Love Charms

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Love Charms Page 36

by Multiple

  Why? Why are you doing this? I wanted to ask him, to scream at him, but I couldn’t find the words. My fingers dug into his flesh, ignoring the heat and burn on my fingertips, and I clutched his throat, squeezing. Just a little more, tight, and then… rip! If I did that, if I killed Alex, then everything would return to normal. Everything would be fine. Everything would…

  Evan stopped me. Alex lay beneath me, still, having gone into shock from the numb, frozen feel of my hands. He breathed, shallow, and every time he exhaled, a hint of frosted fog drifted up into the rain-soaked air. His wispy gasps vanished soon enough, destroyed by the rain, but I still saw it every time he breathed.

  “Sadie,” Evan said. His touch was quiet and compassionate, a gentle tingle of love to bring me back from my infuriated state. “It’s alright, Sadie. We can leave now.”

  I let go of Alex and panicked. Spinning around, oblivious of the rain splashing against my hands and hitting my face, I searched for Cinna. I’d let her go, distracted by my need to finish this fight once and for all, but I needed her back. She was alone and lost and stuck in the rain and I needed to find her.

  Desiree held her. Cinna didn’t like this, though. Caught in the rain, scared and upset, my kitten dug her nails into the sensitive skin of Desiree’s arms. Thin streaks of blood trailed out of the small rakes left by the cat, but still Desiree held her, refusing to let go. She tried to calm the cat down, to reassure her, but in the middle of nowhere with rain pouring onto her, Cinna refused to believe everything was fine.

  Desiree didn’t let go of her, though. She held Cinna, no matter what, and kept her close and safe. Desiree’s arms were smeared with blood and rain, the wet mix trickling into a puddle on the street, but she never let go. She never screamed or hurt the kitten or did anything mean.

  She simply held her. She saw me watching her and she smiled just a little bit.

  I stared at them both and then I passed out from fatigue.


  I awoke in the dark, confused. A light shone somewhere above me, illuminating a line near my head, but other than that I couldn’t see a thing. Where was I, and why was I here?

  I remembered the rain, the agony of it, and fighting. I remembered watching Evan and his leader grappling on the rain-slick road, fighting one another with a mortal imperative. I remembered Desiree with Cinna, the kitten perplexed and frantic, scratching the girl. Desiree held her, though, and the rain streaked down her cheeks like silent tears, but she never complained.

  Where was my kitten now? Where was I? Was I dead? Maybe this was the afterlife and the light above me was the light I needed to follow to go to heaven, or wherever. I didn’t know where I needed to go, but apparently I was about to find out.

  I tried to move and get up and crawl towards the end of the light, but something heavy weighed down upon me. On my chest. My bare chest. I wore no clothes.

  I wasn’t dead or in heaven. Sprawled out on a blanket from an emergency medical kit, with another laying atop me, I recognized the movie theatre all around me. And then I saw a vague glimpse of Evan’s arm over my chest.

  His hand clutched me tight, groping the side of my bare breasts. Oh my! I flushed and fidgeted, completely not expecting this. What, what, oops, it was Evan and we were, and…

  He woke up, saw me fussing, and put a stop to it. With a sneer, almost growling, he pulled me across the blanket towards him and rolled atop me. Positioned above me, the faint glow of the flashlight nearby shining soft light on his face, he stared into my eyes.

  Evan, I realized, was also naked.

  “Nope,” he said, matter-of-factly. “You aren’t getting away from me.”

  “Evan, what…”

  I didn’t have time to say more. Oh my God oh my God. What was going on? I knew exactly what was going on, but… oh my God.

  He parted my legs with one knee, then plied my thighs open, cracking my resistance as easily as if I were some soft nut. Apparently he wanted a taste of me and wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have said no anyways, but I never had a chance to formulate a proper answer to his unasked question.

  He slipped into me easily, his recently awakened erection twitching and virile, excited to get on with the new day. I gasped as his heat invaded me and dug deep inside of me, warming my core. I wasn’t expecting this and I wasn’t aroused at first, but my body decided to quickly change its mind. Evan pushed into me, demanding. My hands shivered at my sides, wanting to do something but unsure what to do, muscles taut and tense.

  Reaching around him, clutching at his body, I pulled Evan closer to me. His hot, passionate chest blazed, lighting my stomach and breasts aflame, and I bit my lower lip, caught up in his excitement. Sensuously and slowly, he pulled out of me, leaving only the head of his cock nestled in the folds of my slit. Then, hard and fast, he thrust back in.

  I jolted and squeaked. Fuck! I squeaked! What was I, some squeeze toy? I bit my lip harder, blushing, embarrassed, but this only seemed to stoke Evan’s excitement. He kissed my nose down to my upper lip, then wrested control of my lower lip from me and nipped on it lightly.

  I opened my eyes (because I realized I’d closed them, unthinking), and looked up at him. His face lay so close to mine and he had my lip between his teeth. With a grin on his face, delighted, he claimed my lip and my body for his own.

  I’d never woken up to sex before. Granted, I hadn’t quite done it this time, either, but this was as close as I’d ever been to this kind of thing. It exhilarated me! My body, sleepy and a little light, soft and pliant, grew energetic and aware under Evan’s potent ministrations.

  He pushed deep into me, pivoting this way and that, doing everything within his power to claim the deepest parts of me for his own, and then he eased out of me slowly, leaving me frantic and undone at the loss of him.

  His chest squashed my breasts, flattening them hard between us. My nipples, delirious and bright with his heat, wriggled beneath his body. I kissed him, or I tried, but Evan kept my lip in his mouth. He kissed me, too, but it was sloppy and careless.

  Sloppy, careless, and the most erotic situation I’d ever been in.

  He grabbed my hips, holding onto them for dear life while he pounded into me in reckless morning abandon. We had everything left to us, the entire day to look forward to, and this, I thought, was a great way to start it.

  I wanted to think what we did was some sensual display of lovemaking, and I think it was that, too, but our bodies had a carnal, lusty nature to them, too. Entwined, one, his hot passion mixing with my silky smooth and cool demeanour. They combined, erratic, into a steaming, sordid mess. Evan and I made love, but we also fucked, hard.

  Together, coupling and loving one another, our breath grew foggy and thick. The steam and heat and chill cool exterior wrapped around our bodies, enveloping us in a cozy blanket of cloud. Cozy on the outside, yes, but roiling in the middle, like some active molten volcano in the Antarctic.

  I came. Hard. My body bucked and twisted, spastic, but Evan held me down and rutted into me, needy and wanton. I loved him. I wanted him. I said as much, though it fled from my lips in some murmured, garbled mess. Evan knew, though. He understood. His words of adoration fluttered to me, deep and alluring, and though I didn’t understand anything he said, I knew what he meant.

  He thrust into me once more, then held himself there. Squirming, trying to wriggle that smallest, tiniest amount more inside of me while I writhed and flailed beneath him, he somehow managed to keep his hold on me tight. I felt him inside me, consuming me, and he came, too.

  It was like some philosophical epiphany deep in my brain. I stared up, mouth agape, eyes wide. The dark theatre ceiling, pitch black and invisible to me now, seemed so interesting and amazing. Evan’s seed spread through my core, heating my body to a steady, cascading warmth, and all I did was stare.

  I quivered beneath him and I felt him twitching, but I couldn’t break myself away from staring at the ceiling. Just a
little more, just a little longer, and I could reveal the secrets to the universe. I don’t know why I thought this, and I knew it was silly, but…

  An inferno roared inside of me, incendiary. I expected a peak to my climax and a sudden, soft, coming down, but, no. Instead, my body redoubled its efforts. I gasped and cried out, clutching Evan’s torso in my arms, pressing into his skin with my fingertips. He smiled at me, angelic, and offered me his throat. For a lick, a nibble, a…

  I wrapped my lips around his neck and lay there, feeling more alive and whole and wonderful than I ever felt when I was actually regular and alive, whole and perhaps wonderful. The entire theatre lit up before me, black and brilliant and bright, and I could see everything if I wanted to. I didn’t want to see anything, though. I wanted to lay here, rapt, and experience my unique version of the afterlife, of heaven.

  It ended, as I knew it probably would. I didn’t know exactly when, but all of a sudden I felt an extreme exhaustion settle into my body and I slumped onto the ground. My arms loosened around Evan’s torso, dropping to my sides, and my tongue lolled out and lapped at his throat once, then twice, before my head fell back, tired.

  Evan looked down at me, smiling, then he sweetly kissed my lips; a light, soft peck.

  “Oh my God,” I said. “Wow.”

  “Oh my God,” Evan agreed, playfully mocking me. “I like you like that, Sadie. Maybe we can do it every day?”

  I lay there, limp and tired, but my mind and mouth weren’t in accord with the rest of me. “Maybe we can do it again in a couple minutes,” I said.

  Evan laughed and pushed inside of me. Even while soft, I liked how he felt in me, and with gleeful anticipation I realized his cock twitched just a little bit. Not too much, not all the way there yet, but with a little urging maybe we could…

  Mmm. Yes, yes we could.


  Evan and I made love one more time and then huddled together on the floor of the theatre. The dark, abandoned room surrounded us, serene and quiet. Nothing interrupted us except our thoughts and ourselves. My heart beat slow, soft, and I could hear it in the back of my mind; a gentle reminder of my situation; I was cold but I was not dead. Evan’s heart thumped loudly against his chest, though, and whenever I lay my head there I became awed at the quickness of it.

  And then I panicked. “Where’s Cinna?” I asked. “What are we doing? We need to go find her? Why are we in the movie theatre?”

  I fussed and fidgeted, escaping the comfort of Evan’s warm embrace, and jumped up away from the blankets. Naked, determined, I stumbled towards the flashlight laying on the ground—the one I’d mistaken for a beacon to heaven—and picked it up, intending to go in search of my cat.

  “Sadie?” Evan asked, calm.

  “Evan, I need to go find her,” I said.

  “Do you want clothes?”

  I shined the flashlight on myself, notice the pale blue color of my bare skin on open view to anyone looking. Granted, it was just me and Evan, but still. I scrambled back to the blanket and grabbed it away from Evan, then wrapped it around my body, hiding myself from view.

  He stared at me with a silly grin on his face. I shined the flashlight on him. He wore nothing, was just a sensuous, thrilling body of muscle and sweat and sex strewn across the floor. Propping himself up on his elbow, he looked at me. Sex-tousled hair scattered around his head, enticing and alluring me to rejoin him.

  “Here,” he said, reaching behind him and snatching a pile of folded clothes. “These are yours.” He offered them to me.

  I reached out with my free hand while still keeping the flashlight on him. Vaguely recognizing the clothes, I took them and gripped them hard, holding them at my sides, while I ogled his masculinity. In response, Evan rolled over, laying on his back and flexing his muscles.

  He has abs, I thought. Really nice abs. He has a beautiful stomach. I’d never seen his abs before, but, oh my, he had them. I stared at him, then I crept towards him, crawling over. With light fingers, I touched the curvature of his taut, flexed stomach.

  Evan grabbed my hand and pulled me onto him. Oh no, we were going to have sex again, weren’t we? When I thought of it like that, it seemed like a chore, but really, I knew it was anything but. Except, no, he wiggled around until he had me in his arms with him kneeling on the floor, then he lifted me up as he stood. Carrying me, both of us nude, he then placed me reverently on the floor.

  I had the flashlight still. I flashed it on his crotch. “You’re big,” I said. He wasn’t fully erect, but my imagination filled in the blanks.

  “You didn’t notice anything before? I mean, this isn’t the first time we’ve done this, you know?”

  “I was distracted!”

  “Here,” he said, taking the flashlight away from me, then the clothes. “Let me dress you.”

  “I’m not a doll, Evan.”

  I wasn’t a doll, but apparently right now I was. Evan propped the flashlight up on one of the theatre seats, shining it onto us. Taking my panties from the pile of clothes, he crawled over to me on his knees and pulled at one of my feet. I lifted it for him, giving him a funny look, but he ignored me.

  His hands and the smooth fabric of my panties slipped up my legs. A light, gentle heat went first—his fingers—followed by the caress of cloth. It reminded me of taking a shower and then using a warm towel straight from the drier to dry off with. He pulled my panties all the way up my legs and fitted them into place on my hips. When he finished, he patted my crotch.

  I’d dropped into some meditative trance at the wondrous feeling of his fingers and my panties trailing along my skin, but I snapped out of it at the pat. My knees wobbled, weak, and I nearly fell to the ground—I wanted to fall to the ground—but Evan held me up by my rear. His fingers tickled along the curves of my ass, holding tight, and really I wanted to fall to the ground even more now, but I restrained myself.

  Evan dressed me and I let him and it seemed so simple and silly but it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. So normal, casual, and yet with my odd fascination with his fiery touch and the careful, loving way in which he obsessed over my body, dressing me, it became something else entirely.

  I stood there long after he finished, soaking the last of the glowing feeling in. Evan put his own clothes on alongside me, smirking and laughing at my dream-like daze.

  And then, oh God, Cinna! “Evan, I need to go find the kitten. Why are we in the theatre? I don’t understand.”

  “Shh,” he said, taking my hand in his. “Everything’s fine. Mostly fine. Desiree has her. Jonny let us in and we’ve been here for a few hours. You kind of passed out after doing whatever you did to Alex, and this seemed like the closest and best place to recoup.”

  “Oh,” I said. “What happened to that man? To Alex?”

  Evan frowned. “I don’t know. He was still breathing when we left, but I don’t know what happened. Do you know what you did?”

  “I…” I knew. I knew a bit, at least. “I don’t know exactly. You know how I said you make me feel warm? Desiree is kind of the same, but a different warmth. The other men the other day were… they burned. It… it wasn’t the same at all. I thought maybe if I felt different kinds of heat from different people, maybe they’d feel different things from me, too. I wanted to be very cold towards him, so I think that was it.”

  “Oh,” Evan said.

  He would hate me now, I knew. He would think I was dangerous. I was dangerous, too! I’d taken down a powerful man who used to be in the military and I was just like one of the others now. I didn’t want to be, but for Evan, and I…

  I cried. The tears stung my cheeks, but I couldn’t stop.

  “What’s wrong?” Evan asked. “Sadie, don’t cry…”

  “I’m dangerous,” I said. “You’re going to hate me. I don’t want you to hate me.”

  He smiled, a slight laugh playing along his lips as if he thought me silly. “What? I don’t hate you.”

  I sniffled and moved into him,
cuddling against his chest. Yes, he should hate me, but I still wanted to cuddle with him. “I might hurt you, though,” I said.

  “You won’t,” he said.

  “How do you know?”

  “How does anyone know anything?” he asked.

  “I think you’re wrong,” I said.

  “Alright.” Evan nodded, considering it. “Prove me wrong, then.”


  “If you think you might hurt me and that I’m wrong, go ahead and do it. Hurt me.” He held his arms out, giving me free reign to do what I wished.

  I stared at his chest, at his arms, at the smug expression on his face. I stared at his chiseled jaw and his delicious, tempting neck. Tugging on his athletic shirt, I pulled him down and latched my mouth around his neck.

  So good! I licked at his throat and felt his warmth sneaking across my tongue. My lips burned lightly, a pleasant, ever-present heat. My teeth felt glazed, like I’d just eaten a freshly baked piece of apple crisp.

  “Oh!” Evan said, melodramatic. “I’m in so much pain, Sadie! This hurts so badly! Ohhhhh.”

  He tried to squeeze me in his arms in a hug but I moved my mouth away and punched him in the chest. Holding up my fist, I glared at him while trying not to grin and laugh.

  “That didn’t really hurt, either,” Evan said, feigning disappointment.

  “I’ll do it again!” I went to punch him once more, but he snatched my hand out of the air and teased open my fingers, holding my hand in his.

  I moved alongside him, impulsive and natural, and we walked hand in hand towards the exit to the theatre. Evan snatched up the flashlight as we passed it by and illuminated our way.


  The theatre lobby was much the way I remembered it; bleak and dark, but somehow less abandoned and more comforting than anything else in the city. The glow from the popcorn machine lit up the area near the concession counter, constantly flipping popcorn.


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