Slaves of the Circle T

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Slaves of the Circle T Page 11

by Charles Graham

  Lila grinned, "I don't see why I shouldn't tell you, slave. Seeing that you won't be able to do anything about it anyway." She looked up to the pulleys and ropes dangling from the roof beams and as Cassie followed the direction of her eyes, she gave a gasp of frightened understanding.

  "Mm, that's right. You've had a nice little lie down, so I'm going to make you stand up for a while. Then I'm going to crop you. It'll be a change for you."

  Cassie opened her mouth to voice a protest... then closed it again.

  Lila was going to be mean to her and nothing she could say would make any difference. As the gag filled her mouth, she stared reproachfully at her Mistress, but Lila was unmoved and quickly untied her arms, ordered her to sit up and locked her wrist cuffs together behind her back. Her elbows followed and as her shoulders were pulled back and her breasts thrust tautly forwards, Cassie felt the warm glow in her belly as her body responded to her bondage and the anticipation of a cropping she could only hope would not be too hard.

  "You look good enough to eat, slave. In fact, I think I will have a little taste." Cassie squealed as her Mistress's lips kissed and licked her nipples, then groaned as they left her and the redhead told her, "Not yet, slave. You're not due for another climax. No matter how much you want one."

  With her legs still tied to the bottom corners, she was helpless as her Mistress pulled a long steel spreader-bar from under the bed and clipped it to her ankle cuffs, before untying her and helping her to her feet. She still couldn't close her thighs and as Lila steadied her, swung her legs in wide, clumsy arcs as she made her slow, laborious way over to a spot directly beneath one of the pulleys.

  "Keep still, honey. I'll only be a second," the order was quite unnecessary, for Cassie was frightened of falling and had no intention of trying to move without the redhead to support her.

  She didn't even dare to look up as the pulley rattled above her, but as she felt Lila knotting rope to her wrist cuffs, her mind flashed back to the second day of her captivity, when Tom and Earl had bound her doubled over and forced her to submit to them and their whips. Knowing that it was useless to struggle, she bent forwards passively until her arms were raised high behind her back and the pulley ceased its clatter to leave her bent well beyond ninety degrees, her breasts dangling like ripe fruit and her eyes on a level with her own defenceless sex.

  Her Mistress knelt beside her, her face flushed with excitement and as Cassie moaned in despair, the redhead knotted a length of rope from the ring on the front of her slave collar to the ring at the centre of the spreader-bar, pulling it taut so that the blonde's head was forced down until she could see only her own cruelly exposed and hopelessly vulnerable body displayed above her.

  "I could have bent you even further, slave," Lila giggled, "and maybe I will. But that position will do very well for the time being."

  She jumped to her feet and hurried over to the bed and when she returned to kneel beside Cassie again, the horrified slave saw that she held the crop in her slim fingers.

  "I'm going to whip your bottom now, slave," she told her helpless captive. "You'll enjoy that, won't you? Almost as much as I will, I suspect," and with a cruel smile into Cassie's bulging eyes, rose to her feet and walked behind the blonde's upraised and delightfully presented buttocks. Cassie whimpered, but the inferno in her pussy gave the lie to her muffled protest. Lila's suspicions were well founded, Cassie was aroused by the prospect of being cropped by her and as she waited for the first blow, her belly seethed and boiled with her desire to submit to her adored Mistress, even at the cost of a whipping.

  The crop hissed down, burning a thin line of heat into Cassie's rounded bottom cheeks, then struck again and the blonde shuddered in delicious anguish, her buttocks clenching as two parallel red stripes bloomed across her naked flesh. Lila took careful aim and sent her crop cracking across the very tops of Cassie's thighs, where her bottom curved inwards and chuckled with delight as the shrewd blow brought an explosive gasp from the blonde's nostrils as heat radiated upwards towards her unprotected sex.

  A fourth stripe in the same place and two more, overlapping both cheeks of her buttocks, set Cassie lunging forward against her bonds, but as she was held and swayed helplessly back towards Lila, the redhead planted two more stinging stripes on her victim's burning bottom. Lowering her crop, she hurried around and knelt to gaze into Cassie's gagged face, her lips curving into a huge smile of triumphant pleasure as she recognised unbearable longing, humble acceptance and complete submission in the slave's wide blue eyes.

  "All over, Cassie, darling," she told the blonde, "I shan't crop you any more." Then she hesitated, almost certain she had seen an expression of dismay - or could it have been disappointment - flash into the girl's eyes. It certainly hadn't been relief and Lila wondered; surely the blonde hadn't wanted more, or had she?

  She unbuckled Cassie's gag and pulled it from her jaws, then spoke quickly before the blonde could interrupt. She was her slave, Lila told her, ordering her to answer truthfully, before asking her if she did or did not want her Mistress to carry on cropping her. Cassie reddened, then whispered that she did. That she loved being disciplined by Lila and that she loved her. She loved everything Lila did to her and when she whipped her, she got so excited and aroused that she nearly came straight away. She couldn't help herself, she was a slave, Lila's slave and she wanted to be owned by her, possessed by her, in every possible way.

  "No matter what I do to you, slave? Anything at all?" Lila questioned, almost overcome by the blonde's trust in her.

  Cassie stared straight into her eyes, replying that she could do anything, Lila was her Mistress and she belonged to her. Lila could do as she wished with her and she would be content. The redhead felt a thrilling rush of power and excitement as she understood, for perhaps the first time, the full awe inspiring extent of what it really meant to be a slave such as Cassie.

  She nodded slowly, saying that she understood and would therefore be the Mistress that Cassie wished her to be.

  "This is the second time you have served me as a slave, is it not?"

  Cassie agreed and Lila reminded her that she had told Cassie that she would think of a way to mark her submission to her Mistress. She had now decided what she was going to do with her. She was going to brand her.

  Cassie stared at the redhead, her eyes wide and unbelieving.

  "Br... Brand me, Mistress? I don't... understand."

  "Oh, I think you do, slave. Next door, in the stable, there is an electric furnace, already hot. And in that furnace is a branding iron. I am going to use it to brand you, slave, to mark you as my own personal property."

  Cassie shuddered, half appalled and half wildly excited by the thought of having a brand, a permanent symbol of her subjugation, burned into her flesh. It would hurt, she understood that, but it would mean that she was owned, totally and forever owned, by Lila. Her Mistress's mark etched on her body for all to see and understand that she belonged to the redhead and was her slave.

  It was everything, and much, much more that Cassie had ever dreamed of and as her belly swirled with blistering slave heat, she knew that she wanted it more than anything she had ever wanted before. She sucked in a deep, quavering breath and in a voice that shook as much as her slender body, she begged to be branded, gasping out that she would wear her Mistress's mark with pride. Her eyes glistened with tears, "Gag me, Mistress. Please gag me. I don't know if I can..." she couldn't go on and Lila silently replaced the gag and buckled it tightly behind the blonde's head, then kissed the trembling girl's cheek tenderly.

  "What a brilliant idea, Lila. I never knew you had it in you, you bitch."

  The harsh voice came from the doorway behind the two girls and Lila whirled around, her mouth hanging open in shock.

  Chapter 9

  Kneeling beside the naked, doubled over figure of her tightly bound, whip-striped slave, Lila gaped foolishly at the two men standing in the open doorway, her brain refusing to accept the evidence of her

  "Good afternoon, Lila," her uncle was smiling coldly at her.

  "For us, it is, but not for you, you horny slut." Rod's eyes glittered with malice as he glared at his stunned wife.

  Lila shook her head, fighting for composure, "But... But you're in town," she said feebly, "you're not supposed to be here."

  "But we are, my dear and just in time to hear your ingenious idea."

  They had come back, just as they had planned, knowing that Lila wouldn't be able to keep her hands off their slave. And they were right, she couldn't. Lila stared from one to the other in complete confusion, "You planned to come back?" she asked dazedly, "but why? I thought you were going to see the lawyer about our divorce."

  Rod gave a harsh laugh of pure evil and waved a hand at his uncle, "You tell her. It's your plan and it worked beautifully."

  It was really quite simple. If Rod gave her a divorce, he would have to pay her. A Court would insist on it. So Travis had come up with a better alternative. One that didn't involve anyone but those in the room. Lila still didn't understand, it was all over between them, they had to divorce, and anyway, what had it got to do with Cassie? She demanded to know what was going on.

  "I could ask you the same question," Travis looked meaningfully at Cassie's nude bondage, "but I already know what's going on between you and this slave."

  They had been watching her and Cassie, Rod broke in, his face thunderous, telling her not to bother trying to deny it as they had had a real good view from the windows. Lila was dumbstruck for a second, then her face reddened with a mixture of humiliation and anger as she realised that her most private, intensely intimate moments with Cassie had been spied on by the two men.

  "You bastard," she spat out. "How dare you? How dare you creep back here and spy on me like that? I hate you. I despise you both."

  Rod sneered, warning her to watch her mouth, adding that there were plenty of gags around there big enough to fill even her mouth. There would be no divorce, he told her flatly, she would stay there, but would be collared and chained and would serve as a slave, exactly as Cassie served.

  The redhead stared at the two men in sick horror, her brain reeling in disbelief, but as her husband kicked over the bag at his feet and a tangle of cuffs and straps clattered onto the floor, she leapt to her feet and backed away until her bare spine met the wall behind her.

  "That's right, bitch," Rod chuckled cruelly, "you're going to be a slave and I'm going to be your Master. Me and my uncle and Tom and Earl. And anybody else I decide to lend you to. How do you like that, Lila darling?"

  "No! No, you can't. I won't let you. You must be mad!"

  "Quite the contrary," he corrected her calmly. "The whole thing was a set-up. We never went anywhere near the town. We just wanted to see how far you'd go, see what a randy bitch like you would do when you thought you were all alone with a slave. It was all planned, we just flew out of sight and then rode back here and sure enough, there you were, doing a double-act with your little friend. I hope you enjoyed it, because I sure did and I plan on seeing it again. Real soon. Only this time, I'll be the one with the whip and you'll be the one doing the squealing."

  Lila turned her huge, terrified eyes to her last hope, her husband's uncle, but he merely shrugged, telling her not to look at him; he never interfered between a man and his wife... or a Master and his slave. Travis then gave a chilling laugh and she knew that there was no one to help her.

  Rod's eyes scanned her from head to foot and she blushed, her arms rising to cover her inadequately clothed breasts and sex, almost as if he hadn't seen her naked hundreds of times. Suddenly, though, it wasn't the same and he was a different man from the one she had married, a Master instead of the husband she thought she knew... and she was very, very frightened of what he meant to do to her.

  "Nice costume," he said flatly, "too good for a slave. Take it off."

  "Please, Rod," she begged humbly, "Don't... Don't make me do that. I know you're angry with me now, but we loved each other once. If you let me go, I promise I won't cause trouble or bother you for money. Just let me go away. Please?"

  He looked straight into her anxious eyes, "I'm not angry with you, baby. I was, but that was when you were my wife. Now, you're just a slave and I don't need to be angry with a slave."

  She searched his face, looking for some sign of compassion or a hint that he still cared for her, but found none, and that was even more frightening than his former anger. With a horrible feeling that she was wasting her breath, she tried again. He couldn't really mean to enslave her, could he? He just couldn't, she was his wife.

  He didn't bother to answer her, simply repeating, "Take it off," in the same even tone as before and taking a step towards her. That was when Lila knew that she was either going to have to strip herself naked... or be stripped by him. It was an easy choice and Lila made it, holding out her hands, palms towards him and gasping, "No. Stop. I'll take it all off, I will, but don't come any closer. Please, Rod, please stay where you are."

  He nodded briefly, "OK, do it, then. I'll stay right here."

  "But what about your uncle?" she stammered, "I can't strip in front of him."

  "He's seen naked slaves before," Rod said casually, then his voice grew icy, "now, get on with it."

  His tone left no room for any further argument and with a groan of shame, Lila fumbled behind her neck and untied the cords holding her bikini top in place and let it fall to the ground, baring her full breasts.

  "Very nice, my dear," Travis' voice brought a scarlet flush to her cheeks and she dropped her eyes, too embarrassed to meet his sardonic gaze.

  "The bottom half, too," Rod ordered and Lila knew she had to do as he said.

  She tugged reluctantly at the thin cords at her hip, praying that the knots would jam as they often did, but infuriatingly, they came loose at once and her last flimsy protection fell from her body. In normal circumstances, Lila was justifiably proud of her excellent figure and the effect it had on men, but these were not normal circumstances and she was horribly conscious of the revealing stains of sexual pleasure at her thighs and belly.

  Travis walked forwards to join Rod and their eyes burned her flesh as they gazed at her nude body, then Rod bent to scoop up a pair of steel cuffs and snapped, "To my feet, slave. On your knees, with your arms behind your back."

  Lila's throat worked but no sound emerged from her mouth, until, as the awful reality of her situation hit home she realised that they were not going to be content with merely forcing her to strip naked and humiliating her. They really did intend to chain and enslave her, she screamed in horror and made a desperate bid to dodge past them and escape. Against her husband on his own, his left hand full of cuffs, she might well have succeeded. But he was not alone and as Travis' arms snaked around her waist, spinning her around, clamping her arms to her sides and crushing her face and breasts against his broad chest, she screamed in awful despair and struggled wildly to tear herself free of his iron grip.

  To her stark terror, her arms were forced together behind her back, cold hard steel encircled her wrists and she heard the click of locks and her husband's chuckle of cruel satisfaction. She sagged limply in her captor's grip, her brain numbed by the appalling catastrophe that had overtaken her. In quick succession, steel cuffs clicked shut at her ankles and knees, clamping her legs, but she barely felt them, too stunned to comprehend what was being done to her and it was only as Travis changed his grip to force her elbows together, that the acute discomfort broke through her mental paralysis.

  She squealed in anguish, pleading, "No. For pity's sake, no! You can't do that to me!" she protested, but as cuffs locked shut, squeezing her elbows tightly together and straining her shoulders relentlessly back, Lila was bound as a slave despite her protests. Travis turned her around and her eyes bulged as Rod chuckled and held up a huge, cylindrical rubber gag for her to see, "I told you there were plenty of gags big enough to shut you up. Try this one for size, bitch."

p; Wincing as the hard rubber was pressed against her soft lips, Lila had no option but to give in. As the massive gag sank into her open mouth, her scream ended in a choked gasp and her cheeks bulged around the leather strap as it was pulled cruelly tight and buckled behind her neck. Totally helpless in her stringent bondage, gagged and unable to scream, she could only whimper through her nose as her husband picked up a large steel ring and showed it to her.

  Rod was sure she'd recognise it, he said cheerfully, and he was damn sure she knew what it meant. But just in case she'd forgotten, he would explain it to her. He chuckled, enjoying the moment and Lila's horrified misery. It was a slave collar he said, or to be precise about it, her slave collar and when he put it around her pretty neck and locked it, she'd be just as much a slave as her little friend.

  He fitted it around her throat, then looked into her frightened eyes. He was going to enjoy having her as his slave, he told her menacingly, then snapped the ring shut and as she felt the cool weight of steel about her neck, Lila, now only a collared slave, her freedom gone, shuddered in anguish and dread.


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