CHARMED Boxed Set 1, Hero Hearts Historical: Inspirational Western Romance

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CHARMED Boxed Set 1, Hero Hearts Historical: Inspirational Western Romance Page 18

by Cambridge, Kate

He grabbed her arm and jerked her toward him. She bit her lip to stop from crying out. “Are you lying to me, señorita?” His hand squeezed her arm tight, painfully.

  “No,” she whispered. “There is no Pablo here, I promise you.”

  The children watched the men with wide eyes. Magdalena’s gaze swept over them, and pride swelled in her chest. They were being so brave—far braver than she felt.

  The Spanish man moved his face within inches from hers. “If I find out you are lying, señorita, I will be back and I will make you and all your children sorry—do you understand me?”

  Magdalena gulped, then whispered. “I am not lying. There is no Pablo here. Now please, go, and let me teach my children. This is an orphanage, and the Sisters are Saints.”

  The man laughed cruelly, then shoved Magdalena back toward the desks. She fell to the floor, her head slamming against a chair, but she managed to glare at him.

  The men backed out of the schoolroom, and Magdalena breathed a sigh of relief. A student protested, “But Miss A—“

  “Shh!” She demanded her finger to her lips. Magdalena stood, then moved to the door in time to watch the men leap onto their horses, then ride away.

  “Children, stay in your seats,” she instructed as soon as the men rode away. Magdalena raced into the yard, “Sister Theresa,” she cried.

  The sister moaned, blood pooling behind her left shoulder. “They are here for Raphael,” she whispered. Do not let them find him.” Then her head dropped to the ground.

  Two of the sisters ran out from the main building.

  “Help me get her inside. Sister Margaret, please go stay with the children and keep them quiet.”

  Magdalena struggled to lift Sister Theresa with the other sister’s help. Once inside she urged, “Go—get some rags. We must stop the bleeding until Doctor Holloway can get here.”

  The sister ran toward the kitchen, and Magdalena pressed her hand against the sister’s shoulder. “Stay with me, sister. Dear God, please—please help us,” she prayed.


  “Stay with me, Sister Theresa,” Magdalena encouraged, tears welling in her eyes. The sister’s breathing was shallow, and she’d lost a lot of blood despite Magdalena’s efforts to keep the rag tight against her shoulder.

  Magdalena’s dress was covered in blood, and she nearly cried when she heard the thundering sound of horses hooves pounding the ground. “Sister Margaret, go get them,” She urged, startling the sister into action. “Hurry!”

  Within a minute, two men burst through the door—one Sheriff Sully and the other Doc Holloway.

  “Magdalena?” Lance Holloway rushed to her side, his hands moving her face toward him, his eyes searching over her body, pausing at the blood on her dress. Magdalena felt as though she were enshrouded in a haze. “I—I’m okay. It’s Sister Theresa, she’s been shot. I—I tried to stop the bleeding, but—,”

  Sheriff Sully gently moved Magdalena aside, settling her in a chair by the corner. Then he and Doc Holloway went to work on Sister Theresa.

  “The bullet passed through,” the relief in the doctor’s voice was palpable. “But she’s lost a lot of blood.” Then he proceeded to bark orders at Sully, who moved in beside him and together they worked in tandem, trying to save Sister Theresa. Sister Margaret brought them boiling water and additional clean clothes.

  “Magdalena—Magdalena!” Doctor Holloway’s insistent voice pulled her back to the present from a faraway place.


  “Are you sure you’re all right?” He asked, risking a quick look at her with worry-filled eyes.

  “Yes, I wasn’t shot. I’m sorry,” she managed. “What can I do to help?” She asked.

  “Sister Angelica is with the children,” Sister Margaret offered.

  “Are Raphael and Jose back?” Magdalena asked.

  “Yes, they are all together in the classroom.” She confirmed.

  “I’ll go to them,” Magdalena offered, yet she didn’t move.

  Sister Margaret walked over to her and knelt down. “Miss Allen, you’re in shock, and you need to change before you to go the children,” she encouraged softly.

  Magdalena looked down at her dress and saw the blood-soaked stains, then looked back at the sister.

  “I’ll get something for you. Come with me,” Sister Margaret held Magdalena’s hands for a moment, then gently urged her to stand.

  Magdalena stood, then swayed, reaching her hand against the wall to steady herself.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” The sister asked. “The children said one of the men tossed you to the floor and you hit your head.”

  “Yes, yes, of course, I’m fine,” Magdalena answered crossly. “Let’s go.”

  The sheriff exchanged a glance with the doctor as the women turned to leave.

  “Sheriff?” Magdalena stopped suddenly.

  “Yes, Magdalena?”

  “Sister Theresa said it was Raphael that they were after, but they asked for a boy named Pablo. I told them there was no boy here by that name, but I think they will be back.”

  “You did the right thing, Magdalena. I’ll take care of it. I’ll need to speak with you as soon as I’m through here.” He added, his eyes assessing her.

  She nodded, gratefully accepting Sister Margaret’s support as they left the room.

  Once outside, Claire ran to Magdalena’s side, hugging her tightly. “Magdalena—are you all right?” She asked, pushing her out to arm’s length, taking in her blood-soaked dress.

  “Claire?” Magdalena cried, hugging her friend back as her body began to shiver. “I’m okay. This isn’t my blood, it’s Sister Theresa’s,” she admitted, her eyes dazed.

  “She’s in shock,” Sister Margaret said, "and the children said she hit her head on a chair when the bad man shoved her.”

  Magdalena’s hand went to her head, and she winced. “It was nothing. I’m fine,” she protested. “Help me find something to change into—I should be with the children.”

  “Some town’s women are with them, Magdalena. They are fine. Come with me. I’ll take you home and find you something to wear.” Claire insisted.

  “No.” Magdalena protested firmly. “I need to see the children. To be with them. They must be terribly frightened and I want them to know that I’m okay—plus Sully said he needs to talk to me as soon as he’s done helping with Sister Theresa.” Tears filled her eyes. “We need to pray for her,” she whispered.

  Claire sighed. “I think I have a smock in the wagon. Let me get that for you, and then we’ll go see the children. But then I am taking you home. Sully can talk with you there,” Claire insisted as two additional deputies arrived. “The sheriff is in the main building,” she advised the men. The deputies tilted their hats toward Claire and rushed toward the building.

  Claire pulled Magdalena with her toward the wagon with a backward glance toward the sister. “Go to the children, Sister Margaret. We’ll be right there. The town’s women will bring lunch for the children.” The sister nodded and moved toward the schoolroom.


  Magdalena felt better once she’d changed into Claire’s smock. She sipped the water Claire insisted she drink and then moved toward the schoolhouse with a purpose.

  Two of the sisters were with the children, along with two women from the village. Magdalena debated whether to continue with their classes or let the children take a break.

  “Raphael and Jose, please come to me,” she instructed after walking into the classroom.

  The boys moved to her, standing directly in front of her. “I’m so very proud of both of you,” she assured them with a smile. “You were very brave today and followed my instructions perfectly. You might well have saved Sister Theresa’s life.” Both of the boys seemed to grow an inch while standing in front of her—their big eyes never leaving hers. “You may return to your chairs,” she instructed.

  “Children?” Magdalena’s eyes swept over each child in the room. �
�What happened today was very scary for all of us, but I couldn’t be more proud of how well you handled yourselves.” She paused, and even the smallest children in the room watched her with rapt attention.

  “The doctor is helping Sister Theresa now, and we need to pray together for her. Please bow your heads.” She waited until each head was bowed and then prayed:

  Dear Heavenly Father,

  We are so grateful for Your protection today, and for helping Raphael and Jose be very brave and follow important instructions. We thank You for bringing help quickly and ask that you would be with Doctor Holloway and Sheriff Sully as they help Sister Theresa. We ask that you would protect and heal her. Thank you for these wonderful children. I ask for Your protection for them as well. We pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

  “Amen,” the children echoed, as they each made the sign of the cross, then opened their eyes.

  “Some women will be here shortly from the town, and they are bringing a special lunch for us,” the children wiggled in their chairs but made no sound. She smiled, her heart swelling with pride again. “I have to talk to the sheriff, so our class will be dismissed for today and we will resume first thing tomorrow morning.”

  She blinked her eyes rapidly to hold back tears. “You are dismissed—and children? Make sure you thank the sisters and the women who bring you lunch today. Please remember!” She exclaimed as the children walked quickly toward the door.

  “Yes, Miss Allen,” they echoed, barely containing their excitement as they raced out the door the moment they reached the threshold.

  Magdalena stared after them, then moved toward her desk after the last child filed out of the room.

  “Are you sure you’re okay,” Claire asked, moving to her friend’s side as Magdalena sunk into the chair behind her desk.

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine.” Then Magdalena turned her attention toward Claire. “Do you know what the story is with Raphael?”

  “With Raphael? What do you mean?”

  “There were three men who came—no burst—into the classroom,” Magdalena gestured toward the splintered doorjamb where the lock was broken. “They were looking for a boy named Pablo.” Magdalena shivered and Claire covered her hand with her own. “I told them there isn’t a Pablo here—and there isn’t—but then Sister Theresa told me they were looking for Raphael.”

  “I’m not sure what the story is,” Claire admitted, “but Sully probably does. We’ll ask him later.”

  Magdalena nodded. “They’ll be back—I can just feel it.”

  “Then Sully will make sure we’re ready when and if they do,” Claire declared with confidence.

  Magdalena smiled at her; Claire’s confidence in her husband was endearing. “Yes, yes, I’m sure he will.”

  Both women glanced up as Jim and Mary burst through the door. “Claire! Magdalena! Are you all right?”

  Magdalena jumped in her seat. “Goodness, you two, you scared me.”

  “Sorry,” Jim admitted sheepishly. “We just heard what happened, and Sully asked us to come find you.”

  “Is it Sister Theresa? Is she okay?” Magdalena jumped up from her chair, moving quickly toward Jim.

  “Yes, I think so. It sounds like they think she’s going to make it, but Sully’s looking for you—he’s worried. The children said one of the men was rough with you.”

  Magdalena rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, but I need to talk to the sheriff and make sure Sister Theresa is okay.”

  “Come Magdalena, I’ll go with you. I’m staying with you from this point forward, and I won’t leave your side.” Claire declared, taking her friend by the hand and marching toward the door.


  “Is there anything else you can remember? Any other details you can tell me?” Sully asked, his eyes studying Magdalena.

  “No, I think that’s everything. The men spoke Spanish, although they knew English, and they were looking for a boy named Pablo.” Magdalena paused and rubbed her arm where the man had squeezed it, hard. “I told them there was no boy here by that name—then the lead man told me that if I was lying to them, he would be back—and he wouldn’t just hurt me. He said he would hurt the children, too.” Her voice trailed off, her eyes filled with fear.

  Claire squeezed Magdalena’s hand. “Sully won’t let that happen, Mags. Right, Sully?”

  Sully’s eyes moved to Claire’s. “We’ll do everything we can to protect them,” he assured her.

  “There were five of them in total.” Magdalena continued as Doctor Holloway walked into the room. “Five of them on horseback, but only three came into the classroom. The leader—he’s the one who spoke to me—he’s the same one who shot Sister Theresa.” Magdalena’s eyes moved to Doc Holloway’s, and she stood. “Sister Theresa—is she going to be okay?”

  Lance Holloway moved to Magdalena and took her hands in his, looking deeply into her eyes. “I think she’s going to pull through—in large thanks to you. You probably saved her life by acting so quickly, Magdalena,” he confirmed.

  Magdalena’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you for saving her—,” she looked away quickly.

  He smiled, then cupped her gently under the chin, forcing her eyes back to hers. “And what about you? Hm? Are you okay?” He asked softly, his eyes examining hers.

  “Yes,” she staggered back as her lips parted and warmth flooded stomach. She took a deep breath, then narrowed her eyes, “But if another person asks me that again today I’m going to—,” she stuttered— “this is not about me. It’s about Sister Theresa and the children.” She blurted, heat rising in her cheeks. “Speaking of, can I see her?” She asked, licking her lips, her eyes darting away from Doc Holloway’s to Sheriff Sully’s.

  Lance sighed, his eyes resting on the thready pulse in the valley of her neck. “Only for a brief moment. She needs her rest, and so do you.”

  Magdalena’s eyes darted back to his, and then away. “Thank you. I won’t keep her,” she assured him, “I just want her to know that I’m praying for her.”

  He nodded and stepped aside, following her into the room where Sister Theresa was resting.

  Magdalena carefully sat on the edge of the bed and Sister Theresa’s eyes opened into hers. “Hello, Sister,” she smiled. “You’ll be in good care. The children are all fine—,”


  “Shh,” Magdalena soothed. “Yes, Raphael and all the children are fine.”

  “You?” The sister whispered.

  “Yes, I’m fine, too. The men are gone and deputies are with the children. I have to go back to Claire’s to change, but I’ll be back.”

  Magdalena heard Lance clear his throat behind her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can be,” she clarified. “The children and I prayed for you, and they’ll be so glad to know you’re okay. Rest, and I’ll check back on you soon.”

  The sister’s eyes closed, and Magdalena held her hand for a moment longer before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on the sister’s forehead, then stood to leave.

  “Go with Claire, Magdalena. I’ll check in on you later,” Lance Holloway assured her.

  “No—,” Magdalena started to protest.

  “Don’t argue with me.” Lance’s voice was firm, his eyes unwavering.

  Magdalena’s eyes flew up to his, surprise swirling through them. “Yes, sir,” she agreed, as much to her own astonishment, as his.

  Claire and Sully exchanged a look and then Claire reached for Magdalena’s hand. “Let’s go, Mags. I’m taking you home.”


  “Why wouldn’t Sully tell me what’s going on with Raphael?” Magdalena complained, her head resting against the back of the tub while Claire added more hot water.

  “I’m not sure, Mags. We can ask him when he gets home, but I don’t know how much he’ll tell us. Maybe he’s trying to protect you,” she suggested, a frown overtaking the normally happy face.

you think that’s why?”

  “It’s possible. It could be that’s part of what saved you, the children, and Raphael today—the fact that you didn’t know Pablo was really Raphael.”

  Magdalena nodded. “That makes sense. But what happens if the men come back to take him, or hurt the children?” She felt fear grip her stomach hard, like a rock.

  “Sully won’t let that happen, Magdalena.”

  Magdalena nodded. “I feel much better knowing the deputies will take shifts protecting the children and the sisters.” She pressed a hand to her temple.

  “Does your head hurt?”

  “It depends. Are you going to tell on me?” Magdalena lifted an eyebrow at her friend accusingly before answering.

  Claire narrowed her eyes at her friend. “I won’t, I promise. Trust me,” she clarified, “I know what a pain it is to have their overprotective focus on me, and it’s not fun. But Mags, if you’re hurt, we should let Lance check you over.”

  “I’m not hurt. I promise. It’s just a bump, and you of all people know just how hard my head is.”

  They giggled.

  “All right,” Claire agreed. “I’ll leave you to your bath. Let me know if you need anything, okay?”

  “I will.”

  There was a knock at the door as Claire turned to leave.

  Magdalena hissed. “If that’s him, do not let him in here!”

  Claire laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. Friends forever, remember?”

  Magdalena giggled at her reference to their childhood cheer. “Friends forever,” she agreed as Claire closed the door behind her.

  Magdalena listened to sound of voices drifting through the house as she dipped low into the water, letting it soothe her tight muscles. She washed her hair, then pulled the drain, stood and grabbed the towel Claire left behind, drying herself quickly. She was just about to get dressed when a soft knock on the door gave her pause. “Yes?”


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