Slaves of the Circle T

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Slaves of the Circle T Page 8

by Charles Graham

Rod started forward, his face almost purple with rage. "You ungrateful bitch," he roared, "inadequate, am I? I'll show you, you horny slut."

  Travis grabbed his arm and held him back, "No, Rod. Leave it," he ordered forcefully, "she's not worth it, nephew. Just give her the damned divorce and forget about her. Come on. Let her have her fun with the slave if that's what she likes. We'll fly into town next week for our regular supplies and get our lawyer to start divorce proceeding at the same time. We'll see if she's still so cocky when she's got no money and no home and has to go back to the city with nothing."

  Rod stared harshly at Lila, then nodded his agreement. She could go back to being a waitress in that greasy cafÈ he had found her in. See how she liked that. Lila responded bitterly that compared to living with him, it would be a pleasure, at least she wouldn't have to put up with his fumbling and grunting on those rare occasions he actually managed to get an erection for long enough to get inside her.

  "Oh, don't worry about that," Rod sneered, "I've got plenty of those left. I just don't choose to waste them on you. I prefer slaves. They know how to make sex a whole lot more enjoyable than you do."

  "Come on, Rod," Travis tugged at his nephew's arm, "don't get involved in a slanging match, there's no point. We've got lots of things to sort out, so just leave Lila with her little friend."

  Rod tore his arm out of his uncle's grasp and strode out of the room and as his stiff back disappeared, Travis turned to Lila, "I want you out of here," he said coldly, "just as soon as Rod and I come back from the lawyer, you're history, girl."

  "Suits me," she retorted, "the sooner I see the back of you and your precious nephew, the better I'll like it. You can stay here with your slaves until you rot, as far as I'm concerned."

  Travis glared at her in silence for long moments, then without another word, spun on his heel and left, slamming the door behind him. Lila gazed at the door and took a deep breath, "That's that, then," she muttered sadly to herself, then turned back to Cassie. "So I'm only going to have you for a week, am I? Well I guess I'd better make the most of it then," and began to unbuckle the gag.

  Cassie had heard every word of the acrimonious dispute and didn't know what to make of it. It was obvious that Lila and Rod were finished as a pair, but where did that leave her? Rod had said he preferred slaves and Cassie was a slave. That had to mean that she would have to serve Rod, and Rod apparently liked his slaves to be tightly bound and gagged.

  Just like his uncle.

  That was not good news and nor was Lila's idea of making the most of Cassie's slavery. It didn't look as if things were going to get any easier for her and as her gag was pulled from her jaws, the blonde swallowed anxiously, wondering what the next week held in store.

  "You heard all that, I suppose, slave?"

  "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry for you, Mistress."

  "Don't be. I'm certainly not. It was all over between Rod and me anyway. This just settled it," Lila paused, "the question is, slave, what am I going to do with you for the next few days?"

  That was a question Cassie couldn't answer. As ever since her capture, she had no control over her fate and could only wait until Lila made a decision.

  "You are the first woman I have ever made love to," the redhead said quietly, then chuckled, "and certainly the first I ever spanked. I liked both of them. What about you, slave?"

  Cassie had imagined that Lila was an experienced dominant and was rather surprised to find that she was the first slave Lila had ever disciplined and taken. Even more surprising was that Cassie had also enjoyed both experiences, even though the spanking had been quite hard and her cheeks flushed as she answered, "Yes, Mistress. I enjoyed it all, too. Even when you spanked my bottom, but especially when you... when you..."

  "Made you come?" Lila supplied and Cassie whispered, "Yes, Mistress. Especially then."

  "Was that your first time with a woman?"

  "Yes, Mistress," her flush deepened as she added, "it was lovely, Mistress. Just wonderful and much better than with the Master."

  "Flatterer," Lila replied, "But thank you anyway, slave. If it was as good as you say, I think you owe me the same, don't you?"

  Cassie gasped and stammered, "But I've never... I mean, I don't know how to..."

  "I didn't know how to, either, slave," Lila was firm, "but I managed and so will you. Not here though. My bedroom would be best, so let's get you out of that and upstairs. No, not another word, slave. Not unless you want me to spank you again. And you are beautifully positioned for that."

  Cassie knew her Mistress wasn't joking and pressed her lips together as the chain to her wrists and collar was lowered and released, the straps around her waist and legs unbuckled and her blindfold removed. With the leash still attached to her collar, she was led out of the Master's study and up the stairs to Lila's bedroom, a large airy room furnished in softly feminine pastel shades. Lila closed the door and locked it, then turned to Cassie, "I don't think I can trust you enough to untie your arms, slave," she said, "so you'll have to manage without them. I'll make allowances for the handicap."

  Cassie stared at the smaller girl and felt slave heat coil in her belly, "Thank you, Mistress. I'll try to be pleasing, but...."

  "No buts," the redhead intervened, "I want you to please me and you had better not let me down. Kneel down over there until I'm ready."

  Cassie knew better than to argue and obeyed at once, conscious that no matter how friendly and pleasant Lila was being, she was still a dominant Mistress and would not take kindly to the slightest disobedience from a slave. She did not want to be punished and arched her spine to display her nude body to best advantage, staying quite still as Lila peeled off her shorts and blouse, then her lacy bra and panties to reveal a trim, tanned body with well shaped legs and breasts a little larger, but equally as firm as Cassie's own.

  The redhead, a genuine redhead, Cassie noted, lay down on the soft bed and spread her legs, "Come here, slave. Kneel down straddling me."

  Cassie climbed awkwardly onto the bed and knelt as ordered, fires igniting in her belly as she gazed down at the girl beneath her and felt her smooth, warm flesh under her thighs.

  "Kiss me," Lila demanded hoarsely and Cassie bent forward slowly until her lips met those of her Mistress.

  Lila's arms encircled her neck, trapping her and Cassie gasped as the redhead's tongue forced its way past her lips and into her mouth, flickering like a flame and sending extraordinary shivers of excitement rippling down her spine. Carefully, she allowed her own tongue to entwine with Lila's, then with growing abandon, explored the other girl's mouth and lips as her own were being explored.

  It was extremely erotic and as Cassie got over her initial shyness at kissing a woman, she found the sensation quite delicious and very, very sexy. For several minutes, both girls just enjoyed kissing, but then Lila pushed Cassie's head away and whispered, "My breasts, slave. Kiss my breasts." Discarding her last remaining inhibitions, Cassie did just that and as her lips and tongue roamed over the smaller girl's full breasts and delicate nipples, Lila gasped and writhed under her, her thighs rubbing sensuously against Cassie's labia as her arousal grew.

  "Oh. Oh, yes, yes. More, slave. Harder. Again. Again, please, darling. Oh, that's so good. Suck them, honey, suck them until I scream. Oh. Oh, yes," and her hands rose to Cassie's breasts, caressing her and giving her as much pleasure as the redhead was receiving herself.

  For long, wonderful minutes, Cassie forgot she was a slave and Lila forgot she was a Mistress in the heat of their passion, until the redhead demanded, "Between my legs, Cassie. Lick me between my legs and make me come."

  Cassie hesitated, "But this is so lovely, Mistress. Can't we just...?"

  She got no further as Lila snapped, "Do it, slave. I'm your Mistress and I gave you an order. Now, do as you're told or I'll whip you."

  Her eyes glittered with determination and there was no doubting that she meant every word of her threat and Cassie knew that she must obey or be punished. Wi
th a resentful glare at the excited redhead, she wriggled down the bed and as she did so, Lila spread her thighs wide to reveal the moist entry to her sex.

  "I'm sorry, Cassie, darling. I didn't mean to threaten you, but I really need... Aaahh." Lila's apology ended in a gasp of overwhelming arousal and her hips arched upwards, clear of the bed as Cassie thrust her mouth against her Mistress's sex and her tongue licked the soft, engorged tissues of her pinkly glistening labia. Lila writhed like an eel, squealing as Cassie pleasured her and her legs wrapped around Cassie's back to pull her into even more intimate contact as the redhead's passion soared to its peak.

  "Now," she moaned, "now, now, now. Please, Cassie, make me come now," and as the blonde sent her tongue spearing deep into her sex, Lila screamed and her sex pulsed against Cassie's lips as she shuddered into her orgasm.

  It was the first time that Cassie had ever pleasured another woman and as she tasted Lila's warm essences as the redhead climaxed, she was astonished and elated by the havoc she had created in her Mistress's body and the sheer intensity of her surrender. It was almost as if Lila was the slave, not her, and Cassie loved the unaccustomed sensation of power as she straightened to stare down into the soft brown eyes of the girl who was, for the moment at least, her helpless victim rather than her dominant Mistress.

  It could not last, of course and as Lila recovered from her ecstasy, the situation was soon reversed. With an athletic twist of her body, Lila rolled from between Cassie's thighs and a firm push sent the blonde sprawling on her back on the rumpled bedding. Lila knelt over her, smiling down, "That was fabulous, slave. Even better than I hoped. I'll try to make it just as good for you. Are you sure you haven't done that before?"

  Cassie blushed, "No, Mistress. Never."

  Lila gave a soft laugh and told her she ought to have, she was really good. Cassie thanked her, and giving a small smile replied that she had tried really hard.

  "I know you did and thank you very much," the redhead said, then added, "so today really is your first time?"

  It was, Lila had been the first. As it had been a first for both of them, Lila said that perhaps she should try to think of something to mark the occasion. A little reminder, maybe, for both of them. As she spoke, a gleam of excitement came into her eyes and Cassie swallowed nervously, wondering what the smaller girl had in mind. Lila grinned and said, "Yes, just a little reminder, slave. Don't worry, I'm sure I can come up with an idea."

  Cassie was quite sure she could, but before she managed to express the misgivings she felt about what form the 'reminder' might take, Lila bent to brush her lips over Cassie's stiff nipples and the blonde's worries vanished as delicious ripples of arousal spread outwards through her body.

  "Relax, slave," the redhead advised, "we've got all night, so just lie back and enjoy."

  And that is exactly what Cassie did as her Mistress explored and caressed and fondled every inch of her naked body, until the blonde slave squirmed and writhed in frantic response to the slightest touch, her willing submission and the power of her numerous climaxes delighting Lila.

  At one point in the long, wonderful night, Cassie screamed, "Please, Mistress. Please, I beg you, Mistress. Take me. Take me and make me your slave forever. I love you, Mistress, I love you." Lila grinned and as she thrust her fingers deep into Cassie's quim to trigger her orgasm, whispered, "You are already my slave, Cassie and I love you too. I wonder if a divorce settlement has ever included a slave."

  Cassie gulped, she had not really meant the redhead to take her offer seriously, but as her belly exploded into a climax of immense power and pleasure, she could only wonder whether she would soon find herself exchanging her life of submission to her ruthless Masters, for one of equally helpless bondage slavery to her dominant Mistress.

  In another part of the house, with the door firmly locked, Travis and Rod were deep in discussion, each with a glass of whisky in his hand. The problem they were discussing was Lila and how Rod could be rid of her without it costing a fortune. If he divorced her, he'd be paying her for the rest of his life. But the presence of Cassie made the courts a risky option for both parties.

  "It could be too risky for us though," Travis thought aloud, "seeing that we kidnapped Cassie in the first place."

  "You're right of course," Rod agreed, "I'll just have to grin and pay up."

  "Unless you don't divorce her at all," Travis said.

  "What do you mean? If I don't divorce her, she'll still be here."

  "That's true, but not necessarily as your wife. Suppose she had another role entirely. Along with Cassie maybe."

  Rod looked at his uncle and a slow smile spread across his handsome face, "I see what you mean," he nodded, "that is a brilliant idea. I love it. No divorce, no costs and no wife. Just a hot, randy little slave."

  "I thought you'd like it."

  Rod did. He liked it a lot, but could they get away with it? Why not? They had got away with it with their other slaves, Travis said, and who would suspect that dear Lila wasn't still his wife, but had become his slave? And it meant she wouldn't be able to tell anyone about their little secrets either.

  Rod thought that it was genius, pure genius. He wanted to do it and asked when Travis thought that he should break the bad news to her. Travis told him to be generous, to let her have the week to amuse herself with Cassie. It would make it all the more interesting when she found out what was going to happen to her. Rod nodded agreement, why not? Then they would see how Lila enjoyed being on the receiving end of chains and whips.

  "Mm. I take it she will be a full slave, Rod?"

  "Oh, yes. Definitely. Just like all the other slaves who have been here. Share and share alike, as always."

  "Thank you. I hoped you'd say that. Tom and Earl ought to be pretty happy, too. It'll be the first time that we've had two slaves at the same time."

  "Yeah. Lila's always fancied Earl. I wonder if she'll like him as much when she's kneeling at his feet as a slave?"

  "I doubt it, Rod. Still, what does it matter whether a slave fancies her Master? Slaves have to obey and serve perfectly and I can't see Earl making it easy on her, can you?"

  "Nope, no way. I love this plan. It's perfect. Cheers."

  The glasses lifted and clinked together and as the two men drained their drinks, the bargain was struck.

  A bargain of which Lila was blissfully unaware... but would soon know all about, to her cost.

  Chapter 6

  In the days that followed Cassie's introduction to the pleasures of female-to-female lovemaking, the speed of her descent into complete and permanent slavery increased as she was trained. Nudity, bondage and obedience came to seem perfectly natural to her as she learned to present her body in the graceful, blatantly erotic positions demanded of a slave. She began to enjoy displaying herself before her Masters, thrillingly conscious of the effect of her brazen sensuality on the watching men as she arched and stretched her supple limbs into the ordered poses.

  As a free woman, she would never have dreamed of offering her body in such shameful ways, but Cassie wore a slave's collar on her slender throat and knew that shame and modesty were no longer permitted to her. Her body belonged to her Masters and if they chose to make her display it then she must obey, no matter what her own feelings were. At first it was hard for her to accept but as the irresistible combination of her helplessness, strict discipline and massive amounts of arousal wore down her resistance, she was forced to recognise that the battle was lost.

  "Punishment position, slave."

  Cassie sank gracefully to her knees, bent forward until her forehead met the bare wooden floor of the outbuilding, clasped her fingers behind her neck and spread her thighs, hoping that this was only a part of her training session and not the prelude to a whipping from the Master who stood behind her. It could be either, for she was well aware that Masters did not need a reason to punish a slave. It was enough that they simply wanted to, and it would not be the first time that she had felt a whip through
no fault of her own.

  "Wider. Bring your knees further back."

  The leather covered riding crop tapped her right buttock to reinforce the brusque command and she inched backwards, her thighs gaping.

  "Stay there until I give you permission to move."

  With her eyes only an inch from the floor, Cassie couldn't really see anything, but knew that she presented an extremely erotic sight, her bottom raised high, sex stretched wide and her breasts dangling invitingly. Erotic, and very, very vulnerable.

  Standing over her, Rod felt his erection bulge against the cloth of his trousers as he inspected her posed nudity to satisfy himself that she was perfectly displayed and his lips twitched in a momentary smile as he saw her buttocks clench in anticipation of a whip stroke that didn't happen. She was really doing very well, he thought to himself, considering that she had only been enslaved for a few days. It usually took the best part of a month to instil such a level of discipline and obedience, which suggested that she had already possessed a high degree of natural submissiveness even before she had been enslaved. Not that it mattered, because he knew that any woman could be made a slave with the right training. Even Lila!


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