Lady Vane's Secret (Regency Secrets and Scandals Book 1)

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Lady Vane's Secret (Regency Secrets and Scandals Book 1) Page 6

by Elizabeth Hanbury

  The scene that greeted them in the room at the back of the house that served for a sitting-room would have been highly amusing to Isabella had she been alone. In the presence of Lord Bramwell and his sister, she struggled with acute embarrassment – her first impression was that the whole household had gathered to create an unedifying spectacle for her visitors.

  Two junior footmen and a chambermaid were trying energetically to entice the frightened kitten down from the mantelpiece, from where several china ornaments had been dislodged and now lay in fragments on the rug in front of the fireplace. The ornate clock in the centre of the shelf hovered precariously on the edge, in danger of following the china to the floor, while the feline perpetrator of this destruction spat angrily at anyone who approached his position behind a large silver candelabrum.

  A disgruntled Jemima sat on top of the brocade curtains regarding the animated tableau below with bored disgust, alternately squawking or reciting ‘bacon-brained gudgeon’ to her audience; Mary was trying to comfort Harriet, who sat on the sofa, while Silwood observed in a disapproving tone that Lady Bingham’s town residence was completely unsuitable for such wild creatures, and he feared for the expensive Chinese vase beneath the teetering clock.

  At the appearance of Isabella and her guests, a silence fell over the assembled company.

  Harriet, perceiving their visitors had been somehow dragged into this unfortunate scene, rose to her feet, saying hurriedly, ‘Oh! Lord Bramwell, there was not the least need to trouble yourself.’

  ‘On the contrary, Mrs Forster, my sister and I offered our services willingly,’ he replied.

  ‘Oh, a-and Lady Julia,’ said Harriet, becoming more agitated by the minute, ‘a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I beg you – do not think we always go along in this manner. Indeed, Dominic’s pets are normally quite well behaved – it is only because of unfortunate circumstances that Jemima took fright and you perceive the results of the chase that followed. Oh dear!’ Harriet stopped and sank back on to the sofa.

  ‘There is no need to explain, Mrs Forster,’ said Julia gaily. ‘Now, how shall we go on, Hal?’

  Lord Bramwell gave instructions to Julia, who listened closely and then spoke to Silwood. That gentleman, more than happy to be dispatched to the kitchen where order still reigned, left the room, followed by the footmen and chambermaid, who had been advised by Lord Bramwell that their assistance was not required and they could return later to retrieve the broken china.

  Dominic, who was impressed with these visitors’ willingness to help, moved to stand beside his lordship. Pulling at Lord Bramwell’s sleeve, he said in an urgent whisper, ‘Please, let me help too, sir. This is my fault and I hate to upset Mama.’

  Hal smiled down at the small boy beside him. ‘Now that is honest of you, Dominic, and I have great respect for an honest gentleman. I shall certainly need your assistance when your butler returns.’

  Isabella, watching and listening, was torn between fascination at Dominic’s instant acceptance of Lord Bramwell and annoyance at herself. Lord Bramwell had already stripped off his coat, and his broad shoulders and well-muscled torso were now visible through his fine linen shirt. He had also rolled up his sleeves to reveal strong forearms dusted with soft dark hair.

  Irritated for even having noticed his excellent physique, she said sharply, ‘Lord Bramwell, Dominic has inconvenienced you both by involving you in this imbroglio. I could have managed perfectly well.’ Annoyance and resentment quivered in Isabella’s voice – she was capable of dealing with her family’s affairs.

  ‘But my motives were mainly selfish, Lady Vane: I have not enjoyed myself this much for a very long time,’ replied Hal, with an enigmatic grin.

  Isabella was astonished at the way her heart reacted to his smile and, unsure how to respond, she blushed and moved away. She returned to the sofa where Julia was busy soothing Harriet’s agitation, just as Silwood came back bearing two small dishes.

  One contained a portion of the poached turbot that cook had been preparing for lunch and which had only been relinquished after a reassurance that it was at the request of the Earl of Bramwell himself. The other held a selection of chopped fruit.

  Lord Bramwell, after selecting the latter, offered it to Dominic and said, ‘Stand near the cage with this tempting morsel.’

  Dominic did as he was bid while Lord Bramwell went to the fireplace and held up the dish of turbot, allowing its aroma to reach the kitten. Unable to resist, Joshua surrendered meekly, allowing his lordship to lift him down and place him on the floor where he began to eat the fish.

  Jemima, sensing the danger had now passed, wasted no time in flying down from her refuge and, after a final defiant chorus of ‘bacon-brained gudgeon’, she re-entered her cage to peck at the fruit Dominic had now placed there.

  ‘Oh, thank you!’ cried Dominic, surveying this outcome with smiling relief. ‘It was clever of you to know how to deal with Jemima and Joshua – usually only Mama can do that.’

  Hal, who had restored the clock to a safer position and was now replacing his coat with the aid of Silwood, glanced down at him. ‘Happy to be of assistance, Master Vane, but I do not think Lady Bingham would be pleased to see her parlour put to such er – unusual use.’ His conspiratorial wink and grin robbed the words of any offence.

  ‘Well, I shan’t do so again, for I never wish to cause Mama any worry,’ said Dominic.

  ‘An admirable sentiment,’ murmured his lordship, gazing intently at Isabella.

  On overhearing this comment, confusion, irritation and a welter of other feelings welled up in Isabella’s breast. Never before had she been subjected to such a tumult of emotions as she had during one morning in this man’s company. She felt exhausted and could offer no other explanation for the sudden tears that sprang into her eyes.

  She blinked them away, angry with herself and, quite irrationally, at Lord Bramwell. ‘Hurry now, Dominic and take Joshua away. Don’t let him cause any more damage today.’

  ‘Shall I see you again soon, Lord Bramwell?’ asked Dominic, anxious to extract a promise from his new hero, ‘and your sister, of course.’

  Hal chuckled. ‘Have you more creatures in need of rescue then?’

  ‘Oh, no, I won’t trouble you again in that way,’ said Dominic, ‘but I would like to show you my other pets: I have a few ducks and chickens, although they are kept outside.’

  ‘If your mother will permit it, Dominic, we should be happy to make their acquaintance some other time.’

  Dominic raised pleading eyes to his mother. ‘Will you, Mama? Please say yes! Lord Bramwell and his sister are just the sort of people I like – they aren’t too stuffy to speak to me, and they like Jemima and Joshua. Not like Sir Seymour – he says they make him sneeze and—’

  ‘Enough, Dominic!’ interjected Isabella hastily. ‘Of course I have no objections, but you must remember that they are very busy and cannot guarantee to see you often.’

  ‘We shall do our best, Dominic,’ said Julia, ‘and I must say that yours is the prettiest compliment I have received since arriving in London.’

  Obliged to be satisfied, he nodded, grinned and left the room, taking his kitten with him.

  ‘What a delightful child,’ observed Julia. ‘Engaging manners, and quite unaffected – you must be very proud of him, Isabella.’

  ‘Thank you – I am. Dominic has endured—’ Isabella hesitated, then continued, ‘That is, he is remarkably level-headed and good tempered.’

  ‘Such an undemanding little fellow on the whole,’ agreed Harriet with an indulgent sigh.

  ‘Yes, but please do not allow him to pester you, Lord Bramwell,’ urged Isabella. ‘He can be very persistent when he chooses.’

  ‘I daresay I shall withstand it, having been used to the attentions of four younger siblings, and I will enjoy getting to know Dominic – and you, Lady Vane – a little better,’ he replied, his grey eyes fixing once more on Isabella’s face.

  She blushed in respon
se, and when her visitors departed shortly afterwards, she was left to mull over an unexpectedly eventful morning. Dominic had accepted Lord Bramwell without reservation and had obviously enjoyed his company, but Isabella reflected that his lordship had again succeeded in unsettling her; her carefully schooled emotions had been in turmoil since meeting him at Lady Pargeter’s house, and she was alarmed by stirrings of physical response he evoked in her.

  Chapter 6

  ‘It is not what I wanted, Portland: I asked particularly for a diamond brooch. You forget that I have been used to the finest jewellery and I refuse to manage, as you so charmingly phrase it, even for a short while with this – this trinket.’

  Lady Portland addressed this frank statement to her bemused spouse, but it was overheard by several other customers in the genteel, hushed surroundings of Rundell, Bridge & Rundell, jewellers to the ton. She was unimpressed with the amethyst brooch that her husband had sought to purchase for her and passed the item back to the manager with a contemptuous flourish.

  Lord Portland sighed. ‘Very well, my love – of course, you shall have exactly what you wish but you will have to wait, since Sheridan here tells me that he will need to order to your specific requirements.’ Lord Portland gave Mr Sheridan a glance of pained resignation, a consequence of having suffered his young wife’s displeasure for the third time that morning.

  ‘Hurry up, then, and give the man the details so we may go to the milliner’s – I am already late for my appointment. I’ll wait for you in the carriage,’ Felicity replied.

  Lord Portland gave another sigh and gratefully removed himself from his wife’s environs into Mr Sheridan’s office. Lady Portland swept outside, and was helped into a luxurious carriage. As she waited for her husband, she idly and rather dismissively observed those members of London society who passed by in their curricles and phaetons, acknowledging those she knew and delighted by the number of admiring glances she received from the gentlemen. Suddenly, at the approach of a smart curricle with two occupants, her attention became acute and she studied with a great deal of interest the tall, dark-haired man handling the ribbons of the matched bays. Lord Bramwell did not notice her immediately – his attention was focused on driving his high-spirited thoroughbreds through the busy street and he was also deep in conversation with the petite, dark-haired young woman at his side.

  ‘Julia has grown into quite a beauty,’ murmured Lady Portland, pleased that his lordship was, today at least, only in the company of his sister. As Lord Bramwell’s carriage drew nearer, Felicity smiled and slowly inclined her head towards its occupants; she had every intention of being recognized and appreciated by its driver.

  When Julia, who had persuaded Hal to take her to Rundell, Bridge & Rundell to collect her new ear-rings after leaving Isabella, observed the striking redhead in the carriage outside number 32 Ludgate Hill, she cried, ‘Goodness! Do you see that woman, Hal? I swear it is Felicity Portland.’

  ‘It is,’ he said grimly. ‘Freddy told me that she was back in London. Forgive me, Julia, but I’m going to drive on – I prefer to avoid Lady Portland today.’

  They drove past and Julia, glancing at her brother’s stern profile, raised her brows in surprise. ‘But why has she returned? I thought she was living on the Continent for the sake of Portland’s health.

  ‘She must have her reasons and they are probably selfish ones: Felicity always put her wishes above those of anyone else. Now she is back among the ton, I’ll be civil if our paths cross, but no more. I feel nothing for her and know now that I never did.’

  ‘Well, she is still very lovely, but shockingly de trop – that muslin was entirely unsuitable for a carriage dress,’ observed Julia tartly.

  ‘She always encouraged attention.’ Lord Bramwell frowned, flicked his whip at his wheelers and cursed under his breath. Lady Portland had proved herself in the past to be a spoilt, vindictive woman and Hal was not sanguine that Lord Portland would have subdued her manipulative nature. An easy-going man by reputation, Portland would be no match for his wife when she was determined to get her way. Hal sincerely hoped that he could avoid Lady Portland during her stay in London.

  His frown was replaced by a smile as his thoughts returned to Isabella. He found that he loved simply watching her: her innate grace, the movement of her lips as she spoke, the curve of her cheek, her profile, the sound of her voice. To his relief, her manner had not been as frosty as at their first meeting and Hal had even been conscious of her tension ebbing away until something had caused it to return. Julia, it seemed, had not noticed this, but Hal had sensed her retreat instinctively.

  He wanted to know what was in Isabella’s heart, to earn her trust and to somehow ease the burden of her unhappiness. Was she still mourning her late husband? Perhaps she had loved him dearly, or perhaps her marriage had been an unhappy one which held painful memories. Having watched Isabella, Hal thought it more likely to be the latter; her sadness did not seem to be the desolation felt from loss of a loved one, but rather the brittle, bleak anguish of torment.

  Meanwhile, Lady Portland, who was observing with impatience her husband’s attempts to climb into the carriage without causing further discomfort to his gout-ridden foot, felt a shiver of anticipation. Seeing Lord Bramwell again had hardened her resolve. She had already determined that it was high time she embarked on a serious affair. Her marriage had palled long ago, and she yearned for more excitement than her husband could provide. Lady Portland had enjoyed flirtations while living in Europe, but always with men anxious to enjoy her delights. There was no thrill of the chase. Now, Felicity had glimpsed a tempting challenge: Hal had grown into a handsome, virile man who presented her not only with a target, but stirred feelings of desire which she thought had vanished from her heart long ago. How delightful it would be to make Lord Bramwell beg for her favours and then enjoy an illicit affair to enliven her dull existence.

  Portland could offer nothing any more. She despised him for being so easily cuckolded and for being eager to pander to her whims; she deplored his spreading girth; his increasing ill-health irked her beyond reason, and even the power of his wealth had lost the edge of its attraction. She did not regret her marriage – after all, she enjoyed the comforts and deferential treatment that extreme wealth brought – but after glimpsing Lord Bramwell’s handsome profile and impressive physique, she had felt a sharp stab of disappointment when she recalled that once he could have been hers. Yet there may still be some recompense. She had the protection of being a married woman and, as long as the participants were discreet, affairs were not merely countenanced but encouraged; and she had heard Bramwell was still unmarried, so there would be no need to deceive a wife as well as a husband.

  Lady Portland smiled as she listened to her husband’s attempts to restore her good humour as they returned to their house in Mayfair: her thoughts were pleasant ones and concerned Lord Bramwell.

  In the days that followed, Lord Bramwell called frequently in Curzon Street and Julia often accompanied him. Isabella found his patience towards Dominic surprising; she had thought his enthusiasm for indulging a small boy would soon wane. However, a mutual appreciation seemed to have developed – Dominic saw Lord Bramwell as a source of fun and a fount of knowledge, while in return his lordship seemed to enjoy his companion’s enquiring mind and artless chatter. They had visited the Royal Menagerie, seen the animals at the Royal Exchange, and even explored Madame Tussauds famous waxworks.

  Isabella was unsure how to deal with her son’s new friendship. She was pleased that Dominic enjoyed Lord Bramwell’s company, but she could not feel happy that he was forming a strong attachment to a man whose presence in their lives would be fleeting. She had seen enough to know that as well as possessing a sense of humour, Lord Bramwell was intelligent and articulate, and that his affection for Dominic was sincere. However, the glow of sensual awareness that she felt whenever he was near had intensified and, sharply disarmed and discomfited by this, Isabella’s demeanour remained distan
t. His extraordinary ability to affect her meant that she dreaded being alone with him … and Heaven knew what would happen if he touched her – she must avoid that at all costs.

  Despite this, she could not help being intrigued by him. He spoke only of inconsequential matters in conversation, offered her no false flattery and had not threatened to kiss her again. He had made a few gentle enquiries about her past which she had politely rebuffed. He had invited her to drive with him in Hyde Park which she refused, even though her traitorous heart had wanted to accept, but, having raised his brows in surprise at her stammered refusal, he made no further comment. Indeed, his lordship made no obvious attempts to ingratiate himself and yet, if he did not appear in Curzon Street because of other engagements, Isabella found herself longing to hear his voice.

  Sir Seymour also visited regularly, but while she found Sir Seymour amusing and was flattered by his attention, Isabella felt disappointment when his arrival was announced rather than Lord Bramwell’s. In contrast, Harriet entered with relish into discussions on Sir Seymour’s various ailments and his tailor’s recommendations, and when Sir Seymour suggested a trip to the theatre, Harriet had accepted before Isabella could think about refusing. Edmund Kean in Macbeth was not to be missed, observed Sir Seymour, and he promised to book a box.

  Sir Seymour found conversing with Dominic beyond his scope. He merely tickled Dominic’s chin or ruffled his hair, and referred to him as a ‘charming little fellow’. This treatment was greeted afterwards with disgust by Dominic, who complained that Sir Seymour was the most bacon-brained gudgeon that ever was and he talked fustian. Isabella, biting her lip to cover her amusement, chastized her son, to which Dominic replied that Sir Seymour was very kind but not as great a man as Lord Bramwell.

  On hearing her son voice this solemn encomium, Isabella became even more concerned; it proved how attached Dominic was becoming to Lord Bramwell. This circumstance had not gone unnoticed elsewhere and had been discussed in Berkeley Square between Lady Julia and her mother.


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