Born Of Sin

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Born Of Sin Page 7

by Deanna Richmond

  She fascinated him. In all of his years roaming this land, he was never once attracted to a human, until now. And that human's name was Octavia Amelia Vail, the exotic beauty with a mysterious childhood.

  So many times while he’d held her last night, he’d wanted to say her real name as she cried his. But he did not, in fear he would drive her away. He wasn’t done with her. He didn’t see her as a toy; he wanted to know her and understand the hold she had over him.

  She was his first in many ways: first human, first obsession, and first conundrum. She had the scent of a human, but just beneath the surface was something else. That scent drove him mad, especially during their lovemaking.

  Now more than ever he regretted Kazakhstan. He’d already had his doubts. His dear old friend, Ms. Havershem, had warned him against making such a promise. That woman had the insight of a seer and the mouth of a sailor. She told Victor the truth, whether he wanted it or not. As the hospital’s administrator, she was feared by most, but respected by all. No matter, he had already agreed. Being the noble businessman, Victor had done what was needed to help his kind, and that included moving forward in this impenetrable agreement.

  So there he sat, leaning back in the wooden chair. He studied Octavia from afar, instead of attending to work, as he had previously planned. It had been several hours since she had fallen asleep and Victor didn’t wake her. He desired nothing more than to watch her sleep and listen to her breathe.


  Around five in the morning, Victor finally managed to work. Right before sunrise, he sat next to her on the bed. He roused her by stroking her luxurious hair. Octavia bolted away, initially unsure of her whereabouts. Her hair was as wild, mimicking their actions of last night.

  “Are you all right?” She’d slept several hours and he was honestly unsure how long a human needed. He knew many things about humans, but something as simple as rest was beyond his scope of awareness.

  Octavia sat up to search her surroundings, grabbing the sheets to cover herself before answering him. He pulled them away, needing to see her naked. Victor wanted to keep her vulnerable.

  “Yes, yes of course.” She covered her breasts with her arms and peered around, as if still not recognizing her surroundings. Then a look of bewilderment crossed her face. Victor grew concerned.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “No, God no. I…” she trailed off.

  “Then what is it?” He was confused, as she seemed a bit standoffish, unlike her previous self.

  “I have never done this before,” she admitted.

  “I’m not judging you. We’re two consenting adults,” he said, watching her intensely. As he observed her, he reminded himself she was a human. For some reason, this made her more desirable. “Amelia,” he called out the false name she'd given him. “I want to see you again, but know this, I do not share,” he said firmly. Truthfully, he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He was a jealous creature. All vampires are extremely covetous, and he would not split her time with any male, let alone a human one.

  Her heart skipped a few beats until an erratic pace took over. Victor heard it like he had last night when she'd stood in the corridor. He didn't always hear other’s heart beats — only when he listened out for them. Victor leaned in and kissed her passionately. She released a whimper.

  “If you have anyone in your life, leave him,” he demanded of her while nibbling her ear, trying to maintain his focus on her and not the sound of her throbbing veins. He had no right, but he wanted her all to himself, as selfish as that was.

  “There is no one,” she breathed, overwhelmed by the weakened state he had just put her in.

  “Good.” He held her head as he looked intently into her eyes, making sure she understood. “Keep it that way.” He all but ravished her, only stopping himself because he sensed the impending sun.

  “I hate to stop, but unless you want people to see your car, we need to get clothes for you; ones that are still in one piece.” They both examined her damaged outfit on the floor. He added, “So you can slip away. This is not one of the larger hospitals.” He was mostly thinking about his coworkers, especially Stacey. There would be no way to escort Octavia out privately if anyone was here. Plus, he had read all about Octavia’s past and the judgmental horrors she’d endured. He got up and made a phone call, watching Octavia as she finally covered herself with the sheets. She may have been bold last night, but not now. He thought found that amusing.

  “What is this room?” she asked when he’d hung up the antique, rotary phone after ordering someone to bring women’s clothing. He had gave precise dimensions.

  “Just a place I go to get away from everybody, and yes, you’re the first woman who’s seen it.” He leaned against his desk. He was surprised at himself for divulging that bit of information.

  “I wasn’t going to ask that,” she hurriedly responded, then blushed. “I have to ask, is there a woman in your life?”

  Victor watched her fidget with the sheet. Most likely wishing she’d asked that first before last night’s encounter, but unlike him, it would not have stopped him if she’d had another. He would have pursued her relentlessly until she broke. “There is no other,” he confirmed, though that wasn’t entirely true. There was another, but it was only Octavia he cared about. Only Octavia moved him. Only she mattered. Victor observed her suppress a relieved smile.

  “So why am I the only woman you’ve brought back here?” she asked hesitantly.

  Victor really didn’t need to give an answer. Yes, he’d had sex in his office before, but he’d never wanted to bring a woman back to his private quarters. Why did he bring her back here? Lately, he didn’t have an answer for his actions toward Octavia. It was as if someone else was the conductor and he was the orchestra. “Honestly, because it seemed like the right thing to do,” was the best answer he could muster. “I knew that I needed to have you all to myself without any interruptions,” he said, walking over to kiss her zealously. He removed the sheet from her grip to admire her body.

  She inhaled.

  His eyes rolled over her curves. He did not care that she felt self-conscious. Something about that insecurity made her more appealing. He wanted her again. Now. He was an avaricious creature.

  He suddenly looked away, got up, and headed toward the entryway. He’d heard Brayden enter his office. This was likely to turn into a conversation he most definitely wasn’t looking forward to having. “I’ll be right back.”

  Victor pushed on a stone and the wall beside the fireplace swung around. He ascended two stairs and entered his office; there, Brayden held a garment bag of clothing, with an expression that Victor had anticipated. “When she leaves, we will discuss this dear brother,” he said with exasperation in his attitude as he handed his shirtless friend the articles.

  “I’m sure we will, but now, you need to leave. I don’t want her to see you.” Brayden took his leave without another word as Victor retreated down the stairs.

  He reentered his lair, handing her the clothes. “Here, you can put these on. I’m sorry about your clothes last night. I got a little carried away. I will buy you another outfit just like it.”

  “Thank you. That’s all right. I only bought it for last night anyway,” she said, waiting for him to step aside so she could dress, though he did not attempt to do so. “Do you mind?” She gestured for him to turn around.

  “No, I don’t mind,” Victor said, comfortably seated at his desk so he could watch her dress in full view. Overcoming her shyness, Octavia stood up to dress, but fell back down on the bed. He caught her mid-fall, moving too quickly for a human, but she was unaware. That’s when Victor noted two small bites marks on her neck.

  No! When did I do that?

  “You’re not the only one who got carried away,” she said, turning a little ashen. She had no clue what the real issue was.

  That had never happened before—taking another’s blood during sex without consciously remembering doing so. For Victor, i
t was a very intimate moment between him and another. Last night had been intimate, but he was disturbed by his inability to remember. “Here, let me help. I’m sure when you get up and move around a bit you’ll feel better,” Victor tenderly assisted in dressing her and even helped gently place her heels on her feet. He was guilt stricken.

  He bit his tongue, drawing blood, and kissed her again. He needed to feed her the red nourishment that her body required. It wasn’t as if she would turn. That’s not how vampires are made. Most are born unto the earth, like him, or travel from the Underworld. Some think if they drink a vampire’s blood and gain strength, they would be turned, but the effects are only momentary. Most die if more than a certain amount a vampire’s blood is ingested, since it alters once it has been consumed. An abundance of vampire blood is intolerable to humans. But his blood, a minute amount, would only give her energy. He licked her neck, healing the two pricks “Better?”

  “Yes, much better. It’s been a while since I’ve eaten. The head rush thing.” She waved it off as if it was no big deal.

  He helped her up. “Are you all right to drive? I can order you food, then have a car drive you home.”

  “No, I’m fine; actually, great. I’m off tonight, so I’ll rest.” She looked towards the exit, then back to him. “But I need to get going before the day shift arrives.”

  He walked her out and into the corridor, where they parted ways. Octavia had left her purse in her locker, so she headed that way. She hoped no one would see her, but since she was wearing different clothing, she could say she’d come back for her purse.

  Only it was too late. Stacey had seen and heard everything. Last night, she’d followed Octavia down the hall and watched her enter his office. Too consumed with each other, they had not seen her walk into the room and follow them to his private layer. She’d watched them descend into his hidden room, leaving her to her shame. It was a place to which she had never been privy.

  The reason Stacey reviled Octavia was not so much that she took Victor; it was because she was beneath Stacey, a vampire born long ago. Stacey was over twelve hundred years old and sensed there was more to Octavia than her appearance. Stacey was nobody’s fool; she did not trust Octavia. If she could not have him, fine, but she would be damned if a human would.

  Stacey remained hidden by a statue, observing Octavia walking away; the young girl had not a clue about the wicked world she had just entered. Stacey could smell Victor on the girl as she passed, but Octavia was unaware of Stacey’s presence. Stacey thought of how unbelievably satisfying it would be to kill her and how easy it would be, but she restrained herself; she did not want Victor to shun her. No, she had other plans for the human girl, plans that would surely be the end of her.


  Back in his private room, Victor readied himself in the shower for another day’s work. Meanwhile, Brayden could not help but stare at the tossed sheets on the bed. He could smell Octavia’s scent lingering in the air. Although it was an atypical aroma for a human, she still wasn’t a vampire. That actually made matters worse.

  “What have you done, Victor? You must stop seeing her immediately. I don’t understand this uncharacteristic attraction you have for this woman. It’s not like you. You can have any woman you want.”

  “How can I explain it to you when I don’t even comprehend it myself? For centuries, my head has never once ventured toward their kind and now this… her.” Victor was at a loss for a coherent explanation as he stepped out of the shower, sopping wet. He walked over to the towel that he’d forgotten. His mind was still occupied with last night.

  “You mean a mortal? But that’s just it; she’s different. That could spell trouble,” Brayden stressed.

  “Yes, thank you, Brayden,” he sneered. “You don’t think I don’t know that?” He proceeded to dry himself off. “This bizarre woman comes along and I can’t get her off of my mind.”

  “Was last night not enough?” Victor ignored Brayden’s inquiry. “How far do you plan on taking this?”

  “I don’t know.” Wrapped in his towel, Victor walked out of the bathroom to an armoire. He was searching for something to wear when Brayden asked him the question he had hoped he wouldn’t.

  “Did you drink of her?”

  Without facing Brayden, Victor donned pants and told his friend the truth. “Yes,” he sighed deeply in regret. “I don’t even remember doing it.” Brayden had never judged him. Not once. Not even when Victor had first awakened and his habits were that of a ferocious beast driven by blood thirst. He’d only helped him through it. Although, that was all Brayden would ever say about his past; he’d refused to tell him anything more than that.

  “How much did you take?”

  “I don’t know. This morning she was extremely weak. I had to feed her my blood through a kiss.” He stressed the latter part of the sentence when Brayden gave him an incensed expression with pursed lips.

  “Victor, if this gets back to the Cabalistis, she is all but dead. They believe in their rules and no cavorting with human beings before approval is forbidden. What are you, a dissident now? Yes, there are those rebellious few running amok, out of mockery, but they are easily dealt with. You are higher up in social status, which is what you wanted, so you have a reputation to maintain. You simply cannot be seen with this woman for her safety, and for your own. Please, please tell me she is out of your system and you are done with her.”

  “I will not lie to you, Brayden, so don’t ask me to,” he said, unable to face the man. “I will be discreet.”

  “My good friend. My dear brother,” Brayden said, patting him on the shoulder of his dark blue suit. “I will do my best to watch out for you and see you through this, but I can assure you that it will end most tragically.”

  Victor said not a word; he knew Brayden’s prediction rang true.

  Chapter 9: Octavia

  A few days later, after volunteering to work a day on the swing shift, Octavia went in the locker room to grab her purse. She was heading to her unit’s monthly meeting in the library. She grabbed what she needed, left the unit and walked out into the lobby, her mind wandering to Victor and how insane this was. She was having a fling with no attachments. She’d never done this before. She had a bad feeling about how this was going to end, but for right now, all her mind could do was think about how he made her feel. Her body already ached for him. What was it about him that drove her wild?

  “Hey, lady. I haven’t seen you around too much lately,” said Paul, rushing up to give her a hug.

  Octavia was startled when he unexpectedly invaded her space, partly because she had been so focused in thought, dreaming of her first encounter with Victor. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even see you standing there. I thought you never left the research lab.”

  Paul pretended to clutch his heart. “To not be noticed by the most beautiful woman not only in this hospital, but also on this planet is heartbreaking,” he playfully said, using animated gestures.

  Octavia laughed. “I don’t know about that,” she interjected, truly not believing what he had said, “but thank you.”

  She did not know him too well, but he had always been pleasant when they’d spoken. When he’d stepped into her personal space, she’d glanced around, perhaps looking for someone to reassure her that she was right to feel uncomfortable. There seemed to be no one else nearby. “I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime, preferably this Friday night.”

  Octavia was surprised. Of course, she could go out, but she hesitated in answering him. He seemed nice enough, yet there was something about him that caused her to pause.

  “Oh, don’t worry about falling prey to my charm,” he said, as he stepped in even closer and Octavia was almost pinned between the information desk and him. “A few of us are going out. I just figured we could get to know each other in a group setting.”

  She felt a bit awkward standing this close to him, so she eased herself over to put some distance between them. He was an attractiv
e guy, a few inches taller than her. He reminded her of a California dream guy, with golden locks and green eyes girls would fall for, but she really wasn’t interested. Then there was Victor. But Paul said this was just friends hanging out. Besides, she needed to go out, meet new people, and try to get Victor off of her mind, as hard as that might be. “Sure, if it’s a group of us, then it should be fine.”

  “Great. I will call you later with all the details,” he said, heading off toward the lobby door.

  “Okay,” she answered, then remembered she hadn’t given him her contact information. “Hey, wait.” But he was already gone. Her cell beeped, and a smiley face popped up. It was most likely him.

  How did he get my number? I never give that out. Octavia pondered.

  But her thoughts were cut short when the tiny hairs on her skin prickled. She quickly looked around.


  “Hello?” Nothing. She felt a draft behind her and called out again into the empty room, “Hello?” Once again, silence was her response. She decided it was too eerily quiet and headed to the meeting.

  As she passed the long hallway that headed in the direction of the lab department, she was unaware that Victor discreetly watched from the second-floor landing. If looks could kill, Paul would have dropped dead long before he’d stepped within arm’s reach of her.

  Once in the library, she climbed to the second floor and turned toward the back. She thought she heard “Octavia” whispered. She had just begun walking, when someone grabbed her from behind. It was Victor. He dragged her into a corner, planting her back against him.

  “What are you doing here? Someone may see us,” she whispered, melting immediately as she protested.

  One arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her securely while the other crossed her chest and clasped gently to the front of her neck. “I want to see you tonight.” He brushed his lips alongside her ear.

  Before she could answer, he’d turned her head and kissed her while reaching down into the front of her skirt, inserting two fingers inside of her. At first, she grabbed his hand in shock, trying to remove it, but he did not budge. Eventually, her grip loosened, surrendering, and her head fell back against his chest. He played with her; around and around he went, as she struggled to mute her moans and remain standing on shaky legs. She enjoyed every moment, pressing herself against him, trying not to scream. At this time of day, the library was sparsely populated, and those who were there seemed oblivious to their sensual act.


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