Embracing the Celestial Way [Celestial Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Embracing the Celestial Way [Celestial Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Rebecca Joyce

  Celestial Nights 2

  Embracing the Celestial Way

  Savannah Miles is in a rut. Tired of the humdrum of city life, she leaves everything for a grand adventure to go where the wind blows her. Only she didn’t expect the wind to blow her to the small town of Celestial, Montana.

  Hercules Meriwether is cursed. A walking, talking caution sign, he lives his life as best as he can, with frequent trips to the emergency room. When Raven calls upon him for a favor, he worries that the Universe is playing another joke on him.

  Virgo Hummel wants nothing to do with his home town of Celestial. He is all set to leave when Raven asks for a favor. Unable to deny her anything, he finds himself once again in the Universe’s hands.

  It’s Festival week in Celestial and everyone is ready for some fun. Accepting the inevitable isn’t easy for three lost souls, especially when the Universe wants them to embrace the Celestial Way.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 39,545 words


  Celestial Nights 2

  Rebecca Joyce


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Rebecca Joyce

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-533-2

  First E-book Publication: October 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Dear Readers,

  First off, I want to say thank you. If it weren’t for all of you, I would not be doing this today.

  Since the beginning of Treasure Cove, every one of you has stuck with me, encouraged me, laughed, cried, and gasped with me as the residents of Treasure Cove lived their lives. Through it all, you have been there as I continued my journey, and because of that, I wanted to give you something back, something I knew all of you had been waiting for.

  From the first moment I introduced the crazy characters of Celestial, I knew there was something special about them, from Pisces, the naked Sheriff, to Pandora, the crazy Goth-hippie receptionist at the Best Lay Hotel. All of them, every one, has been a joy to write about and create, and they are all for you…my readers, my friends.

  Celestial Nights is my gift to you, my thank-you.


  Celestial Nights 2


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Chicago, Illinois…

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Savannah Miles looked at her sister and without a doubt in her mind, she replied, “Yes.” Adding the last blouse into her suitcase, she had packed everything she thought she was ever going to need, knowing that she wasn’t coming back. Savannah had all she could take, and what time she had left, she was taking for herself. She wanted to experience life, not more hospitals and all the latest pharmaceutical advances. Lives was too short and before she left the planet she wanted to live, have some fun, and maybe if she was lucky have a little adventure. Something she had never done and honestly had been too chicken to do until now.

  She hadn’t come to this decision lightly, nothing ever did where she was concerned. She had thought on it for weeks, months, but if she wanted to be honest with herself, she had thought about doing this much longer, ever since she met the great Dr. Raymond Woodburn.

  The top oncologist in his profession, he was well known and highly recommended. When she met him, she was enamored with him and the possibilities he had at his disposal. He was everything she was looking for and more. He was a nice man, a kind man, and very gentle. Every time they met, he was always very respectful and honest with her. He never lied and believed in doing the right thing. In all honesty, she actually believed he was the last sincere man on the planet. He was literally too good to be true.

  She never tired of looking at his beautiful face. A handsome man, that was true, but he was more. He had an air of mystery and seduction about him that always had her coming back, hoping, and praying for…well…just more. Too bad, the man was a complete disappointment. .

  Over the years that she had gotten to know him, she found out a lot about the man who was one of Boston’s most renowned oncologists and most eligible bachelors. Dr. Woodburn was very well educated, attending Cornell University, graduating Suma Cum Laude. He did his residency at Johns Hopkins, and settled in Boston after his father’s death to be closer to his mother. He started his private practice with an old college buddy, but mainly worked at the hospital and after ten years of innovated treatments and cures, he was well known throughout the world as the most successful oncologist ever. In his spare time, he liked to play hockey, racquetball, and when he needed a good mental challenge, his preferred chess.

  For all intents and purposes, he was the right man, but now at this particular juncture in
her life, she didn’t need “right” anymore, she needed, no, wanted anything but right. The man was a complete dud, a total waste of her time, and if it hadn’t taken her three years to come to that conclusion, she could have been on this life-altering, life-searching adventure already.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Savannah zipped her suitcase, pulled on the handle releasing the handle bar, and yanked hard. The bag rolled behind her as she grabbed her coat and headed for the front door. “I am doing this because I have to. For the first time in my life, I am going to live for me. I want a life I never had, and I am going live…without regret,” she replied and walked out the front door to the waiting cab parked in front of her house.

  Looking at her watch, Savannah smiled, because in less than four minutes, her sister was going to be officially a homeowner. Technically, it wasn’t her house anymore, and that thought made her smiled broader. Handing the driver her bag, she didn’t bother looking back. Her future was before her. She knew if she turned, she would chicken out and cave. She couldn’t do that anymore. From now on, she was going to look at the positive. She had time, and her time was precious. Grabbing her future by the balls, she shut the door, and clearly said, “O’Hare Airport, please.”

  Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a pen and the bright green index card she had worked days on. Everything that she wanted to accomplish and experience was on a simple three-by-five card. It seemed trivial and silly, but this card meant so much to her. It represented her life, and she couldn’t wait to get started. Scratching out the first line, Savannah’s heart fluttered. She was going to fly today. For the first time in her life, she was going to fly high above the clouds, and be free as a bird, well, as free as a seven-forty-seven American Airline plane would allow her. It wasn’t much, but it was a start, and she would take it, happily.

  * * * *

  That same evening in Celestial…

  Hercules walked into his apartment over the Herculean Gym, and wondered how it was possible that V didn’t know what effect he had on him. For the last month, Hercules painfully stood by and watched as his old friend moved his belongings and relocated back home to Celestial. He was happy for Virgo, and wanted him to stay, but at night, when it was just the two of them, Hercules prayed to the Gods for strength.

  V was driving him crazy. He’d been doing it a lot lately, though Hercules never said anything. He rather liked the floorshow. Grinning, he took a quick look at the clock on the wall, and readied himself on the couch. The magnificent floorshow was going to start in t-minus, three…two…one.

  The door to the bathroom opened and V padded out straight from the shower, dripping wet. He stood there on the carpet, within clear sight, and whipped the towel off from around his waist and started to dry himself down. He was whistling and chatting to himself, apparently oblivious to the fact that Hercules couldn’t catch his breath well enough to save his life.

  Dear Goddess, Virgo was beautiful.

  Tall, strong muscled and deeply tanned, Virgo was the spitting image of his brother Pisces, but more. There was just something more about the older twin, and right now, Hercules was looking at a very long and thick distinct difference. V was perfectly proportioned, from his shiny white teeth down to his size twelve-and-a-half feet. Everything, that is, except for his oversized cock and low-hanging heavy balls.

  Cosmos help him, because Hercules wanted to kneel before him, take those balls into his mouth, and suck them deep. Blinking, Hercules tried not to stare, but when someone as perfect as Virgo was within eyesight, how could he not? The man was a walking, talking reason for Viagra.

  Another reason Hercules didn’t mind having Virgo for a roommate was the fact that V slept in the nude. According to V, there was no reason to get dressed for bed when come morning he was going to have to change into something different. The man didn’t own a single stitch of nightwear, and because of that philosophy, on the second night of his arrival Hercules threw out all of his pajamas.

  Hercules sat motionless as Virgo moved around the room like a dancer, like a big cat stalking its prey, with his heavy cock swaying back and forth. He tried to look away, but he just couldn’t ignore the dark-haired beauty. Hercules was glad he was sitting on the couch, because he would have been very embarrassed for V to see the hard on he was giving him.

  At length, V stretched out on his bed and read a sports magazine. His free hand was gliding along the contours of his torso and occasionally down to his cock, and Hercules watched him from the corner of his eye, aching to run his hands where V’s were going.

  Hercules thanked the Universe for his large studio apartment. Because of his curse, Hercules opted out on remodeling the large apartment with walls. Nope, he was better with the wide-open space, with lots of room for his space furniture. Looking around the vast space, Hercules wished he had better accommodations to offer Virgo, but the man was a good with all the room. Still, it rubbed Hercules wrong, that because of his curse, he couldn’t give the man some privacy. Then, without the curse, he would be able to have his nightly floorshows. Hercules never thought he would be happy about the curse that was put upon him many years ago, but right now, he considered it a blessing. Now, if he could only walk across a street with needing stitches, staples, or a plaster cast.

  “Gonna hit the sack, Herc,” Virgo said as he sat up, leaned over, and turned off the small lamp on the table beside his bed. “I start early tomorrow, and I already have my first customer.”

  “No problem,” Hercules replied.

  With the light out, V pulled a sheet over his beautiful body and lay there on his back with his eyes closed tight.

  “I’ll have the lights off in a few minutes,” Hercules said.

  “No problem,” V replied, already yawning. “You do whatever makes you happy.”

  Funny thing about his happiness…Hercules’s happiness was slowly closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep. For as long as he could remember, Hercules was in love with Virgo. Of course, he never spoke a word to anyone about it, but that didn’t mean what he felt or still felt wasn’t real. That was the thing about Hercules that most people got wrong, yeah, he stood close to seven feet tall, and sometimes he literally felt as if he were chiseled out of granite by the Gods, but his heart was all his, and his alone. That was something he guarded very closely, and rarely, if ever, showed to anyone.

  His happiness fell to pieces the day Virgo moved away from Celestial. Since then, he lived a half-life, going about his day, until the sun set in the west and rose the next day in the east. He tried to move on, and even hung out with Moon Goddess for a bit. Hercules thought that if he could try to fall in love with Moon, then maybe the hurt would go away, but he only felt friendship toward the town Matriarch’s granddaughter. They were good friends, too, and still were, but since her cousin Delphenia cursed him, his time with Moon was less and less.

  Hercules realized soon after, that the more time he spent with Moon, the worse his accidents were, so for self-preservation alone, he stayed away. However, now that Virgo was back and staying with him, if Hercules wanted any chance at a real life, he was going to have to take a leap of faith and risk everything.

  Reaching for his cell phone, Hercules dialed one of the three numbers he had saved in his contact list. Sitting there as he waited for the ringing to stop, he watched Virgo as each breath became more regular. He had pined for Virgo for so long. It still amazed him that V was actually here. Hercules wondered what V would do if he knew how much he wanted him.

  His sinful lust for his one and only true love had only been heightened when he came home a week ago and found V jacking off in the shower, murmuring his name as the steam billowed around his firm body. It was one of the most erotic things Hercules had ever seen and though his friend didn’t know it, Hercules came right along with him. Just thinking about that day had his cock straining against his jeans, his body wild for him now. Before it had only been a remote dream, now it seemed like a possibility…if only he could
get rid of this curse.


  Snapping out of waking dream, Hercules stood and whispered, “Hey, can you come over in the morning, before sunrise? I need your help with something.”

  “Sure , no problem. What’s up?”

  Hercules didn’t waste any time talking, and after a few minutes, he sighed in relief, knowing that in a few short hours, he just might get the reprieve he needed to act on a lifelong dream. He didn’t know where he got the courage from to even contemplate doing this, but for the man sleeping not even fifty feet from him, Hercules would move the earth to have five minutes of happiness. After hanging up, he placed his phone on the coffee table, when he heard the bed sheets rustle. Looking over at V, Hercules noticed that one of his legs had come out from under the sheet. Fixated on that deeply tanned leg, with its heavily muscled calf and thigh, Hercules felt himself mentally drawn to the sleeping man. V snorted in his sleep, and an edge of the sheet came off one side of his chest as well. Hercules stared at his well-defined chest and at the nipple peeking out just at the side of the sheet, dark brown, round, and full. Now he was physically drawn to him.

  V could catch a cold, Hercules thought to himself. He should be covered.

  Moving closer to the bed, Hercules sat down beside V’s leg. He lifted the sheet to pull it back onto his body, but he found himself moving it off the rest of his body instead and folding it over toward the end of the bed. Virgo was stretched out on his back on the bed his arms raised above his head…beauty in repose. His breathing was regular, and his magnificent chest was rising and falling in a rhythm that was making Hercules’s blood run hot.


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