HIS: Book 1 in the HIS trilogy

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HIS: Book 1 in the HIS trilogy Page 8

by Julia King

  "Good." Jaxxon acknowledged before he walked out slamming the door so hard he shook the walls.

  Winnie jumped again at the sound.

  Sitting there she pondered the situation, by seeing things only from Amanda's side she had been ready to condemn Jaxxon for his actions without thinking about the other side of the story.

  By confronting Jaxxon she had created a rift in their precarious relationship.

  She knew that his actions were not justified as taking a life never could be but she also realized that these men knew that they lived in a different world with a set of more deadly rules and consequences.

  Amanda's father broke those rules and then flaunted his actions when the reaper came to his door he had brought about his own death.

  Now Winifred had a worried friend and a pissed roommate she didn't know where to start to make things right.

  One thing was evident now though; she was seriously out of her depth as far as Jaxxon was concerned.

  Chapter 10

  It had been two days with no sign of Jaxxon.

  Feeling bad about her words but conflicted about his prior actions Winnie was avoiding Amanda at school while lying in wait at her new home for Jax.

  She was feeling less confident about her choice to stay and hear him out.

  She was in her new yellow kitchen hand washing her single plate, fork, and glass when the sound off squeaky hinges like the ones on the screen door broke the silence.

  Rushing into the living room drying her hands on a kitchen towel Winifred pulled up to a stop at the sight of a drunken Jaxxon Monroe.

  Hair and clothes soaked from the downpour outside he stood before her clothes sticking to every muscled inch of him.

  He was a sexy soaked drunk.

  "I don't understand you at all. " he slurred.

  Stumbling forward he reached out and grabbed her neck leaving her no room to resist or refuse his advance he slammed his lips down on hers.

  Even soaked as he was his lips were warm and tantalizing.

  Forcing her arms up between their crushed together bodies she used the palms of her hands to force him back.

  After successfully removing his lips from hers she took a deep breath.

  Pressing her lips together she bit the insides and closed her eyes.

  "What's that hard to understand?" She asked.

  Closing his eyes like he was in pain he explained.

  "You should be grateful to me I saved you after all but instead you doubt me every time you get tested... I need you to trust me. "

  Upon opening his eyes, that were now filled with a alcohol fueled pain, he looked deep into her's.

  Shaking her head and smiling softly at him she without thought brushed her finger tips across her slightly bruised lips.

  His eyes darkened with lust.

  "You may have saved me but your still a stranger to me... and it does not help any that you killed a man and not just any man but my best friends dad. Bad guy out not... killing is wrong. "

  Squeezing his eyes closed he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "You don't know me not the real me; so who are you to judge?" his words defensive his posture aloof.

  Walking into the living room he began stripping off items of clothing.

  Winnie eyed him warily; she was not lying when she said he was still a stranger to her and sexy or not she was sure she didn't want him trying to take her while drunk.

  First came his shirt exposing hard pecks and a defined eight pack sculpted about a ridged V-cut.

  The slight dusting of hair she saw starting under his belly button and could see disappear behind his the material of his jeans was super hot.

  Unlike the boys she went to school with this boy/man was something more he exuded sex appeal, control, and strength.

  She turned away when he began unbuttoning his pants she felt her cheeks flush.

  "Jaxxon what are you doing?" she asked, her voice trembled.

  "I am sleeping in my own damn house under my own damn roof." he grumbled out; his voice harsh and to the point only slightly slurring.

  "Oh." was all Winnie said before she ran off to her room closing the door behind her.

  She grabbed a few things and headed into her small half bathroom to shower before she laid down in her bed drifting off to sleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  She had not been asleep long when the door to her room opened and Jaxxon walked in.

  He slammed a toe into the dresser by the door in his attempt to creep along making no noise.

  Fighting back her laughter over his drunken clumsiness.

  Her laughter froze in her throat at the feel of her bed dipping under his weight.

  As stiff as a board she laid their attuned to his very essence.

  She bit her lip hard almost drawing blood in an attempt to keep up her pretense of being asleep.

  He lifted the covers and slid under.

  He pushed his body up next to her's, he shoved his thigh between her legs as he pulled her body into a spooning fashion against his own.

  The thin spaghetti strap tank she wore over her lavender purple boxer shorts left little covered and was a thin barrier between his skin, his heat and her own.

  With her body tucked comfortably into his own he moved her head to place it on his muscular arm his other arm moved and she felt his fingers trail up her thighs to her exposed tummy up to graze her breast through the material and then he moved them to trails like a whisper across her neck and between her shoulder blades.

  Then he moved bending his head down so he could brush his lips over her neck and down her shoulder.

  Winnie shivered under his touches her body covered in goosebumps and her adrenaline spiking an all time high.

  "I am sorry When I need you to much to let you go no matter how much getting to know me and the world I live in makes you hate me... you see your already mine luv." his hot breath on her shoulders and the hollow of her neck forced a small moan to escape her lips.

  His hips jerked in sync with her moan.

  He groaned and ground his hips forcing his swollen member into her butt.

  Winnie felt her body becoming extremely hot and sensitive.

  Her breathing heavy her body was so tight it was almost painful.

  She was close to begging his help since he forced her body into this strange new state but to do so would mean giving up her ruse.

  "Go to sleep Win soon baby soon you will own this body of mine and your body will belong to me and then and only then will I show you just how much fun we can have together."

  Winnie jerked and looked over her shoulder to see a now passed out Jaxxon with a smile on his face.

  He had known she was awake.

  Turning in his arms she caressed his cheek.

  He was right she didn't know his world and she had no room to judge so for now she wouldn't.

  Doing something she had read about in romance novels and thought she would love to try when she met the right guy.

  Winnie pushed Jaxxon on his back and ran her hands over his hard looking chest and was surprised to find that while he looked to be sculpted of rocks and he was by no means soft he was like velvet to touch with smooth taunt skin over solid muscle.

  Bending her knee she placed it and her leg over his waist feeling the ridge of his hardened member against her leg.

  His words coursed through her veins adding fuel to her fire, this body would one day be hers he would give it to her to do with as she pleased.

  The mere thought would set any woman or girl aflame.

  She was enjoying her play when his arms under her moved to hug her close and the weight of that arm alone pinned her down.

  His other hand came to rest on top of her thigh she had placed over his waist and he unconsciously began to knead the muscles.

  Lulled to sleep by his presence Winnie felt truly content for the first time in days.

  She would grow to trust him and forgive him his passed.

>   The next morning Winnie uncurled from Jaxxon's side and got up to make breakfast before she had to leave for school.

  She was padding barefoot down the short hallway to the kitchen humming a tune she had dreamed of when she realized she was not alone upon entering the kitchen.

  A beautiful blonde with a tattoo on her right hand and a set of startling blue eyes was leaning against her counter..

  The woman was wearing a blue jean vest over a short tight white dress and on her feet there was a pair of black biker boots.

  The woman was sipping a cup of coffee from one of Winnie's new mugs looking like she belonged there

  Upon seeing Winnie entering the kitchen the woman paused with the mug half way to her mouth and cocking a perfectly arched brow.

  Moving she set the cup down on the counter behind her before looking at Winifred and asking,

  "Just what the hell are you doing here?"

  Winifred didn't like her tone or familiarity with Winifred's new home so she bit back.

  "No better question. Who the hell are You and why the hell are you in my house?"

  "Your house?" she asked a sick paleness coating her skin.

  "Yes...my house." Winifred repeated emphasizing the words; my house.

  The woman began moving around the kitchen her hands flying from her hair to covering her mouth to her hips.

  She was clearly agitated but why and who was she?

  The woman carried on like this for a minute before she stopped to ask.

  "Does Jaxxon Monroe also still live here?"

  Winifred shook her head yes.

  The woman went ballistic she knocked a cookie jar off the counter and broke it.

  She went to grabbed the vase with fresh flowers Winifred had placed on the floating counter the day before when Winifred moved and picked up the vase first.

  "Stop!" she shouted.

  "What is your deal crazy lady?" Winifred asked.

  The woman's beautiful blue eyes were wide open in disbelief.

  "I am his girlfriend." she screamed....

  Chapter 11

  Shocked was an understatement.

  Standing before the beautiful blonde who left her feeling inadequate with no effort at all; Winifred felt like running back into the bedroom and getting her clothes on to at least feel more put together.

  "Jax's your boyfriend?" Winifred spoke out load and even though it sounded like a question, she was really just talking to herself.

  The blonde however thought she was talking to her and her face became a very unflattering color of red.

  "Yes you slut he is; and now just who the hell are you?" her hands were on her hips now and she was tapping her foot like a very spoiled brat.

  "I am just a friend he is helping out and I had no clue he had a girlfriend or I would not have let him put me in this situation." Again Winifred was talking mostly to herself.

  Moving to the refrigerator and out of the blondes' volatile reach Winnie thought over the prospect that Jaxxon and this woman might actually be in a relationship... she didn't like the thought at all.

  Winifred was reaching for the carton of juice and spread when the juice was yanked out of her hand.

  The blonde held it back over her shoulder and slightly in the air like she was pulling a bomb from an idiot.

  "You need to get out." She seemed pissed; her angry tone only made Winifred want to piss her off more.

  Shaking her head she told the blonde to keep the juice and she grabbed the milk instead.

  Going to the table she sat down.

  On the table in the far corner was a bread box.

  Reaching inside she pulled out a slice of fresh bread; spreading the strawberry spread across the slice of bread she made a show of drinking a sip of milk from the carton.

  The blonde went nuclear.

  Storming across the room she yanked the milk from Winifred's hands and in the process spilled milk all over Winifred's chest and legs.

  The cold milk shocked Winifred, it was like a sticky ice bath.

  Standing up she watched the milk fall off her and drop to the floor at her bare feet.

  Hands back and looking down at the mess in disgust Winifred felt her own temper rising.

  "What the fuck is your problem?" she screamed.

  Only after the words jumped from her lips did she realize she had spoken out loud.

  Winifred was shocked she had never yelled at someone over something so petty and she never had cursed at a stranger.

  Winifred was so deep in her thoughts she didn't see the hand moving rapidly towards her face until she felt the sting of it against her cheek.

  Blinking back a single tear that tried to escape due to the sting of the hand print on her face Winifred stood there brimming with rage.

  She had taken enough beatings at the hands of another she would be damned if she would let someone else take such liberties after she had finally escaped it.

  Bringing a fist up and jerking it back she threw her whole body into the movement as she slammed her fist into the blonde's nose.

  The girl screamed as blood gushed from her possibly broken nose.

  Pain erupted from Winifred's hand but she felt powerful and in control.

  The blonde dropped the milk carton to the floor and clasped both hands to stall the bleeding.

  Winifred reached down and picked up the carton and for a show she tilted it back and took another drink.

  She was reveling in her own power when the sound of a throat being cleared made Winifred look over her shoulder to see Jaxxon leaning on the door facing leading into the kitchen where he stood watching her with an amused expression.

  Walking into the kitchen and over to the blonde's side Jax hooked his hand under the blondes arm and pulled her over to the fridge.

  Lifting her like she weighed no more than a paper doll Jax sat the blonde on the counter before he opened a drawer in the cabinet and pulled out a kitchen towel.

  Opening the freezer door on the fridge he reached in and grabbed a handful of ice.

  Placing the ice in the towel he handed it to the blonde who immediately burst into a perfected fit of tears.

  Placing the ice towel to her nose she began telling Jax what a horrible girl Winnie was and demanding to know who she was and why she was staying in Jaxxon's house.

  Jax didn't say a word he just walked over to Winifred who was still standing there watching him while drumming her nails nervously on the milk carton.

  Grabbing the carton of milk he pulled it from her hands before he lifted it to his own lips to gulp down half of what was left inside.

  Winnie felt a sick satisfaction watching him drink from the carton; his lips in the exact spot hers had been.

  After he pulled the carton away from his lips he wiped the back of his hand across his lips to remove any milk moustache he might have had.

  Turning to the blonde with his hard contoured back to Winifred he spoke.

  "What the hell are you doing inside my house Mary-Elizabeth and why are you fighting with Win?"

  The girl was shocked by his words her eyes were wide her mouth open like a fishes gasping for air.

  "Jax she attacked me because I was demanding to know why she was here...that girl is crazy."

  The blonde's words did nothing but bounce around a room of non-believers; if anyone was crazy it was Mary-Elizabeth

  "No she yelled at you because you were acting crazy and you slapped her..." Jax's words trailed off like he was trying to emphasis the blonde's fault.

  "Well... well she is in my boyfriends house and I think I have the right to ask her to leave." Mary said, pointing the now bloodied ice'd kitchen towel at Winnie.

  Winnie had, had enough she may not have a whole list of options for places to go but she was not about to stay and deal with the level of confusing crazy that was happening here.

  "I am more than willing to go; in fact let me finish my breakfast, make a few calls and I will pack ... shouldn't take more than an hour at th
e most."

  Jax turned his steel eyes brimming with anger, he was like the Hulk she didn't like him at all when he was angry.


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