Office Duties Box Set #2

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Office Duties Box Set #2 Page 3

by Flynn, Mac

  “Mrs. Winkle, I recommend you watch yourself,” he slowly warned. His tone revealed a patience which was quickly reaching its end. “Unless you would like to join Miss Taylor in the unemployment line.” Mrs. Winkle paled and didn’t argue. “Do you understand?”

  “Y-yes, sir.” Sam would have triumphed over her cowing, but she felt more pity than glee. Mrs. Winkle’s eyes were filled with tears and her shoulders were slumped. “Will that be all?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Winkle. You may go home now.”

  The supervisor turned to pass by Sam, and the other employee froze. Sam had never seen such a look of indescribable hate in her whole life, and the malice wad directed completely at her. Mrs. Winkle didn’t speak, however, but merely stalked passed her and to her office. The three watched her grab her purse and coat from her office and take an elevator down to the lobby. Davies didn’t say a word until the doors to the elevator had firmly shut.

  “I must apologize for her behavior,” he commented with a shake of his head. “She’s never been so disagreeable to anyone else.”

  “It’s fine. She’s probably right about my qualifications, anyway.” Sam could be bothered by it later, but right now she had to figure out a way home.

  “Don’t consider yourself less gifted because of the jealousies of a supervisor,” Davies insisted. “It doesn’t do you justice.”

  “Jealous? What’s she got to be jealous of me for?” She was younger, to be sure, but her position was nothing of which to be jealous.

  “I’d be glad to explain in my limo.” He smiled when her face brightened up. “I was sure you were in need of a ride when I remembered I’d brought you myself.” He offered her his hand. “Care for a stroll to the parking garage?”

  “With pleasure.”

  Arm in arm they led Mr. Smith down the elevators and into the garage. The limo was parked not far and everyone slid into the same places as that morning. The engine started up and Sam was glad to be in a comfortable seat with a quick ride home. They still had traffic to contend with, however, so it was going to take a few minutes to get to her apartment.

  “I heard rumors your friend Miss Slink had a busy day today,” he commented, breaking the silence. Sam was a little startled by his straightforward question, but she nodded. “Any reason why she’s so curious about why Miss Taylor left?”

  “To be honest, Mr. Davies, I think a lot of people are pretty curious about that,” she admitted. She tried not to look him in the eye, she was too nervous. The car stopped at another intersection, and she wondered how quickly they would get to her home. “She left in a hurry.”

  “Indeed, she did.” He seemed to be musing over a thought, and then he shrugged his shoulders. “Well, why not tell you the truth. It’s about time I did.”

  “The truth about what?”

  “Well, this whole mess about the company, the top floor and you and me,” he explained. Sam blushed at the last comment, but she let him continue. “Let’s start off with the company, particularly your predecessor, Miss Taylor, and Mrs. Winkle.”

  “What about them?” She wasn’t quite sure why he’d single them out.

  “They were both very well qualified for the positions the company gave them, I will admit that,” he began. It seemed to Sam that he’d pondered this many times. “The biggest concern, and one which inevitably seems to destroy eager workers’ careers, is ambition. These two women exemplify that emotion to the letter.”

  “What did they do that was wrong?” Sam didn’t see anything wrong with ambition, provided it was kept within legal and ethical bounds.

  “For Mrs. Winkle, nothing yet, but I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time before she gives into the temptation. For Miss Taylor, she noticed several points in the company’s security system and failed to report them.” Sam was surprised at such intrigue in a small, innocent company. “Then she abused that knowledge for her own gain.”

  “But why would she want to do such a thing? What did she want to get out of it?” Knowing the company as she did, Sam couldn’t understand why Miss Taylor would have betrayed the trust for any gain. Besides, the position she’d had was comfortable with promise of promotion to Mrs. Winkle’s job.

  “For the power and prestige it offered,” he explained. For the first time Sam noticed his voice was a little deeper than she remembered. He leaned back and closed his eyes. “They were both power-hungry individuals, but I had no idea how badly until Mr. Smith caught Miss Taylor attempting to steal into my office. She had devices which would have wired my office for sound. I don’t know if she intended to give away any of the audio, but I couldn’t take a risk with her around anymore. To avoid a scandal I concocted the story about the affair and let her go.”

  “Did the president agree to this?” She recalled Slinky mentioning the president had sent out the notification email. “What did he think about her doing that?”

  Davies smiled and let out a chuckle.

  “There’s something you must know, Miss Olsen,” he admitted. He opened his eyes and smiled. “I am the president.”

  Sam sat there stunned for a few long moments in both confusion and shock. She had no idea why he’d set it up that way, or even if he was telling the truth. Then again, there really wasn’t any reason for him to lie to her, at least not right now. She was more compromised than him, so she had a larger stake in keeping silent.

  “I…I don’t understand,” she finally managed to choke out.

  “I own the entirety of the company, besides those shares given to the board members and a few exclusive individuals,” he explained. “I created the two entities in order to buy the majority of the stock without anyone seeing what I’d done. Thus I retain the deciding opinion on any and all affairs.”

  “But that doesn’t make any sense,” Sam protested. “How can you be the same person if the company was opened over sixty years ago? That’d make you at least eighty years old.”

  “Eighty years old?” He laughed at some joke Sam didn’t understand. “I can’t recall when such a small number had any importance to me.” His amusement fell off his face when he noticed her disturbed expression. “I know I haven’t made it easy for you to guess. I suppose there really was no way to tell you except up front like this.” He paused as though deliberating his decision, or second guessing himself.

  “Tell me what? What’s going on?” Sam suddenly had the urge to throw herself out to the mercy of traffic. Her fellow occupant seemed to be having some sort of mental breakdown or hallucination. Maybe he really did believe he was the president.

  “Sam, I know this is difficult for you to understand,” he tried to soothingly calm her. “It was much the same with Mrs. Winkle and Miss Taylor, but even they in their stiff realism could believe me.”

  “Believe that you’re the president?” That only made her believe that there was something in the office water.

  “Well, that, and the idea of my being a fallen angel.”

  “Let me out. Now.” That was too much for Sam. Now she felt like she was being used in some sick, abusive joke.

  “Just hear me out, Sam.” He was pleading with her, but she wasn’t going to give him a second chance.

  Sam went for the door closest to her and found it to be locked. Out of frustration she yanked on it a few times as Davies looked on. He had an expression of pity mixed with disappointment. After a few moments of trying, Sam angrily turned to him.

  “Let me the fuck out!”

  “I will let you out at your home,” he emphasized. “I would rather not lose you to some violent street bum or careless vehicle.”

  “I’m not yours to lose!” she shouted back. She began kicking at the door and Smith’s voice came over the intercom.

  “Is there a problem, sir?”

  “No, but we may need to hurry on to our destination,” Davies replied.

  “All right, sir.”

  Smith stepped on the gas peddle and Sam lost her balance. She would have fallen toward the back of the car if the
y hadn’t abruptly stopped, causing her to fall back down into her seat. She rubbed her bruised tush as she glared at her employer. To hell with the job, nothing was worth putting up with this man who strained her emotions and forced her to keep secrets. No job was worth that.

  “Are you ready to listen?” he asked.

  “Are you ready to let me go?” she shot back. He sighed and shook his head. “Then I guess not.”

  “You don’t have to be so difficult. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “No, but you are keeping me captive,” she pointed out. She slammed her hand against the roof of the car. She usually wasn’t this violent, but she hated being trapped in such a small, dark space.

  “What can I do to convince you I mean you no harm?” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth. “Besides letting you out this moment.”

  Sam pouted, but she did take his request seriously. Her frenzied mind couldn’t think of any option immediately, but then she hit on an idea.

  “How about you tell me the truth,” she insisted. “The whole truth. None of this bullshit about being old enough to be my grandfather.”

  “Then I cannot.” He sadly shook his head and turned away. “I’ve told you only the truth. The only wrong thing I have done is to keep you in the dark for even this long.” His voice betrayed his sincerity and Sam was struck by its depth. He seemed genuinely saddened by any deception he’d done to her. “You may not believe my story, but may I tell you what plans I have for us?”

  “Plans? What kind of plans?” She wasn’t sure whether to be suspicious or giddy. She’d let his words decide that for her.

  “For our future.” Her heart skipped a beat. He was a little amused by her attentive expression. “You didn’t seriously believe I was using you solely for my sexual appetites, did you?”

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore,” she softly replied. He gave her a gentle smile, but she wasn’t done yet. “But you haven’t been helping me,” she added, and there was a hint of scorn in her tone. “You’ve been catching me when I’m not ready and getting more dangerous with where we’re doing it.”

  “I agree with you there,” he replied with a firm nod. “I’ve treated you terribly and at great risk to your integrity among your fellow coworkers.” He turned back to her and his expression was more serious. “But in the most recent incidents, I’m afraid I wasn’t completely in control of myself.” Sam derisively snorted at his statement.

  “So you’re saying what? That the voice inside you was telling you to do all that stupid stuff?”

  “Not exactly.” He hesitated a moment, and then shrugged. “It was the other part of me. My other personality, if you will.” Sam’s eyes grew wide. Now she knew she was stuck in the car with a psycho. Her fear was evident in her face, and but he felt he could no longer allay her fears. “The other part is the demonic portion of my being.” She slunk back in her seat. She knew the doors were useless to try to open, so she merely tried to make as much space between them as possible. “He hungers for you, Sam. It’s a hunger I can no longer control.” If that was meant to comfort her, he utterly failed. “Sam, you must understand. Neither of us would ever want to hurt you.”

  “Like I’m going to believe that,” she shot back as she slid along the seat to the farthest corner from him. “You’re telling me all this crazy stuff and you think I’m going to believe you on anything?”

  “I don’t expect you to believe me.” He sadly shook his head. “Even if I were to say I loved you more than life itself, you would not believe me.” This startled her, but she still had those nagging doubts about whether to trust his words. “The only thing I have at my disposal is the ability to show you what I can offer you, and hope that what you see you’ll believe.”

  Sam watched in a mixture of fascination and horror as an aura suddenly grew around body and slowly began to light up the darkness of the car. It wasn’t a pure light, however. Darkness masked its edges and the room glowed like fog lit by the moon. Out of him rose the faint gray fog which dispersed into the air, but she could feel a small breeze blowing it her direction. When the tainted air reached her, she realized it was the musky scent which so changed her.

  “What are you doing?” she breathed as the scent surrounded her. It twisted around her arms and legs, and climbed up along her breasts as though trying to touch every part of her. As delicious as it was, she didn’t want it. Not now, not ever again. “Stop it.”

  “As I told you before, I have little control over him now,” he replied. His voice was more of an animalistic growl than a human sound. “There’s nothing either of us can do to stop it.” In the darkness she could see he was hunched over and breathing fast. “The only thing we can do is enjoy it.”

  Sam tried to fight the fog but her mind became befuddled as before. Her tight clothes stretched even further as her breath quickened. Her hands clenched the cushions beneath her as her shirt bulged out. Her breasts swelled and her hips burst out as the seams on her clothes stretched to the breaking point. The effects were much faster than before as sweat broke out over her entire body.

  The stitches on her clothes finally burst as her shirt buttons began popping out. Her breasts were revealed as they strained against the last confines of her bra, the likes of which had become merely a stretched piece of cloth barely covering her tits. She felt her legs stretch out and lengthen and her arms grew longer. They better matched her proportions as she heard her skirt rip and tear open on one side, revealing a slit of her wet thigh.

  This was almost too much for her. She had to do something.

  “S-sir,” she stuttered out. Her voice was sultry and heavy with need as she glanced over at her lover.

  His eyes were firmly fastened on her as his hands gripped the front of the seat. He was panting now and his tie and coat had been dispensed with. His white shirt was stretched against his muscles and was transparent from all the sweat covering his abs.

  He had a feral look in his eyes as he looked her up and down. There was nothing human in them.

  “W-we can’t,” she weakly protested, but her words were followed by a deep groan from herself as her panties softly wedged up between her folds.

  She was already soaked between her walls and her hips shifted uncomfortably from her need. She couldn’t deny that she craved his touch on her bare skin and his manhood pounding into her. She couldn’t fight the sensual feeling which overwhelmed her as she let out a long moan.

  He tensed at her calls but he didn’t move. It was all his self-restraint that he could sit there perfectly still while this beautiful woman nearly demanded he take her for his own. He couldn’t stop the reactions of his body, however, as the air became thicker with his musky scent.

  That last push of scented air nearly drove Sam mad. All rational thought left her as her hands began caressing the leather seat. Her hips shifted and squirmed, and her skirt slid off one leg completely to reveal a part of her wet panties. One of her hands slid up her leg and slowly, sensually climbed passed her waist and over her breasts. She massaged the wet, bulging skin as her tongue slid out and wiped her dry, pert lips.

  She smirked when her partner’s hand twitched, and she enjoyed having him watch. She leaned forward and thrust out her large breasts as she reached behind her back with one hand. She deftly unclasped her bra and the thin piece of cloth loosened in front. Both her hands reached up and slowly, teasingly pulled off her open shirt. The bra straps fell down over her shoulders and her breasts were fully revealed. her tits were hard and her skin glistened in the faint light.

  She gripped the seat now as she began rubbing her thick thighs together. That caused friction between her legs and her panties rubbed against her small nub. She leaned her head back and moaned with a wicked smile on her face.

  The torture her partner faced was revealed when he grunted and jerked forward. It took all of his will power not to jump on her and take her then.

  She didn’t want that, though. She wanted to be taken. This sweet
torture was almost too much to bear, but here was one last trick she wanted to pull.

  She smiled sweetly as him as she slid down onto the floor. Her pert breasts bounced and knocked together as she slowly moved over to him. She gently pushed him back against the seat and slid into his lap. The bulge in his pants caused her to groan and he grabbed her hips to jerk against her.

  She placed her hands on his shoulders as she arched her back and her breasts pushed out. She was inviting him to taste her, and he readily took the invitation. His mouth clasped onto the tips as his tongue ran over the hard, rough tits. She pushed against his warm, wet lips as her hips slowly began to press closer against him. She couldn’t imagine a sweeter feeling than this other than him inside her.

  Neither of them could take it any longer. His hands were trembling as his fingers delved beneath her skirt. He massaged her thighs as one hand moved around between her legs and lightly touched her panties.

  “Please.” She was begging for the joy of their union and the release it offered.

  He grunted in agreement as she felt the shirt beneath her fingers tear at the seams as his body expanded. He grew taller and more muscular as he grasped her around the waist and pulled her closer. He buried his face into her neck and breathed heavily onto her hot, wet skin.

  He reached down with one hand and tore at her skirt and panties. When they were off he threw them to the side and his own pants went with them. She gasped when his member roughly thrust into her. He was so much bigger than he’d ever been that he filled her completely, and even stretched her walls a little. He groaned as she shifted to better situate herself, and his hips thrust upward.

  The angle gave them a deeper bond as he put his hands on her hips and slowly began pushing and pulling her across his manhood. She gripped his shoulders as she helped him along by pushing down, burying him entirely into her.

  “Oh god,” she moaned as her breasts bounced up and down. She was panting already as her fingers dug into his bare flesh. “Faster. Faster!”


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