In Need of a Tow

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In Need of a Tow Page 6

by Vivian Vincent

  Rose was around my age. Her face looked tired and you could tell she'd lived a hard life. She was still beautiful, though, with long red hair. It started showing traces of gray, but I think it made her more beautiful. She always died it to get the gray out. She was slightly overweight, but carried it well.

  Her husband left her about ten years ago for a younger woman and I always wondered what she thought of my relationship with Brian.

  "Want some company?" she asked.

  "I'm not very good company these days, Rose, but you're more than welcome to sit with me if you'd like." I glanced up at her and forced a smile.

  "Don't pay any attention to Ron." She took a seat across from me then placed her hands on mine. "He's an old stick-in-the-mud. He told me he really does like you. He also told me he thought you and Brian were good together. He knows how much you loved each other and how happy you were, he's just sad for the two of you is all, he really doesn't know what to say."

  "I know, he's only being the protective father, I'm used to it.” I felt tears well up in my eyes again. I motioned for Marlene and ordered a grilled cheese sandwich. Rose ordered some fries.

  "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

  "No. I just really miss him, you know?"

  Rose nodded and gave me a sympathetic smile.

  "Actually, I don't miss him—I crave him. I crave the smell of his cologne. I crave the smell of his skin after he's gotten out of the shower. I crave his smile and the way his eyes would sparkle when he laughed. I crave the sound of his voice.”

  "If you're that crazy over him, why haven't you called him?"

  "Oh, I've tried, believe me. I've left voice messages, I've sent him text messages, and I even called him on his birthday last month and left him a message. He doesn't answer. I tried again today and his number is no longer in service, so I don't even have that now." I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, they fell freely now.

  Rose slid into the booth beside me. We hugged and she let me cry on her shoulder for what seemed like forever. When I finally stopped, I’d noticed Ron had left and we were the only two left in the diner. It was nearly dark.

  We talked for about an hour before the waitress came over and told us they were closing but we could stay as long as we'd like, we just couldn't order anything else. Rose said goodbye and I paid for our food then walked home. It was a warm night and the sky was filled with stars. I got back to my apartment, lay down on the couch and cried myself to sleep. I dreamed about Brian, same as I'd done every night since he left.


  I woke up the next morning, got a quick shower and headed to the office. It was an unusually slow day so I'd sent everyone else home. As I walked back to my desk after seeing the last client to the door, the phone rang.

  "Hanson Accounting. Can I help you?"

  "Kathy?" said the voice on the other end.


  "Yeah! It's good to hear your voice."

  "You too. How's life in Texas treatin' you?"

  "Oh pretty good. We've settled in pretty well and I got a job at the local supermarket here.” She probably knew I was waiting for her to tell me about Brian. "I can't believe it's been almost nine months since we got here. It was hot here even in January. Now that's it's the end of August it's scorching. I love it! No snow!" There was no mistaking the happy tone in her voice. There was an uncomfortably long pause before I spoke.

  "How's Brian?"

  "Oh he's doing well. He misses you a lot though, I can tell. He's got a picture of you from last year and I see him looking at it all the time with tears in his eyes. I told him to give you a call, but he's being stubborn. He said something about you wanting this and he just wants you to be happy."

  "Is he working?" I tried not to sound happy about Brian missing me as much as I missed him.

  "Oh yeah, he found a job almost as soon as he got down here. Still drivin' a tow truck, but at least he's not workin' for his dad. He seems to like it. He gets to work on the cars sometimes, too, so it helps him fill in time on the slow days. I can't remember the name of the place—Freeman something or other, I think is what it is. It's only about twenty minutes from where we live and we're just a stone's throw from Dallas.” There was a bit of a southern drawl in her voice I hadn't noticed before.

  I swallowed hard and forced the next words past my lips. "Is he seeing anyone?"

  "No. I don't think so. If he is, he doesn't talk about it. I don't think he's over you yet, Kathy. Maybe he won't ever get over you."

  "I don't know why I asked you, Jennifer; it's none of my business." I quickly changed the subject. "How's Adam?"

  "Oh he's great. He asked about you the other day. I don't think he really knows what's going on yet. He'll be two next week!”

  I thought to myself Adam was way smarter than an average two year old and I already knew he got his good looks from his daddy. "I miss him, too."

  "Well, my mom's waitin' on us. We're goin' shoppin' for some new clothes for Adam. Tell everyone I said hi!"

  "Yeah, take care of yourself Jennifer. Tell everyone I said hello, too. Tell Brian I lo—“ I stopped myself before I could say what I really wanted to. "Well, just tell him I miss him."

  "Okay, Kathy. Talk to you soon" The line went silent then I heard a dial tone.

  I hung up the phone and stared at it. Could she have been giving me the hint to call him?

  I picked up the phone and dialed information. "City and State please," the voice on the other end said.

  "I'm not actually sure. I think its Dallas, Texas. The number for Freeman Auto Repair."

  "I have no listing in Dallas for that name, but I do have a similar listing in Mesquite, Texas, would you like that number?"

  "Yes, please. Thanks.” I listened to the recorded message and jotted the number down on my calendar. I hung up and dialed the number.

  "Freeman Auto Salvage, can I help ya?" asked the voice on the other end.

  "Hi. I was wondering if you had a Brian Anterra working there?"

  "Nope. No one works here by that name, but you might wanna try Freeman Towing and Repair, I think they got a guy named Brian who works there.”

  "Thanks for your time. Sorry to bother you." I hung up the phone while jotting down the number the man had given me.

  My hands were shaking as I dialed the second number. "Freeman Towing, can I help you?" asked the voice on the other end of the line.

  "Hi. I was wondering if you had a Brian Anterra working there?"

  "Yeah, but he's out on a run right now. Can I take a message?"

  "No, I can call back later, thanks." Okay, so now what genius? I picked up the phone again and called one of the accountants I'd hired. "Bob! How's it going?"

  "Good Kathy, what's wrong?"

  "For the first time in a long time, nothing's wrong, Bob. I need to talk to you. Can you come back to the office?"

  "Sure, give me about fifteen minutes."

  "See you in a few."

  Bob was a few years older than me, and his age showed. He was balding, had a slight belly and looked tired all the time. His wife, Margaret, was a lawyer and they'd been together since junior high. They had a son, Jake, who was right around Brian's age, had been in and out of college over the last couple years and was married to his high school sweetheart.

  "I hope you don't mind I didn't change." He walked in wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals. "We were just sittin' down for a barbecue with Jake and his wife." He pulled up the chair on the other side of the desk and sat down.

  "No, that's fine Bob. How's Jake doing by the way? Is he still planning on going to Vegas in October?"

  "Yeah, but Margaret and I don't want him to. What's on your mind, boss?"

  "I need to take a leave of absence and I need someone here who I can count on to run things."

  "Everything all right? You aren't sick are ya?"

  "No. No. I need to—well—um—“ I paused and he gave me a puzzled look.” The truth of the
matter is, Bob, it's an indefinite leave of absence. I'm going to Texas to find Brian."

  "I was wonderin' how long it would take you to chase after him." The grin Bob gave me made me blush. "You two were meant to be together, Kathy and I can't believe you let him go."

  "I can't either and I'm beginning to believe it was the biggest mistake of my life. So how about it, will you help me out? Take over running things here, Bob, please. You're the only one I'd trust."

  "What are you still doin' here?" He asked the question as if I should’ve been gone as soon as he got there.

  I hugged him, grabbed my purse and ran out the door. "Thanks Bob! I'll call you!"

  I made a quick run to my apartment and packed a few things. I drove to the airport and bought a ticket for the next plane to Dallas. I asked the airline ticket clerk where the car rental counter was, headed over to it and asked them to call ahead and reserve a rental car for me.

  * * * *

  As I sat waiting to board the plane, I thought to myself exactly what I would say to Brian when I saw him again. Sure, it’d only been nine months since I last saw him, but it felt like a lifetime. I slept for most of the flight and when I got to the gate in Dallas, I went directly to the rental counter.

  "Ms. Hanson?" the man behind the counter asked.

  "Yes, that's me." I was surprised he knew who I was.

  "We've got a couple cars to choose from, just follow me.” I grabbed my purse and suitcase and followed him behind the counter and out the back door. "We only had a Honda Civic or a Ford Taurus left. Wasn't sure which one you wanted."

  "The Taurus is fine."

  "We've got your information already, so you're all set. Enjoy your vacation."

  I got into the car; put the suitcase in the back, set my purse on the passenger seat and called the number for Freeman's Towing to get their address. I pulled out a map and figured out how to get there from where I was.

  * * * *

  There was a small motel up the road from Freeman's. I pulled in there, went inside and registered for a room. Now that I knew where Brian worked, I had to figure out how to approach him.

  I drove by Freeman's every single day for a week. I felt like a school girl who would ride her bike up and down the street where the boy she had a crush on lived. When I drove past one day, I saw the tow truck parked in front of the building. I pulled into the gas station across the street and parked. I kept my eyes fixed on Freeman's, thinking about my next move.

  What the hell am I doing? He's probably got himself another girlfriend and has forgotten all about me. I'm just gonna make a fool of myself.

  I saw a guy I thought looked like Brian inside. A white car pulled up in the parking lot and out popped Jennifer. She walked around to the back door of the car, opened it and got Adam out of his car seat.

  Brian came outside to greet them; hugged Jennifer then picked Adam up and swung him around before cradling him in his arms like a newborn. He kissed Adam's forehead and put him back down. Adam immediately clung to his leg. They looked so happy together. I'm glad he got to be with his son.

  Brian looked amazing. His hair was longer now, a little past his shoulders and it looked as though he hadn't shaved in a few days. I'd always thought he looked so sexy with a shadow of stubble. It drove me crazy.

  I sat and wondered how I should approach him. Should I just go over there and talk to him? Then it hit me. I knew exactly what I could do.

  I drove down the road a bit, came to an old, dusty dirt road and turned onto it. I drove for a few minutes, pulled off to the side of the road and turned off the engine. I could feel my heart race as I opened my cell phone and dialed Freeman Towing.

  "Freeman Towing, how can I help ya?" the voice asked. It was Brian.

  I didn't say anything at first, and took in the sound of his voice.

  "Freeman Towing," he repeated.

  "I think I'm out of gas.” I finally spoke and attempted to disguise my voice. "I need a tow to the nearest gas station."

  "Where ya at, ma'am?"

  "I'm not sure. I just drove by there a few minutes ago and noticed I was running low on gas, I turned off on a dirt road and I was gonna turn around to go to the gas station across the street from your place when it stalled and I couldn’t get it started again."

  "Well, there isn't anyone here right now. Can ya hang tight for about twenty minutes?"

  For you, I'd wait an eternity. "Yeah, I can wait. Is the tow truck driver out on another run?"

  "Well, no, I'm the tow truck driver, but the other guys stepped out for lunch and I can't come get ya 'til they get back, ma'am."

  It was so good to hear his voice, I almost forgot to disguise mine when I spoke again. “That's fine. I can wait. I'm not goin' anywhere."

  "Okay. See you in about twenty minutes."

  I sat and waited, planning on what I was going to do when he got here and how I’d approach him. When I saw the tow truck approaching, my heart raced even faster.

  He pulled up in front of me and looked down at what I'm assuming was his clipboard. I snuck out of the car when he wasn't looking and ducked down next to his truck on the passenger side. He got out and approached my rental car and saw there was no one in it.

  "Ma'am?" he said looking around.

  Oh no! I left my purse on the seat! I hope he doesn't recognize it! I watched him approach the car and peek inside.

  He grabbed his phone off his belt and dialed. "Yeah, I'm here, but there's no one in the car. I wrote down where she said she was. Is this the only dirt road around here?" He paused while he listened to the person on the other end of the line.

  "There's nothing out here and it's an odd place to breakdown. Well, I'll wait a couple more minutes." He closed his phone then looked around and nearly saw me, but I ducked down again.

  "Ma'am? I'm here from Freeman Towing." He continued looking around while I remained perfectly still, crouched down beside his truck. "Oh well, I guess she decided to walk to the gas station." He turned and began walking back to his truck.

  I moved around the back of his truck and put myself directly behind him. "Please, call me Katherine."

  He froze in his tracks but didn't turn around. I took a few steps closer to him. When he turned around we were inches from each other. His green eyes sparkled and the smile on his face told me I’d made the right decision. He started to speak and I put a finger to his lips.

  "I was wrong. My life isn't in Michigan. My life, my heart, my soul—is with you." My tears fell freely while I pulled him into a tight embrace. It felt so good to hold him again.

  He broke our embrace, brushed the hair from my eyes and kissed me. "Took you long enough."


  I held on tight to Brian, content I’d found him, taking in his scent I've craved for all these months. I felt so comfortable in his arms, I never wanted to let go.

  After we hugged for what seemed like forever, Brian took a step back, looked at me with his vivid green eyes and I could feel my heart still racing. He’s always had that effect on me.

  "How did you find me?" he asked then leaned over and kissed me.

  "Now, don't be mad at her, Brian, but Jennifer called me. She told me about her job at the supermarket and said she'd always see you looking at a picture of me with tears in your eyes. She told me the name of the place where you worked.”

  "Jennifer's a good person. She wants me to be happy and I think she knew how much I missed you."

  "It was pretty obvious I missed you, too. I cried myself to sleep every night because I couldn't forgive myself for making you leave." I slowly turned to walk back to my rental car. "I tried to call you and left messages, but you never answered."

  "My cell phone wasn't working for a long time; I had to get a new one. I never got anything from you, if I had, I definitely would've called you back." He grabbed my hand before I could get out of reach. I wanted to call you, but I figured this was what you wanted and you'd moved on with your life. Where do you think you're g

  "Back to the motel, I need to pack up. Now that I know where you are, I have to go get things in order back home."

  "What things?"

  "Do you forget I have an accounting practice to run, Brian? I left Bob in charge, but there are things I need to take care of.”

  "You're not staying?"

  I turned to him and put a hand on his cheek. "Dear, sweet, Brian. Of course I want to stay, but I have some loose ends to tie up in Michigan first. My car is still at the airport and I have to make arrangements to either sell it or drive it down here."

  "That's a relief. I thought I'd have to kidnap you.” A devilish grin crossed his face.

  "I wouldn't put up a fight if you did. But really, this should only take a few days and I’ll be back in your arms for good. I just needed to know there was still hope for us."

  "There was never any doubt in my mind. I knew sooner or later one of us would’ve given in. We need each other too much to have let it end the way it did."

  As I stood at the opened door of the rental car, he approached me and we kissed. It felt so good to feel his body against me again and it was hard to concentrate on what I needed to do. I wanted to rip off his clothes and take him right there.

  I felt his hands around my waist as he started pulling up my blouse. I had to pull away even though that's exactly what I didn't want to do. He pulled me closer.

  "We—can't—do—this—now," I said breathlessly between kisses.

  "I want you, Katherine. I've never wanted you more." He started kissing my neck and nibbling my ear.

  I felt his hardness between us and the familiar raging desire which was always close to the surface whenever he touched me. I longed to feel his body against mine again. It was getting increasingly more difficult to focus my attention on anything but making love to him again.

  "You’re—um—job—we—can't—” I was finding it difficult to form coherent thoughts or sentences. "Brian!" I shouted and forced myself to push him away.

  "You've denied me for almost a year, Katherine. How did you think I'd react when I saw you again?” He pulled me to him again and started kissing my neck. God he was driving me crazy. His lips on my skin set my body on fire.


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