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by Multiple

  It was an incredible feat and she cringed, wishing she could snatch the unworldly words back. She couldn’t look at him and her gaze turned tragic …

  Changing seats so quickly the human eye could barely detect it, Trinity grasped Beth’s diminutive chin. He was gentle, but firm, sealing their gazes together. “So brave,” he murmured, watching one crystal tear escape his wife’s green hazel eye. He’d been so involved in his own tragic shortcomings, he’d failed to remember Beth’s naivety. “I’ve not dealt with many innocent maidens in my time,” he began.

  She tried to shake her head and loosen his grip as a torrid blush covered her pale cheeks. Damnation, he was making it worse, not finding the right words to say. He didn’t release her as he strove again to find the right way.

  “It only hurts the first time, sweet wife, and I swear to god I will never hurt you like that again.”

  She gasped in obvious relief with her plush lips parting close to his hovering mouth. It filled him with pride she so thoroughly accepted his words. He simply wished his dilemma were so easily soothed. His temper … her obvious regret … and his need to make the disaster better brought his lips down over her soft mouth. He would make her see the only monster to fear was the one starving for her blood.

  Trinity half-expected Beth to reject him, but while her lips trembled at first, her body leaned toward him, not away. Her hand pressed against his chest as he loosened his hold on her chin and molded her lips beneath his mouth. She tasted of freshness and vitality — everything he wasn’t — and for a moment, it was if he were savoring her life. Then passion followed as she moaned, lifting her hand and pressing it to the back of his neck. He followed her need, going deeper, heating his tongue along hers. The sway of the carriage moved them in a dance of kissing as he supported her on his chest, feeling the full swell of her breasts.

  For once, his thoughts praised her soft but ripe innocence, not finding it an impediment to his lustier nature. She called to everything that had once made him a man and she mesmerized the beast he was now. Therefore, he kissed her with honor and care, taking, but not demanding so he could have the pleasure for a lifetime. His little human wife was becoming bolder with her tongue swirling against his, and it thrilled him to feel her budding passions, but also humbled him to feel her trust.

  “So sweet,” he murmured, against her warm, kissed lips. “I could kiss you for hours.” His hand strayed to the fullness of her breast and he cupped it, gently squeezing.

  “Trinity,” she moaned, leaning into his hand and pressing her mouth against his lips. “You make me feel so … so …”

  He found the word for her. “So aroused.”

  Their lips parted as she blinked at him and he continued to hold her tempting breast. She looked aroused, gloriously so with her lips kissed redder and her multicolored eyes slightly dazed. He realized that even though he’d terrified her, in the most intimate situation, he’d also aroused her passions several times now.

  His lips smirked in satisfaction, as his eyes grew heavy-lidded with his own lust. He brushed his thumb across where her nipple should be beneath the serviceable fabric of her traveling dress and he felt the faint outline as the tip of her nipple grew taut. Perhaps, with passion, he could salvage their budding relationship’s near decimation.

  His erection wanted too. His desire was always going to hunger after the sumptuous treat his wife was. That fact satisfied him completely. Nevertheless, the persistent thought of whether he could entice his innocent wife to ride his erection in a moving carriage was not letting him alone. Even with thoughts about the appropriateness after what they’d been through wasn’t enough to dislodge the licentious idea. An idea that was becoming intentions as his pretty wife sighed, pressing her breast into his palm and onto his teasing thumb for more.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Beth realized Trinity was always going to tempt her and it sent shivers trembling through her. He could barely touch her and her body responded to the promises of pleasure he was capable of giving. It was overriding her earlier troubles. His kisses made her forget everything but what it felt like to be naked in his arms. She completely forgot to be afraid of him as his thumb brushed over the crest of her breast.

  The motion sent aches sliding between her thighs and gave her the intense desire to bare her breasts to him. Such scandalous thoughts to think inside a moving carriage in daylight, even though the curtains were drawn. Instead of making her timid and withdraw, it heated her desire. These were the type of impressions she’d tasted in Trinity’s blood — the hungry and naughty things men and women did together.

  Things she’d barely understood before last night’s passion and this morning with a man’s hand cupping and stroking her breast. Trinity’s mouth teased her lips and she boldly took ahold of his other hand and lifted it to her other breast, while a blush made her feel hot from her temple to her toes. He groaned, and it was an obvious sound of approval as his hands cupped her breasts. She arched her spine, lifting her breasts to him for more.

  “Take your bonnet off. Take your hair down,” he murmured against her lips. His fingers kneaded her breasts, while his thumbs grazed the tips, making her tremble. He leaned back a bit to watch her as he continued to caress her bosom. His eyes were blue with the rims turning yellow as his hair swept over the side of his chiseled jaw. His hands followed the lift of her breasts as she reached upward to take off her bonnet, then further to undo her hair.

  The black strands of her hair fell in a stream over her shoulders and his hands. It felt extremely freeing to have her hair loose. It made her feel more wanton and worldlier as she boldly searched out Trinity’s mouth for a deep kiss. His hands left her chest and tangled into her hair, turning her mouth under his. The more he kissed her, the more her body moved with his, until she was arched over his arm with one of her legs easing up the side of his hip.

  Without the support of his arm, she’d be lying on the carriage seat. It curved her body beneath his and her pelvis against the evidence of his hard shaft. Miles of petticoats and material between them and she could still feel the unbending thickness, which instantly made her core ache for him. Her body was yearning for him through the fear of pain.

  “Mmm,” she moaned, lifting her hips, pressing harder against the firm ridge. The aches twirled and tightened as she clutched his shoulders. She felt his lips kissing her cleavage and she so wanted her breasts bared to his mouth.

  Trinity let his fangs extend along the creamy curve of Beth’s cleavage. It was a reaction to his desire, yet this time it didn’t disturb him. He could control it, because of Beth … for Beth, his wife. Then with the knowledge he was master over his reactions, at least up until fresh blood was involved, he teased the Devil.

  He grazed his fangs over plump flesh in the valley of his wife’s breasts. A tremble and a moan followed and she pressed the mound of her sex tighter against the determined impression of his hard shaft. He wanted to moan with her, the feeling was so sublime, as he licked his tongue with slow strokes after the graze of his fangs.

  “Trinity,” she gasped, lifting her bosom against his mouth for more. He bent her over his arm at a deeper angle. She was a decadent offering and he freed his hand from the tangle of her silky hair. Once free, he plucked at the buttons of her cutaway traveling coat, pulling the jacket open, then down off her shoulder. The capped sleeve of her dress pulled along, baring one shoulder and gaining him access to the slope of her naked breast just to her nipple.

  He used his mouth to pull that nipple free. Beth gasped with pleas of pleasure as he sucked the taut tip into his mouth. His gaze found her passionate dark eyes as he played with the jutting lance. Each taunt of his mouth and tongue crimped Beth’s gaze in pleasure and each draw played tendrils of desire over his hardening shaft. He sucked more of her breast into his mouth, drawing up tender white flesh between his fangs.

  “T-Trinity,” her voice rasped with pleasure, and she began to grind against his erection.

at infused him, the animal rose with a growl of lust that should have frightened Beth with its intensity, however, she looked more aroused, more heated, clasping his head, pulling him tighter to her breasts. He obeyed her passionate command, sucking luscious tit and nipple deeper into his mouth with his tongue roughing the point.

  “Oh, oh,” Beth’s head thrashed from side to side and he pulled at cloth, until he had her other fleshy breast bared to his tongue and fangs. The sway of the carriage was in his debt because it rocked his thick erection over Beth’s hot mound, which was grinding back. Then he had her other nipple lance dancing against his tongue as his hand tore voluminous amounts of skirts and petticoats up between them to bare her thigh. His hand found the top of her stockings and garter, then the disappointment of serviceable linen drawers. He searched, trying to find flesh.

  With her nipple suckled in his mouth, he rumbled with lust-filled irritation, until his nails sharpened and he slashed the linen to bare the prize he sought. Cloth split and he pulled it away, willing his claws back to caress her tender flesh.

  “Trinity,” Beth gasped, arching her wet cleft to his lusty stroke. He dug deeper, his dark desire to feel the snug sheath his shaft pounded for. “Oh!” Beth cried and her inner walls clenched around his finger.

  “Gods, woman,” he rasped, circling his finger in wet heaven. He brought the cream back to rub deep into her slit as she panted, high sounds trembling against him. His jaw tightened to granite with the effort he used not to throw her down onto the carriage floor to just fuck her. But he had to have her. He’d played too deep. The thoughts there would be no virgin’s blood this time, taunted him. He could control his blood lust … just not both.

  He worried for her innocence, to take her in a carriage, but the raging need inside him overrode his good intentions as his finger stroked between her swollen cleft and her creamy sheath.

  Beth grasped Trinity’s shoulders as his powerful strength lifted her upright, then over him. She was dazed as he lifted her to straddle his hips. Then clarity shot through her when she felt the bare heat of his shaft press against her naked core. Her skirts were like pillows beside them, as the carriage rocked her hips and she panted, her gaze latched onto Trinity’s yellow eyes. His face was lean with harsh lines, his fangs long and gleaming as every grind fed the knowledge from him to her. From her to him. Pleasure. She saw it on his features. He was as raw with it as she was. His head dipped and his fangs slid on each side of her nipple, and his tongue skimmed forward caressing the tip. Her breath caught with intense pleasure, making her damp slit ride his hard shaft. With each draw of his lips over the taut tip of her nipple her hips rolled pressing the heated aches in her core against him.

  “Trinity,” she gasped. “Trinity, oh, oh.”

  Her eyes crimped with pleasure as her head fell back and her breasts thrust forward for more of his attention. His large warm hands grasped her bare hips and tugged her body, using his hands to grind her against him harder.

  “Hellfire,” he uttered, his voice rumbling against her nipple.

  Beth felt wetness slick the way as she slid her core along the hard length of him. The center of the ache drew her attention and she rolled her hips to stroke it harder. “Trinity,” she moaned his name in long sounds. His lips tugged on her nipple, sending sparks into the aches, making her feel wild. “I want, I want,” she panted.

  She felt his hand between them, and he lifted his hard shaft. She rose on her knees riding her slit over the head. Trinity’s head fell back as he groaned and his neck arched to her lips. She kissed the strong column of his throat as the carriage swayed harder, moving her slit deep onto the head of his erection. She mewled in pleasure.

  “Hold onto my shoulders,” he commanded in a tenor voice that instantly had her complying.

  She felt both his hands brushing her inner thighs as the thick head of his shaft slid down her slit making her whimper and toss her head, then it seemed to fit to her, sinking in. She gasped with a low, “Oh,” etching from her mouth.

  Trinity grabbed the back of Beth’s neck pulling her mouth to his. It took tremendous will power to not move faster when his lust was so ripe and hot he could feel the blood pooling in Beth’s sex, swelling the lips, flushing them open for his shaft. The perfect place for his fangs to pierce. He growled that thought aside against Beth’s soft lips. He would not draw his wife’s blood. Ever.

  But he would lift his hips, thrusting more of his erection into his wife’s snug sheath, as he groaned in pleasure. He had Beth half seated onto his shaft as he held her from impaling herself on it, so he could ease the way. His muscles strained with tremors as she whimpered against his mouth and he kissed her with abandon, beyond thoughts about the sharpness of his fangs.

  The front plate to his pants was open enough to have his erection free, but his high boots and the confinement of his trousers restricted his movements. He had to use the strength in his arms and the lift of his hips to follow Beth’s undulations. The sway of the carriage was with them, plunging them up and down. Then too far, as an erratic plunge seated Beth fully and she mewled with a high-pitched curl.

  “Are you all right?” His demand was rasped with concern. He grabbed the back of her head to turn her eyes to him, and he saw she looked dazed, not pained, as though passion had her completely befuddled.

  “Kiss me,” she whimpered and her lips sucked over his.

  The draw of her mouth on his bottom lip threw a hard groan from him. Her hands were tugging and tearing at his shirt, until her fingers found the flesh of his chest, kneading and digging in with lust. Her hips followed, rising and lowering against his help.

  “More,” she growled into his mouth, and she began to ride him as if she knew what every grind of her hips was doing to him.

  A moment of incredulousness touched him that she’d know the lusty rhythm, but it stormed away with the wet heat of her inner sheath gripping him. She drew on his bottom lip as her voluptuous body rose and fell over him and his mind blanked in passion.

  Beth’s cry of climax tugged her lips away from drawing on Trinity’s bottom lip. The pleasure was like the ocean crashing over her, and only such ecstasy could draw her away from the taste of Trinity’s blood. Blood from a pinprick of his fang on his bottom lip. Blood that drew across her tongue and down into her body like liquid fire. It struck outward to her limbs, curling and heating every fiber of her desire, until it centered deep in her sex.

  She screamed Trinity’s name, arching back, shuddering as the charges of pleasure rolled through her with each of Trinity’s continuing thrusts. He groaned nearly to the depths of a bellow and she felt heat scorch her core, taking her higher. The pleasure was nearly unbearable it was so intense and she felt the hard throbbing of Trinity’s shaft deep inside her as her nails curled into his chest.

  The tiniest amounts of his blood she’d gathered seemed to fuse with her soul writhing and turning, until she was a new being, not at all the same person she’d been. She could hear Trinity’s harsh breath, she could feel his connection to her inside her mind or her body, somehow, she was unsure how, but they were united. More than just a husband and wife. This was more. And the desire to give him her blood grew strong.

  She bared her neck, pushing her hair aside, until Trinity’s strong lips pressed the curve. His fangs grazed her flesh with his heavy breath and her entire body tightened in pleasure. Gasping she felt the thickness of him through the tightening between her thighs. A moan escaped her as she sunk closer, offering her neck to him, quivering with hopefulness and need.

  “No!” Trinity threw Beth aside, then he caught himself gentling, holding her until she fell to the side of him. He’d nearly bitten her. He’d been so close.

  “Please,” Beth pleaded, with her black hair tangled around her. Her breasts were bare and her skirts were thrown across her hips showing her thighs through the scraps of linen he’d torn aside. “You need my blood, I can feel it,” she whispered.

  How? Then he tasted it. His sense
s screaming. “You tasted my blood,” he accused as harshly as if it were a sin. He’d not known there was a cut on his lip.

  She laid there open to him, bared. “Is that such a sin!” Tears filled her eyes. “Is it so undesirable that I crave your blood?”

  He realized he’d harmed her feelings, acting as though she was tainted for desiring that which he took so freely to sustain him. But he was confused. “No, sweet Beth,” he uttered. “I’m just not certain what it does to you. I’d not have you live like an opium addict.” He reached for her, praying she’d come to him, and then feeling as though he didn’t deserve it when she did.

  “Beth.” He smoothed her hair away from her face as she lay on his chest.

  “I feel as though you must take my blood, Trinity. It throbs like a demand inside me. It can’t be wrong when it is so strong.”

  He held her tighter. What he had done to her? He was torturing her even though he tried so hard to protect her from himself. His blood had to have done this to her. “I don’t trust myself,” he admitted harshly.

  The carriage jerked and he tensed his arm holding her, keeping her against him through the rocking motions. When he expected the jarring movements to even out, they continued to lurch, making Beth cry out in surprise. Too late, he realized the carriage was out of control, jolting, then tilting to the side. Their bodies slid and he took the brunt of the impact on his back, while holding Beth and trying with his supernatural strength to keep her from harm.

  “What is it?” she cried. “Trinity!”

  The screeching of metal and boards snapping reverberated around them as their world inside the carriage began to topple and even his beast’s strength couldn’t hold his wife to him.


  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Beth groaned awake to bright sunlight in her eyes. Why was she lying on her back with sunlight pulsing down on her? She groaned again at the odd angle her body seemed to be lying in and she raised a hand to her throbbing temple. Blood on her fingers caused her to pant and a ripple of pain flushed her body. Two of her fingers looked torn to the bone and her mouth drew a silent gasp. She should feel more pain. She should scream.


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