Dark Assassin

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Dark Assassin Page 2

by Dena Christy

  When the man who’d jostled her reached his hand out to touch her, a hand she avoided, a low growl rumbled in Eric’s ears. It came from him as he took one more step forward.


  The sound of his grinding teeth echoed in his head. His muscles stiffened as he tried to keep from ripping the guy’s arm off for wanting to touch her.

  What the hell? His feet stilled on their forward path. He had a brother to find, and who touched her should make no difference to him. So what if all he wanted to do when he looked at her was slake his lust on her and hide her away? Keep her for himself? Rowan needed him to stay focused. He had to think about his brother, and not about what her lush female body would feel like under his.

  Don’t think about her, about those breasts or about those legs. Don’t go there. Think about Rowan. He turned around and walked toward the exit.

  He was passing the coat-check area when a hand grabbed his arm. Turning, determined to see who dared to touch him, he was shocked to see the woman standing there, her hand resting on his upper arm. Heat rushed through his blood, the need to take her burning in his gut. He curled his hand into a fist to keep from reaching out, grabbing her and dragging her away from here. He tried his damnedest to ignore the voice reverberating in his head.




  Shaking himself like a dog doused with water, he pulled his arm out of her grip. The voice in his head fell silent, the need to have her muted. The fine hairs on the back of his neck rose. Something wasn’t right here. Inhaling, he could smell her humanity. He shouldn’t be reacting to her this way. If she was another wolf, in heat, then yeah, he’d be mad to have her. But human women usually didn’t make him crazy with lust. He slept with them, but lust never overwhelmed him when he was with one. There was something different about this one, something that sent a small frisson of alarm racing down his spine.

  “What can I do for you?” he asked as he took a step away from her. Not out of fear, he told himself, just caution.

  “Why are you leaving so soon? Don’t you want to buy me a drink?” Her voice slithered over his body, unfurling and pulling him toward her. Her scent flooded him, sweet and earthy. Without thinking he stepped toward her. He stood before her, almost touching her, his breath harsh in his ears.

  Alarm bells clanged in his head. He needed to get away from her.

  “I don’t think so.” He turned on his heel. She moved in front of him, faster than he expected.

  She dragged one long index finger down his chest until she reached the waistband of his jeans. “One drink can’t hurt.”

  “You’re playing with fire. Get out of my way.” He tried to step around her, only to have her block his way.

  “Maybe I like fire,” she said as she drew her tongue over her lower lip. A thousand hands stroked his body, and his breath shuddered in and out. His erection pressed against his zipper, and he shifted from one foot to the other. She reached out to touch him again. An image of a fly wriggling in a spider’s web flashed in his mind.

  “Go play somewhere else.”

  He stepped around and walked toward the exit. His limbs dragged like he was walking through water, the urge to go back to her so strong it made him want to run in the opposite direction. He resisted. A werewolf didn’t run, didn’t show fear. Especially not to a human.

  “Don’t tell me the big bad man is afraid of someone like me?” she taunted behind him. He stopped, his muscles stiffening. She did not just go there.

  The soft sound of her clucking like a chicken reached him.

  Yep, she went there.

  He turned back to her, his upper lip pulling back in a snarl.

  She faced him without a trace of fear, standing her ground as he stalked back to her. Grown wolves backed down from him when he was like this, but not her. Jesus, she made him hot. He grabbed her hand. He had to take her away somewhere. Rowan would still be missing tomorrow. He’d look for his brother later. He wanted her tonight.

  “You win. Let’s go.”

  Dragging her from the club, his long-legged strides ate the ground as he took her to Rowan’s SUV. Pulling her around to face him, he pressed her back against the truck. He wanted to kiss her, more than he’d wanted anything in a long time. He hadn’t kissed a woman in six years. Had sex with plenty of them, but no kissing. What made her different? With her he wanted to drown in her embrace, to burrow himself under her skin.

  Leaning toward her, inch by inch, he saw anticipation light her eyes. Swallowing hard, he licked his lips, his body hardening when she mirrored his actions. He drew her to him, burying his hands in her silken hair, its platinum strands cascading over his wrist. And he kissed her.

  Fire burned in his belly, rushing through his veins as his lips possessed hers. He held her tighter against the side of the truck as her hips cradled his pelvis. She felt so good, so perfect. Her tongue slid into his mouth, and he couldn’t hold back the growl rumbling low in his throat. Kissing her was like being on a speeding train with no way to stop his hurried flight down the tracks. He was going to crash, and he didn’t care. She snaked her arms around his body. Her hand clenched against his ass, digging her fingers into his flesh as she dragged him in tighter. He had to have her right now. In the parking lot, against the truck, not caring who was around to see.

  Eric pulled back, the hard soughing of his breath the only sound he heard. He had to get himself under control. He didn’t want a quick coupling with her in a dim parking lot. He took a step away from her, trying to calm down. There would be plenty of time to take her when he got her somewhere private. He looked down at her. Big mistake.

  She leaned against the truck, her eyes heavy and lips moist. His shirt tightened across his back when she grabbed a handful of the cotton fabric, pulling him to her. She bit his lips, hard enough to cause a flash of pain. Looming over her, he pushed her back against the vehicle. He ground his mouth against hers, beyond caring if he had her here or somewhere else. He wanted to feel her female flesh, surrounding him as he pumped into her. He wanted to mark her, brand her as his, so any other man looking at her would know she belonged to him.

  She pushed him away with surprising strength. What was she doing? He didn’t want to let her go. Didn’t want stop now.

  “Let’s go somewhere a little more secluded,” she purred, before she turned on her heel and walked around to the passenger side of the truck.

  He got in the truck, rolling down the window so the night air might cool his fevered skin. Breathe. This has to be good for her. Closing his eyes tight, trying not to wallow in her scent, he concentrated on breathing. In and out, harsh at first, then slowing enough to get his pulse and his body to calm. He couldn’t tell whether she sensed his struggle, but she remained seated beside him, not saying a word as she waited. He opened his eyes, reaching out to turn the key in the ignition. The engine rumbled to life, its power held in check.

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “Your place. But you better hurry because I don’t know how much longer I can wait to have you.” She ran her index finger down his bicep as she spoke.

  Eric slammed the truck into first and peeled out of the parking lot. If there were any cops around, they were turning a blind eye to his speeding. He wanted her, she wanted him and nothing was going to stop him from taking what she offered.

  ERIC PULLED up in front of Rowan’s house, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

  “If you don’t want to go through with this, tell me and I’ll take you home,” he said, his voice soft.

  Where the hell had that come from? And more shocking to him was that he meant it. He thought he’d buried his sense of honor six years ago, but it must be lurking in there somewhere. If this wasn’t what she wanted, he would have to find a way to let her go. Somehow.

  “I want to be with you, whatever that entails.” She looked over at him, desire evident in her eyes. Her skin carried a flush across her cheeks, and her pupils dilated. The ai
r in the interior of the car thickened with his mounting tension. Seeing her look at him like that had pride and lust pumping through his veins. Her hand rested on his arm, driving him to a fever pitch of lust. He didn’t know if he was going to make it into the house, but he had to try.

  He tried to rationalize away his rampant arousal, but could find no logical explanation. He’d just had a woman not three days ago, but all he wanted to do with this woman was slake himself over and over on her until he’d had his fill. Once he glutted himself with her, he’d walk away. Get back to looking for his brother. Thank God he had a box of condoms buried in his duffle bag. He’d need them.

  He got out of the truck at the same time she did. They didn’t speak. She came around the side of the vehicle and walked beside him on the way to the front door. Tugging his hand, she pulled him close to her. Her other hand moved to the back of his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers. Eric did his best to steer her toward the entrance while she kissed him. Pressing her against the front door, he tried to unlock it, with no success.

  “Hold that thought.” Eric looked down at the deadbolt while ignoring the soft hand stroking his spine. He shivered as he fitted the key into the lock, twisting it and opening the door.

  He didn’t bother with the lights. Getting her to their destination was all that mattered. Down the hall, straight to his bedroom. The glow of the moon, his constant mistress, shone through the window of his room and he drew the woman inside. He wanted to see every part of her when he took her. Letting go, he snapped on one of the bedside lamps.

  “Come here.” He turned to her and held out his hand. The warmth of her palm slipped over his, and he closed his fingers around hers, pulling her to him. Looking down at her, he marveled at the perfection of her face. The soft glow of the lamplight caressed her skin, revealing no flaws. Her eyes were as clear the green glass bottles he collected as a kid. “You’re beautiful.”

  Closing his mouth before he gushed more romantic crap all over her, he ran a finger down her cheek. She frowned right after he spoke. Had he said something wrong? He thought women liked hearing that kind of shit.

  “It’s only surface details.” Pressing against him, she pulled her hand out of his as she reached up to thread her fingers through his hair. The tips stroked over his scalp as she arched up to meet his lips, pulling his head down. Tightening his arms around her, Eric savored the sensation of holding her in his arms. Her curves molded against the hard planes of his body, filling gaps almost as if they were made to fit each other.

  Gentleness replaced the urgency to take her, the need to enjoy her taking precedent over the need to rush. He wanted to explore every inch of her body, to take his time with her. Fast and furious wouldn’t do with her. She would be wild for him by the time he finished with her.

  Her body shivered against him as he moved his lips over her cheek, down her throat. He buried his nose in the crook of her neck, breathing in deep the fruity scent of her skin. He nuzzled against her, flicking his tongue on her skin. She tasted like strawberries and sunshine, like ripe, luscious woman. Her breath left her body in a soft sigh, stirring hair where it fell just above his ear. He tried to hide the satisfied smile curling his lips against the skin of her throat. She responded to his touch, her every movement, every sound, told him what pleased her.

  His hands moved down over to her hips as he guided her across the room to the bed. Lowering her onto the mattress, he followed her down, resting lightly on top of her. She reached up to caress his face as he lay looking at her. This close, he could see how beautiful she was. Her skin, with the texture of porcelain, stretched over the delicate bones of her face. The flush highlighting her cheek bones journeyed down her neck and across her throat to disappear in her sweater.

  She wanted him, as much as he wanted her. As he ran his thumb along her full bottom lip, her skin slid like silk against it. She drew it into her mouth, biting on the tip. He withdrew his hand and replaced it with his mouth. She sucked on his bottom lip, and he ground his pelvis against her. She felt so good, better than any other woman had before. He shut his eyes to keep them from rolling.

  He needed to slow down, otherwise he’d take her like a rutting animal. Rolling onto his side, he studied her as he leaned up on one elbow. She turned smoldering eyes on his, her greedy hands reaching out to touch him. A laugh rasped out of his throat as he grabbed her wrists and held them above her head on the mattress.

  “I’m going to take all night with you.” He took her earlobe between his teeth and exerted gentle pressure. His hand tightened on her wrist as she bucked beneath him, a small moan escaping her lips. How had he thought he could walk away from her tonight? He must not have realized how good this thing between them would be. Now he knew. He guided her hands to the metal bars of his headboard, wrapping her fingers around them.

  “Leave them there.”

  His hands skimmed down her arms, over the swell of her breasts. His hands molded them in his palm, his grin tugging at his mouth again when he saw the excitement light her eyes. Her nipple peaked against his palm through the fabric of her sweater. Sliding his hand down he grasped the soft material of the garment, easing it up over her head as she let go of the headboard. A soft groan escaped him as he discarded the sweater. No bra.

  She offered lush breasts up to his hands as she arched her body. He stroked her, his lean tanned hands contrasting with her soft, pale skin. Leaning forward he brought his mouth down on her sumptuous flesh. Closing his eyes for a moment, he savored the feel of her in his mouth.

  Opening his eyes again, wanting to watch her as he caressed her, something dark teased him from his peripheral vision. He turned his head, and her flesh slipped out of his mouth, forgotten when he saw it. A tattoo on her shoulder.

  His heart stuttered for a moment, his blood moving like ice water through his veins. A black tribal-style circle with four curved spokes radiating from the center.

  A mark of the Order of Odin.

  He jerked back, removing himself from her as if burned.

  “What the hell are you?”


  She wasn’t human if she carried that tattoo. No matter what she smelled like, tasted like, there could be no doubt in his mind that she wasn’t what she seemed. The mark made a lie out of what his senses told him.

  “Please, Eric. I can explain,” she said as she put a hand on his arm, and her hypnotic voice flowed over him like sweet water.

  “How do you know my name?” Jumping off the bed, he yanked his arm away from her, rubbing it as if to erase her touch from his skin. They hadn’t exchanged names at the club, but she knew it anyway. He ignored the shocked look on her face. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  She eased off the bed. He stalked toward her, hoping she’d see the deadly intent he felt burning through him. She stepped away until her naked back pressed against the wall.

  “Answer me,” he growled as he stood in front of her, his hands slamming against the wall, bracketing her on either side of her head.

  She straightened, the steel returning to her spine.

  “My name is Samara, and I’m a succubus. As you’ve already guessed I work for the Order. Now back off.” She pushed against his chest. He let her move him back. This time. “Why don’t you let me get my sweater back on and we’ll go to another room. We need to talk.”

  Eric scooped up her sweater where it lay on the bed and threw it at her. She caught it and pulled it over her head.

  “Are you going to stand there all night staring at me or are you going to talk?” she said with a curl of her lips.

  Eric’s own lips tightened. Knowing what she was didn’t make an impact on her beauty, and he wanted her still. Pathetic. He turned on his heel and strode from the room. He heard her soft footsteps behind him.

  “What’s this all about?” He snapped on the lamp beside the sofa. “Our meeting at the club wasn’t an accident, was it?”

  Way to state the obvious, stupid. Of course there was st
ill a chance she was just a succubus on the prowl, looking for a piece of tail. He could hope for that much. The alternative meant the Order was looking for him, never a good sign.

  “I knew who you were when I saw you. I’m here to recruit you for a mission with the Order.” She turned and faced him as Eric blinked in surprise. Well, he hadn’t expected that. Hunt him down, screw him, kill him, he’d believe it if that came out of her mouth, but go on a mission? Not in a million years.

  “Well I’m afraid I have to decline your offer of employment. Thanks for stopping by.” Don’t come back. Ever. Eric stood and walked toward the door. He turned back to her, positive she’d be right behind him. She hadn’t moved. She looked surprised, too. “Why so shocked, honey? Aren’t you used to hearing no?”

  “No, I’m not. I only deal with two types of people: those who agree with me and those who die.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh. Her earnest expression was adorable when she threatened him. He decided to play along with her for the moment.

  “Well since I’m not agreeing with you, does that mean you’re going to kill me? I can promise you I won’t be easy to kill. Others have tried and I’m still here.” He took a menacing step toward her. She unfolded herself off the couch and stood before him, tall and proud with a bland expression on her face. He stared at her, refusing to back down. After a moment she relaxed her stance and sat on the sofa again, tucking one leg under her. Yeah, she looked downright terrified.

  “I’ve no orders to kill you. Yet. I’m to propose a partnership with you. The Order needs to exploit your relationship with James Horn. We have a member of the Order undercover in his compound. We’ve been unsuccessful penetrating his inner circle. We need someone Horn won’t be suspicious of and who is not associated with us.”

  “To what purpose?” Eric joined her on the couch. What was this all about? He wouldn’t do what she wanted, he didn’t doubt that at all. She had managed to pique his curiosity, though, so what would it hurt to listen to what she had to say?


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