Melonee Brac's Mistletoe Madness [Brac Pack 30] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Melonee Brac's Mistletoe Madness [Brac Pack 30] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  Besides, her mother had talked to her about sex when Melonee was sixteen. There was no way she would look at one of her uncles the same way again if they told her the things Hawk was about to tell her.

  Shuddering, Melonee grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. Everyone would be waiting by the front door for her.

  Once she was dressed and ready to go, Melonee made her way down the hall. She rolled her eyes when Johnny walked up next to her, giving her a knowing smile. “So everything went well?”

  “The next time you want me educated on the subject of sex, come talk to me yourself,” she said, holding back her irritation. She knew Johnny was only trying to look out for her.

  Johnny grew serious as he nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. But I thought maybe it would have been better coming from someone who wouldn’t use pet terms for the anatomy.”

  Melonee stopped walking and stared at Johnny. “Just what kind of pet terms?”

  He blushed. “Do you really want to know?”

  Not really.“Come on, french fry. Let’s go do some shopping.”

  Chapter Six

  Adam paced his apartment, deep in thought. He had the files he was supposed to be working on open on his table, but that wasn’t what was on his mind.

  Melonee Brac.

  God, why couldn’t he get her out of his mind? Adam had been to Brazil, Italy, France, and many other countries where beautiful women were aplenty, and he had had his fair share of sampling their ample bodies. So why was he so obsessed with this small-town woman? What was it about her that he couldn’t even concentrate on the job he was sent here to do?

  Running his hands over his head, Adam decided that maybe he needed to get out and take a walk, go sightseeing, or jump into the damn water down by the pier—anything to get his mind off of her.

  Donning his jacket, Adam jogged down the steps of the apartment building he was living in and walked outside, taking in a lungful of cold, December air. Instead of getting wet at the pier, Adam decided to be a little more practical and head to the coffee shop.

  Today wasn’t as cold, so walking suited him just fine. It also gave him a chance to check out the new buildings and businesses in town, businesses Les had left out of his dossier. Vincent still hadn’t called Adam back, but he knew it would be a few days before he heard anything from the man.

  As Adam passed by the obviously new movie theatre, he couldn’t help but feel as if someone was watching him. The hairs on the back of his neck began to rise as he glanced around, but he didn’t see anyone paying him any attention. There were a few cars driving by, a handful of people on the streets, but no one was looking his way.

  Even though he had confirmed no one was paying him any attention, the feeling wouldn’t go away. He strode into the small coffee shop, pushing the thought of someone watching him from his mind. It had to be the lack of sleep he was experiencing. No one knew why he was here, so no one would think to keep an eye on him.

  Not until he began his slow progression through town, talking the people into selling their homes to the large corporation.

  Before Adam ordered his hot chocolate, he headed toward the back where he assumed the bathrooms were located. As he entered the small hallway, he was shocked to see Melonee coming out of the ladies’ room.

  From the expression on her pretty face, she was just as surprised to see him. Her blue eyes rounded as she stared at him and then quickly looked behind him. Adam turned but didn’t see anyone in the hallway with them. “Hello, Melonee.”

  He could see her swallowing tightly as she once again glanced behind him. “Hi, Adam.”

  Her voice alone was doing things to Adam that still confused him. No other woman’s voice made his cock rock hard just from hearing the sweet tone. He couldn’t understand it, but he had an overwhelming urge to pull her into his arms and lay claim to her.

  What the devil?

  He wasn’t here to hook up with anyone. That was the last thing he needed right now. What he needed to do was walk away, but instead, he stood there drinking her in. She was wearing a pair of faded jogging pants and a loose-fitting sweater, but damn if it didn’t look good on her. His eyes kept falling down to her small, pert breasts, his hands itching to cup them and bring her so much pleasure that—god, he needed to stop thinking like that.

  Running his hand over his stubble, Adam couldn’t help but ask, “Would you like to join me for some cocoa?”

  Okay, he was getting really tired of her nervous glances behind him. Did she have a boyfriend he needed to watch out for? His cock became impossibly harder as he watched her tongue slide along her bottom lip. “I can’t, but not because I don’t want to.” She quickly added the last part. “Can we meet somewhere?”

  Well, he hadn’t been expecting that. “Okay, name the time and place.” He shouldn’t be agreeing, but hell if he could deny her.

  Melonee chewed her bottom lip, as if it was a very difficult decision. Adam was about to tell her to meet him in the coffee shop tomorrow when she said, “Meet me at the diner for breakfast at eight.”

  As Melonee walked away, Adam turned to watch her, feeling something close to longing pulling at his gut.

  Never before had he wished for a steady woman, but as he watched her nicely shaped ass sway back and forth, all kinds of thoughts were going through his head.

  And not just sexual.

  He was beginning to think that maybe meeting her wasn’t such a good idea after all. What if things became too complicated? He wasn’t sticking around, so he shouldn’t be considering anything with her.

  Yet he found himself anticipating breakfast.

  Ruttford was getting ready to take off to meet Melonee when Fire grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. “Okay, maybe the Shadow elves are after me.”

  Pushing Fire’s hand off of him, Ruttford narrowed his eyes. “I told you to leave those damn men alone. How much are you in debt?”

  “Fifty,” Fire said as he raked his hand through his hair and turned, pacing over to the bush in front of Ruttford’s home.

  “Fifty isn’t bad.”

  Fire turned, giving Ruttford a look that told him this wasn’t going to be good. “Fifty thousand, brother.”

  “How the hell—what—are you fucking crazy!” Ruttford felt like his stomach had turned inside out. “Where in the hell are you going to get that kind of money?” The Shadow elves Fire dealt with were some mean sons of bitches. They had damn near killed Fire last time he owed them, and it wasn’t nearly as much as what he owed them now. He grabbed his brother by his shirtfront, slamming him into the door. “You know if you don’t pay, they’ll come after your family. What were you thinking?”

  He thought about his parents, about Melonee, and knew the shit was about to hit the fan. If he claimed her now, she wouldn’t be safe. He wanted to kill Fire for ruining his plans. All his life, Fire had been selfish and only thought about his own needs. Now his thoughtlessness was about to impact them all. Did his brother even care?

  Probably not.

  “I wasn’t thinking,” Fire admitted. “You have to help me get out of this.”

  Ruttford released him, walking away before he did something he was going to regret…maybe. He wasn’t too sure if becoming an only child at this point wouldn’t be more beneficial than keeping Fire alive.

  “What do you want me to do, Fire? I don’t have that kind of money. You’re going to have to find some way to pay them back, or so help me god, I’ll kill you myself if anything happens to our parents, or Melonee.”

  Ruttford didn’t even want to think of those sharks coming after her. Melonee was innocent, sweet, and her family would cut Ruttford’s balls off and—Ruttford swallowed. If Maverick found out that Fire put her in danger, Ruttford’s entire family would be wiped out.

  But the alpha wouldn’t blame Fire. He would find a way to blame Ruttford. After the havoc he had caused, the wolf was looking for any excuse to keep Ruttford and Melonee apart.

  This would se

al his fate.

  “I come to you for help and that’s all you have to say?” Fire shouted at him as Ruttford began to walk away again. He had to walk away or he would wrap his hands around the man’s throat and strangle him to death.

  Ruttford shimmered out, feeling sick to his stomach as he saw Melonee waiting for him. He pulled a smile out of his ass and pasted it on his face as he enveloped her into his arms. She didn’t need to suspect what was going on. If he knew her, and he was pretty sure he did, she would try her best to get him and Fire out of this situation.

  And with the way Ruttford’s luck was going, Maverick would find out. “How was your shopping, beautiful?” He noticed that she was wearing the loose-fitting clothes he had asked her to wear. He had planned on taking her back to his place and going a little further than last night, but he wasn’t sure his home was safe right now. The jogging pants and sweater would give him easy access, but Ruttford was terrified the Shadow elves would show up at his place.

  “Good,” she replied.

  He pulled back, giving her a kiss that should have set his soul on fire. Instead, all he could think about was what Fire had done and how it could impact Melonee.

  She was the first to break the kiss. “We need to talk.”

  He grabbed her hand, ready to shimmer out when he stopped. “How did you get out of the house without setting off any alarms?”

  “Nero helped me,” she answered.

  Satisfied Maverick wouldn’t be on the hunt, Ruttford shimmered them to one of his favorite spots he liked to go to when he needed to think. It was private and from the expression on her face, Ruttford had a feeling his night was only going to get better.

  “This place is amazing,” Melonee said as she glanced around. “Where are we?”

  He led her up a path, feeling overdressed in his jacket. “Santa Maria Island,” he replied as he slipped his jacket off. “Tell me you have a T-shirt under your sweater.”

  Ruttford damn near swallowed his tongue when she pulled the sweater over her head, revealing a small camisole. He forgot about Fire. He forgot about Maverick. Ruttford forgot about everything as he gazed at the blushing pink and baby-blue sunset behind her. She was so damn beautiful that Ruttford felt his chest tighten.

  “Much better,” she said, unaware how she affected him. He knew in his heart that she could live to be one thousand and he would still look at her as if she were the most gorgeous creature to ever walk the earth.

  She was the other half of his soul.

  Slipping his hand around the back of her neck, Ruttford pulled her close, placing his other hand on her hip as he dipped his head. “Do you know how much you mean to me, Melonee?” He slid his hand up her side and then cupped her breast. His cock became instantly hard as he felt the soft skin, separated only by a thin layer of silk.

  “We need to talk, Ruttford,” Melonee said, but he could tell her will to say anything was crumbling. Ruttford didn’t want to talk right now. He didn’t even want to think right now. All he wanted was to drown himself in Melonee and forget.

  Maybe they could hide out here for the rest of their lives. The place was stunningly beautiful, after all. But as much as he wanted to, Ruttford knew he couldn’t run. He could forget for the moment, though.

  Slipping his hand up into Melonee’s long, lustrous hair, Ruttford pulled it back as he worked his lips down her throat. “You taste so damn good.” He pushed her breast further into his hand, using his thumb to brush over her nipple. It became diamond hard under his touch.

  “Trust me?” Ruttford asked he continued to work his way down her neck, licking a path over her delicate collarbone and inhaling her wild scent. He didn’t plan on claiming her tonight, but hell if he was letting her walk away hungry.

  Never would he let his mate starve for something he could so readily give. And from the heated moans and the arched back, she was famished.

  “I trust you, but—”

  “No buts, beautiful.” Ruttford leaned his head down and gently bit her peaked nipple. Melonee cried out as he worked the silk-covered bud between his teeth. When she didn’t protest, Ruttford pushed the thin piece of material out of his way and licked her breast, his lips nibbling sporadically. Melonee fisted his hair, drawing him closer as her head fell back, a long, sensual groan vibrating in her chest.

  He growled low in his throat as he slowly lowered her to the grassy earth, taking his time as he finally explored her body. It had been a long while, and not only was Melonee hungry, Ruttford was ravenous for her.

  Licking a path to the neglected breast, Ruttford pushed at the waistband of her jogging pants, talking them all the way down, and then off before cupping her small bottom in his hand. He massaged the smooth skin, running his nails over her flesh, hearing her moan even louder.

  “I’m going to bury my mouth in your pussy, beautiful.” His hand moved to her abdomen, stroking its way to her parted thighs. He drew lazy circles over her skin, letting her get used to the idea of what he wanted before dipping his hand down into her moist heat and parting the folds of her pussy, his finger running over her swollen clit. “God, you are so wet, so hot.”

  And sweet mother of god, she was bare down there, not one single hair in sight. Ruttford felt like he had died and gone to heaven as he stared between her legs, his breathing coming out roughly, raggedly.

  There was a fine blush spilling over Melonee’s body, but Ruttford wasn’t going to give her enough time to back out. Not tonight, not while he had her so open to him, so willing. His cock was throbbing in his jeans, begging to be let out to play, but Ruttford knew that if he released his swollen shaft, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from claiming her.

  It wasn’t safe right now—not with the bullshit Fire had gotten into—and the last thing he would do was put her in jeopardy.

  Ruttford clenched his jaw when Melonee lifted toward him, the sweet folds of her cunt shining wetly in the fading light. He ran his fingers over the moisture clinging to her thighs and then lifted his fingers, placing them in his mouth as he tasted her for the very first time.

  Melonee’s eyes widened as he smiled wickedly at her. “Beg me to devour you, beautiful.” He dipped his fingers again, gathering more of her cream, letting the back of his knuckles graze over her throbbing bud.

  Her head fell back as she whimpered, her legs spreading further apart in invitation.

  “Uh-uh, beg me, baby.”

  “Ruttford!” Melonee said in frustration.

  Ruttford settled between her legs, giving her clit one long lick. “Beg me.”

  “Please,” Melonee panted.

  Ruttford swirled his tongue around her clit, teasing her. “Please what?”

  Melonee licked her lips, staring down at him as if she were afraid to say the words. He was going to get her past her shyness. Ruttford wanted her screaming her desires, telling him what she wanted most.

  When she didn’t answer him, Ruttford sucked her clit into his mouth, gave a few tugs, and then pulled back. “Please what?”

  “I’m going to kill you!” she shouted as her lower half hitched higher, placing her waxed pussy close to his mouth.

  “You just might, but I’m not going any further until you beg me.” He heard how low his voice dipped, how guttural it had become as he circled the tip of his finger at her untried entrance.

  “Oh, god, Ruttford,” Melonee moaned, and he could hear the underlying embarrassment in her tone. “Please, suck my pussy, please.”

  Sliding his hands beneath her rear end, Ruttford lifted her to him and devoured her with his mouth. Her sweet honeyed essence spilt over his tongue as he licked and sucked, nibbled and caressed her swollen clit with his lips and tongue.

  Torture unlike anything Ruttford had ever known swept through him, forcing him to ground his cock into the grassy knoll, trying his best to satisfy himself without taking her. His control was slipping away quickly with every cry, every moan, and every plea from his mate. He knew that if he didn’t bring her to
climax soon, his control would be shredded.

  Her hips began to thrust forward, gyrating in his mouth. Oh fuck, he was losing it. Pulling one hand from underneath her, he pressed a finger at the entrance of her pussy as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She was gasping for breath as she writhed under him, her thighs locking at his head as she screamed her release. Ruttford sucked harder, pushing his finger inside of her as she spasmed.

  If he had thought her beautiful when she rode his leg to completion, it was nothing compared to the way she cried out his name and bucked against his mouth, pulling at his hair, and clenching her thighs as she shook.

  He pulled his finger free, licking her in slow, lazy strokes, bringing her slowly down. She lay there panting, her skin shining with a fine sheen of sweat. Ruttford pushed his way up her body, pulling her into his arms, petting her, giving her light kisses as her breathing evened out. “Hey, gorgeous,” he said as he smiled down at her.

  “Hi.” She smiled back.

  “Now what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” His hand slid to her belly, petting her, letting her know just how much he enjoyed touching her.

  When Melonee turned her head, refusing to meet his gaze, his hand stilled. His breath stilled. His entire world came to a halt. “Talk to me, Melonee.”

  She slowly turned her head back around, her eyes filled with fear. He wasn’t sure what to think.

  “I found my other mate.”

  Chapter Seven

  Cecil walked around the pool table, eyeing the balls as Blair stood against the wall, rolling his eyes. “I can hear my hair growing. Hurry up and take your turn.”

  “Don’t rush me because you are losing,” he replied as his phone rang. Cecil grabbed it off of his hip, glaring at Blair. “No cheating.”

  Blair flipped him off as Cecil answered his phone. “Brac’s Mortuary. You stab ’em, we slab ’em. Cecil the undertaker speaking.”


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