The President's Secret Baby

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The President's Secret Baby Page 113

by Gage Grayson

  "You know, Marcus, I'm free anytime you would like to have dinner, or perhaps a drink?" she asks.

  "Maybe," is all I say.

  This is new territory for me, being so set on one woman. And yet, I know that it's my new truth. Katy will never escape my thoughts.

  I am determined to find her, even if I have to travel to the ends of the earth.

  I’ve set my sights only on her, and I'm hoping my investigative team does such a good job that I don't have to personally travel around the world looking for her. One thing’s for sure. If they don't get this done, they're fired.

  I check my phone repeatedly, something I've been doing for the last two weeks, to see if my investigators have found her.

  I hired the best investigative team in town and yet she's evaded even their watch. I knew she was good, but I'm always surprised at exactly how good she is at not being found.

  I drive home from the studio and make another call to my investigator, Mark.

  "Have you found her? Tell me that you finally found her."

  "Sorry, Marcus. You know I would've called you first thing if we had her. I have all my guys on it. We're searching the city, but she just hasn’t come up on our radar. I don't know what else to tell you."

  "Well, you have to do better. I need her found, understand? I'm becoming impatient," I say, barely able to hide the fury in my voice.

  I go to my building and ride the elevator up to my penthouse. I'm looking forward to pouring myself a very stiff drink and falling asleep. Days and nights blur together. The one person I care about is gone.

  Maybe she's already in Mexico by now or somewhere tropical. Maybe she’s gone to Europe under a new name. Maybe she’s forgotten all about me.

  The one thing I do know is that my finest bottle of scotch is waiting for me.

  I walk into my dark penthouse that is lit up only by the glittering city lights outside. I walk to the bar and pour myself a scotch.

  Before I can even take a sip, though, I see the figure standing in the window—and it looks familiar.

  I can see the perfectly curved lines of her body outlined against the moonlight.

  Can it be? Am I dreaming?


  She turns around and I see her face. My heart nearly explodes with happiness. I thought I’d never see her again.

  "Did you mean all those things that you said?" she asks. "Are you really changing the corporate infrastructure of your company? Are you going to help people?"

  I dare not walk towards her lest she runs away. I still don't know what she's doing here and whether she forgives me.

  I stand still and say, "Yes, Katy, it's all true. It's all because of you. Everything in the news is true. I'm doing everything I can to win you back."

  She walks towards me and I feel my heart beat faster.

  I see her face at last as she comes into view. She looks so gorgeous.

  "But you betrayed me, Marcus. You were faking it all along," she says.

  "Let me explain. You've never given me a chance to explain. At first, yes, I wanted to get inside information about how you and your former associates were going to infiltrate my bank. I knew I was your target. You would've done the same thing in my position."

  "I never would've been in your position," she says with a scoff. "I would never work at a bank."

  "But listen,” I press on, “I started to fall for you. Everything about our intimacy is true. I never faked anything besides my name. I wanted to tell you, Katy, but the timing was never right. I fell in love with you. I am in love with you. And I should've just told you sooner. I'm sorry."

  I try to maintain my composure, but it’s difficult. I’ve never felt like this for anyone before and I know she hasn't either. Our connection is too real, too strong to be denied.

  But she doesn’t say anything. She's silent for so long that I wonder if this is our closure, that maybe she can't forgive me.

  "Katy," I ask, "do you love me?"

  She slowly nods her head. Without a word, I wrap my arms around her. She tilts her head up and I kiss her more intimately and passionately than ever before.

  "I never thought I would taste these lips again," I say to her. "I'm sorry, Katy. I will never hide anything from you again, I promise. And I'll do anything you want, if only you promise to never leave me. I can't have you out of my sight ever again. I need you. I want you."

  She smiles up at me and says, “Then show me how much you have missed me."

  As she says these words, her hand slides inside my pants to feel my throbbing cock and I know I've been forgiven.


  I'm sitting in the dark, in my comfort zone.

  At last, my life seems on track.

  I'm still a hacker and that's how I like it. I haven't lost my identity at all. The police are off my case and there's a certain freedom in knowing that you're not wanted by the FBI.

  I'm alone in a room with nothing but the light of my computer to illuminate me. I like to be alone and that will never change.

  I'm hacking the security system of a bank—a very big one. It's what I do best and I'll never tire of it.

  I'm also munching on junk food and drinking an iced coffee. All is as it should be. I haven't had to give up any part of myself for anyone.

  I'm still just the same—untrusting of most people and trying to keep myself out of the limelight.

  I prefer to be masked in shadows and darkness. I still know that I can get myself in and out of any situation that I come across. I am still as adept as ever at taking care of myself.

  My life is pretty good and I wouldn't want it any other way.

  What would I be without hacking, after all? This is my line of work and I wouldn't change it for anyone, not even for Marcus.

  The great thing is he hasn't expected me to change in any real way except that I must give myself to him—body, mind, and soul—every single day.

  He's the only man I've ever allowed into my private space, my intimate, self-sufficient circle of existence. And he deserves to have this because he has proved to me, in every way, that he is someone I can trust.

  I'm in love with him now more than ever, and that love only grows every single day as I uncover all the layers of his being.

  I never imagined a man such as Marcus could exist. I never imagined I could lose myself in somebody else's strength.

  He's so in control and all-powerful that it's easy for me to relax and let him take charge.

  It's the perfect balance. When I'm with him, I know I can let go because he will catch if I fall. My world has become secure in many ways—most of them mundane, but I realize what I've been missing out on.

  I'm relishing my alone time and these moments in the dark when suddenly, light fills the room.

  I look towards the door but I already know who it is.

  "Hi, Marcus, what's up?" I ask, appreciating his gorgeous body in that well-fitting suit.

  "Nothing. I just wanted to check in on you and make sure everything's all right."

  I purse my lips before saying to him," Well, you're being a distraction. I'm trying to get some work done."

  He's endlessly checking up on me, and I have to say I love it. I love being the focus of his adoration. I love being the only woman in his life.

  We're in the beginning stages of planning our wedding. Obviously, it will be somewhere remote and it will be just us.

  Even though I’m in love, and even though I'm a changed person since having met Marcus, I still like things my way. And luckily, he respects that.

  He comes over to me and rubs my shoulders. His touch sends pulses of electricity through my body. I can never say no to him, and I'm always craving him. It's a perfect world.

  "Babe," I say with a groan, "you are seriously distracting me. I'm almost in the system."

  "You are? Well, that's not good. You shouldn't be able to penetrate it."

  "Did you say ‘penetrate’?" I tease. "I'm almost in and that means bad things for your sy

  Marcus has a new security system on his bank. And my role is to try to hack into it on a regular basis to make sure that it's well-armed. I'm the newest member of his company's IT department—and I'm also the best.

  I've moved into Marcus's penthouse and it's a welcome change from my old life. I never thought I could be this happy.

  I never thought that I needed another person or a place that felt like home. But with Marcus, everything has changed. He makes me desire a better life. He lets me know that it's okay for me to be happy.

  At the same time, we've started multiple charitable organizations. He's a billionaire, after all, and he can afford it. Besides, we both want to help the world whatever way we can.

  In fact, I have several overseas trips planned for us to see where we can help things along in terms of the refugee crisis and homelessness in other countries.

  We're going to Europe to look at their models of integrated health care and everything else.

  Marcus is rich and he has connections. I am fully planning on taking advantage of those connections to help people wherever I can.

  Even though I'm living this glitzy lifestyle, I will never forget how I started—as a kid on the streets, an orphan. No one wanted me, and that makes me determined to help other children find good homes and build better futures.

  Lucky for me, Marcus has helped me legitimize my business. Suddenly, hacking is a good thing and not a criminal activity.

  I don't steal anymore because I don't have to. With Marcus's help, we've been able to establish so many charities and so much publicity for them that I don't even need to steal.

  People are donating left, right, and center. It's as if we're creating a new standard for the world and we're doing it together.

  Marcus trails kisses along my neck. He knows that I won’t be able to resist. He spins me around in my swivel chair and pulls me up towards the bed.

  With a gentle push, he has me lying before him on his massive California King. He unzips my jeans enthusiastically.

  We kiss for a long time, appreciating each other and craving each other all at once.

  But then, I wrangle myself from under his touch and leave him lying alone on the bed.

  "I have work to do, Marcus. Do you want someone to hack into your system while I'm busy having fun with you?"

  He pulls my arm before I can get away and soon, he has me underneath the weight of his large frame.

  "You're not going anywhere," he says with a smile. "You're mine. For now and forever."

  I can tell by the hungry look in his eyes that he means business. I'm not going anywhere. He won't allow me to get off this bed until I'm sore and freshly fucked.

  "Okay, fine." I give up all resistance. "But let me just tell you this...You're going to have to pay me overtime."

  Marcus laughs and continues to peel off my clothes, layer by layer, piece by piece.

  I start to get so wet, and he can feel it through my thong. He bends down to taste me, moving the small scrap of fabric with his teeth so that he has full access to my pussy.

  I arch my back and try to take in the waves of pleasure that he's causing with his tongue.

  I know this is bliss. I know this is my happiness. Life might've knocked me down at the beginning, but it gave me strength and taught me how to fight for myself. This is something I had to learn on my own.

  Had I known what sort of fate awaited me, I would have been more eager to endure the hard times.

  If I hadn't grown up poor and alone, I wouldn't have known the harsh reality of life. My time in the trenches and on the outskirts of society have given me a certain perspective, a lens through which I can adequately see how to help people.

  I'm still a loner at heart, but I have Marcus at my side and together I know we can fight any battle.

  Finally, I have a partner-in-crime.

  And at this moment, he's tearing my lingerie off with his teeth and giving me a seductive grin.

  "Marcus," I say, "I can never get any work done as long as you insist on fucking me all day, every day."

  "And baby," he says, "that's never going to change."

  I lie back onto his soft comforter and just allow myself to soak in the joy of being with a man who understands me, a man who is not intimidated by my strength—and ultimately, a man who can contain my wild heart.

  I realize that I’m most myself in his arms, and this is certainly a surprise, considering I'm so used to being alone.

  I let go and soon, he has me seeing stars.

  Mad Love

  A Dark Psychological Romance

  By Aiden Forbes & Gage Grayson

  Copyright 2018 by Third Base Press

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.

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  The sound of flesh smacking into flesh is like music to my soul. The hard edge of bone being pounded close to its breaking point is poetry. A splash of blood flies through the air and lands in sprayed drops over my face.

  I feel a genuine smile creeping over my face. I don’t know if it’s the blood or the bitch sucking my cock that’s got me so warm and fuzzy. Probably both.

  I’m leaning against the hood of my limo. The parking garage is completely deserted on every floor. We’re a few floors up—one of my favorite spots to deliver justice.

  No cameras, no people this time of night. Just peace and quiet. You know, aside from the moans and screams.

  The bitch sitting on the hood behind me wriggles, her legs wrapping around my waist from behind. I take my eyes off the show in front of me for a few seconds to lean back against her.

  Her bare, bouncy young tits feel incredible as she grips me from behind, grinding her hips into my back. Her pussy is giving off heat against me as she watches her friend on her knees in front of me, going to town on my cock.

  I already fucked them both in the limo on the way here, of course. We picked them up…oh, fuck knows when. I can’t remember.

  I was raging on a high at that point as we nabbed our good friend Senator Dickens. My blood has been running hot for this fucker since yesterday’s six-o’clock news.

  He had stated in a public press conference that I am a ‘loose cannon’, whatever the fuck that means. He explicitly said those exact words!

  “Jaxon Covington is a madman. He cannot be trusted. All his political dealings are suspect. He is a loose cannon, and I will not have meetings with him. My integrity will not be damaged by any interactions with him or his outfits, and I suggest that my colleagues do the same if they hope to keep their image clean in the upcoming political race.”

  My fists clench just thinking about it. I look back at the scene in front of me. Instantly, I feel soothed.

  I have four of my best guys working over Senator Dick right now. The cunt is in his fucking pajamas—can you believe that?

  We plucked him at 9:00 p.m. right out of his four-poster bed. Who the fuck is in bed at 9:00 p.m.? Even more, the whiny little shit was crying and blubbering the whole fucking drive.

  Made it pretty difficult to keep a boner, but these two sweet little bitches here made it work.

  I even offered him use of one of the girls, just to see his face. It was fucking priceless. I had both tandem sucking my cock at the time.

  One of my guys had yanked his pajamas down, and the girls laughed and said, “There’s no fucking way!” before he could even say yes or no.

  They had given the senator cheeky looks and giggled the whole time they worked their tongues up and down my giant cock, just taunting him.

  Credit to him, though. The sick shit kept watching!

  It was a moment of
pure pleasure to lean forward, fix him with my gaze, and whisper, “You might want try to convince them, buddy. You might not have a cock to play with before the night is over.”

  He had already run through the “You’ll never get away with this” and the “Someone will stop you” by the time we got here. Honestly, it was starting to get annoying.

  When I leaned against the bonnet and pushed the redhead onto her knees, I had my guys drag him out of the car and start working him over. Senator Dick just started blubbering, his whiny screams of “No!” and “Help me!” echoing through the parking garage.

  My boys surrounded him in a ring, shoving him from one to the other like a fucked-up game of catch.

  He’s kept on his feet for some time now. Honestly, I’m a bit impressed. For a mid-fifties guy in blue striped pajamas, he’s coping well.

  I’ve seen drug dealers tap out and start crying for their mommas much quicker than this.

  I put a hand on the bitch’s head, gripping her skull through the red hair. I force her head down so my cock goes right into her throat. At the same time, one of my guys punches Senator Dick hard.

  Blood and teeth hit the ground. I rock my hips, and the bitch gives a little cry through a hard gag.

  Looks like my huge cock might be too much. Damn shame.

  By their looks, I had thought they’d be a little more skilled. At least that rules out them being hookers, right?

  They had been walking down the street when we were on our way to Dick’s house. Both dressed a bit punkish—the blonde behind me even has a few piercings, and the redhead has some nice tattoos.

  They had taken my money, drank my booze, and smoked my cigars as I traded between them. But hookers or not, they’re going to do as they’re fucking told.

  I hold her head down, and she gasps as my cock jerks down her throat. She tries to swallow, then pulls away, gasping, eyes watering. She sways on her knees, looking all hurt and vulnerable.

  If she doesn’t stop it, I’m going to get rock-hard all over again.


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