A Miami Love Tale 2
Thugs Need Luv Too
A Novel by
Diamond Johnson
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© 2015
Published by Leo Sullivan Presents
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.
First off I would like to thank God for even giving me the ability to have the talent of writing. I believe in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.” There were times when I didn’t want to continue writing this book because I didn’t think it would be good enough. I started working on I choose you in January, 2014 and ended up stopping due to school. Honestly, I pushed myself so hard to finish this book and to finally have it out. I won’t say that it was an easy journey because Lord knows that it wasn’t.
To my amazing parents, thank you for believing in me as well and for not doubting me when I came to you guys with the idea of writing my very own book. I love you guys so much.
To my sisters that supported me with the idea of finally putting my writing skills to good use.
And lastly, to my readers, I hope you all enjoy this book as much I enjoyed writing it. I’m doing this for you guys. Keep a look out for Diamond Johnson, this is only the beginning, I have so much up my sleeve for you guys.
“Keep in mind that I’m an artist
And I’m sensitive about my shit
-Erykah Badu
Authors Note:
First off, let me start by saying that this series is just re- releasing my older books in which is the “A Miami Love Tale” series. I was given the opportunity to have Leo Sullivan publish me and of course I jumped at the opportunity. I believe you guys will enjoy this book because I took my time and gave it my all. I hope you guys enjoy.
Chapter 1: Rashard
I know for a fact that Imani wasn’t crazy enough to go behind my back and abort my seed without even telling me. I’m standing here in the middle of the bedroom shocked as fuck. I had to say a quick prayer so that I didn’t choke the shit out of this girl once she came from out of the shower. I swear to God, if Imani killed my baby, I’m fuckin done with her ass. Imani and I were best friends before we were anything else, so if she was having thoughts about killing a nigga’s baby, all she had to do was talk to me. Of course, I wasn’t going to agree with the idea; I would have given her all the pros of us having a baby together. When Imani first told me she was pregnant, I could tell that she wasn’t happy about the situation but later on down the line, she wasn’t showing me any signs that she wasn’t trying to have my baby, so I’m confused as hell on why this pamphlet to an abortion clinic is in her damn purse!
Imani walked out of the bathroom with her red terrycloth towel wrapped around her body, and her hair pulled up into a high bun. She was sporting a smile on her face, as if she didn’t have a care in the world, but as soon as she noticed the scowl on my face, she stopped smiling and walked over to me.
“Baby, what’s wrong, why you looking like that?” she asked, wrapping her damp arms around my neck. I gently pushed her off me, and she looked at me with confused eyes.
“Shard baby, what’s wrong?” she asked after noticing the death look that I was giving her ass.
I reached down in her purse and threw her the pamphlet to the women’s clinic. She bent down to pick it up and when she stood completely up, I grabbed her by the front of her towel and slammed her roughly into the wall.
“Tell me you ain’t go and do some fucked up shit like that!” I barked at her.
She looked at me with tears falling from her eyes, and I hoped that those tears didn’t confirm what I was hoping wasn’t true. I hope those tears weren’t about to be justified by her telling me that she went and did the unthinkable.
“No baby, I didn’t,” she cried.
“So what the fuck you got that shit in your purse for then if you didn’t go and do the shit?” I barked, making the grip that I had on her towel even tighter.
She didn’t answer me; she just stood there with tears dropping down her face. For some reason, I didn’t know whether or not I believed her, so we were about to go take a trip. She wasn’t explaining her self or anything, so that had me feeling that she went ahead and did it, and the only reason why she wasn’t saying anything was because she was scared.
“Put on some clothes, let’s go,” I said, walking away from her.
“Go where?” she asked me, wiping the tears from her face.
“Until I find out what’s going on, don’t ask me shit, Imani. Now hurry the fuck up,” I said.
I walked inside my closet and threw on my gray Nike joggers and a white V-neck, with my white and gray Nike slides. I grabbed my keys and wallet from off my dresser and jogged downstairs to my white 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat. I waited in the car for about another fifteen minutes, and Imani came strolling out of the house. She had on her big frame Tom Ford sunshades, and I knew it was to hide them bullshit ass crocodile tears she was shedding. She got in the car, and I sped off to Memorial hospital. The whole drive there, there wasn’t any conversation between the two of us because I had the radio on full blast, basically letting her ass know that I didn’t want to talk to her.
Ten minutes later, we were pulling into the parking garage and once I found a place to park, I shut the car off.
“Why are we here Rashard?” she asked me, turning in her seat to face me.
“Didn’t I tell you don’t ask me shit?” I asked, grilling her.
She sucked her teeth and got out of the car, and slammed the door. I walked ahead of her into the main entrance of the hospital and walked over to the hospital map hanging on the wall. I found that the women’s health care clinic was on the 5th floor. We got on the elevator and rode it up in complete silence. When the doors eventually opened, I walked all the way down to suite number 506, with Imani right on my heels. I opened the door and there was a few patients in the waiting room. Imani sat down while I walked over to the lady at the front desk.
“Hello, sir, how may I help you today?” she asked me.
“Hey, my girl doesn’t have an appointment or anything, but I was wondering if she could come and get a checkup. She’s pregnant,” I told her. Shit, I honestly didn’t know if her ass was pregnant or not.
“Well sir, we operate by appointment only. Is she having pain, spotting, or anything? It has to be an emergency,” she said.
“She’s having pain,” I lied. She damn sure was going to be experiencing some pain though, if my seed wasn’t still in there.
“Okay sir and what’s her name?” she asked, typing into the computer.
“Imani Jones,” I told her. She typed it up on the computer and stared at me.
“Okay, I see her. Imani’s been here before with us a few times, so she doesn’t need to fill out paperwork or anything. You can go have a seat, and the doctor should be with you soon,” she told me.
I walked over and sat next to Imani. I was thinking to myself, what the fuck did that bitch mean when she said Imani has been here a few times. I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed it. I couldn’t act a fool in this white ass doctor’s office, because they would take my black ass to jail,
but God knows I wanted to reach across and strangle Imani’s ass up. Fuckin secret after secret.
“Why I went up there and the lady told me you been here before? You got a baby that I don’t know about? It’s just surprise after surprise with your ass today, huh?” I asked through gritted teeth.
“First of all Rashard, this is where I came when I got my pap smear done and the birth control pills that I was taking that clearly didn’t fuckin work! Also, I came here to get checked out for any diseases. I saw the dirty bitches you used to fuck with, so that’s why the fuck I came here. Don’t ask me no stupid ass question, taking about do I have a kid. Only fuckin kid I have right now is you, because that’s exactly what the fuck you’re acting like right now. I don’t even know why the fuck you brought me here, I told your ass I didn’t get a fuckin abortion,” she said real bold. She was talking all that shit now because we were out in public.
“Imani Jones,” the tall blonde nurse called out.
I swear to God, that was Jesus that just saved her because I was about to slap the shit out of this girl. Imani stood up, and I stood up with her.
“Sir, I just need Imani for right now. I’m just going to check her blood, and then she’ll be right back,” the nurse informed me.
I sat back down and picked up one of the magazines that were sitting in front of me on the table. Five minutes later, Imani came back out and took her place back next to me.
“What happened?” I asked, looking up from the magazine.
“Rashard, just leave me alone,” she whined.
I didn’t say shit back to her ass, because I didn’t want to embarrass her in front of all these people. We sat in silence for another twenty minutes, and eventually the nurse called Imani to the back, and I was able to go inside with her this time. We walked down to the end of the hallway and the nurse showed us our room.
“Imani, you can go ahead and hop up there,” she said, pointing to the chair. “The doctor will be with you shortly,” she said, and then closed the door behind her.
I took a seat on the chair in the corner while we waited for our doctor to come. 15 minutes later, a short Asian woman came in, and I assumed she was the doctor.
“Hello, Ms. Jones, nice to see you again,” she said, walking over to Imani and shaking her hand. I stood up to shake her hand while I introduced myself as well.
“So what’s going on, Ms. Jones? I was told that you were in a little bit of pain this morning,” she said, sitting down on her chair. Imani shot me a deadly look and rolled her eyes at me.
“Is that what he told you? Doctor Lee, honestly I’m fine,” she said, staring at me the whole time. The doctor chuckled and looked between myself and Imani.
“Well, it’s often that the daddy will seem to be a little too overprotective of his wife while she is carrying. Especially if this is her first pregnancy. Let’s take a look here,” she said, going over to the sink and washing her hands, and then grabbing a pair of gloves out of the cabinet to put them on.
Next, she lifted Imani’s shirt and took the gel-like substance, and rubbed it on Imani’s stomach. She reached to the left of her and turned on the machine. I walked over and stood next to the doctor. I didn’t want to miss shit; I wanted to see everything that was going on. There was a lot of noise I heard going on, and then eventually we heard a little heartbeat.
“There it is, do you guys hear that?” the doctor asked us. Imani shook her head yes with a smile on her face. Looking at the screen, my baby just looked like a little peanut.
“We’ll be able to find the sex in a couple of months,” the doctor told us.
She wiped the gel off of Imani’s stomach and pulled her shirt back down. She went over and took the pictures of the ultrasound out of the printer, and handed us two each.
“Okay Ms. Jones, you guys just go out front and schedule your next appointment. It was nice seeing you again Imani, you guys take care,” the doctor told us before she walked out.
This time, Imani walked to the front desk. She scheduled when we would come back next, and we left. We walked down to the elevator, and Imani wanted to start with the bullshit as soon as we got back in the parking garage.
“Umm, you need to apologize to me,” she said, getting in front of me while I was trying to get in the car.
“Mani gone on with that bullshit. What the fuck I’m apologizing to your ass for?” I asked, looking down at her short ass.
“For slamming me like that this morning, and for bringing me here when I had already told you that I didn’t get an abortion,” she said with her finger all in a nigga’s face.
“Imani, get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit. You might not have got the abortion, but I’m pretty sure that the thought did come across your mind. The clinic you went to was simply an abortion clinic. They don’t do checkups and shit there, they kill babies. So miss me with that bullshit,” I said.
“Okay, I did go in there. At the time, I really didn’t know if I was ready for a baby. Plus, my mom is pissed at me, so I just was confused,” she said, looking at the floor.
“Are you fuckin your mama or are you fuckin me?” I yelled.
“That’s not the fuckin point Rashard, damn,” she cried. I didn’t want to stress Imani while she was carrying my baby, so I decided to leave the situation alone. At least for now.
“Get in the car Imani,” I said, stepping back so she could walk over to her side of the car.
She wiped her eyes and walked over to her side, and got in. We drove in complete silence until Imani spoke up.
“Can you take me to Nae’s house please?” she asked me.
“I’m not taking you nowhere. Your ass is about to go home. You’re on punishment,” I said to her.
“Punishment? Nigga I’m grown,” she said.
“Yeah, you grown alright,” I said sarcastically.
I pulled into my driveway and parked the car on the sidewalk while I waited for Imani to get out. I was going to go to the shop and hang with my niggas for a while. I was honestly happy that Imani didn’t do that foul shit, because Lord knows I wouldn’t be able to forgive her ass if she would have done it. I love Imani with everything that beats in me, but I promise that would have been the end of the road for us.
“You said I was going home! Take me home! I don’t want to stay here,” she pouted, with her spoiled ass.
“Imani, stop fuckin playing with me and go in the house,” I said. Damn she been getting on my nerves all damn morning. I loved the fuck out of her, but she made a nigga want to jack her little ass up with that slick ass mouth.
“You just want me to go so you can go to the shop and hang around all those ugly ass bitches,” she said, with her jealous ass. I couldn’t do nothing but laugh at her funny ass. Fuckin with them thot bitches that be hanging out at the shop was the last thing on my mind.
“Imani go, I ain’t playing with you,” I said. She reached for the door handle and sucked her teeth.
“Fuck you Rashard,” she said, and tried to get out. I slapped her on the ass hard as hell, and she turned back around.
“Don’t touch me!” she yelled and walked to the door. I watched her put the key inside and when I saw that she was safe, I sped off. I wasn’t about to play with Imani’s ass today. Fuckin with her and that slick ass mouth would have my ass in jail some damn where.
Chapter 2: Imani
I can’t believe this nigga left me at his house all by myself. I’m so damn bored. I can’t leave, because my car is at my house. I’m pissed at Rashard for acting so damn childish today. Yes, he had every right to question me on whether or not I got an abortion, but damn, did he really have to force me to go to the damn doctor? Wasn’t my word good enough for him? It wasn’t like I just so happened to plan my day one day and say, “hey I’m going to go to the abortion clinic and see what’s up.” I just so happened to be leaving Starbucks the other day, and the clinic was next door. I just wanted a few answers to the questions that I had.
Once I foun
d out how the procedure was done, I damn near ran out of the place; but when I got there, I took one of the pamphlets at the front desk and my dumb ass had forgot to throw it away. I came to the conclusion that I wanted my baby, and I knew that I would be a great mother. Only reason why I was even questioning whether I should have an abortion was because I just wanted to make my parents happy, especially my mother. I knew by me getting an abortion she would be happy, being as though she felt like my main priority right now should be school. If she didn’t like the idea of me having a baby, then oh well. She hasn’t even met Rashard yet. She says that she can feel that he is no good for me. That’s one of the character traits I hated about my mother–she was so damn judgmental, with her bougie ass. Now my father on the other hand, he was willing to meet Rashard, he was just waiting for the day that I brought him over.
I picked up my cell phone from out of my purse and called Breesha. I needed someone to vent to.
“Hey cousin,” Breesha said, answering the phone on the second ring.
“What are you doing? And why you sound so happy?” I asked her. I wish she could pass some of that happiness down to me right now, because Lord knows that I was very miserable at the moment.
“I’m leaving out the nail salon right now with Bria,” she said.
“Oh okay, what ya’ll about to do now?” I asked.
“Nothing really, we were just going to go to the house,” she said.
“Come over to Shard’s house. He left me here by myself and I can’t leave because my car is at home. Plus I got something to tell you,” I said.
Breesha laughed, “Okay, we on the way now,” she said.
I got out the bed and headed downstairs to make me some soup. Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I sat the soup down on the counter and headed to the door. I opened it, and it was Bria with her pretty self, and Breesha.
A Miami Love Tale 2 : Thugs Need Luv Too Page 1