Bad Fighter Stepbrother (Book 3)

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Bad Fighter Stepbrother (Book 3) Page 4

by Black, Michelle

  “Oh, you never mind Derek. He loves you and he loves Aiden. Once he gets over his ego, Derek will be overjoyed for you both. Just leave Derek to me.”

  Emma stood up and hugged her mother. She had never expected this acceptance from her mom, but now that she had it, she wasn’t going to let Aiden get away. Her mother’s voice was hoarse from her own tears as she said, “Now, get in the shower and get packed. You have to be in the airport in two hours or you will miss your flight.”

  Chapter Six

  Emma navigated the small rental car up the dark laneway and regretted not waiting until morning. She should have stayed at a hotel and then driven up when it was light out. There were no streetlights out here and the forests surrounding the cottage were scary. She prayed the little car would have enough power to make it up to the cottage.

  And then she hoped that she had enough courage to walk over to his house and admit that she had been wrong. She’d been going over it the entire flight. How she’d apologize. How she’d profess her love and that she didn’t want to be with any other man. She wanted to tell him that she was miserable without him and that she needed him in her life.

  Although her mom had given her the push...hell, she’d practically shoved her, Emma knew that she would have found her way here eventually. As she pulled around a corner, she spotted the cottage and gave a sigh of relief. Now she just needed the courage to knock on the door.

  The large cottage was lit up inside and she spotted a truck in the driveway. Aiden must be home...but what if he wasn’t alone. She stopped as she was about to climb out of her parked car. She’d never thought of that, but Aiden could have moved on. Maybe he hadn’t loved her; maybe she’d just been a passing fancy.

  Fear raced up her spine and she sat in the car, staring at the front door for fifteen minutes. Her mind raced over all the possibilities and she realized that she wasn’t ready for this. What if he hated her? A loud tap on her side window caused her to scream, and Emma looked out the window to see a face staring back at her.

  Panic choked her and she fumbled with the keys in an effort to start the car. “Emma?” the face said and she realized it was Aiden staring in at her. His face was filled with confusion as he asked, “What are you doing here?”

  So much for a dignified approach, she thought to herself.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” she said and then she gestured for him to step back. Opening the door, she got out of the car and leaned against it. “I needed to talk to you...about everything.”

  Aiden’s eyes were guarded in the light from the cottage and his lips were set in a frown. “I think you said everything back at the ranch. There is really no reason to add insult to injury.”

  She winced. “I deserved that,” she said. “But that isn’t why I’m here.”

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped towards him and almost cried out when he took a step back. He looked so hurt. “I was stupid. All I saw was the fight and I thought that that was what our life together would be – one stupid fight after the other. I just couldn’t see how we could work out.”

  “We didn’t,” he said with a stubborn set to his jaw. “You made sure to see to that when you threw us away.”

  “I know. I was stupid. I should have stuck beside you. I should have told everyone I loved you and it didn’t matter what they thought. I got scared and I ran like a coward.” Her voice was filled with the tears that were threatening to fall.

  Aiden went still and a grin played on the side of his lips. “What did you say?”

  “I said that I was a coward. I should have fought for us...”

  “No, the other thing,” he said. Emma’s mind sifted through what she’d said and she stared at him confused.

  Then it hit her. “I said I should have told everyone that I loved you – and I do. I have loved you for so long, Aiden. I was always afraid of it. Not because you were my stepbrother, but because I never thought you would feel the same thing for me.”

  Aiden’s frown split into his cocky grin as he closed the distance between them. “You love me?” he asked before he kissed the side of her lips.

  “Yes. God, yes. I love you so much, Aiden,” Emma said as tears of happiness flowed unchecked down her cheeks. She had never expected him to forgive her so easily – she had created a whole speech to give him.

  “That’s all I have ever wanted to hear.” He kissed her deeply and when they broke apart, he rested his forehead against hers. “I love you, Emma. I want to spend my life with you and have little babies with you and grow old together.”

  She felt his tears on her face and reached up and wiped them away. “I was so scared that you hated me after what I did to Derek. I don’t know why I fought him...he just gave me an excuse to fight. I am so sorry, and I will be telling Derek that, as well.”

  “I could never hate you! I was just scared and then I was so scared that I had lost you. I want to be with you forever. I love you, Aiden.”

  “I love you, my beautiful pixie.”

  They stood in the darkness, kissing and celebrating their love for each other for an eternity. Then Aiden grasped her hand and guided her to the cottage...and her new life with the man she loved.

  The End!

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  Would you like to see a part 4 of Aiden and Emma? Leave your thoughts in a review on amazon!

  Also, check out the related series by me, “BAD STEPBROTHER BIKER!”







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