Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 18

by Destiny Patterson

“No I mean they are not really here, it’s left over from the past.”

  “You know a decent amount about this stuff?”

  “I’m no expert but I’ve done my share of research. It’s the reason I want to major in psychology, be a psychiatrist. Think of all those people deemed crazy because they see and or hear what others don’t believe in. I mean I’m sure there are plenty of them that are actually insane, but think of the others that are like us there. Being stuck in the loony bin is no fun.”

  He cuts his eyes to me, “You speak from experience?”

  “Yes, I had the misfortune of staying in one for a few days.”


  “They thought I tried to off myself, which I didn’t, sure I get stressed and depressed but it’s not that bad.”

  “So what happened?”

  “I was attacked, by a demon,” A chill runs up my spine and I shiver, “I’ve tried to forget.”

  “A demon, really?”

  I nod.

  “How do you know? Not that I’m doubting you, I’m just curious.”

  “They are pure evil, you can feel it. Everything changes when they are near and you get this overwhelming urge to flee.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I was scared stiff, literally, I’d never come across one before.”

  “I’m sorry, about your experience. Are you alright now?”

  “I dreamed about her a couple of nights ago, it was the first time in a couple of years. I can’t help but think she was communicating with me.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Basically, she’s coming for me. I’m scared Blake.”

  He pulls me to a stop, “She won’t hurt you again, not as long as I have something to do about it.”

  “I doubt she’ll come when others are around. She knows I’m afraid and she eats it up.”

  “I hate the thought but do you think Noah would help you out?”

  “I’m not sure, maybe. I haven’t figured him out yet.”

  He nods and pulls me around the corner, “I will talk to him.” He bites at his lip and shakes his head remaining silent.


  “Let’s go in and order then I’ll explain.”

  I was so focused on him I wasn’t paying attention to our surroundings. “Sushi? Have you been talking to Carson?”


  “I told him this was my favorite thing to eat.”

  He laughs, “Carson wouldn’t have told, even if I had asked I wouldn’t have taken him for his word. I’d be to afraid he’d tell me something you hate so I’d look like an idiot.”

  “So you just took your chances?”

  “I figured you’d at least try it and if you ended up disliking it they have other things. Or I’d take you some where else.” He says opening the door for me.

  There are so many people waiting to be seated. I groan inwardly, Noah worked us like slaves, my breakfast was gone hours ago and I hate waiting. I swear if they give us one of those buzzing things I’m going to throw it at them! Blake pulls me along with him to the hostess’ stand, “Reservations for Blake, party of two.”

  “Right this way.” She says.

  He plans ahead? Definitely getting points for that! To be fair so did Carson. But this is sushi, my most favorite food. But Carson’s was a picnic on the beach, sort of romantic minus all the people, which he had no control over. But Blake, Ugh I’m not having this argument with myself right now!

  Blake nods as we pass a table of his peers I assume. I can’t help but feel exposed as they look me over, judging whether or not to accept me into their click. Thankfully ginger skank, I mean Olivia, is not one of them. I don’t look forward to another run in with her but I know it’s going to happen, I just hope Daelynn is with me. Speaking of Dae, she didn’t give me a history lesson or should I say spill the dirty details. I want to know what happened between Carson and Olivia… I think. I’m sure Blake knows however I doubt it’s a topic I should bring up. Carson related conversations are off limits.

  “Here y’all are.” The hostess says placing our menus on the table as Blake pulls my chair out for me. He’s such a gentleman.

  “Your waiter will be right with y’all.”

  “Thanks.” Blake says before she walks away.

  All the rolls sound amazing and while I’d like to try them all I know it’s not going to happen. I’d look like a total pig, plus there’s no way I could eat all of it.

  “Do you know what you want?” Blake peeks over his menu at me.

  Oh those eyes. I’d have to say it’s a tie for best feature, eyes or abs… or lips… Actually the whole package is nice, personality included, well so far that is and I’m really hoping it stays that way. He lowers his menu to the table exposing a grin. Duh, he asked a question and I’m just staring at him like a goober. “Um… I think I’ll just have the sampler sushi dish, what about you?”

  “Either the volcano or firecracker roll. It’s to hard to decide, usually I come with other people and we all order something different then share.”

  Great now I feel like an oinker, “We could do that if you want.”

  “Cool with me, if you’re sure you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all, I doubt I’d be able to eat all of it anyway.”

  He smirks like he knows I’m fudging the truth and I can’t resist lightly kicking him.

  “Hey, that was a little to forceful for footsies.” He smiles.

  “That’s because I wasn’t trying to play footsies with you.” I smirk.

  He chuckles, “I kinda figured. In all honesty I’m glad you’re not one of those girls that never eat or count every calorie. That drives me crazy especially when they’re the last person who needs to be worrying about it.”

  “Well like every teenage girl I worry about self image, I’m not perfect but who is? Anyway I like food to much to be anorexic and bulimia is so gross. I don’t mind exercising to stay in shape.”

  He looks at me like he wants so badly to say something.

  “What?” I ask.

  He looks away shaking his head. I’m about to demand he clue me in but the waiter approaches the table. “Are y’all ready to order?” He asks.

  “I think so.” Blake says looking relieved then continues to tell him what we want. I’d be annoyed if he ordered for me without knowing what I wanted but as long as he doesn’t change anything I’m cool with it. I’d smack a guy for just assuming he knew what I wanted or acted like I wasn’t allowed to decide for myself. Controlling jerk comes to mind and I promise the first guy to overstep that line has another thing coming.

  “So I’ve been thinking,” he pauses as though he’s unsure if he should tell me. “Noah looks familiar.”

  Do we have to talk about him, now of all times? “Okay,” I say waiting for him to continue.

  “At first I thought I had seen him around town or school maybe, unlike Carson and Dae I don’t know everyone, but after you tiptoed around what he is it clicked. I saw him that night talking to Carson and I thought he was just some dude he had invited. Shortly after was when things got a little out of hand.” He shakes his head.

  “I’m not judging, I’m just curious. Why did you do it?”

  “Do what?” He asks confused.

  “The séance, why would you open that door?”

  “I didn’t, I mean I participated but it was Carson’s idea. He brought the stuff and set it up. Why would you think it was me?”

  Who should I believe? Why would he lie? Why would Carson pin it on Blake?

  “Carson?” He asks annoyed.

  “Yes, he said you did it as a prank.”

  “That little snake,” he grumbles, “he said it would be cool, which it was not by the way.”

  “So what happened?”

  “Nothing at first. We were laughing, thinking it was a joke. Then Carson asked if there were any ancient spirits. Yes was the answer we got. One of the girls giggled, she thought it was Carson or one of us
moving the pointer being stupid. She asked for it’s name but nothing happened. Carson asked what it wanted and the pointer darted around the board so fast spelling souls and death. After it spelled the last word we all looked at each other shocked, it wasn’t funny anymore. You could feel the change in the air, hear the voices whispering and chanting as the flames died down barely casting light. Carson demanded it show it’s self.” He shutters and looks around before continuing, “That’s when all hell broke loose. The flames shot up and I swear you could see something taking form in the fire. One of the girls screamed and knocked over a candle as she attempted to run away. There were shadows everywhere, surrounding us, closing in. We were all in a panic as the fire began to spread and their voices grew louder. I don’t know why but I grabbed the Ouija board and threw it in the bonfire, a terrible ear-piercing scream rose above the rest. The creature stared at me, it’s dark eyes full of hate, “Blake, son of light.” It sneered, “I curse the.” It reached out and grabbed my wrist before I could back up. I thought it was going to drag me in but Carson pulled me away.”

  I stare at him stunned not knowing what to say.

  “Do you believe me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  He shrugs, “It’s crazy. The authorities thought we were drinking or on drugs after we told them what had happened. They made us take a breathalyzer test at the scene. When they took us in for questioning we had to do a drug test, it was almost as scary as the event.”

  “Most people don’t believe in the supernatural unless they’ve experienced it first hand. You said it called you son of light?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “She calls me child of light, among other things I won’t say.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “I wish I knew. After my experience I did a lot of research but that was something I was unable to find an explanation for. I can’t believe Carson lied to me about that night though. Why didn’t he just tell me the truth?”

  “Maybe because he knew better and was afraid of what you’d think once you found out everything.”

  “It doesn’t make sense, what good did he think would come of it? Do you think contacting them made things worse at the house?”

  “I think,” he pauses as the waiter sets our food and drinks down, “Thanks.” He says and waits for him to leave before continuing. “That he knew something was bound to happen and I’m ninety nine percent sure he knew it wouldn’t be good. That’s why I want you to be careful around him. He’s slick and unpredictable.”

  “Okay.” I nod. I just can’t believe Carson would want something bad to happen. Sure he has this whole bad boy vibe, which I totally dig, but he seems sweet. I don’t know what to think or who to believe. They could very well be lying about each other trying to make me change my mind about the other one. Ugh! This is so confusing.

  I try not to think about it as I attempt to not devour my food, which isn’t difficult considering I’m using chopsticks. I should be better at this but for some reason I can’t seem to hold on to the roll long enough to get it to my mouth. I look like a complete dork I’m sure, mouth open, almost there, then it falls to the plate. Great, I can’t even feed myself. I’m about to say screw it and use my fingers, attractive, I know.

  “You’re holding them wrong.” Blake says reaching across the table and taking my hand. “Like this.” He repositions my fingers as he smiles.

  This time the roll actually makes it in my mouth.

  “How did you eat sushi before?” He asks.

  “With chopsticks but they had a rubber band around the top.”

  He chuckles softly, “And no one bothered to tell you they were for little kids?”

  “No, but now that you mention it I did get a lot of strange looks when I requested them.” I say before taking another roll from the plate and feeling a bit proud of myself for not dropping it.

  Blake sips at his drink as his eyes water.

  “To much wasabi?”

  He nods, “I like it but it’s so hot.”

  “Did you ever think you might be putting to much on it?” I ask reaching for another piece as he does the same. Our chopsticks catch each other and I can’t help but giggle as I look down at them.

  “You know, if you wanted to taste me all you had to do was ask.” The corner of his lip slips up into a seductive smirk.

  Umm, those lips, I’ve definitely thought about it and if he made the first move I doubt I could deny myself the pleasure. He’s so… yummy.

  “Seeing as I didn’t get kicked or told off I’m going to assume that you might want to or have at least given it some serious thought.”

  I quickly lower my eyes. “And if your assumption is correct?” I glance at him.

  “I’d say we’ve been thinking alike.” He bites down on his lip as he works his voodoo magic with his eyes. It takes all I have not to let my resolve crumble and crawl across the table to place a kiss on his luscious lips. That would make quite a scene and knowing me I’d probably tip the table over and end up covered in food. Certainly not, I’ll keep my rear firmly planted in this chair. “You enjoy tempting me don’t you?”

  “Maybe just a little.” He smiles. “I’m waiting to see how long it takes before you give in.”


  “Hum… Not really but I can tell you’re worth the wait.”

  Oh they’re back, darn butterflies and if I weren’t so young I’d swear I’m having a hot flash. My face is probably blood red. I have to look away, not that it does any good he already knows he gets to me. I wonder how many girls, no, not thinking about that. I wish I had never asked Carson, not that he really answered me but after his and Olivia’s chat I’m sure she’s one of them. I’m just not sure how far things went and I don’t think I want to… or do I?

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Something I don’t want to know the answer to, at least not now… maybe forever, not sure. Perhaps some things are better left unknown.”

  He shakes his head, “Now you really have me curious.”

  “I was just thinking that you’ve probably had a million girlfriends and are very… experienced.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Hello, have you looked at yourself?”

  “I could say the same for you.” He retorts.

  “Uh no you couldn’t. I’m shy, awkward, and frequently clumsy. Not attractive qualities.”

  “I like it.” He purses his lips waiting for me to make my case.

  “Well you’re an exception.”

  “But I’m not the only one.”

  “You’re not going to allow me to win this argument are you?”

  “No ma’am, and it’s not that many.”

  “Many what?”

  “Girls, way less than Carson just so you know.”

  “Okay, that’s good to know although I don’t really know his count, I told him we’d leave it in the past.”

  He nods, “Then I’ll keep it to myself.”

  “Thanks.” He could have blurted it out and made Carson seem like a gigolo. It says a lot about his character that he kept it to himself.

  “So where to next?” I ask as we leave the restaurant. He slips his hand in mine smiling down at me, “Must you know everything?”



  “Rouge!” I shout storming across the yard to his shack. I don’t know what got into me last night. So I have a jealous side when it comes to Drew but that crap I pulled last night… so not me. I mean sure I wanted to choke Barbie but I never planned on actually doing it. I can find much better ways to scare the Hades out of her and believe me I already have a few in mind. I just want Rouge to explain what is going on with me. I don’t understand why Journey dislikes him. Maybe she doesn’t know about Noah… not that I really know about him either but something screwy is going on. “You think?” Journey’s voice pops into my head; she’s sort of become my sarcastic voice of reason over the past fe
w years. So maybe she was right, something really is off with the place, go figure. “Rouge.” I call out pounding on his door without a response. Seriously, where could he have gone?

  “Looking for your boyfriend?”

  I hate how sneaky everyone is, “He’s not my boyfriend,” I spin around. Great some freak thinks this is funny. At first I thought it was Noah but the voice… it’s not right. “I quit playing hide and seek when I was a child!” I shout annoyed. Laughter fills the still night air making my skin crawl. I turn back and twist the knob but it’s locked, “Rouge! Please!” The hysterical laughter dies down giving me hope that he may be near and this jerk decided to take a hike. I turn back looking for him, no such luck I conclude as a mist forms before me.

  “What do you want with that freak?”

  “Answers, not that it’s any of your business.” I snap.

  “Perhaps I could help you…”

  “Like you’ll be able to do that, you can’t even form,” I roll my eyes.

  “You know what they say about assuming.”

  “I don’t believe I do, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

  “It makes an ass out of you.” A devilish grin plays at his lips.

  “Drew?” I question. Stupid, you know it’s not Drew.

  “Or do you prefer this face?” He asks shifting to Rouge as he chuckles.

  “It’s not funny, you’re creeping me out.” I inform him as I start walking.

  “Wait.” He grabs my arm.

  I spin around ready to slap whose ever face he’s wearing and bless him out but I can’t, I’m mesmerized by the almost angelic being staring at me.

  “No more games. Not right now any way.” He smiles.

  “Who are you?”


  “Are you an angel?”

  He laughs softly, “Why would you think that?”

  I feel my cheeks burning. I never blush! “You just look like one or what I imagined they’d look like, whatever.” I shrug.

  “Beautiful? That is what they are supposed to be, correct?”

  I am not making a fool of myself. “I guess.” I try to look unimpressed, which isn’t easy.

  He’s not fooled; he knows I’m smitten. He steps closer, “So… about those questions you have for Rouge.”


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