The Edge

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The Edge Page 7

by SJD Peterson

  “I gotta run. I promised Malcolm I’d be back in time to draw his bath. Thanks for having lunch with me, Joshua. Tell Master Nash I said hi.” He signed the check and slid his card back into his wallet before going to his feet.

  “Will do.” Joshua wiped his mouth with his napkin, dropped it on his empty plate, and stood. “Great to meet you and thank you for the advice.” He stuck out his hand.

  “Not a problem,” Denny said, ignoring the offered hand. He wiggled over to Joshua and pulled him into a quick hug. Just as quickly, he spun away and waved over his shoulder. “See you around.”

  Joshua smiled as he watched Denny sashay away. Yeah, Joshua definitely owed them a thank-you. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such a great time eating a meal. His smile grew wider as he headed out of the restaurant.

  Chapter Seven

  NASH WAS going to have to get Malcolm a gift. It was his idea that Joshua and Denny have lunch together, and since Joshua returned from his date, he’d had a smile on his face. It was good seeing his boy happy. Nash had witnessed Joshua’s brilliant smile, but to see it from something as simple as a lunch date warmed Nash’s heart. However, as nice as it was, Nash couldn’t lose sight of his plan. It would do neither of them any good to deviate from it now. Especially since it was still so new. To take even a day, a single hour off, would send the wrong message. Consistency was the key to their success.

  Tonight he’d try edging. It would overwhelm Joshua’s senses, push him until it all became too much, ending in explosion. Joshua would be left in a state of pure exhaustion both in mind and body. Peace in the aftermath of destruction. In theory anyway. Now, if Nash could keep a tight rein on his own desires long enough to take Joshua to the goal.

  Nash took in the playroom, where everything was prepared for the evening. The spanking bench was folded up and tucked away and in its place sat a physician’s exam table, modified to suit his needs. The heavy leather cuffs attached to each side as well as the stirrups would scare the bejesus out of most patients. Nash had also attached thick leather straps with buckles along both sides of the table, which could be used to immobilize head, torso, and legs. On the table next to the chair, Nash had laid out lube, condoms, a cock ring, a flogger, small metal clamps with the teeth covered in rubber, and two thin chains. He’d also set out a couple bottles of cold water. Knowing Joshua’s abilities to control his responses to stimuli as well as his extraordinary pain tolerance, it could take quite some time to achieve the desired results. Satisfied everything was ready, Nash started to call Joshua down to the playroom, but reconsidered.

  Preparing the room, rechecking it, planning the scene, and the anticipation had Nash hard the entire time. If he had Joshua naked and bound before him, there was a very real possibility of it being over before it even got started. Totally unacceptable.

  Nash popped the button and lowered the zipper on his jeans, exposing his straining cock. He grabbed the lube and walked across the room to lean against the wall. He poured a small amount of lube in his hand, shoved the tube in his pocket, then wrapped his fist around his dick. He stroked himself from base to tip, twisting his wrist on each upstroke to run his palm over the sensitive cockhead. Keeping his gaze on the chair his boy would soon occupy, Nash reached up with his free hand and pinched his nipple, teasing it as he increased the pressure and speed of his strokes. He worked it harder, faster, the bite of pain in his nipple adding to the eroticism. In no time at all, a knot formed at the base of his spine, balls drawing up tight, readying for release. Nash didn’t even try to draw out the pleasure. He arched his back, bit down on his bottom lip to keep from crying out, and filled his hand with warm spunk. One last spurt and he shuddered.

  He looked down at the mess in his hand and chuckled. The things he did for his boy. He shook his head at himself. He really should be able to control his urges better. It was for a good cause. Now that he’d released a little pressure, he’d be able to concentrate on Joshua. He supposed he should feel bad, considering what he was about to put Joshua through, but he didn’t. It had felt too damn good, and the fact that he was doing it for Joshua’s benefit made it all the better. He had nothing to be sorry for. If Joshua weren’t so damn sexy…. Still laughing, Nash grabbed some tissues, cleaned up his hand, then tossed the soggy tissues in the trash can. He fastened up his pants and smoothed down his T-shirt, then his hair. After one last look around the room, he was satisfied with his preparation and headed upstairs to get his boy.

  Nash found Joshua in the kitchen, wiping down the counters, dressed in nothing but a loose-fitting pair of cotton gym shorts, just as Nash had instructed. Nash stepped up behind Joshua and wrapped his arms around Joshua’s waist.

  He kissed the warm skin, tasting soap. “How was your shower?”

  “It was nice, Sir.”

  Nash slid his hand beneath the waistband of Joshua’s shorts, his fingers brushing along the smooth skin around Joshua’s cock. “Mmm, you shaved. I like it.”

  Joshua pushed back, his firm ass pressing against Nash’s groin. Nash continued to skim along Joshua’s skin and let his boy grind against him for a couple of minutes.

  “Did you have any problems with the enema?” Nash had offered to assist, knowing the process could be a bit of a pain in the… well, anyway, Joshua had declined, but Nash had enjoyed seeing the pink light up Joshua’s cheeks. It wasn’t often that something so simple could embarrass his boy.

  “No, Sir. All clean, shaved, and I even lubed myself up. Just in case you have a use for my clean ass.”

  “Such a thoughtful boy. Thank you.” Nash kissed Joshua’s neck again, then released him and stepped back. “Follow me. We’re going to the playroom.”

  Nash turned and headed back down the stairs with Joshua at heel. Once they were behind the closed door, Nash turned to face Joshua. “Remove your shorts and stand next to the table.”

  Joshua instantly shoved his shorts down and stepped out of them as he moved into position. He kept his eyes respectfully low, but Nash could tell by the way his boy’s breath hitched that he was taking in the room and liking what he saw. Maybe it was the flogger that had his attention. Didn’t matter, because he was about to get a whole lot more excited.

  Joshua stood tall, hands clasped behind his back, chest pushed out, posture perfect. Nash took a moment to appreciate his boy’s well-defined body and long slender cock as it strained upward, bobbing with each breath Joshua took. Nash picked up the cock ring, then went to his knees in front of Joshua. Nash ran his tongue along the length of Joshua’s cock from the base to the head. He took it into his mouth, scraping his teeth along the sensitive skin and teasing the small slit with the tip of his tongue. The muscles in Joshua’s legs tensed, but it was the only response. Nash worked it harder, taking Joshua deep, playing with the heavy balls until he pulled a small sound of pleasure from Joshua. Nash let Joshua slip from his mouth.

  He looked up, caught Joshua watching him, and licked his lips. “You taste good.” He took Joshua’s wet dick in hand and fastened the cock ring snugly around the base. He kissed the head of Joshua’s dick, then rolled to his feet. He had to hide his grin when Joshua’s bottom lip protruded, no doubt disappointed that the oral play wasn’t continuing.

  Nash patted Joshua’s hip. “On the table.”

  Joshua did as he was instructed, stretching out, hard dick swaying with each movement. Nash had the sudden urge to take it back into his mouth and drive his boy out of his mind, but he tamped down on his desire. Slow buildup, he reminded himself. Instead of giving in to the impulse, he secured Joshua’s right wrist to the table and then his left.

  “How does that feel? Too tight?”

  Joshua opened and closed his hands, then tugged on the restraints. “No, Sir. They feel good.”

  Nash then moved down to Joshua’s feet and secured each ankle with a heavy leather cuff. He tapped one. “How about these? Feel okay?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Very good. For tonight until the end
of the scene, you are allowed to speak. You can beg, plead, scream, whatever you want. You may also look at me. In fact, I encourage it as I love seeing the lust in your eyes. Although, considering you’re not allowed to come, I may be seeing a little panic and frustration rather than lust. The good news is, that is your only rule. Is that understood?”

  Joshua looked down his body. His expression showed his concern, but he nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  Nash arched a brow. “Any questions?”

  “No, Sir. I’m sure whatever you have in mind, I’ll enjoy it.” Whether consciously or subconsciously, Joshua thrust his hips, no doubt hoping for a little more lip action. He would have to wait. Nash had other plans at the moment.

  Nash picked up the nipple clamps. He bent and sucked first one then the other nub until they were erect. Without warning, Nash quickly attached a clamp to Joshua’s right nipple.

  “Fuck!” Joshua yelled. His back arched.

  Nash gave him a couple of seconds to adjust to the stinging pain. When Joshua eased back against the chair and blew out a breath, Nash instantly attached the other clamp. Joshua cried out again, but this time he settled back much quicker.

  Nash flicked one of the clamps. “How does that feel?”

  “It fucking hurt like hell, Sir.”

  “And you love it.” It wasn’t a question. Nash could tell by the look of bliss on Joshua’s face, he’d enjoyed the stinging pain. Nash grinned and randomly jostled the clamps. His smile grew when he got a pleasure-filled sound in response. Only then did Nash pick up the two lengths of silver chains. He attached each end of the shorter chain to the clamps, making sure it was taut, then looped the longer one over it, pulled it tight, and attached the end to the cock ring.

  Nash stepped back and admired his work. The silver chains looked amazing against Joshua’s flushed skin. “Mmm, very nice.”

  Whatever Joshua was going to say was interrupted by a yelp when Nash tugged on the chain that ran along his stomach. “What was that? I thought you loved the sting?”

  “I do, but damn, I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Shall I quit?”

  “Not on my account, Sir.”

  “You’re right. This is about my pleasure and I think it will be my pleasure to continue.”

  “By all means,” Joshua said with a sly grin.

  Nash ran the tip of his finger along the cool wood of the flogger and wondered briefly how long it would take before he could wipe that cocky grin off Joshua’s face. Only one way to find out. He picked up the flogger and ran the soft tails across his palm. Joshua eyed the flogger, his excitement shining in his dark eyes.

  “You have your safewords.”

  “Yes, Sir. Yellow to slow down and red to stop.”

  “Remember, there is no failure in using your safewords. In fact, I expect you to use them. You are to warn me if you are close to coming. Is that understood, boy?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Nash pulled his arm back. “We begin.” He let his arm fly, the tips of the flogger hitting just above Joshua’s right pec. Nash worked the flogger in a figure-eight pattern, being mindful not to hit the clamps. Instead, he worked his way down Joshua’s right side from shoulder to toes before doing the same on his left side in the opposite pattern. Nash kept his strokes steady, his swing measured. Before long, Joshua’s skin turned a lovely shade of pink. Nash’s strikes weren’t forceful enough to cause pain; that would come from the sheer repetition of strokes. Other than the tone of Joshua’s skin, there were no further indications that Joshua felt the blows. Nash switched hands, followed the same path but with marginally more power to his strikes.

  It took several more passes around Joshua’s body before Nash got a true response. A well-placed slap to Joshua’s inner thigh caused him to arch, his hands curling into tight fists. He tensed briefly but settled down quickly. Soon, he wouldn’t be able to relax so easily. Nash was determined.

  Joshua’s restraint and tolerance to pain were amazing, but he couldn’t hide his arousal. Sweat beaded on his brow, his lips were parted, and his hard cock wept. His body moved with each blow in an erotic dance. Although Nash had only recently gotten off, his cock hardened. How could it not? The sight of Joshua, the sound of the flogger against his skin, the soft grunts and moans he was making were heady.

  Now that Joshua’s skin was heated and he was making wonderful rousing sounds that filled the room, Nash showed his appreciation by concentrating the blows on Joshua’s torso, inching closer and closer to the clamps, knowing Joshua would appreciate the flare of pain and add to his pleasure. Joshua was literally thrumming—proof his anticipation was hard to contain. With a flick of Nash’s wrist, the tips of the flogger landed on the first one then the other nipple in rapid succession.

  “Oh God.” Joshua moaned, a pure guttural sound.

  Nash continued to let the flogger fly, keeping a critical eye on Joshua’s skin. His boy might be able to handle the pain, but Nash had no desire to cause any serious harm. Joshua groaned when Nash directed his blows lower. He positioned himself at Joshua’s hip and found a rhythm working the flogger across Joshua’s chest, down his stomach to lightly lay the tails of the flogger to Joshua’s cock and balls.

  “Oh. Fuck. Yes!” Joshua cried out, body going bowstring tight.

  Nash concentrated on Joshua’s groin until his boy was panting and dancing beneath the flogger. Each movement caused the chains to tug on the clamps. The area around Joshua’s nipples turned an angry red, yet Joshua continued to beg for more with his sounds and body. Nash allowed it a little longer. Joshua’s tolerance for pain was insane, the way he craved and begged for it even more so. As evident by the scars upon Joshua’s body, he didn’t worry about permanent damage. Nash did. He gradually lessened the strength of his blows until they were barely brushing Joshua’s skin.

  “Please, don’t stop,” Joshua begged.

  “We are just getting started, boy,” Nash assured him. He dropped the flogger, and it hit the floor with a thud.

  Joshua’s eyes flew open, and he met Nash’s gaze with a pleading expression. “Please,” he whimpered.

  “Are you close?”

  Joshua shook his head. “Not yet. Feels good, but….” He swallowed hard.

  “But what?”

  “I could be if you picked that flogger back up and swung a little harder, faster.”

  Nash cocked his head. “Boy, are you trying to tell me how my scene should go? Is this not about my pleasure? My needs?”

  “No… I mean, yes, this is about your pleasure, and no, I’m not trying….” Joshua blew out a heavy breath. “Your pleasure is all that matters.”

  “Yes it is, and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.” Nash beamed.

  He adjusted the stirrups to spread Joshua’s legs wide, then stepped between them. Joshua’s heavy sac was snug against the padded seat, looking mouthwateringly good. A delight that would have to wait. Nash ran his hands over the hot, reddened skin of Joshua’s thighs, enjoying the heat against his palms for a moment. Joshua watched him, an expression of wonder on his handsome face as Nash removed the chain from the cock ring. He let it drag across Joshua’s chest—he shuddered—as Nash carefully detached it from the clamps and tossed it aside. Nash then laid his hands on Joshua’s stomach, running his fingers over the hard ridges of muscles. Joshua moaned louder, eyes once again squeezed shut, body in constant motion. His boy was so incredibly sexy when he gave in to his pleasure.

  Before long, Joshua’s sounds died down, and his movements calmed, Nash’s touch obviously no longer producing the sparks of pain Joshua craved. Joshua’s brow furrowed, and he pushed his chest up, no doubt searching for the harder friction. Nash eased his fingertips closer and closer to Joshua’s nipples, then in one quick movement, removed both clamps.

  The blood rushing back into the abused nipples caused Joshua to scream, the sound echoing off the walls of the small room. He fought against his restraints, but they held, the only thing keeping Joshua on the table. N
ash laid his palms on the erect nubs, massaging, fingers digging in a little, kneading the firm muscles, rewarded with another roaring sound. He drew out Joshua’s response as long as possible. Nash couldn’t take his attention from Joshua’s face as he rode the high the pain produced. He was so stunning, and Nash’s dick twitched in appreciation.

  “Close,” Joshua gritted out.

  “Deep breaths,” Nash instructed, stopping all movement but not removing his hands from Joshua’s flesh. It took several deep breaths before Joshua seemed to calm. Nash picked up the lube and squeezed a small amount onto his palm. He rubbed his hands together, warming the gel before wrapping a fist around Joshua’s hard cock, and grabbed Joshua’s balls with his other hand. Nash set a slow but firm rhythm up and down Joshua’s shaft while leisurely flexing his fingers around the delicate sac.

  “You respond beautifully to pain. Now let’s test your tolerance to simple pleasure.”

  “Nothing you’re doing to me is simple,” Joshua groaned. “God, I ache.”

  “You ache because I desire it,” Nash said quietly as he continued to stroke Joshua. “I love it when you ache for me. Going to work you until you ache so fucking bad you beg.”

  It was extremely important that he teach Joshua the difference in the two sensations. Pleasure in pain didn’t need to be achieved through abraded skin or creating welts. No blood needed to flow, no scars, no abuse was required to achieve the high desired. Nash slid his hand from Joshua’s balls to his thigh, steadying himself, and pumped Joshua’s shaft rapidly from base to tip, using a good amount of pressure. The muscles in his arm screamed, exhaustion setting into them, but he ignored it, worked past the discomfort. A lesson to be taught and learned was more important.

  A few more hard pulls on his dick and Joshua cried out. “Yellow. Going to…. Oh. God. Oh. God.”

  Nash instantly slowed, keeping his fingers loosely around the shaft.


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