and Adenauer’s friendship, 145, 151, 154, 159, 161–62
Churchill on, 13
on Communism, 193
Eisenhower on, 280
and Japan, 119, 126
on Khrushchev, 172
on “peaceful coexistence” policy, 198
on Soviet “peace” overtures, 163
Zhou and, 224, 232, 234–35
Dutch New Guinea, 265, 268–69
Eastern Europe, 9, 35, 164–65, 215, 250
de Gaulle fear of destruction of, 73
Nixon on communication with, 192
Eastern Front, The (Churchill), 12
East Germany, 74, 275
Adenauer policy on unification, 149–54, 155, 167
Brandt and Ostpolitik, 163–64
refugees from, 211
western attitudes and, 164
East-West struggle, 250
Churchill on, 37
de Gaulle fears for Europe, 73–77
and Middle East, 279, 283
Sadat’s advice, 296
Eden, Anthony, 15, 35–36, 78, 91
Edge of the Sword, The (de Gaulle), 45, 51, 67
Edward VII, King of England, 16
Edward VIII, King of England, 15, 27
Egypt, 66, 306, 340
and Israel, 207, 281–82
under Nasser, 290–93
Nasser cf. Sadat, 294–95, 297–98, 307
under Sadat, 293–98
Eichmann, Adolf, 284
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 36, 43, 52, 100, 121, 138, 338
and Adenauer, 151, 159
cf. Adenauer, 144
on Ben-Gurion and Dulles, 280
businessmen in Cabinet, 111
and Churchill, 33–34
death and funeral, 76, 78, 341
cf. de Gaulle, 43
on de Gaulle, 63–64
image during World War II, 130
and Khrushchev visit, 190–91, 193–96
leadership and delegation of authority, 334, 336
love and respect for, 288
and MacArthur, 91–92
1954 Churchill visit, 8, 10–11
and politics, 60, 127–29
preparation of Nixon and succession, 157–58
and Nixon presidential campaign (1960), 196
and Russians in Eastern Europe, 33
and General Walter Bedell Smith, 335
Suez Canal and, 291–92
and United Nations, 74–75
U-2 incident, 196–97
Eisenhower, Julie, 286
Eisenhower, Mamie, 11, 15, 78
Elections, 26, 58–59, 333
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 215
Emancipation Proclamation, 221
Engels, Friedrich, 178
Engineers, 335
Erhard, Ludwig, 78, 121, 139, 148, 157, 160
Eshkol, Levi, 286
Ethiopia, 204, 260
Europe. See also Eastern Europe; Western Europe.
Adenauer’s dream of unity, 141, 148–49, 152–53
and American generals, 96
army, 149, 257
Churchill fear of third world war, 10
East-West conflict and, 38, 43–44
historical impact of leaders, 323
and U.S. foreign policy, 99–100
European alliance, 165–66
European Coal and Steel Community, 135
European Defense Community, 257
European Economic Community, 257
Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 306
Faisal Ibn Abdul-Aziz al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 251, 290, 294, 302–307
assassination, 305–306
and Communist link to Zionism, 303–304
on integrity of rule, 306–307
modernization and reforms, 302, 308
Nixon 1960 and 1974 meetings with, 212–14
Farley, Jim, 94
Farouk, King of Egypt, 300, 307
Fascist Italy, 250, 254, 258
Federal Republic of Germany. See West Germany.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 320
Ford, Gerald, 297
Foreign service officers, 31, 42, 64, 111, 318
Foreign trade
China and, 126–27
Japan in 1890s, 104
Soviets and West, 162, 214–15
Formosa. See Republic of China (Taiwan).
France, 76, 149, 165. See also de Gaulle, Charles.
Algeria and, 49–50
Communist China relations, 126
de Gaulle as leader of, 47, 60, 166, 327, 329
de Gaulle personification of, 42, 44, 63–65, 79–80
defeat of European army concept, 149, 151
Fifth Republic constitution, 60–61, 80, 167
Fourth Republic, 46, 48–49
and German rearmament, 77, 135
and Germany, 76–77, 149
and Indochina, 9, 50, 265
and Ivory Coast, 264
parliamentary system, 47–48
public attitudes toward Soviets, 161
Suez crisis, 291–92
Franco-German rapprochement, 76, 80, 134, 142, 147, 149, 151, 162
treaty (1963), 135, 149, 164
Franco, Francisco, 4
Franklin, Benjamin, 64
French people, 56, 64–65
French Revolution, 244
Freud, Sigmund, 17
Frondizi, Arturo, 3
Front de Liberation Nationale, 49
Fulbright, William, 89
Fuller, Lon, 147
Gandhi, Indira, 270, 273–74, 286
Gandhi, Mahatma, 270
“Gang of Four,” 247
Gaullists, 50, 60
Geneva Conference on Berlin (1959), 139
Geneva Conference on Vietnam (1954), 224
German people, 152–53, 287
Germany. See also East Germany; West Germany; World War II.
under Nazis, 27–28, 46–47, 140–41
postwar, 30, 32–33, 139–40
Russian fear of, 73
and Ukrainian people, 183
Ghana, 259–65
Gladstone, William, 130, 251, 334
Goerdeler, Carl, 141
Goldwater, Barry, 93, 95
Grant, Ulysses S., 12
Great Britain, 15, 23, 26–27, 47, 76. See also British people; Churchill, Winston.
Anglo-American relations, 9–10, 30–31
Churchill’s leadership, 29, 166
East-West conflict and, 10, 73–74
in Egypt, 292, 294
and postwar European defense, 135, 151
and Ghana independence, 260
and Hirohito, 109
and India, 10, 270–71
Suez crisis, 291–92
at Versailles, 105
influence on Yoshida, 106–107
Great Contemporaries (Churchill), 35
Greece, 170
Grew, Joseph, 107
Grew, Mrs. Joseph, 113
Gromyko, Andrei, 139, 177, 205–206
Grunwald, Henry, 35
Guinea, 262–64
Gulam Mohammed, 4
Haig, Alexander, 89
Haldeman, Bob, 335
Halifax, Lord, 28
Hamilton, Alexander, 282
Harriman, Averell, 97
Hassan, King of Morocco, 306
Heath, Edward, 238
Herter, Christian, 136
Herter, Mrs. Christian, 197
Herter committee trip to Europe (1947), 136, 250, 259
Hinge of Fate, The (Churchill), 10
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 83, 109–10, 126, 132
Hiroshima, 104
Hiss, Alger, 129
History, and great leaders, 1–6, 323, 344
de Gaulle and, 44
and Magsaysay’s death, 274
verdict of, 301, 344–45
Hitler, Adolf, 31, 46, 167, 179, 325, 327
and Adenauer, 140, 156
and Churchill, 15, 32
p; Hitler-Stalin pact, 183–84
Ho Chi Minh, 265
Hoffman, Paul, 272
Hokkaido, Japan, 117
Hollywood films, 323
Hoover, Herbert, 27, 31, 52
history’s verdict, 345
and MacArthur, 91, 96, 98
Nixon meeting with (1953), 90
Nixon meeting with (1963), 94–95
Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 96
Hoover, J. Edgar, 197
Houphouet-Boigny, Felix, 264
House, Colonel Edward, 106
House of Commons, 20, 21, 35
House of Representatives (U.S.), 24, 53. See also Herter committee.
Hozier, Clementine, 25
Huenhlin, General Adolf, 46–47
Hukbalahaps, 275–77
Hungary, 74, 186, 211
1956 revolt, 170, 291
Hussein, King of Jordan, 306
Ibn-Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 302, 308
Ikeda, Hayato, 111, 121, 123
Inchon port, 97
India, 232, 248
and British, 10, 27, 270–71
and Indira Gandhi, 286
and Nehru, 269–71, 274
population, 271, 274
Indochina, 6–10, 50, 100, 104. See also Vietnam War.
Indonesia, 259, 265–69
Information leaks, 28
Iran, 299–300
American hostage crisis, 299, 343
and Islam, 298
revolution and loss of freedom, 289, 299, 305, 308
Iraq, 296
Iron Curtain speech, 31
Islam, 298, 302, 305
Isolationism, 15, 316
Israel, 251, 295–96
and Ben-Gurion, 279–83
de Gaulle on, 65–66
Faisal and, 303
and Golda Meir, 283–89
Nasser hatred for, 293
Nixon-Brezhnev confrontation, Yom Kippur War, 207–10
Sadat’s peace with, 295, 298
and Suez crisis, 291, 295
U.S. airlift and military alert (1973), 207–209, 285
U.S. special relationship with, 283
Italy, 30, 51, 251–58, 275
Ivory Coast, 263–64
Japan, 4, 102, 311, 318
Allied Occupation period, 81–85, 108–21, 253
and communism, 117–18, 121
and Communist China, 32, 127, 232–33, 248
constitution, 116
democracy and, 82–85, 130–32
economic growth, 83, 95, 100, 121–23
and emperor, 109–10, 116
Korean War and, 103, 119
land reform, 115–17
MacArthur’s reforms, 95, 103–104, 115–16, 118, 131
Magsaysay on, 278
prewar, 104–107
rearmament issue, 119–21
U.S. security alliance with, 120–21, 301
World War II, 30, 32, 220, 275–76, 278
Yoshida as Prime Minister, 110–123, 129, 132
Jefferson, Thomas, 283
Jerome, Jennie. See Churchill, Lady Randolph.
Jews, 281–83, 287
Jiang Qing, 228, 242–43
Joan of Arc, 63
Johnson, Lyndon, 52, 68, 126, 338
leadership style, 284, 328
personality, 315–16
physical contact, 204, 328
refusal to run for reelection, 339–40
and Vietnam War, 93, 336
Johnson, Samuel, 25
Joint Chiefs of Staff (U.S.), 96–98
Jordan, 306
Kaganovich, Lazar, 182–84
Kashmir, 269–70
Kausen, Herr, 137–38
Kendall, Donald, 185
Kennedy, John F, 52, 58, 161, 306, 338
Adenauer on, 159
Cuban Missile Crisis and de Gaulle, 258
MacArthur on, 94–95
test-ban treaty, 94, 171
presidential campaign (1960), 61, 149, 197, 316
Kent, Dutchess of, 260
Khalid, King of Saudi Arabia, 306
“Khitryi” Khrushchev, 182
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 299–300
Khrushchev, Nikita, 5, 94, 169–201, 211, 216, 267
and Adenauer mission, 154–56, 164
American presidential campaign (1960)
and, 196–97
background, 170–71, 184–86
behavior, 171, 175–77, 225, 322, 327, 329
cf. Brezhnev, 202, 204–205, 206–207
Captive Nations Resolution and, 173–74, 191
drunkenness, 172, 175
Dulles on, 172
failures, 171, 180
foreign policy, 198–99
humor and jokes, 181–82
and Hungarian repression, 192
inferiority complex, 195–96, 199
intellectual depth, 337
leadership, and strength, 172
and Macmillan, 177
and Marxist theory, 179
Nixon visit to Soviet Union (1959), 173–74, 176–77, 179, 181–82
dacha visit, 187–91
“kitchen” debate, 184–86, 201
Nixon attempt to see (1965), 201
ouster by subordinates, 199–200
personality, 180–82, 187
quotes and comments:
abstract art, 181
Captive Nations Resolution and
“horse shit,” 174
Caracas attack on Nixons, 190
Chinese population, 163
Communist uprisings, 190
espionage, 197
fable of humble man (Pinya), 169–70
Kozlov, 178
Marxist theory, 178
Russians remaining Communist, 181
Russia’s telephones, 196
shaking of fists, 178
writers and revolution, 186
and rivals, 215
cf. Stalin, 171
Stalin defrocking, 181, 186–87, 232
successes, 170–71
U.S. tour, 193–96
and Zhou, 231–32
Khrushchev, Mrs. Nikita, 175, 188
King, Martin Luther, 261
Kipling, Rudyard, 19, 100–101
Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone, 143
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne J., 340
Kishi, Nobusuke, 121, 318
Kissinger, Henry, 122, 206, 210, 287
Chinese-American rapprochement talks, 233–35
on de Gaulle, 218
Golda on, 294
and Mao’s writings, 238
1972 summit meeting, 205
Paris Peace with North Vietnam, 76
and Yom Kippur War, 207–208
on Zhou, 218, 221, 230
“Kitchen” debate, 184–85, 201
Kitchener, Lord (Horatio Herbert), 19
Kohler, Foy, 182
“Konrad Adenauer” rose, 158
Korean War, 119, 123, 126, 224
Communist goals in, 103, 131
MacArthur and, 81, 89, 97–99, 102–103
Kosygin, Aleksei, 75, 77, 163, 205
Kozlov, Frol, 153, 173, 178
Kubitschek, Juscelino, 3
Lafayette Marquis de, 222
Lafite Rothschild, Château, 15
Land reform programs:
Japan, 115
Philippines, 278–79
Taiwan, 115–16, 244–45
Laos, 204
La Scala opera house, 255–56
Latin America, 47–49, 72, 264
Leaders. See also Leadership; names of leaders.
age factor, 36
and conversational excellence, 314
followers and, 331–34
friendships between, 135
and goodness, 3
history’s verdict on, 301–302, 344–45
and intrigue, 284, 328
learning from the past, 6, 61, 250–51
nation building vs. revolution, 319
of newly independent countries, 259�
and power, 38, 285–86, 300, 321–22
revolutionary, 244, 265–95, 302, 307
Theodore Roosevelt on, 345
sacrifices, 67, 331
of smaller countries, 2, 308–19
speaking and writing ability, 314
and grooming of successors, 121–22, 127, 158
summit meetings and, 210
of superpowers, 215–16
and television, 342–44
toughness vs. gentleness, 43
in wartime, 2, 29–30, 34, 58–59
wilderness periods, 313
wives of, 242–43
Leadership, 7–13, 320–345
de Gaulle analysis of, 45–46, 51–52, 54, 57–58, 62, 320, 324–25
and demagoguery, 269
and foresight, 134
cf. management, 4–5
manners/strength correlation, 172
Lee, Harold, 224–25
Lee Kuan Yew, 251, 310–11, 317–19
cf. Menzies, 308–10
quotes and comments:
Japan, 318
Mao’s decline, 318
nations as great trees, 318
Singapore and communism, 312
Singapore’s survival and work, 311
sitting on a shooting stick, 311
U.S. and Soviet expansionism, 317
Lee, Robert E., 12
Le Jour (Beirut), 292
Lenin, Nikolai, 172, 178, 183, 219, 337
Leningrad, Siege of, 205
Lerner, Max, 326–27
le Trocquer, André, 50
Liberalism and socialism, 23
Liberal leaders, 335–36
Libya, 290, 296
Life magazine, 171
Lin Biao, 229–30
Lincoln, Abraham, 128, 222, 261, 292, 323
on violation of Constitution, 326
Lincoln Bedroom, 14–15
Lin Yuitang, 230
“Little Folk” (Kipling), 19
Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 3
Lloyd George, David, 19, 24
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 195
Long March, 220, 222, 236, 240
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 42
Luce, Clare Boothe, 341
Luce, Henry R., 3
Lumumba, Patrice, 171
Lunik satellite, 173, 194
MacArthur, Arthur (son of Douglas MacArthur), 113–14
MacArthur, General Arthur (father of Douglas MacArthur), 87–88
MacArthur, General Douglas, 81–103, 113–19, 127–32
Asian outlook, 88, 93, 99–103, 130–31, 309
Churchill on, 33, 109
corncob pipe, 88, 328
courage, 87, 109
cf. de Gaulle, 43, 53, 73
disobedience and contempt for superiors, 95–96
“Dugout Doug,” 86, 129
eccentricities of dress, 88–89
Eisenhower and, 91–92
eloquence, 53, 90, 153
and father, 87–88
as general, 86–87
Inchon landing, 97
Korean War and Truman, 81, 98–99, 102–103
and Japan, Allied Occupation, 4, 84–85, 103–104, 109–119, 130–32
last years and politics, 127–29
military background, 87–89
monologues, 11, 91, 314
mother and, 17, 88
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