Into the Dark

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Into the Dark Page 7

by T A. McKay

  With her head thrown back, I have full access to her neck and I don't miss the opportunity, lowering my lips to her neck I start to suck just below her ear, a place I know from experience drives women crazy. Moving my leg away from her I move my hand down her body, letting it take the place of my thigh. I rub my finger over her pussy lips, she is so wet and I don't think I have the patience to wait to have her. I need the release now. I reach back into my rear pocket and grab the condom I stashed there earlier. I always like to keep them on hand, nothing kills the moment like having to go in search for one, and there is no way in hell that I am ever going without one. Number one rule, the rule I never break, is the age old, ‘no glove no love’ one. I mean, if I'm getting into these girls knickers easily then the chances are, so are other guys. Victoria pulls her head away from the wall and looks to see why I have stopped. When she sees the condom in my hand, she smiles and lowers her hands to my jeans.

  “Do you need a hand there big guy?” I move back slightly, giving her full access to the area she is focused on. Who am I to not give the lady what she wants? When she has my zip open I feel her fingers brush against my erection and I still, waiting for her to remove it from my boxer shorts. Closing my eyes I will her to move quicker, I need to allow her to make this move, to give her some confidence in what is about to happen because when I start there will be no stopping. When she finally wraps her hand around me, my knees nearly give out with the sensation, it feels like I haven't been with anyone in months. I have no idea why this is feeling more intense than before, she is touching me less than I’m used to and it’s making me feel more. My head drops to her shoulder as she continues to rub me, her hand moving from my balls right to the tip of me where she rubs her thumb over the top of me, rubbing the pre cum I feel all over my tip. Why am I so excited? What is it about this girl that just turns me on more than anyone else has? I return my fingers between her legs and push them into her wet heat. I need to get her off before I even attempt to enter her or she is going to leave here very disappointed, whatever special powers she has isn't going to make me last very long. I feel her clench down on my fingers as I run my thumb over her clit. I’m not being careful or trying to make her feel special, I just need to get her to the goal, I need her to orgasm so I can get inside her and try and lose this feeling, the one that makes me feel like I’m losing control. Her breathing starts to speed up and small moans start to come from her as I increase the pressure, her pelvis is now grinding hard against my hand telling me she’s close. Thank fuck, I’m not sure how much longer I'm going to hold out. With fingernails digging into my dick and a glass-shattering scream she comes around my fingers. I waste no time in slipping the condom on and slamming into her body. I can still feel the tremors through her body as her walls clutch at my dick, it feels like heaven...but it also feels wrong. I have no idea why it feels wrong, but it does. I thrust quickly into Victoria’s body trying to lose the feeling, trying to quickly reach the pleasure I know I need. Closing my eyes I try to focus on the feelings, the heat I can feel surrounding my dick, the wetness that is dripping down my balls and the sound of our bodies smacking together but the only thing that was in my mind was big green eyes and long dark hair.


  Shaking my head, I try and dislodge the picture of Niamh I have in my head, I don't want to think about her now. I need to think of the woman who is currently wrapped around me. The sexy ass blonde who currently tightening around my dick. I open my eyes and look at Victoria, leaning in I claim her mouth making sure I know who I’m with at this moment. I growl as I feel my orgasm fading away, I lean backwards looking at her again and any tingle I could feel before is definitely gone. Shit shit shit! This can't be happening. I close my eyes again trying to refocus before I lose my hard on altogether. My mind drifts back to Niamh. To her beautiful big eyes, the eyes I would love to look into as she came around my dick. I can imagine them dark with passion and the pupils dilating as she finds her release. And her silky dark hair, the feel of it in my hands as I pull her hair back as I thrust into her. I imagine her legs wrapped around my waist as I plunge into her heat over and over again. Before I can stop it, I feel myself explode my release into Victoria. I look up into her smiling face, she seems so happy with what just happened. Little does she know that the only reason I managed to finish was I pictured a hot little brunette that hates me with a passion.

  Fuck me, I’m screwed.

  Chapter Eight

  I sit staring at the phone on my desk, willing it to disappear. It’s the moment I have been dreading all week, I need to call Niamh about her bike. I tried to talk Rocco into doing it, and then Ben but neither of them would help a guy out. It did earn me some strange looks from them, I have never asked anyone to call a customer before, that’s my department and I trust no one else with it. Little do they know what this little brunette does to me.

  Taking a deep breath, I pick up the handset and dial the number from the file. It seems to ring forever and I’m tempted to hang up, but that would just mean I needed to call back, so I wait. The call connects and I close my eyes waiting to hear her voice.

  “Hello.” Her voice is sweet and breathy. It has never sounded like that when she has spoken to me. My dick takes instant notice, pushing painfully against my trousers.

  “Hello?” I didn't realise I had taken so long just thinking about her voice.

  “Eh, hi, Niamh? It’s Mason, from RM custom design.” The silence over the phone makes me feel uncomfortable, even over the phone she has my balls in a vice.

  “What can I do for you, Mason?” There is now an icy edge to her voice. I really would love to know what the fuck I have done to her for her attitude to suck so badly towards me.

  “I’m calling to make sure you received the written proposal I sent in the post and to see if there is anything else I can offer you.” There is a muttering on the other end of the phone and I start to lose the awkward feeling, it’s quickly being replaced by a feeling of anger.

  “Sorry, the line went funny. I didn’t hear what you said there, Niamh.” I know it’s not professional, but there is just something about this woman. Whenever I'm around her, I’m either lost for words or wanting to grab her and shake her. Ok, it’s not shaking her I want to do, my main fantasy seems to lie around pinning her to a wall and kissing her like I have never kissed anyone before.

  “I said, there are no extras you could possibly offer me that I would want.” The tone of her voice leaves no mystery to the fact that she is being pissy with me.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Fine, but make it quick.” I know I shouldn't, but I give in to the anger that's building inside me.

  “When the fuck did I piss in your cheerio’s?” There is nothing but silence. Shit, I think I have just screwed this up big time.

  “I have to go.” No, she can’t hang up on me yet.

  “Niamh, I’m sorry. Please don't hang up, I'm really sorry.” I need to make this right, not just for the business we could lose but also for my sanity.

  “Fuck you, Mason. I don’t want my bike done at the moment. I just wanted a quote so I can save up, and don't worry, when I want it done I will go somewhere else. That way we don't have to ever have any contact again.”

  “So you would rather go second best than stop being a bitch to me? I really would love to know what the hell I have done to you. You’ve had a stick up your arse since the first time I met you at the garage, and I don't understand why.” She starts laughing and this just confuses me more.

  “There’s the problem right there. That wasn't the first time we met, Mason. Maybe there have been so many women in your life you memory is finally giving up on you.” Have I slept with Niamh? No. There is no way in hell I would forget her, is there? I sit doubting myself as she continues in my ear, almost like she can read my mind.

  “Don’t panic, Mason, there was no sex involved. I’m sure that will narrow our meeting down considerably. There can't be many women in the
world that you have met and not ended up in bed with.” I rack my brain trying to remember where I know her from. I’m at a total loss, but at least I know I'm not losing my mind completely, I knew I hadn't slept with her

  “I have to go. Thank you for calling but it’s a no at this time.” With that, she hangs up the call. I don't know how long I sit there just listening to the dead noise on the line, I just can't believe she hung up on me. Bitch.

  I slam the receiver down onto the cradle so hard that I can hear the audible crack it makes. To say I'm pissed is an understatement. How dare she? Well, fuck her. I push back from my desk with so much force I knock my chair against the wall. I need to calm down. Placing my hands on my desk I take a deep breath as I hang my head to my chest. Rolling my head from side to side, I try to work out some of the tension that is building there.

  “Get a grip, McIntyre.” I mutter under my breath. I take a final deep breath before standing straight. She is gone, out of my life for good so I can forget her and move on. I leave my office making my way to the work area of the garage. There is a lot of work to get down so I better get to it.


  The guy is an idiot. I’m currently trying to scrub my anger away by cleaning the shower in my en-suite. I can't believe he doesn’t remember me, well actually I can believe that. He honestly thought he had slept with me? Has he really slept with that many women that he can't remember them all? Arsehole! I am so angry just now and I really don’t know why fully, he had only called to check up on the work for my bike. I know the problem is with me, I haven't been able to get it him out of my head since the night he spent with Talia and it is driving me insane. The day I went to the garage I nearly drove away without even stopping when I saw him standing there. He had looked just like I remembered him, like sin dripping with pleasure. When he had called it threw me, I didn't know what to say. The butterflies in my stomach had shocked me, making me wonder what kind of hold he has on me. I have only seen him twice, and neither of those occasions had been a pleasant experience so I can only put my reaction down to the fact that my body wants him and only my body. I throw the scrubbing brush into the bath and it lands with a thud. This just isn't getting rid of my frustrations quick enough, I need something more strenuous, something that will make me sweat. As soon as I think about Mason and sweating in the same moment I get pictures flashing through my head. Visions of Masons lips on me, of me pinned to a wall, of his hands all over my body. I can feel the heat building in my body as I think about it all, and this just makes me madder. Mason is a manwhore, pure and simple. There is no way I would ever be with a guy like that, and the sooner I can get my body to understand this the better we will all be.

  I’m moving about the kitchen putting away the dishes that are on the draining board, slamming every door as I go when I hear a low whistle behind me.

  “Wow. Someone really has your knickers in a twist.” Great. Just what I need. She’s the reason I'm having this problem in the first place, if she had just kept her legs together in the first place I wouldn't be going through this shit.

  “Don't start, Talia. I’m not even slightly in the mood.” I grab the last of the pots from the worktop and almost throw them in the cupboard.

  “Hey. What the hell did I do?” There is no way for me to tell her that I am struggling to not think about the last guy she slept with. What kind of friend does that make me? She had woken upset the morning after being with Mason, I think she thought he liked her, that maybe he would hang around long enough to make another date. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I’d seen him sneaking out, and I certainly wasn't going to tell her now that I wanted nothing more than to have my own one night with him.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s with me today, I'm just tired and grumpy.” I know it doesn't explain anything to her, but it’s the best I can come up with to explain my mood.

  “If you say so. Don’t think I haven't noticed you being off the last couple of weeks, if I didn't know better I would say that you were hiding something. And just so you don't misunderstand me, I know you're hiding something, I'm just wondering when you will finally tell me about it. I’m meant to be your best friend, Niamh.” Ok, now I feel like shit. I thought I’d done better at hiding my feelings, but not only did I fail with that, I’m failing as a best friend too. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves when I realise I'm going to have to tell her something, anything to make her happy.

  “How about a coffee and I give you the cliff notes before my shift at the hospital?” The smile that Talia gives me makes me feel even worse, she looks so happy that I am finally going to tell her something, I just know I can't tell her everything. Yes, I’m a crap friend but I don’t care.

  “You sit and start, I’ll make the coffee.” I sigh heavily as I take a seat at our little kitchen table. There is only space at it for two people to sit, but neither of us cared when we saw it at a car boot sale, it was too cute to walk away from. It’s white, and what some people might call past it’s best but we like to call it rustic. Talia comes over with two cups of coffee and places one in front of me as she sits down.

  “I don’t even know where to start.” I take a big breath holding it for a second before letting it out again, I need to just say it.

  “There’s this guy.” That’s as far as I get before Talia squeals and claps her hands. She has a huge smile on her face and looks a little too excited about this confession. Is my life really that sad that she is excited there is a guy?

  “Did you seriously just squee at me?”

  “Yes. Yes, I did! Niamh I have known you for what? Ten years? And not once have I heard those words come out of your mouth. You never like a guy. Never.” I’m about to argue that there have been plenty of guys, but she is actually right. I was too busy studying in high school to be bothered with the guys, I wanted to get out of that stupid small town and going to nursing college seemed the perfect way. I have always had a love of helping people, I was always the first to volunteer to help with first aid courses. Then when I made it to college I was too busy trying to get amazing grades to bother with parties, so that, of course, meant that very few guys knew who I was. I'm not stunning like some girls, I suppose you could call me cute, I like my long brown hair with it’s natural highlights has always had comments and I love my green eyes, they are an unusual green and seem to stand out. But that being said I have never been the type of girl to turn heads, my looks are simple, nothing that ever catches anyone’s eye. This meant in college, with not going to parties, I never met any guys. Now my focus is my career. I work hard in the Accident and Emergency in my local hospital, I love my job and it’s all I need in my life.

  “You make me sound like a really sad old maid. I’ll have you know there have been plenty of guys.” Yeah, she knows I'm lying and usually she just lets me go with it...but obviously today is different.

  “Name one.” This conversation really isn't going the way I want it to.

  ”Ok, so I can't actually name one, you already know this. But do you want me to tell you this or not?” I need to change the subject away from my lack of sex life...or life in general. Talia sits quietly with her hands around her mug, obviously giving me permission to carry on.

  “Fine. There is this guy, but he drives me so freaking insane it’s painful. He’s big headed and annoys me to the point of distraction, but god, Talia, he is gorgeous.” I don't know what else to tell her. I can't mention his name, I don't know if she will remember him at all but I can't risk it.

  “Do I know him?” Argh, she needs to not ask me things like that. It’s one thing not to offer the information, it’s a completely different thing to lie about it.

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t know his name. He works at a garage I took my bike too. He is like those guys I read about in my books, he’s perfect. Just looking at him has my skin tingling, he is built to perfection with a rock hard body and eyes to die for. His eyes are the brightest blue I have ever seen.” I realise m
y mistake too late. I have told her too much about him and she might know who I'm talking about. Shit, please don't figure out who I’m on about. I keep talking trying to get her focus away from the description I have just given.

  “But as soon as he opens his mouth I just want to punch him in his perfect face. Seriously the guy has no humility at all. He seems to think he is god's gift to all women.” Talia laughs as I ramble on at her.

  “Honey, you have just described every man on Earth. They all think they are something they aren't. It’s true what they say, all the best men are fictional.” I laugh at her, but my heart really isn't with her. I really do think that Mason would be a dream come true for me if I were to give in to my desires, but I'm not going too. The guy is a dick and there is no way of getting around that.

  “Well, now you know what has been wrong with me, I’m frustrated...and not just with the situation.” I look at my watch and see it’s time to get ready for work. I stand walking over to the sink to place my empty mug in.

  “I need to go get ready for my shift, hopefully it will be busy so ‘Mr Frustrating’ won't be on my mind.” I smile at her before leaving the kitchen. When I'm halfway down the hall, I hear her shout after me.

  “You, Niamh Knight need to let loose a bit. You need to get yourself some hot sex!”

  Oh, how right she is!


  I’m spray painting the bike that I’m working on. I managed to get the primer on early yesterday morning so it’s time to get the paint on. It’s not a colour I would ever pick for a bike, but I just do as I am told. Canary yellow just shouldn't be allowed on such a beautiful machine. I’m just about to start the second coat when I hear my mobile ring. I walk out of the spraying room and remove my mask before I reach into my pocket and grab my phone.


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