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Into the Dark

Page 8

by T A. McKay

  “Hello.” There is a huge commotion on the other end of the line but no answer. I take my phone away from my ear and notice it’s Rocco’s number.

  “Rocco. Are you there?” I almost shout down the phone, thinking that maybe he has pocket called me.

  “Mason? Can you hear me?” I strain to hear him, there is so much noise around him. Is that an ambulance?

  “Just. What's happening Rocco? Are you ok, and is that a siren?” I am starting to panic now, why would there be an ambulance if everything were ok?

  “Listen, I can't hear you, I’m on speaker phone so I hope you can hear me properly.” There is a panic in his voice that isn't helping my nerves settle at all.

  “There was an accident at the pool. Makenzie was hurt. I’m on my way to the hospital with her now. She was dead, Mason. Fuck! Ben had to pull her out of the water, I couldn’t do it, I froze. I had to resuscitate her, Mason. Shit, if I had lost her I don't know what I would have done. I don't know if she is going to be ok, but I will let you know when I know anything. I will call you again in a little bit. I might need you to come, I don't know what I will do if she doesn't wake up. I think I love her, Mason.” I don’t even know where to start with what I just heard. I can hear the pain and anguish in his voice, never before have I heard Rocco sound so lost, not even in his own lowest moments.

  “I’m here for you. Tell me what you need and you have it.” I hear a small sob across the line and feel so far away and useless.

  “Rocco, please. Tell me what you need.” I walk back into the spraying room and start turning off all the machinery that I was using, there is no way in hell I am staying here now. I need to get to the hospital, I won’t be able to help but at least I can support Rocco.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t.” Walking to the main door, I shut off all the lights in the garage and lock up the main doors before walking towards my car.

  “Hang up now. I’m on my way to the hospital, but I need you to concentrate on driving.” The thought of Rocco getting into another accident has my nerves on edge. I hear him take a deep breath.

  “Ok. I will see you at accident and emergency, please be quick.”

  “I'm already in my car. And Rocco, she will be fine. See you shortly.” I close my phone and throw it into the passenger seat of my car. I can’t help but wonder if I’m telling the truth to Rocco, will Makenzie be ok? I pray to god she is...I don't want to lose my best friend completely.

  Chapter Nine

  I return home after spending the evening in the hospital with Rocco. He hasn't moved from Mackenzie's side since the accident. The doctors are confident that she will make a full recovery, she just hasn't woken up yet. Rocco is a mess just now, apparently he is the one knocked her into the pool, so he now feels guilty. She had actually died in the pool, but he had managed to get her breathing again after Ben pulled her out. Thank god Ben had been there, Rocco said he froze when he was watching Makenzie drown, I think I would be the same watching my girl. I don't know how I would handle the woman I loved being hurt or in danger. I must buy Ben a drink the next time we go out, he is now hero status in my opinion.

  Walking into my bedroom I can almost hear my shower calling to me. It’s the only thing that could make this day a little better, or at least as good as it’s going to get. I strip off my clothes throwing them into my washing basket and step over to my shower. Turning the water as hot as possible, I stand under the flow, letting it hit my shoulders massaging them as it heats my muscles. This day couldn't have gone any worse if I had tried. Between Mackenzie's accident and the phone call to that bloody infuriating woman, I just want it to end now. My mind drifts to Niamh and before my mind can register anything my body is reacting. My dick starts to harden as thoughts of long brown hair and dark eyes fill my mind. My head knows she is bad news but apparently my dick hasn't had that memo. She frustrates the ever loving shit out of me, so why is it that just the thought of her gets me harder than anyone else ever has before? I reach down and run my hand along my hard dick, trying to get a little relief. I really need to get out soon and work some frustrations out, it has been over a week since I was with Victoria and that just confused me more than anything. I need to work Niamh out of my blood, or at least out of my dick. I continue to rub my length, savouring the feeling of my hand as I grip harder, picturing someone else’s hand and not my own. I close my eyes and lean my head against the cool tiles, trying to get some control over my body, but I know it’s a losing battle, there is only one thing that going to help. Release. Rubbing my dick a little faster I feel the familiar tingle at the base of my spine, this isn’t going to last long at all. It never does when I picture Niamh, she is like something out of my fantasies and my dick loses all control whenever I think of her. I picture Niamh on her knees in front of me, it’s a dangerous thought if I want to make this last any amount of time, but at the moment it’s the only thing that is going through my head. I can feel my balls start to tighten as I picture her there, her face inches away from my dick, her perfect little tongue coming out to taste me. This final thought is the one that pushes me over the edge, I cry out as I feel my dick pulse in my hand and my release hit’s the shower wall in front of me. The thoughts of her always make my orgasms stronger than before, and I will be fucked if I know why. What is it about this woman that has such an effect on my body? I have been asking myself this question for weeks now and I think that I will be asking it for a long time to come.

  I grab my mobile from my bedside unit checking the message that’s just come in. It’s Rocco to tell me that Makenzie has woken up and is ok. He’s planning on spending the night at the hospital and he’s wondering if I'm ok for opening up tomorrow. It’s Rocco’s turn to open, he takes one morning a week to let me have a morning free to get stuff done. Working long hours doesn't always make it easy to make appointments, but if I'm truthful I love just getting up and lazing about for the morning.

  I text him back saying not to worry about the garage, he goes away in a few days to meetings in London so one more days isn't going to make much difference to me. He will just owe me a favour when he gets back. I turn the alarm on my mobile back on to make sure I don't sleep in tomorrow, and turn my TV off. If I'm not going to get my usual long lie tomorrow, I better grab an early night.

  My last thought as I fall asleep are of beautiful green eyes.

  The next few days pass in a blur with everything that happens. The most memorable moment without any doubt was walking in on Rocco and Makenzie about to have sex on the desk in his office. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believe it had happened. It seems Rocco may be getting over his fear of letting go and living. He was certainly letting it all go in his office. I laugh to myself again as I think about his face when I walked in, I think if he could have killed me at that moment he would have done it gladly, but he was trying to cover Makenzie’s modesty…or at least her breasts. I don't know how he has managed to go so long without getting some loving, I would have worn through my hand by now.

  I’m now standing in front of my bedroom mirror, making sure I look good enough for my night out. I have organised to go out with some of the boys in the garage, I want us to go out and celebrate Ben saving Makenzie’s life, also, I need to let loose and have some fun. If I manage to forget about a certain brunette then, it’s an added bonus. I run my hands through my hair one more time making it spike slightly in that sexy messed up way. It’s the one thing that women always seem to notice, right after my eyes. I like to keep myself looking good, I couldn't be one of those guys who just showered and ran, it takes time to look this good. Even at work I try to look as good as I can in, you never know when a hot little number will cross your path. Tonight I’m wearing dark blue jeans, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows and black boots. I think the overall effect will work for the evening, and I don't think I will be lonely for too long. Grabbing my leather jacket from the back of my couch on the way out the door I send Lucas a text to say
I'm on my way.

  It’s busy in the club tonight, there seems to be a different crowd in than normal. I stand at the side of the dance floor and watch the people on the dancing. There are a lot of new faces, especially females which is fantastic for me. The choices were getting a little thin there for a while, and there was no way that anyone stood out enough to ever go back for seconds, unless you are talking about Claire. I watch a group of girls dancing, they seem to be having a great time together and they have brought the attention from quite a few guys around the dance floor. I don’t know if they are having a party, but they all seem to be dressed up like they are, well apart from one and she’s the one that has caught my attention. Where the rest of the girls are wearing skirts that barely cover theirs arses she is wearing jeans, and they look like they have been sprayed onto her body showing of the most perfect arse I have ever seen. My dick starts to twitch a little in my jeans just watching her move. With her jeans, she is wearing this little blue top that sit’s just above the curve of her arse, showing off a slim waist that I dream about placing my arms around. Her hips move in a seductive rhythm that pulls me in and I can't take my eyes off her. I see a guy approach her, placing his hands on her hips, I don't blame him really but there is a part of me that wants to go over there and forcibly remove him from her body. He leans in close and looks like he is talking in her ear, I don't know what happens in the next moment but I see him jump back from her body rubbing his stomach. I chuckle to myself when I realise that she hadn't needed my help after all. I continue to watch her dance, she hasn't turned around yet but there is something about her that just grabs my attention. It could be the rocking body that she has, or maybe it’s the fact she is here surrounded by women dressed in very little and she is happy dressed in her jeans. That takes a lot of confidence in my eyes. I don't know how long I stand and watch her move her body, but I hear a new song start to play and some people leave the dance floor. I find myself standing behind her on the dance floor, I'm not even sure how I got here, the last thing I remember is watching her arse. Getting over my surprise, I reach my hands around her waist pulling her into my body, her body stills and she turns her head to look at me over her shoulder. The minute her eyes meet mine I recognise her. Niamh. I can’t believe that I am standing here with my arms around her and that she feels so perfect in my arms. I see the look of recognition in her face before I see a smile reaching the corners of her mouth. I never thought that I would ever be holding her, not with the attitude she always gives me, but standing here with her in my arms there is nothing else I want. She is so fucking beautiful I have to keep telling myself to slow down, I want to be the one in control here, not to give control over to her by letting her know how much I crave her. She turns her head away from me and I use the opportunity to lean in and whisper in her ear.

  “You are so fucking sexy.” Her body starts to sway against me as she moves to the music, my dick notices the amazing grind her arse has going on against it.

  “Keep doing that baby, and I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” I feel her body shake with laughter as she leans her head to the side allowing me access to her neck. I lick up her neck and take her ear in between my teeth and bite gently.

  “I could watch you dance all night, you may be the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” She turns her body towards me and reaches her arms around my neck, pulling her flush against my body.

  “What else could you watch me do?” She asks in the most sexual voice I have ever heard. It’s not the growl that she usually has when speaking to me, tonight it’s soft but it has a slight roughness to it, she would make the perfect sex line operator. My dick notices her voice, standing to attention, almost like he is trying to get closer to the sound. I can't believe after all the fighting we have done she is giving in so easily, she has never once shown any interest in me or what I can give her. This is one opportunity I won’t be passing up, even if I know she will probably regret it in the morning.

  “I would love to see you come, baby. I want to see your eyes sparkle as you scream my name.” Her eyes glitter with mischief as she leans in and whispers in my ear.

  “Want me to tell you exactly what you’re going to watch?” If possible my dick goes harder as her lips brush my ear as she asks me the question I really want the answer to. It’s like all my daydreams have come true, having her this close to my body.

  “Tell me, baby.” I can’t wait to get inside this woman, something tells me it will be amazing.

  “You’re gonna watch my arse as I walk the fuck away from you loser. I refuse to be yet another notch on your bedpost.” And with those parting words I watch her arse as she walks away.

  What the fuck?

  Chapter Ten

  I’m sitting on the bathroom floor trying my best not to panic. Last night went from bad to a complete fuck up after my run in with Niamh. The way she blew me off was like a kick in the balls, and to make matters worse the guys had watched the whole thing so I had to listen to them for the rest of the night taking the piss. To try and numb the burn of the rejection I starting drinking hard, I lost count after the tenth shot but the way my head is feeling now I'm sure there were a lot more. The shots are really the main reason I'm sitting here, I lost my ability to think clearly and I did the unthinkable. I went home with bat shit crazy Wendy. I swore that this would never happen, I have seen other guys fall into her trap and get stuck, and I refused to be one of them. Wendy is beautiful, she has long blonde hair and a figure to die for, unfortunately once you have been with her, you want to die. She has a habit of becoming slightly attached to the men that she takes home, and I’m using the term slightly very loosely. Wendy would put any private investigator to shame with her ability to stalk the guys she is with. My friend Kian went home with her one night and it took him three months to shake her. He even found her in his bed one night when he brought someone else home, and to this day he has no idea how she got in. All doors and windows were locked and nothing looked force, I swear the CIA could use a woman like this working for them, use her skills for good instead of evil.

  When I woke up this morning she was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed just staring at me, I think the feeling of someone staring is what actually woke me from my passed out state. The smile she had on her face scared the shit of me, there was just a slightly crazed look in her eye. She leaned over and kissed me before disappearing to, in her words ‘get her baby his breakfast.' As soon as she left the room I jumped from the bed, grabbing all my belongings. I managed to find all my clothes, minus my boxers, and my mobile, but I couldn't find my wallet. When I heard her heading back along the hall and panicked, and that’s why I’m now sitting locked in her bathroom with no way of escaping. She keeps knocking on the door, asking me to come out and snuggle, she has made breakfast that we can share and she keeps using names like baby and my lover. It makes me shudder. Every. Single. Time.

  I don’t know what to do, but I do know that I need to get out of here and as soon as I work out how to do that I’m gone. I reach for my mobile so I can call Rocco to come and get me, but I remember he is away on business. Shit. What the hell am I meant to do now? I know I can't call any of the guys at the garage, my life wouldn’t be worth living if they were to find out about this, just like I would do with them. I think to all the guys who were with me last night and grimace, each and every one of them let this happen. They must have seen me leave with Wendy and they are probably all sitting by their phones waiting on a call to see what happened. With this thought in my head I know there is only one solution, I press the contact on my mobile and wait for the call to be answered.

  “Mason?” She sounds surprised and I don't blame her.

  “Thank God you’re home. I need your help Makenzie.” I keep my voice low, talking in a loud whisper. I don't want Wendy to hear what I am up to, she might kick the door down if she thinks I'm plotting my escape.

  “Why are you whispering, Mason? What's happened?”

“Are you busy? Please say you can come and get me, I’m some woman’s house and I can’t find my wallet.” I close my eyes and pray that she can come and get me, I don't know what I'm going to do if she can't.

  “There is only one problem with that, Mason, I don’t have a car. Why don’t you just call a taxi?” Oh, why can't she just say yes and come and get me? I can explain it to her later, well maybe.

  “I can’t. I don’t know where my wallet is. I think she may have hidden it to stop me from leaving. She’s gone all crazy. She’s even locked me. In. The. House! Please, Makenzie. I have locked myself in the bathroom so I can’t expect a taxi driver to save me. Get a taxi to the garage and pick up one of the loan cars. Richie will give you the keys. I will call him. Please.” Ok, I don't know if she's actually locked me in the house but if I were to put money on it, I would say she had. Kian had said it was something she had done a lot to him. He actually spent three days at her house once when she didn't want him to leave, she locks all the doors and hides the keys. He ended up sneaking out of the bathroom window. With that thought, I look towards the window with a bit of hope. I stand quickly and pull the blinds up. As soon as I see what's behind the blind my hope fades, she has obviously learnt from Kian’s escape. The window is nailed shut. What the hell am I dealing with?

  “I can’t drive, Mason. You will just need to wait until she lets you go. Or maybe call one of the guys at the garage to come and get you?” No. No. No

  “No, I can’t tell them. I would never live it down. Shit! What the fuck am I going to do?” I can actually hear the panic in my raised voice. Long gone is the cool, collected Mason, I need out of here and I need out of here now!

  “Calm down. I'm kidding, I can drive and I will come and rescue you, even after the shit you gave me about what happened with Rocco.” I can hear the laugh in her voice, and I think I may hate her a little just now, even if I don't blame her. I told anyone who would listen about finding them in their ... indisposed situation.


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