Reapers and Roses: (Grove High School Book One)

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Reapers and Roses: (Grove High School Book One) Page 22

by A. R. Breck

  He looks completely unhinged.

  "Corey… what are you doing here?" I wipe my face and smile at him. I'm sure I'm failing at looking normal.

  "Hello, Rose." His voice isn't friendly, and neither is the way he's holding himself.

  I realize, in this moment, that the dread I was feeling all night wasn't because of seeing the slut with Easton, and it wasn't about seeing my father get murdered.

  No, it was for this moment, right here.

  This is going to be the worst yet.

  "Shit." I whisper.



  I think in some ways I wanted it to end, even if it meant my own destruction. - Jeffrey Dahmer

  "Corey..." I try to slowly step closer to the door, but he notices my retreat and his eyes narrow into deadly slits.

  "Hold on there, Rose. Not so fast. What happened to you? We used to be tight. Now... what? You have no time for your old friend? You too much of a trailer trash slut now to give me the time of day? Well guess what, Rose. That's not how it's going to work anymore. I've waited way too long, been sitting on the sidelines way too fucking long."

  "Corey, we've always been friends. I'm always here for you. You're not sitting on the sidelines, because we're friends. We've always been friends!" I feel like I'm getting hysterical, which isn't a good thing. Corey doesn't look good. His clothes are ripped and dirty and his hair is a ratted mess. It almost looks like he has been living in his car or something. I know he couldn't have been home recently; his parents would never be okay with his appearance.

  "No, Rose. Friends isn't what I'm talking about. That's not what I'm talking about at all."

  "I-I'm seeing someone."

  "I know you are. You're with that fucking punk, Easton. Why, Rose? Why? What does he have that I don't? You like the poor fucks that can't treat you to dinner? He's not good for you, Rose. He's not." His blood red eyes are blazing fire at me.

  "We've been over this. We had our moment, Corey. But that moment is over. We're better off as friends, we always have been."

  "No! No, we aren't. I love you, Rose. I love you so much. Can't you see that?" He starts moving closer to me and I try to step back, but Corey is right there to grab onto my wrist as he hauls me up against his body.

  "Corey, let go." I try to shove him away but it's no use. His arm feels like bands of steel.

  "Why can't you love me, Rose? Why?" He grabs onto my hair and hauls my head back, laying a heavy kiss on my lips.

  "Urrrgh, Corey, stop!" I unplaster my lips from his, but all it does is pull hairs out of my head. "Please, stop. You're hurting me." I whimper.

  "You fucking hurt me, Rose. You hurt me when you date someone else. You hurt me when you let him stick his cock inside of my pussy." My eyes widen at his statement. How could he know?

  "Yeah. You think I wouldn't realize you guys are fucking? No way in hell would he be dating you and not fucking you. I know guys like him. You fucked him! You're a fucking slut, Rose!" He yanks my head back and I can feel each and every hair in his grip tear out of my skull.

  "Ow!" I cry out, tears springing to my eyes. It fucking hurts.

  "Shut up, Rose. Shut the fuck up." He spits each word in my face with malice.

  My body starts feeling bruised from his heavy hands holding me tightly, and the tiredness from the day is slowly seeping in. I can't give up though, I don't know this Corey. I have no idea what he might be capable of.

  "Like I said, Rose. I'm done sitting on the sidelines while someone else gets what's mine. You're mine, Rose. And this pussy? This pussy is mine, too." He grabs between my legs in a rough grip, squeezing and making my sore, sore vagina scream out in pain with his aggressive grab.

  "Tender, huh? Why is that? Has someone been fucking my pussy lately? That's okay. Get the rough, uncomfortable time out of the way so that we can enjoy it. I don't particularly enjoy the bloody cherry all over my cock, anyway. Now we can have the fun. Doesn't that sound good?"

  I shake my head no and whimper, the pain becoming too much.

  "No?" He backs us up against some crates and blocks me in. Alarm bells start ringing and I'm almost afraid to admit to myself what I think is about to happen.

  I can't let it happen. I can't.

  "Please, Corey. Please. I know you're not a bad person. Please don't do this. You will regret it."

  He laughs a slow, heavy laugh that settles into the pit of my stomach like rotted coal. "See, that's where you're wrong, my sweet Rose. I'm not going to regret anything. I think I'm going to very much enjoy this."

  I cry out when he reaches for the button on my jeans, only to be silenced when he slaps a hand over my mouth, his dusty, dirty hand making it hard to breathe.

  "Shut the fuck up, Rose. I'm done with the talking." He unbuttons my pants with fast movements, making tears leak out the corners of my eyes. "Don't be sad, Rose. I'll make this enjoyable for you. I promise."

  My pants are peeled down my legs even as I wish that they could be stitched into my skin. The air falling across my legs feels much colder than I think it should. It feels full of death.

  I hear a snap and instantly know that my black lace panties that I wore for Easton are now a piece of black fabric wasted on the littered pavement in the back of an alleyway.

  "Oh, God." I groan. I cannot let myself become a statistic. I refuse to be someone who dies and gets raped in the back of an alleyway.

  I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight until I win or until someone comes for me. I've been gone way too long, and I know Easton has to be looking for me at this point.

  I use all my strength and try to wiggle out of his hold. It only angers him.

  Blackness and pain flashes across my sight. "Quit fighting." He growls. The slap he delivered to my cheek pulses and throbs in pain. I'm sure my bruises and cuts that have faded from my last fight will once again be renewed after tonight.

  The straps of my top are torn and shoved down, revealing my breasts that are heaving with horrified breaths.

  "Fucking yes." He reaches down and squeezes each breast, alternating between plucking and pinching my nipples.

  He can try this disgusting form of foreplay all he wants, I will never get aroused in any way, shape, or form.

  He reaches down between my legs and pries them opens, shoving his hand in between them and jabbing two fingers into my already battered hole. "Shit." I cry out, trying to close my legs or wiggle his hands out of me. Something. Anything.

  Blackness and pain again. "I said quit fucking fighting." This slap was harder. Much harder. I can't take much more. My vision feels like it's starting to go in and out. I'm too afraid to pass out, though.

  I'm not sure what I would wake up to.

  Corey presses his hips in between my naked thighs, and I refrain from fighting too much when all I want is to get away from his erection.

  I don't want this!

  "Uh, Rose. You're body is so fucking beautiful. We'll be so good together. I'm going to fuck you so hard you will be imprinted with my fucking cock."

  My pulse starts beating in my ears so loudly that his voice comes out muffled. I still hear his disturbing words, though. I will never forget his vile words, or his filthy hands.

  "Do you hear me, Rose? Nod if you hear me." I nod, only slightly. "Good, girl." He unbuttons his own pants and I hear the shuffling movements of his pants and underwear sliding down his legs.

  I don't watch.

  No, I stare up at the sky. I watch the stars twinkle and wish for some kind of sign. Anything. I wish I had something sharp on me to stab Corey with. My fists aren't strong enough to do any sort of damage. My legs are pinned and I have no way to knee him in the balls. I have essentially no way of getting free.

  My only chance is Easton.

  I feel Corey's bare cock tapping against my inner thigh, and I squeeze my eyes shut. I can't even look the stars in the eyes anymore. I'm too embarrassed.

  "Fuck yes." Corey whispers, almost to himself. I fe
el the pressure and jabbing of his penis trying to enter my dry entrance. I'm not prepped for him. I don't want him. My body does not want him.

  Corey doesn't care.

  More stinging and jabbing, and then a deep burn. "Yes." Corey moans as he finally makes his entrance. Tears fall down my cheeks in unstoppable waves now.

  Once he gets to the hilt, he stops for only a moment to adjust himself. He then uses one hand and presses it up against my neck to stop my moving, and his other is holding my hip in a locked grip.

  A moment later, he almost pulls out before plunging back in. In and out, in and out. He fucks me hard and fast, just like a man who is high up on cocaine.

  I barely register anything at this point. I can't. Darkness fades in. The torment, combined with his chokehold on my neck makes the edges of my vision slowly start to fade.

  I can't believe this is happening.

  I can't believe I'm getting raped.



  This is the point from which I could never return, and if I back down now, then forever I burn. – Immortal Technique

  "You looked so good up there. I bet you could use a good release right about now. Am I right?" This random bimbo, who introduced herself as Rochelle, says to me as she tries to rub her hard, silicone inflated tits in my face.

  "Uh, I'm good." I try to step away from her without acting like a dick. I don't know this one, and I'm trying not to be a complete asshole to everyone in my sight. But if she doesn't get off my dick soon, she's going to be disappointed.

  She blocks my path from leaving. "Aw, come on. I've heard some of the other girls around here say you blow their mind. One said she even passed out from too many orgasms. Let me take this bad boy for a spin." She tries to grab my junk, but I snatch her wrist before she makes contact, giving her a warning squeeze.

  "I'm seeing someone." I fling her wrist away from my body like it's covered in herpes. Although, it might actually be covered in herpes.

  "You are, huh? Where is she? I don't see her anywhere. And even if you are, it's her loss she isn't here right now. No one would even have to know." She whispers the last part as she leans up on her tiptoes, trying to sound seductive as she whispers in my ear.

  All I feel is hot breath and smell stale liquor on her breath.

  I glance at Logan and Jackson, who have been bickering behind me for the longest fucking time about absolutely nothing, but for some reason we all stop and look around for Rose and Cara. All I see is Cara, who keeps glancing behind her, looking nervous as hell.

  This dumb bitch, who I've had just about enough of about two seconds into meeting her, starts dancing her fingers up my forearm in some kind of annoying itsy-bitsy spider dance. "Would you fuck right off? I do not want you. Go away. Do you hear me? Go. The fuck. Away." I shove her off me with a little more force than necessary, and watch as she catches her bearings up against the wall before giving me two ugly ass middle fingers and hobbling away on her cheap stilettos.

  Logan is already to Cara, talking to her and glancing in the same direction as Cara has been, giving off the same worried look.

  "What's going on? Where is Rose?" I nearly growl.

  Logan slightly steps in front of her and I give him a bewildered look. I would never actually hurt Cara. Is he fucking serious?

  "While you had big tit Betty over there practically riding you, Rose got irritated enough where she went to go cool off. She didn't seem that mad at you, though. Just irritated. It's been a while since she's been gone. She said she was going to the bathroom…" She bites her lips nervously and my blood starts pumping erratically throughout my veins.

  Something isn't right.

  I charge my way through Cara, Logan and Jackson, bulldozing my way through everyone to get to the bathroom. If I see Rose on the ground again, beaten to a bloody pulp, I swear I'm going to lose my shit. I'm going to walk back and find Rochelle, and slit her fucking throat for clinging to me like a damn magnet.

  I shove people out of the way left and right, not giving a fuck if people fall on their asses or not. The nervous boulder in the back of my throat is growing bigger by the second, making it almost impossible to breathe with how terrified I am.

  What if I'm too late this time?

  What then?

  I refuse to think like that, so I strangle those thoughts until they're dead and gone, and bust my way into the girl's bathroom.

  Shrieks and screams and a few what the hells are thrown my way, but my only mission is to find my girl. It doesn't look like any foul play has been going on, but that doesn't really mean anything.

  "Rose?" I shout, pounding on the stalls that are locked and looking inside of the empty ones. "Rose!"

  "She's not in here, bro." Jackson says from behind me, worry clear as day in his eyes and in his voice.

  I slam my hand into the door, making girls scream and jump a foot into the air behind me. "Where's Rose!" I roar.

  "Calm down, dude. Flipping the hell out isn't going to solve anything. Have you tried calling her?" Logan asks.

  Why the hell didn't I think of that?

  I whip my phone out and dial her in record speed. Only, she doesn't answer.

  I look over at Cara. "Are you sure she's not pissed at me? She's not even answering her phone." I tug my hand through my hair, feeling like my control is hanging on by a thread. I'm going to fucking lose it.

  "She didn't seem pissed at you. Maybe a little irritated, but she's always a little irritated with you." She shrugs, trying to remain calm when I know she's anything but.

  "Stay here and keep calling her. I'm going to run out front and see if her car is still here." Jackson says before sprinting out of the bathroom.

  "Good thinkin', bro." I press the redial button so many times I lose count. I'm about to whip my phone against the wall of the hallway when Jackson reappears.

  "Her car is still here…" He says, anger and worry dripping from his voice.

  "Okay. I can't just stand here anymore. Something isn't right, I can just feel it. We need to split up. Fucking call me if you see, hear, or even smell her. I swear I will rip this place apart until I find her."

  Everyone nods and both Logan and Cara take off towards the bar, probably hoping she just went to go get her fruity little drink and not that something isn't monumentally wrong.

  Where the hell are you, Rose?

  I walk in the opposite direction towards the back offices when I hear grunting and low voices. I speed up and push the door open so quickly, only to come across a sight that makes me never wish I came back here.

  "What the fuck?" Hugo is shoving a dead as hell Leonard into the closet of the back office, while Rich, Collin and Randall are standing there puffing on a cigarette and looking like they're discussing the weather.

  "Easton, how'd the fight go?" Rich asks all nonchalantly.

  "Fine… what the… what the fuck happened?" I don't have time for this! Where is Rose? Did she see her father? Is she hiding somewhere crying? Did Rich see her and kill her and is hiding it from me?

  I bury all my emotions and give Rich a blank stare, hoping he will reveal any kind of hint on where I can find Rose.

  "Leonard was working against me." Rich says, smoke flowing through his nostrils.

  "Ahh. How do you know that?"

  "Are you questioning me, boy?" Rich's face turns from lazy to furious.

  "No, I'm not questioning you. I'm just wondering what happened. The other day he told me he was working against Sanders, and now you're telling me he was working against you? I'm just wondering what happened. Did he confess?"

  "I know a traitor when I see one. He was hopped up on drugs and spewing lies out like it was nothing. He cannot be trusted. And he knows what happens when I can no longer trust someone who has worked for me." He shakes his head in pity.

  Only I know the last thing he feels right now is pity.

  "What are you going to do with him? He will be stinking this place up by morning."
  "Hugo will take care of him once we close down."

  I give him a nod. "All right. Well, I guess I will just let you guys to it."

  "Hold on there, Easton. What are you even doing back here? Shouldn't you be up at the bar, partying with your friends and that little girlfriend of yours?"

  The way he says girlfriend makes my hackles rise, but when I look into his eyes, I think he's just trying to get a reaction out of me.

  I let out a breath. He didn't kill Rose.

  "I just... was back here this morning and thought I lost my headphones. Logan or Jackson must have them though." The lie flows out so easily, Rich would be proud if it wasn't him I was lying to.

  "Hmmm. Okay then. We'll talk later. Have a good night." Everyone gives me a nod and I leave, shutting the door behind me. They're lucky I wasn't some random passerby. But then, I suppose if anyone happened upon them, they would just kill them and be done with it.

  I sigh and keep looking through the other empty offices back here, only to come up empty with each one.

  "Fuck!" I shout. I know without a doubt that something is wrong. I can feel it in my veins.

  I turn towards the front and am about to walk towards the bar when the door to the back alley comes into my line of sight. I wouldn't think anything of it, except something keeps pulling my gaze back to that damn ugly red door.

  "Shit." I might as well check out back otherwise the thought won't leave my mind.

  Slamming my palms up against the handle, the door flies open and the horrific sight in front of me appears that will forever be burned into my brain.

  Corey, pinning down what looks to be a catatonic Rose, who is stark naked. His fucking cock pummels into her over and over again as he brutally rapes her.

  Darkness and waves of hot rage flood my body as I turn into what can only be described as the Reaper. They might have called me the Reaper many times before, but this time, I only have one thought in mind.


  I stalk over to the coked-out fucker and grab him by his naked, hot shoulder and slam him onto the cigarette laden pavement behind me.


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