Slaves of the Circle T

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Slaves of the Circle T Page 15

by Charles Graham

"Nice to see you both back, guys. Any problems?"

  "No, not really. A broken fence up by the North boundary, but nothing serious."

  That was good, he told them, because he had a little job he wanted them to do for him before they tended to their horses and it wouldn't take too long. Earl protested half-heartedly, asking if it couldn't wait, he and Tom had been out for a couple of weeks and were looking forward to a break and a bit of relaxation with female company, if he knew what they meant. Travis chuckled, he knew exactly what Earl meant and told him not to worry, there would be plenty of time for that and he was sure they wouldn't be disappointed. Cassie was still there and even more ready to meet their needs than when they had left. She wasn't going anywhere and as soon as they got back, he was quite certain they would be pleased with her progress.

  Tom shrugged his acceptance, asking what was the little job he wanted them to do first. It seemed that there were a couple of newly branded animals about six miles up the river by the bend and Travis wanted them to ride up there and bring them back. They wouldn't have time to bring them in that night, so they might as well camp and drive them back in the morning. There was no rush.

  Tom shrugged again, "Well, if you say so, boss. You sure you don't want us to bring them in tonight?"

  Travis did not, there was no hurry. Anytime the following day would do, but they were a valuable pair of beasts, so he didn't want any unfortunate accidents. He knew he could rely on them to handle the animals in the way they ought to be handled, so he was leaving them in complete charge of them. Giving an enigmatic smile, he said that he was sure they'd know what to do when they found them

  Earl and Tom looked at their employer, then nodded, "OK. We'll be on our way, then. See you tomorrow," and the two puzzled men turned their horses and rode away towards the river.

  "What was all that about, then?" Earl asked his partner. "Why didn't he want us to bring the animals back in the dark? We've done it loads of times before?"

  "Beats me," Tom replied. "Maybe he's got Cassie stashed away somewhere and wanted us out of the way."

  "Yeah, could be. I guess we'll just have to wait another day. Damn, but I'm horny. I could just have done with a hot slave tonight."

  "Me too. Still, he's the boss, so we'll just have to wait our turn, won't we?"

  "I reckon so. Pity though."

  "Mm. Still, we can have her tomorrow, as soon as we get back."

  Earl grinned, "Yeah. Just as soon as we've washed and shaved and had a good sleep and said hello to her, right?"

  "Maybe I won't bother with the sleep," Tom replied, laughing, "maybe not the hello part, either," and the two men clapped spurs to their horses and galloped off up the river.

  Cassie lay on her side in deep, lush grass, waiting patiently for whatever her Master planned to do with her and letting her tired legs recover from the long, hot walk to wherever she now was. Along with Lila, she had been taken from their shared cell to the stable and there, on her knees and with her wrist and elbow cuffs locked, had watched as the redhead had been gagged and blindfolded by her husband and Master and then tethered with a long leash to the saddle of his waiting horse.

  Then it had been her turn and as her leash had tightened, Cassie had been made to walk forwards blindly, following the horse and completely dependent on her Master to guide her and keep her safe. It had been a very long walk on a very hot day and by the time it was over and she was finally allowed to fall to her knees and rest, Cassie was almost exhausted, her naked body running with sweat. That had been ages before and now she was almost fully recovered, she couldn't help but feel curious about why she had been brought to this place and what would come next?

  It was a curiosity she couldn't satisfy, for she was unable to see or speak and had to rely on what she could hear and smell and feel. The sun and gentle, warm breezes on her naked body confirmed to her that she was still outside, her ears told her that she was near a river and she could smell the grass under her body, but there had been no sound of her Master or his horse since he had untied her leash, snapped a length of chain to her collar and left her.

  At first, she hadn't dared to move, but after a long time, she had cautiously explored her bondage and discovered that she was tethered to a heavy wooden post about two feet high and sunk into the ground, her chain some six feet long and securely stapled to its flat top giving her enough strictly limited freedom to stand up, lie down or even walk around in a little circle. Not that the freedom was of much practical use, for the post and chain were too strong to break or pull out of the ground as Cassie soon found when she tried.

  That was when she realised that Lila was not very far away, the clinking of chain and the redhead's muffled cries telling Cassie that she was not the only tethered slave in the area.

  Which was at least some small comfort to them both.

  There was nothing to be done but wait and Cassie had relaxed as best she could, stretched out on the soft grass. Lila hadn't, but she was newer to her collar and had not yet learned patience or become accustomed to long periods of enforced idleness and continued to tug at her chain tether, even though it was wasted effort. At last, she gave up in disgust and lay down on her stomach as the sun sank slowly towards the distant hills.

  From a mile and a half away, Tom was the first to spot the two pale forms lying in the grass of the river-meadow as he and Earl rode along the bank and he pulled his binoculars from their case at his saddle and spun the focus wheel. He looked long and hard, then chuckled and passed the glasses to his partner, "Take a look, Earl. I'd say the boss was right. Those are valuable animals and he's made sure they can't stray."

  Earl gave a bark of laughter as the powerful binoculars revealed Cassie chained to her post, then frowned as he examined the second figure, "Is that who I think it is, Tom? It looks like Lila, but hell it can't be, can it?"

  Tom took the glasses back and at the very moment he looked again, the second figure sat up and he got a perfect view. He turned to Earl, "No question," he said firmly, "that's Lila and she's got a slave collar on her throat. I saw it glitter in the sun."

  Earl stared at his partner, then his lips curved into a wolfish smile. "Well now," he grinned, "so Lila's wearing a slave collar, is she? No wonder the boss was so damn mysterious. The old devil and his nephew must have had enough of her and enslaved the bitch."

  "It looks that way and he made sure to tell us there were two animals up here."

  "Two newly branded animals, he said. Do you reckon he's really had her branded? Because if he has..."

  "Yeah, I know. If she's got a brand on that pretty little hide of hers, she's ranch property and we can use anything with a Circle T on it."

  "We sure can, partner. Why don't we ride on over and take a look. A real close look."

  "He said we were in complete charge, too and we'd know what to do when we found them. I guess that's clear enough. Come on, what are you waiting for?" and he urged his horse into a flat-out gallop, followed a second later by Earl.

  The drumming of horses' hooves vibrating through the ground warned both blindfolded slaves of the approach of the two riders. Although they could not know who was riding towards them, they had to assume that it was their Masters and rose hurriedly to their knees, displaying their bodies as they had been trained. The horses thundered up to the two women and were dragged to a halt and as Lila heard an all too familiar voice drawl, "Real nice brand, Lila," her brain reeled in horror.

  It was Earl and where he went, Tom was never far away. The fact that she was displayed as a branded, helplessly bound slave, chained to a post before the two men she had threatened and humiliated was her worst nightmare and in her panic and shame, Lila forgot one of the cardinal rules of her slavery. She broke her pose, jumping to her feet and backing away, tugging frantically at the chain linking her to the post and squealing in shocked misery.

  Blindfolded, she did not realise that in retreating from Earl, she was moving towards Tom. Until that is the tall, muscular dominant le
aned down from his saddle and slashed his riding crop across her naked flanks. The explosive crack of leather meeting flesh was echoed by Lila's muffled scream of pain as a vivid red stripe etched itself on her flesh and as searing heat burned into her leg, she jerked and stumbled away, only to be met by a second, cruelly hard whip stroke as she came within range of Earl's crop.

  Screaming to the blistering agony of her whipped body, unable to anticipate where or when the next blow would land, the terrified redhead staggered back and forth in desperate efforts to keep away from her Masters' crops... but the chain at her throat restricted her to a pitifully small circle and she could not escape or evade the merciless leather. Again and again, the crops striped the smooth flesh of her thighs and hips and belly, decorating her with patterns of remorselessly stinging heat until she screamed and sobbed and whimpered, begging for mercy and pleading into her gag to be permitted to serve her Masters as a full slave in any way they desired.

  She threw herself on to her stomach, but even there, the crops sought her out, scorching across her writhing body until through her pain and anguish, she heard Tom's voice, "You ought to know better than to move without permission, slave," and realised the error she had made and what she must do to put it right. Gasping with terror, Lila rolled onto her knees and displayed her nakedness as beautifully as she knew how, her spine forming a deep hollow to thrust out her full breasts and her thighs gaping to offer the most intimate recesses of her body to her Masters' gaze, her head thrown back so that her gagged and blindfolded face pointed to the sky above.

  Complete submission was her only fragile hope and Lila knew it, holding herself absolutely immobile and praying that her Masters would not continue to whip her, as she knew they could if they so desired. She heard the men slide down from their horses, but dared not move a single muscle and her belly trembled with fear as their boots swished through the grass and stopped directly in front of her tautly presented body.

  A hand unbuckled her gag and pulled it from her jaws, but she had not been addressed or given permission to speak and pressed her soft lips together.

  "So, you are a slave now, Lila?" Tom's voice came from above her.

  She replied at once, stuttering out that she was, she wore a slave collar and was a full and obedient slave.

  "You are now, anyway," Earl chuckled sarcastically. "Branded too, I see."

  Lila flushed, knowing he was looking at the shameful symbol burned into her hip, "Yes, Master. I carry the mark of my Masters... your mark, Master."

  "That's quite a change since the last time we saw you," he told her cruelly. "You aren't so high and mighty now, are you?"

  "No, I'm not," she replied sadly, "and I'm very sorry for what I said. I was free then, but now I'm your slave and beg your forgiveness."

  "Do you now. Well, I'll think about it, slave. Maybe after I've whipped that tight little bottom of yours a few more times."

  Lila shuddered, then forced herself to reply. If that was what he wished she stuttered, then she was his humble slave and would obey him. Earl chuckled menacingly, telling her that she had better. It was his turn to be in charge now and he was going to enjoy getting his own back. Did she remember how she threatened to get him sacked, he asked her, because he did. She had said that he tried to rape her, even though he hadn't.

  A cold chill of horror rippled up Lila's spine. She remembered it clearly. Safe in her freedom as Rod's wife, she had mocked Earl carelessly, never imagining for one moment that she would ever find herself kneeling at his feet with a slave collar on her throat and chains on her limbs. Her belly trembled to a sudden burst of furious slave heat as she faced the prospect of being forced to pay for her arrogance and as she trembled, Lila felt her sex grow slick and wet and knew that she was not as frightened of being taken by him as she surely should have been.

  She had always liked him and her flirting had been the outward sign of her sexual interest in his strong, slim body. An interest that would probably never have led on to anything, until she had been enslaved. Now though, he was her Master and she had to serve him as a full slave and her face reddened to the humiliating knowledge that she wanted him to take her and use her ruthlessly, forcing her to exhibit the absolute submission she was trained to give.

  Earl spotted the glistening evidence of her excitement between her wide spread thighs, "The randy bitch is getting turned on, Tom," he said casually. "She needs a man. Do you want her first, or shall I have her?"

  Lila gasped, then flinched as Earl's crop slapped across the lower slopes of her proffered breasts. She froze as she was ordered to keep still, terrified that he would whip her taut globes.

  "It doesn't matter," Tom replied to his partner. "There's plenty of time. You have her and I'll take Cassie. We can swap later on."

  "OK. That's fine with me. Enjoy yourself."

  "You too."

  "Don't worry, I will," he watched as Tom strolled the thirty feet or so that separated Cassie from Lila, then snapped, "Open your mouth, slave," and packed the leather gag between her parted jaws, silencing her.

  He unclipped the chain from her collar, "On your feet. Walk forwards," and as he reinforced the command with a stinging flick of his crop across the cheeks of her bottom, Lila whimpered and stumbled straight ahead, her fingers stretching to rub at the smarting line adorning her rounded flesh.

  "Halt! Turn around."

  Lila gasped as his hands gripped her cuffed wrists and levered upwards, forcing her to bend at the waist, then he inched her backwards until her naked buttocks met round, smooth wood. She knew at once what it was, there were hundreds of them all around the ranch. A fence, made out of the trees that grew locally and Lila saw them every day. They were usually about five feet high with a couple of rails to stop the animals wandering, but she soon discovered that they could be used for other purposes.

  Earl pulled her arms over the top rail and Lila squealed in alarm, rising onto the very tips of her toes, her body angled forward as she was hung from the fence, her arms unable to rise enough to unhook themselves. She couldn't move or free herself and as she heard her Master walk away, she moaned in anguish, her calves beginning to ache as she was forced to balance on tip-toe to relieve the unrelenting pressure on her shoulders.

  It was horribly uncomfortable, but not unbearably so, for Lila was supple and had been conditioned by her slavery to put up with many different bondage positions, some for hours at a time and was not only used to discomfort, but had been disciplined to become sexually excited by helplessness. Despite herself, the ingrained training did its work and as insidious heat spread slowly through her defenceless body, her breasts began to swell and her nipples stiffened as she imagined how vulnerable she must look to her Master and how easily he could arouse her with his fingers and lips, or even his crop, for she had not forgotten his threat to whip her again.

  He returned to her, passing several loops of rope around her belly and the centre rail, then pulled them tight and knotted them securely. Although the ropes squeezed her unmercifully, Lila was thankful that they also lifted her an inch or so and took some of the pressure off her arms and shoulders. She was much less grateful when he seized her right ankle, doubled it up towards her buttocks and lashed it to the same rail, wide out to her right. And when he repeated his actions with her left ankle, binding it far to her left, she could not hold back her screams of horror.

  Supported only by the rail beneath her armpits and the ropes around her belly, Lila was suspended from the fence, her knees two feet above the ground and her sex held wide open by the ropes at her ankles. She shook her head wildly, squealing wordless pleas into her gag as she felt him knot another rope to her wrist cuffs, but was powerless to resist him as he led this rope to the bottom rail and pulled it taut, dragging her arms back and down so that her naked spine was pressed immovably to the wood behind her and her breasts jutted insolently.

  The final rope linked her elbow cuffs to the buckle of her gag and as this too, was tightened, her neck arc
hed into a graceful curve and the gag wedged itself between her back teeth, reducing her cries to spluttering, almost inaudible gurgles. Earl walked around in front of her to inspect his handiwork and as he drank in the erotic sight of the redhead's cruelly stressed and mercilessly exposed nudity, the crotch of his shorts bulged.

  He had not had a woman since Cassie, over two weeks before and he saw no reason why he should wait any longer and Lila was perfectly positioned for him. Tearing off his shorts, he moved forwards and as his long, hard shaft slid into the open, wet channel of her sex, Lila gasped through her nose but could not do a single thing to prevent her violation, or even assist in her own ravishing.

  Earl sighed with pleasure as the heat of her belly enfolded him and moved forwards again until his erection was embedded full length in her and his pubic bone pressed against hers. His hands clamped on her rounded buttocks, one finger penetrating the tight ring of her anal passage and sinking into her body and as her gag-stifled screams told of her shame and helpless arousal at being so humiliatingly invaded at both front and rear, his lips curved into a cold smile.


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