The President's Secret Baby

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The President's Secret Baby Page 128

by Gage Grayson

  I bring my head forward, facing him, and I give him a beaming smile, much like the one he’s already giving me.

  “The pleasure’s all mine, Mr. Covington,” I say cheekily.

  “Oh, my. Please, doll. Call me Jaxon,” he responds.


  I can tell a shiver courses down his spine as soon as his name passes my lips. He’s absolutely ecstatic to have me here.

  What a strange night it’s been that’s led us to this point.

  “You know, I must say, Jaxon,” I start, watching his face as his name exits my mouth, seeing pleasure in his body language, “I’m impressed with you this evening.”

  “Impressed? Well, perfect,” he comments. “Tell me, Alison. Is it my lovely home? The large hot tub? Or the drinks?”

  He takes a sip of his beverage, awaiting my reply.

  “Oh, honestly, it’s none of the above, I’m afraid,” I start. His face draws a certain level of confusion that I just find adorable. “It’s how you handled yourself earlier.”

  “Oh, that. Well, that was nothing, love,” he says, trying to play off the action.

  The modesty he’s showing is also an incredible feat on its own. I’d never met someone so narcissistic in my life in the old Jaxon.

  “No, Jaxon. It was absolutely something!” I assure him. “You managed to stop yourself from murdering someone that flipped your worst switch.”

  He’s blushing at this point. There’s that loveable, overly confident man coming to the surface.

  “And with my witnessing the altercation and seeing you back yourself down, I can actually deem you as rehabilitated. I’m so incredibly proud of you and how far you’ve come.”

  “Ah, Ali. I can’t wait to make that official,” he comments.

  And I’m sure. I couldn’t imagine being locked up in prison, just sitting around waiting to get the fuck out. I’d be restless, too.

  Just like he is. And that his anger hasn’t gotten the best of him while he’s been left in a cell to fester is noteworthy.

  Diagnosed psychopath or not, any man that goes to prison leaves humble, but with some goddamn anger issues like no one would believe.

  The statistics on this are incredible. Seeing it all the time solidifies it, but someone unfamiliar with the environment might just be shocked.

  So I’m just flabbergasted and over the moon about Jaxon’s progress. I knew tonight was a great idea.

  “You know, Jaxon,” I start.

  “Yes, dollface?”

  “Nevermind. I shouldn’t.”

  His lips curl into a smile, and he lifts his glass.

  “Of course you should. Tell me. You know you want to,” he encourages me and takes a sip of his drink.

  “It’s just…I guess a small part of me’s just the littlest bit disappointed I didn’t get to see you in action again,” I admit.

  “In action…you wanted me to stab that dumb motherfucker?”

  “I think a small part of me did,” I admit, my cheeks now hot and rosy from my confession.

  “God, woman. You’re impossible to please.”

  “Oh, no, I don’t mean it like that. I’m much happier that you didn’t. You’re getting better! So much better.”


  “I guess I’m saying a part of me would’ve felt something about either course of action. There’s no wrong way to impress me, but only one right choice for yourself. And you chose correctly,” I explain.

  “Look, sweets. You don’t need to explain yourself. I get it,” he replies.

  He places his glass on the edge of the tub and leans in close.

  “You’re a darker, dirtier girl than you lead on, Alison. And I love everything about this side of you. You’ve got the looks, the smarts, and now I know you have the demons, too. And I want all of it.”

  His words send a jolt of pleasure through my body. The heat from the pool, the drinks, and Jaxon’s impeccable charm all have me squirming in my seat.

  His waiter comes from the indoors to deliver refills for our drinks.

  “What’s your next round going to be, Mr. Covington? Ms. Hughes?” he asks.

  “Oh, nothing more for me, thanks,” I decline politely.

  “I’m alright as well. Actually, could you excuse us for the evening? We’ll be fine on our own,” requests Jaxon.

  “Of course, sir. You know where to find me.”

  “Alison,” Jaxon starts, taking a sip of his last drink. “How long have you had these dark thoughts?”

  I’m taking a strawful of my own drink as he asks, and it gets caught in my throat and I spit it out all over myself.

  “Sorry about that,” I say. “Oh my gosh. I just wasn’t expecting that.”

  Jaxon leans in, wiping my breast with his bare hand. His touch sends goosebumps all over my body and a lump in my throat.

  “Ali, it’s fine. Really. Just answer the question.”

  My heart’s thumping so loud and hard, I’m afraid his hand will feel it.

  “Well, I’m just not sure that I can. Before knowing you, I didn’t know a whole lot about myself. And I’ve been so focused on rehabilitating you, I haven’t been worried about me.”

  “Right, well, when you figure it out, Ali, you’ll know where to find me. Thanks to you, I’m going to be a free man soon.”

  We smile at each other and hold our drinks out to toast.

  “To us, Alison.”

  “To us, Jaxon.”

  Our glasses meet between us and clink before we return them to our lips to have a sip.


  The dinner was wonderful. I saw her face change in a million different ways of delight over the beautifully prepared food. We shared our dessert, putting a spoonful of my chocolate cake on her ice cream, and I amused her by trying to steal all of hers when I took a spoonful from her plate.

  It’s nice to play. I don’t know if I ever have.

  She said the ice cream was the best. I told her she was the best dinner date I’d ever had.

  The place was so still and quiet as we left. The feeling that the world only exists as a stage for my will could not be stronger.

  Look at me, making memories like a sane person. I almost don’t know my own mind.

  It’s her. Alison. Ali.

  She’s intoxicating.

  I understand intellectually that she stopped me reacting to my trigger. But I can’t admit it emotionally because that would mean…I’m not restrained.

  I’m beaten. Tamed.

  She doesn’t want it, either. She’s admitted that now.

  We snuggle close in the limo. I hold her against my chest as she wraps an arm around my waist. Her eyes are focused out the dark window as her hand strokes me gently near the waist.

  Nothing matters but now.

  Now, in the warm water with her. I find out exactly what I needed to know. I knew it just had to be true.

  I knew it. She’s dark inside, just like me.

  I could see it in that glare against her gaze. She seems compassionate, even caring.

  But really, there’s only calculation. Solving the puzzle, not a genuine interest.

  And I also know she’ll never be done figuring me out. That’s why it’s perfect. She’ll entrance me until the end of time, and she’ll keep trying to solve me like a puzzle.

  So much fire and ice in one woman. The flare of sensuality and release—that sweet, slow tide of desire blooming inside her while the cold spider in her mind only sees the why.

  I slip around behind her and begin to rub her shoulders, just gently. I want her to want me.

  I don’t want to take her. I want her to beg me.

  I want her to take me.

  She turns in my arms, looking up at me as her arms go around my neck. She folds into me, slippery, wet, hot woman rubbing against me in the warm bubbles.

  My cock’s raging hard and begging to impale her, but I keep my kiss gentle and sweet. I touch her waist, her hips. I reach up and stroke her hair gently.
br />   She begins to reach into the kiss with her lips and teeth. She pushes me back against the step, and I let the water slide my legs up as I sit against it.

  She grips my shoulders and wraps her legs around me, kissing me with her mouth wide open. She rocks her hips against me.

  I moan now, grabbing at her hips. She bends toward me, and with one gentle hand, I guide my cock toward her thrusts.

  She feels it, hard against her clit and inner lips, and she grips me harder with her thighs, pulling with her arms.

  She forces herself onto me. She’s tight, but I don’t move, not one inch. She slides onto my shaft, starting to rock from the hard grip of her knees.

  “Oh, Ali,” I whisper through the kiss.

  She leans back, smiling. Her hands grip my shoulders harder now as she pushes against me, learning the length of herself as her pussy grips at the hard inches of my cock.

  Her smile flickers sweetly on her lips as she bobs up and down. I stay still, holding her gently around the waist to steady her as she uses hands and legs to make friction.

  I slip my hands down to grab her ass, and she leans back. The sight of those beautiful tits is too much for me, and I lean forward, mouthing at her nipples, catching them with my teeth.

  She grips the back of my head, forcing my mouth into her as she starts to pump harder and faster. I hear her moans and cries as her pussy tightens up, clamping on my cock. Her hands hold me so hard I think she’s leaving bruises.

  I don’t care. I don’t fucking care. I’m watching her, head back, damp hair clinging as her eyes close in complete ecstasy.

  Her moans become deep and low as she drives her pelvis against me, like her pussy’s savoring my cock by the inch. I feel her coming—great explosions deep inside that make her cling and gasp, falling over my shoulders.

  She breathes hard, all inner trembles settling down.

  “You okay?” I stroke her hair.

  I feel her nod. She pulls back and looks at me, and I think I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than her afterglow face, in wonder of the pleasure my body gives her.

  I spin her around slowly, putting her on the step as I slide my cock out of her. I reach down and rub her clit, knowing it’ll be sensitive from the recent orgasm. She rocks her hips into me forcefully, grabbing at my shoulders again as I firmly rub her clit with two fingers.

  New spasms cause her to throw her head back, her legs shaking as she gasps at the sky.

  Now she shudders, breathless, leaning back on the wall. I leave her to rest for a second, coming in for a sweet kiss.

  “What was that?” she asks.

  “Never read many sealed sections, have you?”

  “No.” She laughs. “Never had time. Not like I’m into those girly mags anyway.”

  “That was a vaginal orgasm followed by a clitoral orgasm.”

  “There’s two kinds!”

  I kiss her deep, knowing she’ll be feeling an ache deep inside.

  “Yes, my lovely girl. There’s two kinds. I suppose you’ve never had both at the same time then?”

  She shakes her head, looking small and innocent.

  “Then we shall have to fix that.”


  I have never known anything like this pleasure.

  The warm water, the tingling bubbles.

  The exquisite touch of Jaxon’s hands and body.

  Of course, I’ve heard of the two different kinds of orgasms. I’m a doctor. I understood the thing intellectually—from the perspective of nerve endings and internal connections.

  I didn’t understand how different they would feel.

  That first orgasm was a deep, hungry ache inside of me that only seems to grow the more it feels his cock. The other orgasm, so primal and encompassing, connected throughout my entire nervous system.

  I’m starting to feel drowsy from the exertion, the alcohol, and the heat.

  “We can get out, if you like,” he offers.

  I nod, and we slip out of the water, Jaxon reaching out to help me up the step.

  The cold breeze hits me immediately.

  “Fuck! It’s cold!”

  “Hold on.”

  Jaxon runs over to the area near the pool and comes back with two big fluffy robes, wrapping me in one before slipping the other over his shoulders. He wraps it around me, standing naked and dripping, cock proud and high.

  “Aren’t you cold?”

  “No, babe. Not with you to keep me warm.”

  He slips his arms around me and picks me up, over-the-threshold style. I shriek with laughter and surprise as he carries me in, rushing to the big grey lounge across the kitchen.

  He tosses me on to the soft cushions and kneels beside the lounge.

  “Better now?”

  “Yes. Much.”


  His eyes begin to slide over my body immediately, and I feel that deep ache inside.

  My clit feels like it’s on fire.

  As if he knows this, he flips the robe back, letting his eyes trail over me. I slip my thighs apart, and he gasps in wonder, running a hand over the outer lips, teasing the soft edges where they meet. I rock into his hand, begging for more.

  He slides his arms around my thighs, face focused on my pussy.

  First, he mouths at the clit, licking it gently and sliding his lips across it until I moan and shake, hips jerking at the intense pleasure. He goes deeper, tongue sliding into me, lips probing in until I can feel myself coming again and again in a chain of orgasms.

  My clit seems to get too sensitive too fast and can’t take his extended attention, but that great dark slit within me can take everything he can give. I let my legs fall open from the hips to invite his mouth inside as I grip his head with both hands.

  I move him from clit to pussy with firm jerks of his hair. I’m so aroused I don’t even care if I’m hurting him. He knows what to do with his tongue and his lips, and he gasps with pleasure as he eats me, bending to the pressure of my hand, moving from hot spot to wet pussy.

  I feel it then, deep inside and high above. I go completely still, like some kind of instinctive response. I hold his head hard against my clit, feeling his tongue gently lapping at it as he suddenly thrusts inside my pussy with two fingers.

  The spasms are everywhere at once. My hips are rocking, and my hand is pushing his face into my hot, wet pussy as the electricity explodes at the two nerve centers.

  I’m left shaking, trembling, senseless.

  I look up, gasping as he climbs on to the lounge between my knees.

  “Do you think I can wait, after seeing that? I have to put my cock in you now.”

  Drowsily, I blink, hoping he takes it for a response.

  He puts his hands gently on my hips and starts to slide in, slowly. Inch by inch, he fights his way in. I’m so wet, and my insides feel loose and shuddering, but he’s so big and so hard, he has to go slowly.

  I feel that aching in all the muscles deep inside.

  It only intensifies as he slowly pushes his cock into me.

  “Fuck me!”

  I can’t help it, I scream, grabbing at his arms, twisting my hips, desperate to feel him all the way inside.

  “Fuck me, Jaxon—fuck me hard!”

  His smile then is something I’ve never seen. More than joy. A completeness.

  He starts to thrust, slowly, then faster. He grips my hips and slams his big hard cock into me, again and again.

  My pussy is hungry. It can’t get enough of his thrashing.

  Then he slips a hand down to my clit, and I literally cry. The pleasure is so intense I try to struggle away but he holds me tight by one leg. Hard and slow, he thrusts into me while his fingers slide over my clit, rubbing it, pressing on it.

  Even stronger than the last time, I feel the deep clenching inside, like a desperate aching where my soft lips touch his hard cock. My clit shudders against his hand as he gasps and screams.

  “Oh, yes, oh, god, yes, Ali!”

nbsp; I’m clawing at the lounge, all hot sweat and pouring cum. The two orgasms play off each other, creating a long chain of pleasure that leaves me staring at the ceiling, hands fluttering uselessly. Jaxon stops moving, feeling the soft wetness of my pussy going loose around his cock.

  I come back to myself, partly.

  “You’re not done,” I whisper, voice hoarse from screaming.

  He slides out gently, and my pussy aches at the lack of him. I didn’t think I could take any more, yet my hungry dark slit disagrees.

  “I want your mouth…I want to come in your mouth.”

  I look up, a little startled. His body is hard and gorgeous over me, so incredibly beautiful and male. Something in his eyes is dark, serious, and predatory, and I just nod.

  His face lights up with such joy, I know I can’t disappoint him. I couldn’t fit it all in last time, but I’m determined to try. He’s given me such pleasure…

  The least I can do is try to give him what he wants.

  He moves to straddle me, but I’m not sure about that, so he sits on the lounge, and I get between his legs. I’m very warm now and slip the robe off my shoulders. I grip the base of his cock with my hand and squeeze it gently.

  He smiles.

  “That’s it…just take your time. Slowly.”

  I lick hesitantly at the head. My jaw starts to ache just trying to suck it down. I find I quite enjoy this part, wrapping my lips around the sensitive tip and sucking it as my tongue strokes the shaft.

  He leans back, opening his hips so I can start sliding my lips further down. As I start a rhythm, going deeper and faster, he starts to moan, trying not to rock his hips.

  It’s no good. He’s too big, too hard.

  The harder he gets, the more my jaw aches. I just can’t get it all in.

  I decide to go back to the head and put my attention there, maybe use my hand to stimulate the rest when I feel his hand on my head.

  Fair’s fair. I did the same to him.

  He probably couldn’t breathe either but didn’t complain. This is how it is between lovers, I suppose.

  I try to take a deep breath, knowing what’s coming. I brace my hands on his knees, and I feel his hand clasp hard on the back of my head, fingers twisting in my hair.

  He slams my head down until my lips touch his belly, and his cock is all the way down my throat. Before I can gag, he thrusts me up again, and I try to get my mouth open as far as I can and breathe between the thrusts.


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