Office Duties Box Set #2

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Office Duties Box Set #2 Page 7

by Flynn, Mac

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t gonna argue with him again. He was pretty mad about blowing his top in front of everyone.” Here she really did look a little ashamed of herself. “He’s probably right that I need to stop goofing around so much and talking to everyone when I’m supposed to be working.”

  “So does that mean you’re not planning your ‘raid’ this weekend?” Sam questioned. With the files in her possession, it probably wasn’t going to do her friend much good.

  “Not with that hot date I’ve got.” Sam almost imagined there was a bit of drool at the corners of her mouth as she thought of her lovely date. “I just told my dad about it, and he’s gonna get me all fancied up for the affair.” She wrinkled her nose a little at the thought of all that preening. “I guess he’s worth it, but I’m gonna order the most expensive thing on the menu if I’m gonna have to sit through a hairdryer.”

  “If he’s really as cute as your drool is telling me, I think you can do it,” Sam assured with a smile. She was inwardly relieved at her friend for ditching the spy job.

  “But anyway, I think I’ll call it a day.” Slink slung her bag over one shoulder and picked up her coat. “I still have to write that report for my dad about what happened, and I sure as hell don’t want the bitch reading it over my shoulder.” She turned to leave, but glanced over at her friend. “Are you thinking of leaving soon? She seems to hate you even more than me now.”

  “Yeah, I just was going to wait another ten minutes and split.”

  With their farewells exchanged Slinky left for the weekend and Sam quickly pushed through the paperwork she was working on. Thankfully Winkle huddled down in her office for those remaining minutes, and stealthily she picked up her things and snuck into the elevators. Before the doors closed, she noticed a number of other cubicles had emptied. Besides Slinky, she wasn’t the first one to leave early.

  The car ride was uneventful, other than her stomach gurgling at her, and she made it into her apartment safe and sound. The rooms were quiet except for her appetite loudly reminding her that it was again time to gorge herself.

  “What am I, a cow?” she asked herself as she tossed her coat onto the couch.

  She slipped off her uncomfortable shoes and headed for the bedroom first. There were her tight clothes and the borrowed belt to deal with before she could figure out dinner. She breathed a sigh of relief as the belt came unbuckled and she was able to massage the tight markings across her belly. As her hand slid across her expanded stomach, he realized she really was going to have to watch her weight if this insatiable appetite continued.

  Now dressed in less formal attire, namely some sweat pants and a large t-shirt without bra and panties, Sam felt ready to tackle the fridge. She opened the door and stuck her head in to access the situation. There were a ton of leftovers she’d neglected to eat, so she dragged out all the bowls to see which one she wanted. There was also some pickles and a cucumber just begging to be eaten before they got bad. Then she noticed the head of lettuce and carrots she could make into a salad.

  By the time she was done the fridge had been emptied of all but the ice cream, and that only because she was afraid it’d melt before she got to it. Sam sat down at her loaded dining table and started from the top. She didn’t pay attention to what went into her mouth, only that it was delicious and she wanted more. It was almost an addiction, and she didn’t want to stop as plate after bowl emptied before her eager mouth.

  For a full hour she sat there satisfying her hunger for anything and everything she had, and then she finished the meal off with a course of ice cream. The gallon jug melted away at the onslaught of her spoon, and only then did she lean back and pat her stomach. She had eaten nearly everything in her house except a few loose boxes of cereal and some uncooked grains.

  Sam let out a loud burp which seemed to defuse her food euphoria. Her mouth slowly dropped open as her eyes drifted over the empty dishes. All had literally been licked clean by herself and not a speck of food was on the table. Her silverware was spotless from her tongue running over every crease to get the last drop of every bite of food.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” she whispered to herself.

  Sam pushed her chair away from the table and looked down at her belly. Her skin peeked out from beneath her shirt and she could see her stomach was stretched beyond what was normal for her waistline. She gingerly stood and waddled away from the devastation which had been wrought on the table. She instead turned her feet to her bedroom as a strange sensation began to pulse from her middle.

  Sam carefully sat down on the bed and swung her legs over. She leaned her back against the wall and rubbed her swollen stomach. The feeling she was getting from it was less pain and more movement. She fidgeted atop her covers as her the unknown sensation began to grow stronger.

  Sam frowned as she got up off the bed and tried to walk off the unknown sensation. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but she definitely knew it wasn’t natural. There was no way she could have ate that much food unless something was wrong with herself. She paced the floor as she clutched at her bulging stomach. The skin there was tight and each shift of her body seemed to touch off a nerve to that focal point.

  Then she was hit with that feeling again, the one she’d gotten earlier in the day after her feed at the restaurant. This time was worse, however. The strange force emanating from her belly caused a haze in her mind and she barely had enough thought to stumble back to her bed.

  She lay herself out on the sheets as her most base instincts seemed to overtake any logical ideas. She knew something was happening to her body, that it was pulling at her. It was trying to pull out the feral side of her personality, to gain control of her mind. She couldn’t help herself as she glided her hand over the taught flesh of her stomach as her breathing quickened. Sweat began to break out across her body as she slid down the wall onto her pillows. It was almost like the food mixed with whatever else was in her body were creating an aphrodisiac inside herself. The more she experienced it, the more sensual it became.

  Now both her hands were massaging the belly mound as she began to groan. She lifted her shirt higher as her breasts, barely constrained by the shirt, pushed out onto her stomach. They were swollen and pulsing with heat over her abdomen. Her folds softened and soaked themselves as she closed her eyes and leaned back her head. She pushed down the band of her pants to cradle her stomach between her hands. It pounded with life above her fingers as her heart pounded with pleasure.

  She felt like a million hands were spreading out from her belly and covering her in slow, sensual touches. Her body ached with the feeling of so much stimulation, but she pleaded for more. Her legs squirmed beneath the weight as she felt her stomach expand. The skin stretched out and the heat inside her body increased ten fold.

  She was panting now as her smooth body lay covered in silky sweat. She writhed along the covers as she felt a tension build up inside of her. She didn’t know what was going to happen at the end, but she wanted it to come. She begged for it to come. Those hands were insistent. They touched her more deeply than any penetration she’d ever experienced. They caressed her skin from the inside and sent shivers up and down her body.

  She squirmed and groaned as the sensual pleasure climbed higher and higher. Those invisible hands edged her closer. They pushed her on.

  Then she was blinded by light as her body shook in the throws of an orgasm greater than any she had experienced. Her body twitched and jerked as she screamed her delight. Her ecstasy lasted for a good minute and when it was done, she was exhausted.

  Sam sighed for the feeling of perfect contentment she felt. Nothing had ever been that pleasing, and she ached to feel it again. She leisurely massaged the swollen bump on her stomach. She didn’t know or understand what was happening to her body, but whatever it was had sent her into a euphoria unlike any other.

  She was exhausted from the effort, however, and she quickly slipped into a deep slumber.

  Sam groaned as s
he rolled over and cuddled her pillow. She was too comfortable to get up and go to that hellish workplace. It was much better if she’d just stay in bed all day and pretend to be sick. Then she’d have the entire weekend to herself without any crazy coworkers, psychotic supervisors, or amorous employers.

  Then Sam remembered she did have the weekend to herself. She smiled and dug deeper into the covers. She’d survived her first week of the new job. Well, barely, but a miss was as good as a mile. Now she could reward herself by spending as much time as she wanted in bed sleeping off the exhaustion she now felt.

  She would have enjoyed such a day if it weren’t for the rumbling noise in her stomach.

  Sam sighed and flung aside the covers. There was just no arguing with her belly lately. That thing was too insatiable not to appease.

  She stretched and noticed there was some inflexibility at her midriff. She glanced down and frowned at the slight bulge in her shirt. She pulled back the cloth and her jaw dropped to the floor.

  There was a small, firm bump in her stomach. It wasn’t like she’d just eaten a ton of food like last night and her belly had momentarily stretched. There was a permanent, inarguable extension at her waistline.

  “What the hell?” she muttered to herself.

  Sam gingerly reached down and drifted her hand over the small ball which she seemed to have swallowed. It was tight and didn’t bend at her touch. The skin was firm and stretched, and her belly button was distended outward.

  This just had to be a nightmare, or some sort of bad effect from eating too much food. Maybe that was it. Maybe she’d eaten something that really hadn’t agreed with her and now she was severely bloated. Maybe some exercise would work it off.

  Sam swung her legs over the bed and pushed off. It was definitely a little more difficult moving around with such a waistline, but she managed to get used to it as she tried doing jumping jacks. Unfortunately she was out of shape and out of practice, and after a few she was huffing and puffing like the last dinosaur.

  “All right, maybe try something easier,” she encouraged herself.

  Sam knew she was desperate, terrified even, but she had to try do to something. Otherwise she probably would have fallen in full blown panic and been calling 911 for an ambulance to come take her to the hospital.

  This time she attempted to do some stretches, and started out by trying to reach her toes. She’d always been elastic, so this had never been a problematic exercise. Now, though, she had that obstruction and her fingers were a few inches from her feet when she finally gave up.

  “Okay, how about jogging in place.”

  She pumped her arms and tried to evenly breath as her feet moved up and down to a silent rhythm. She was still doing it a few minutes later when her stomach rumbled its displeasure at her neglect. It was probably a good idea to stop because her feet were starting to kill her. The floor wasn’t soft enough to be pounding on without a mat beneath her.

  Sam went out into her kitchen and was reminded she hadn’t cleaned up after her last gorging as the empty plates and bowls greeted her eyes. She waved her hand at them as though to make them disappear and she started rummaging through the cupboards. As she knew from last night, there were only a few boxes of cereal left and some of those had been opened. She downed them one at a time and still picked through the drawers and her pantry for something, anything to eat.

  During this desperate need Sam heard her apartment buzzer ring and she glanced over at the door. She sure as hell wasn’t expecting any visitors at all, much less today, and the mail didn’t arrive until later. She closed the cupboards and tried to neatly stack the dishes as quickly as possible, but the person on the other side buzzed again before she was done.

  “Coming!” she shouted.

  Abandoning the mess Sam walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. She frowned when she realized it was Mr. Smith standing in the hall waiting for admittance. He was holding several bags in both hands, and the creepiest part was he was staring straight at the peephole. She cautiously opened the door part way and peeked her head out. She wasn’t really dressed for visitors, either.

  “Good morning, Miss Olsen,” he pleasantly greeted. Sam nearly missed the words when her nose smelled the scent of food wafting from the bags. “Mr. Davies instructed I bring you some nourishment, as he assumed you were perhaps out of food by this time.”

  “What?” Her mind was a little foggy with hunger, and she was a little confused by what he’d just told her. Davies had expected her to be out of food? “How’d he know that?” Smith smiled, and she wasn’t sure if she liked that look on his face.

  “I believe he intends to explain that to you personally later this day.” He held up the bags and cocked his head to look inside. “Would you be willing to let me set these items on your table? They are not as light as they looked.” They actually looked pretty heavy. The bags bulged out in all directions and he had at least five in each hand.

  “Oh, sorry!” She opened the door and he stepped inside. She made sure not to lock the door behind him, just in case he was going to leave soon. “You can, um, put them on the counter.” The table was still full.

  “My pleasure.” He set them down as instructed and glanced over at her dining area. She followed behind him, mostly at the beckoning of the food. “Would you care for me to wash your dishes?” he offered. “I would be very glad for the task, as Mr. Davies has also instructed me to remain with you until he arrives.”

  “Wait, what?” This was information she really would have wanted before she let him inside her apartment.

  “I am to stay he-”

  “I get that part,” she angrily interrupted. “But for how long is that?”

  “I’m afraid even I don’t know the answer to that question, Miss Olsen.” He wasn’t wasting any time solely talking. The man had already picked up a number of the plates and was moving the whole mess to the sink. “But if you do not feel comfortable having me in the apartment, I can sit out in the car until I am called for.”

  “No no, it’s fine.” That sounded too mean to make him do that, and he was doing her a favor by cleaning the dishes. There was also the aroma of food, and she was nearly driven to distraction by the smell. “Is all that for me?” she asked as she nodded to the pile of bags. “I mean, was any of it yours?”

  “I have already eaten, so the entirety of those packages are yours to have.” He smiled again when he noticed her eyes hungrily dart over to them like they were a kill waiting to be devoured. “You may have them at any time, though most of them are breakfast meals.”

  Sam left him to do her chore and swiftly moved over to the defenseless food. She had half a mind to rip into them then and there, but there really wasn’t any good spot for her to sit. Instead she grabbed about half of the contents and moved over to the couch. Smith wasn’t kidding when he said those bags were heavy. She wondered how the handles hadn’t broken on him.

  Now sitting comfortably on the furniture, Sam nearly tore open the bags to get at the nourishment, and her mouth watered when she was greeted with all kinds of good stuff. A sausage and egg casserole was smothered in cheese, bacon and eggs were mixed in a shiny coat of grease, and for her vegetarian impulses, there was tofu mixed with tomatoes and herbs to create a tasty paste of heavenly delight.

  She sat down and was about to use her hands to dig in when Mr. Smith set a plate, fork and knife in front of her.

  “You may need these.”

  “Oh, um, thanks,” she sheepishly replied.

  Sam emptied one of the bags’ contents onto the plate and didn’t care how mixed up they were as she devoured the entirety. She wasn’t satisfied until the fifth bag and been consumed, but at that point she sat back and sighed. Smith took that as a pretty reliable sign that she was done.

  “Finished?” he asked as he removed the licked plate and empty bags.

  “You don’t have to do that,” she insisted. It was a little uncomfortable for her to have someone pick up afte
r her. She’d always been on her own, and never needed anyone’s help with such a simple task.

  “It’s my pleasure to serve you, Miss Olsen,” he countered. She accidentally burped in reply and a blush came over her face as he smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed the meal. I made the food myself.”

  “Wow, you’re good,” she complimented. Sam patted her stomach and winced when she was bluntly reminded of her growing problem.

  “Is something wrong?” He couldn’t help but notice the troubled look across her face.

  “Well, do you know anything about indigestion?” Sam questioned. She figured it was worth a try asking.

  “No more than the average person, I’m afraid.” He moved the other bags along the counter and began to pile the remaining food into the fridge. It was nearing bursting when he finally shut the door. “Was there any particular reason you wished to ask me that?”

  “It’s, well, I just haven’t been feeling well,” she admitted. “I think I’ve been eating a little too much, so my stomach’s kind of been all bloated and stuff.” She seemed to really catch her attention with this information.

  “Would you mind if I took a look?”

  “A look at what?” She honestly wasn’t sure what he wanted to look at.

  “Your stomach.”

  “Oh no, that’s fine. I’m sure it’s nothing,” she insisted as she rolled herself off the couch. Her stomach felt even more expanded than before, but she figured she was piling trouble on top of trouble. “Probably just some indigestion or something.”

  “You needn’t feel any alarm. I’m an accredited medical doctor.” Sam wasn’t sure she was willing to believe this sudden bit of news. “I merely wish to make sure you are not experiencing any physical ailments.”

  “No, really, I feel fine.” She started backing up toward the front door, and he made no move to follow her. Under no circumstances was she going to let a near-total stranger take a look at her body. Except for Davies, but that was a different matter.


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