something smaller?” The guy asks.

  “Oh, no, I thought you meant Drew’s new obsession. I like this one just fine.” I say heading back.

  “What do you think?” Drew asks hanging back as Mom and Dad follow the men in to do the paperwork, “I look good driving it, huh?”

  I’m not sure what my aversion is to the car but clearly he’s in love with it and I don’t want to burst his bubble. “Yeah you do.”

  “Do you think Kay will like it?”

  I giggle, “Since when do you care what she thinks?”

  He looks at me seriously, “I’ve always cared, you have to promise not to tell her that okay?”

  I nod my head, “Alright.”

  “She was my first crush. I wanted to be more than just friends but every time I said something about being serious she pushed me away so I finally quit and took whatever attention she gave me.”

  “I had no idea, I’m sorry.”

  He shrugs, “Me too, I wonder if things would have ended differently had she been my girl friend. I could have stopped her Journey. I would’ve made her happy, made her not want to,” he turns away silent for a moment and wipes his eyes. “How could she do that to us? She knew we both loved her. I was so mad at her for a long time. It killed me to go to school knowing she wasn’t going to be there smiling when I walked in. That there would be no more notes passed asking if I’d sneak over afterwards. How could she be so stupid and selfish? Things would have gotten better, they always do.”

  Holy crap! I had no clue! This whole time I thought they were just being typical teenagers when actually Drew was head over heels for her and she was playing him like a used set of drums. Now I really want to choke her out! “Is that why you’ve been even more of a jerk to me and other girls? Doing stupid crap like smoking pot and barely passing your classes? You’ve been depressed?”

  “Please don’t tell her or Mom and Dad.”

  “I’m not, but promise me you’ll do better in school and no more weed, drugs are for losers.” Wow, I sound like an afterschool special.

  He chuckles, probably thinking the same thing. “I will sis.”

  “You know I’ll always be here for you, even when you’re being a butt head.”

  “Yeah and I can talk to Kadence.” He says happily.

  Great… Maybe I shouldn’t have told him she was still hanging around. What if he refuses to move on? Then again it could be a good thing, she’ll be her old self plus she’s dead, he’ll see nothing serious would have ever come of them and find a new girl to crush on. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully Kay made some new friends today. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it.

  “It will be dark soon, we want you two to follow us home. Tomorrow you can drive wherever you like.” Mom says walking up to us.

  “Fine with me.” Drew climbs in his car with a cheesy grin.

  I don’t have to be a mind reader to know he can’t wait to show it off to Kadence. I promised I wouldn’t tell her how he felt about her but you better believe I’ll be letting her know she better be nice to him.

  Fumbling with the radio I find a decent station and carefully follow in line behind Drew who looks to be singing along with the radio a bit over animated. He can be such a dork at times then again so can I. Yeah we are definitely related.

  “Journey did you leave your lights on?” Dad asks as I get out of my car. My car, it feels great to think it. “I didn’t think so… But I guess I did, sorry.” I know without a doubt I didn’t. I didn’t even have the light on this morning I had the curtains open letting the sunshine in.

  “Conservation from now on, all right?”

  “Yes sir.”

  A couple of years ago he started this kick of conserving energy, recycling and doing what is best for the environment. Not that it’s a bad thing. I think he had a mild stroke when Mom got her Suburban, he ranted for a week about how inefficient it was before he gave up on her taking it back. I’m surprised he didn’t push for electric cars or at least hybrids.

  “Whenever possible I’d like for you guys to ride together, no sense in taking separate vehicles to the same place.” Dad said as we walked to the porch.

  Ah, I knew there was a catch.

  “You’ll be riding with me.” Drew says quickly.

  “You can take turns.” Mom says before I have a chance to protest.

  “Alright.” Drew sighs knowing it’s pointless to argue.

  “Good, I hope you stick with it.” Dad pats his back as we enter.

  Drew heads straight to the stairs then stops and turns around, “Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the car. I’m going to take good care of it.”

  “You are very welcome.” Dad smiles. It’s easy to see that he’s happy Drew has turned over a new leaf.

  “Good night.” Mom calls out as he rushes up the steps.

  “Night!” He hollers already out of sight.

  Good night my butt! He’ll be talking to Kadence all night. I shouldn’t care, I should be relieved not to share my bed, not that she took up space before, I could’ve rolled on her and never known but I didn’t, that would’ve been weird and now that we’ve moved things are changing. I’m not sure if I like it.

  “Are you hungry?” Mom asked stopping at the kitchen entrance watching me stare up the stairs.

  “No thanks, just going to grab some water before heading to my room.”

  “Well if you change your mind there are some microwave dinners in the freezer.”

  “Okay. Before I forget I want to say thank you for the car, for everything you guys do for us.”

  “Honey you are very welcome. Thank you for being responsible.”

  I nod not knowing what to say and quickly get a glass of water. “Well, good night.”

  “Good night baby.”

  Opening my bedroom door I expect to find Kadence kicked back on my bed or plundering through my things, “Kay?” She’s nowhere to be seen however my book of poetry is open on my desk.


  All these souls who’ve gone astray,

  why do they call for me by name?

  Could it be they are alone, afraid?

  Just like you, just like me.

  Or are their intention to deceive?

  Just like you, just like me.

  This world has changed them, turned them dark.

  Just like you, just like me.

  Will we find peace if we desire it to be

  or are we destined to wander for eternity?


  “Reading my emo crap again?” I ask closing the book.

  My radio cuts on to classical music. “Very impressive Kadence!”


  I spin around dropping the book and she shakes her head looking at me strangely. “You scared the crap out of me! How’d you do that?”

  “Do what?” She asks.

  “The radio.”

  “I didn’t, I just got here and it was already on.”

  “Did you knock our picture off the bookshelf this morning?”

  “No, why would I do that?”

  “Because you were mad at me. I sort of figured it wasn’t you but I wanted to make sure.”

  She smiles and sprawls across my bed, “I met a couple of them today.”

  “Really, and?” I sit on the b
ed waiting for her to spill the details.

  “Well… I am not supposed to tell you much.”

  “Why not?”

  She shrugs, “I don’t know it’s the rule I guess.”

  “So it’s a secret society now? Could they tell that to all the other spirits?”

  “Don’t get pissy with me, I’m just doing what he said.”


  “Noah, now him I can talk about.” She grins.

  “I’m listening.”

  “He is hot!” she gushes, “Totally has a set of lips you’d die to kiss, umm, it’s too bad he’s completely old-fashioned.”

  “Is he nice?”

  “Sometimes I wonder about you,” she rolls her eyes, “did you even hear me? Hot as in I’d definitely lose it to him.”

  “I didn’t know you got it back when you died, excuse me.”

  “Hey!” She shoves me, “Matt doesn’t count!”

  “Keep telling yourself that, I paid attention in sex education and I know what you did counts.”

  “Anyway,” she over enunciates, “he seems nice, a little dry but I guess being dead for a long time changes you.”

  “How long?”

  “He didn’t say. It was hard enough getting him to tell me how old he was when he bought the farm.”

  “That never made much sense to me, bought the farm, like why would you even link those two things together? I get pushing up daisies, six feet under, the ones that actually make a little sense.”

  She looks at me annoyed so I stop ranting. “So how old was he when he passed?”

  “Nineteen.” She sighs.

  “That’s young, what a shame. How?”

  “Sick with the flu and pneumonia. Can you imagine dying of something so treatable?”

  I scowl at her, “No offense Kay but at least he fought to live.”

  “Are you going to get on your soap box again? I’m in no mood to listen. No offense.”

  “I shake my head, “What’s the use?”

  “See, now we are thinking more alike.”

  “Scary.” I chuckle.

  “Drew is so happy about his new car, he’s been texting his friends back home.”

  “Have you seen it?”

  “Not yet but you know I will. What did you get?”

  “A black Jeep Wrangler, I really like it.”


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