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Delayed Delivery (Pursuit, #2.5)

Page 2

by Bennett, Liv

  I have to smile because I can’t help but think of the perfect fit of our sexual organs, but I’m sure he didn’t mean that, or better, not just that.

  His lips touch my neck softly, as he unties the straps and lets the top of the dress fall, revealing my breasts for him to revel in. I see the fire burning in his eyes through the reflection in the mirror as they land on my hard nipples. His fingers follow a trail from my neck, over my shoulders, down to my chest before claiming my breasts. As he massages them delectably, pinching my nipples between his fingers, my naughtiness returns to me instantly at the arousing sight of my breasts being manhandled by his large hands.

  “Pull up your skirt,” he whispers then sticks his tongue into my ear. I lose focus briefly before doing what he’s ordered. When I chance a look at his face, I see his lust-filled eyes glaze over at the sight of my pussy bulging through the thin fabric of the scanty panties. “Do you remember the day Jack’s cousin threw you into the swimming pool?”

  I nod, trying to keep my surfacing anger in check. There’s nothing good to remember from the day I’d come near to being raped.

  “That day,” Adam continues, his lust-darkened eyes locked on my sex. “When you came out of the pool, the lips of your pussy were showing through your bikini. Just like now.”

  “Seriously?” I swallow down. Adam saw my most private parts back then? It’s both arousing and irritating. Did someone else see them too? Oh, God? Was that why Jack’s cousin came after me to the room? I shouldn’t have bought bikinis without first trying them on for size.

  “I jerked off that day non-stop until my hands hurt, thinking about how those dripping lips would suck my cock.” He slips his hand down, brushes the lips poking out of the underwear, and then cups them, augmenting my desire for him tenfold.

  I gasp helplessly. His eyes are on me, like a wild beast watching its prey. I can’t hide what his touches are doing to me even if I wanted. My face and my body are on display for him to view, devour, and take pride in his power over me.

  Tiny jolts of electricity shoot across my skin, as he pulls the panties aside and shoves a finger inside, eliciting an uncontrollable moan from me. I jerk my hips against his large hand involuntarily. The new position provides a better view of my sex being finger-fucked. Not just for him to enjoy.

  “You have no idea how many times I thought about fucking you,” he continues. “The first time we met at the restaurant, at each and every party we met, at work, at the board meetings. Even on your wedding day, I fantasized about cornering you in the restroom, ripping your white gown off you and fucking you before Jack could do it as your husband. Every single time I saw you, my mind was undressing you instantly and flashing me some wild images of me hammering my cock inside you. Now, I have you here, begging me to do exactly what I was dreaming of all those years. What an awesome turn of events!”

  I don’t know how to respond, save for squeezing my thighs around his hand to satiate the pure lust burning between them. I hate talking about the past, even though his words are arousing the hell out of me. I wish he would just stop now and take me.

  He eases his finger out of me and holds my hand to guide me back to the chairs. I don’t want to stop our foreplay to go back to eating desert. It’s now time for my sex to fill up with what it craves and clench around his erection.

  Adam must have the exact same thing in mind, because he grips my hips and lifts me up onto the dinner table, beside the desert plates. His hands are pulling my dress all the way down, leaving me entirely naked.

  “God, you’re so beautiful. I just can’t believe my luck,” he whispers and drops down to his knees to start leaving soft kisses on my thighs, until he reaches the hot spot between my legs, and claims me greedily with his mouth. A small tremor ripples through my body at the delicious sensations running rampant in my sex. He has no idea what his lust does to me.

  I feel one of his hands slip down under the table and see him unzipping his pants. Finally, I’ll get to feel him ripping his way inside me again.

  His mouth keeps on masterfully suctioning my folds, only stopping before the upcoming orgasm can shoot off. After working me up like this for long minutes, carrying me back and forth to the brink of an orgasm, without letting me get off for what seems like the entire evening, he stands, his beautiful penis poking out of his briefs, making my mouth water at its beautiful length, and shoves it into me without any warning. I didn’t need any warning, though, as I’m soaked to the point of leaking, and shudder at the feeling of fullness taking over my body.

  It’s not just the fullness; it’s the fullness his thick, overenthusiastic cock is giving me after his hand’s and mouth’s wickedly lustful ministrations, after having seen the immense love in his endearing eyes, on his strikingly beautiful face.

  God, I love this man.

  He’s thrusting into me with rough strokes, just the way I want him to, making my insides roll with each move. I know he likes it that way too, taking me without any boundaries. I feel giddy to the level of dizziness just by watching him giving his love to me physically, and a new wave of lust rushes through my body, alerting my sex to the upcoming explosions.

  “I love you so much, Adam. I’m the real lucky one between us.”

  He stops cold, and I notice a drop of tear sliding down his cheek. “I love you, Taylor. And each day you’re using Jack’s last name is a death sentence to me.”

  My world stops, and my mind goes blank at the hurt in his expression. I keep using Edelman, Jack’s last name, even after his death, though officially I became Doheny. I had no idea Adam was bothered with it.

  “Marry me,” he says out of the blue.

  “What?” The word slips out of my mouth, although I’d heard those two magical words.

  He thrusts one more time then stirs his penis deliciously inside of me, and I flinch with a renewed desire. “Marry me, and I’ll give you a dozen orgasms tonight and as many nights as you want in your life.”

  “Let’s talk about it later.”

  “No, we need to talk about it now,” he says and drives into me, so hard that I slide backwards on the table. “I want your answer now. You love me, and you’re happy with me. Why won’t you say yes?”

  I’m aroused to the point of insanity and panting with desire to have my long-needed release. I wrap my legs around his, willing him to continue his thrusts. “Because this isn’t a real proposal, and we’re in the middle of having sex.”

  He eases out of me completely, leaving me shocked, empty, and so damn needy, and kneels down and produces a Tiffany box out of nowhere. “Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”

  Lifting myself on my elbows, I stare down at him. He’s on his knees, looking at me with so much love that it can’t possibly be for me only, and the diamond ring in the box is nothing less than an eye-popper. We had a lovely dinner, my favorite, cooked by him under candle light and everything. So, he’s doing everything right for this proposal.

  But, the fact that I’m lying on a table, completely naked, my legs spread in the most indecent pose, and his penis poking toward me just below the jewelry box has me rethink his question. This is definitely not the kind of proposal that you get to share with your friends.

  “Please,” he urges. “Say yes. I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy for the rest of our lives. Just allow me to make it official. I need to know it. I need everybody else to know that you’re mine.”

  “But… We’ve been together only five months. Are you sure you won’t get tired of me in, say, a year down the road?”

  “No. Most certainly not.” He pulls the ring out of the box and holds my hand, ready to slip it around my finger as soon as I reply.

  I can’t say no. I shouldn’t. I love him, despite the short time we’ve been together, and want to be with him. Although saying yes seems a tad too rushed, my logic slips away from my brain when I glance down into Adam’s eyes and see the reflection of my love in them. I can’t possibly decline hi
m anymore. He has me where he wanted. “Okay.”

  “Okay, what? I want to hear it.”

  “Okay, I’ll marry you.”

  He slides on the ring that’s a perfect fit for my finger and resumes his position between my legs, his hands gripping my thighs tightly to hold me in place against his furious thrusts.


  Taylor’s travel plans to New York couldn’t have been timelier. She was on her period and thousands of miles away from me. Which meant she’d crave physical intimacy with me like never before. I had to use it to my advantage and ask for her hand.

  I feared she’d decline me. No, I was terrified that she might consider, ever for a brief moment, saying no to me. I asked Bree, her best friend, for help while picking out the ring and asked Taylor’s aunt to cook Taylor’s favorite dish. I’d have asked my older sister, Adriana, who happens to be a professional cook, to put together an exquisite meal, if I could have been sure she wouldn’t put some kind of poison in it. Taylor likes simple food better than any haute cuisine anyway.

  It turns out I was right in all my guesses. I could barely get hold of her before she attacked me in the airport and at home. And, she nearly licked the food off her plate, despite her initial reluctance to eat.

  Then, the impossible happened, and she said yes.

  I have to hold the urge to pinch myself to see if I’m not actually dreaming. Has she seriously agreed to be my wife? Is my four-fucking-year-long dream finally going to be real?

  I watched her for years from a distant, wept for her on her wedding day and with her at Jack’s funeral and the years after. I haven’t told her, for fear of hurting her, about the trauma that nearly plucked the life out of me every time she rejected me.

  The woman of my dreams.

  The woman who shattered my life, my plans for the future, and my relationship with Pat, with her beautiful face and tender soul.

  Will she officially belong with me?

  “Taylor Garnett,” I say with my lust-clogged voice to make sure everything is real and pull myself out of her. “You’re gonna be my Mrs. Taylor Garnett.”

  “Huh?” She glances up at me, surprise clear in her expression, though her blue irises continue sparkling with desire. “I’m not sure about taking your last name.”

  Jealousy swamps me, as my brain repeats her words over and over again, and I gulp down a massive lump of disappointment. She must be teasing. She can’t possibly be serious. Hell, she not only had taken Jack’s last name during their marriage, but kept it for years after his death.

  “You’ll be Taylor Garnett, or I’ll fucking change my last name to Edelman.” I smile, working on toning down the hurt in my voice. The ugly truth is I’ll marry her anyway, with my last name or not. Her hold on me is absolute.

  Slowly I poke the tip of my cock along her slit. I know it drives her crazy and makes her come to terms with whatever I’m demanding. My needy, little kitten. It’s not right for me to manipulate her this way, but she’s not giving me any other choice.

  “Oh, please. Stop playing with me. I need this. I’ve been without release for days.” If there’s anything I love more than making love to her, it’s her begging for my cock. I’ll never get tired of hearing those lustful words spilling out of her lick-able lips.

  “Haven’t you touched yourself?” I slip back inside her and begin drawing leisurely circles with my hips, with images roaming in my head of her pleasuring herself with her minuscule fingers.

  “No, I haven’t. I don’t like doing it when I have a perfectly functioning and gorgeous cock that can do it better. Come on, don’t stay like that.” She narrows her eyes, biting her lower lip, as she shudders with need, the sight consuming me on the spot. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

  “What about my last name? Will you take it?”

  “Yes, I will. I was just teasing you.” She props on her elbows then straightens up completely to kiss me. Her cheeks are flushing a delicious shade of red, a lock of hair pressed to the beads of sweat on her forehead.

  My cock is still only stirring inside her, enjoying her reaction to my brief torture. The reality is I’m so fucking hot for her I’ll come just like that. I might have been the one holding out, but she’s not completely without tricks and begins using her lips and tongue so fucking amazingly on my lips and on my skin that all the senses in my body and around my cock jolt to hyper-alert mode.

  God, I’ll fuck her pussy now, and then I’ll fuck her throat.

  “Adam.” She eases away from my lips to shoot me a glazed-over look. “Fuck me like no one ever has.”

  Her words are my undoing. If I ever had any hesitations to take it easy on her, they’ve vanished in a heartbeat. Those miraculous words are a lucid plea for me to make her forget Jack, and I’d rather jump down from the top of a high rise than ignore her wish.

  “Fuck it, baby. Your cunt is mine, has always been, will always be.” She wants it rough; I’ll give it to her rough. I force my mouth back onto hers as ruthlessly as I’ve ever been with her, biting her lips, sucking her tongue out of her mouth. “These beautiful tits will bruise and swell.” My hands mercilessly rub her breasts and pinch her nipples, and my fingers dig into her flesh.

  I circle my arms around her waist, my cock still snug in her wet heat, and carry her to our bedroom. My cock twitches, when her legs wrap around me on the way, her insides swallowing me up to the hilt. Her nails are piercing trails on my back, though all I feel is the building pleasure.

  Hot, damp, and tempestuous pleasure that only Taylor can give me.

  I want to fuck her ’til the sun rises, and even so I won’t have my fill of her. I pull out of her and flip her onto her stomach with one easy move. She lays her arms on the bed, rests her head on a cushion, and pushes her ass up to me, exposing her wet folds to my absolute pleasure, taking my breath away with its exquisite sight. I slip a finger through her slick before I shove my dick into her, without holding anything back, and continue the onslaught until I have her panting and quivering.

  Her constant howls are my prize, and I slam my cock viciously in and out of her soaking pussy that is pleading to draw more semen out of me. The beginning contractions of her muscles make it nearly impossible for me to stay focused, but I want her to have more of it. If she was telling the truth about not having gotten off the last seven days, she deserves more than just one climax.

  She growls like a beast and buries her face into a cushion to keep her moans under control. Her hips push back, meeting my fierce thrusts. When the spasms start wearing off, I glide a hand down to her clitoris and start rubbing her folds and her entrance to poke her into a second round, thinking of all the wild sex I’ll give her once she’s officially mine.

  Her second climax comes as I shoot my load deep into her. Both of us go stiff before collapsing onto the bed. I wrap my arms around her and press her back against my chest, listening to her short breaths while trying to catch mine.

  She turns to me, with an absolutely beautiful glow lightening up her face, her eyes heavy-lidded. “Thank you. You gave me just what I needed.”

  “My pleasure, Mrs. Taylor Garnett.”

  Her lips spread with a smile, and she licks her lower lip. “Not yet.”

  “Taylor Garnett, Adam Garnett, Aiden Garnett, and Emily Garnett.”

  “I don’t know the last two Garnetts.”

  I lean in to give a peck on her nose, tasting the salty sweat on her skin. “We’ll both get to know them when you give birth to them.”

  Something crosses her face, hardening her features, making her lips tremor visibly. Something I can’t place. “I really hope so,” she says, and I wish I can read her mind.



  Taylor Garnett is a blissfully married woman full of fears and distrust. Although her marriage with Adam is filled with love and passion, she dreads the day he will stop seeing the perfect woman in her and hop to a new love, just as he did with his ex-girlfrien
d of four years. A heartbreaking incident and a vile attack put their relationship to the test and made Taylor doubt about her ability to give Adam the happy family he wholeheartedly desires. Will their relationship survive the losses and dangers they have been exposed to and bring them the peace they both long for?

  ADAM – Lie with Bree

  “Come here,” I pat the space next to me on the bed. It’s been six days since the last time Taylor and I had sex, because of her period. Now that she can, I must have her or I don’t know how else I’ll be able to get through a busy day of work. I’m already naked except for my boxer briefs. Only, she’s fully clothed and ready to go to work. “And, take off those clothes.”

  “We don’t have much time. Work is waiting.” Taylor’s hand is playing with the buttons of the blouse she’s just put on. “Why don’t you wait until the evening?”

  “Because I want you now.” I push down my boxer briefs, kicking them off, and start teasing my cock to life. She beams at the sight of my manhood, but won’t give in. “Come here, or I’ll go over there and make sure all the buttons of your pretty shirt hit the ground, before I pin you against the wall.”

  Her lips curl up with a slight, devious smile, and I know she’s considering that option. “Every time we arrive late at work, Bree gives me a strange look as if she knows why we’re late.”

  My cock has already grown thick with desire and spurts pre-cum. If she insists on not having sex, I’ll just shove it into her mouth and let her taste my desire for her. I force down the trembling the thought of her full lips tight around my erection is giving me.

  “If you come to me now, like a good girl, I’ll tell you a dirty secret about Bree.” I roll my eyes when she begins unbuttoning her shirt. “I can’t believe a secret convinced you, but my cock didn’t.”


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