
Home > Romance > Jacked > Page 31
Jacked Page 31

by Tina Reber

  “Good. Then we can get back to eating breakfast.”

  I nodded though I wasn’t hungry anymore.

  He didn’t move. “You gonna kiss me now, or do we still need to talk shit out?”

  The fact that he was determined to clear the air made me more confident. I hated stupid misunderstandings. Still, I didn’t want his incredible kissing abilities to distract me. “I can see why she is so desperate to get you back.”

  “That’s never gonna happen.”

  I believed him. “Regardless, I can see why.”

  Adam stood. “Well, that’s good, I guess, but it doesn’t change anything.”

  I stared down at his bare feet. Even his darn toes were appealing.

  “You went outside barefoot?”

  He put his hands on his hips. “I wanted to make sure she left without doing anything stupid.”

  I looked up at him. “Stupid?”

  “She knows that the silver SHO in my driveway belongs to the girl I’m seeing. From now on your car goes in the garage when you’re here. I’ll move my bike so you have room to pull in.”

  My skin started to prickle again. “Is that why you have a gun in the back of your pants?”

  Adam drew in a deep breath. “I trust very few people, Erin. I’ve also pissed off more people than I care to count. Some people don’t take too kindly to you putting them in jail.” His fingers brushed over my chin. “I will always be able to protect myself and the people I care about, even if that means I have to take out people I used to care about in the process. Know this. I never answer my door unarmed. Whenever I leave the house, I’m armed. There are guns hidden on every floor of this house. It’s just the way things are.”

  “Are you that worried?” I asked gently.

  He shook his head. “Not worried. Prepared.”

  I watched him open up his nightstand drawer and pull out another black gun. He took the bullets out and handed it to me. I felt like he was handing me death.

  Adam frowned. “You afraid?”

  Afraid was mild to what I was feeling.

  “It’s unloaded. Take it. See?” He pulled the top back and showed me an empty cavity. “Chamber is empty.”

  It still looked dangerous.

  “You ever fire a gun before?”

  I shook my head so hard I was afraid I might shoot myself accidentally just by holding it in my palm. “I’ve pulled plenty of slugs out of people though.”

  He stared down at me for the longest time while I fought my budding anxiety. “You want to learn?”

  Did I? I’d thought about shooting plenty of people over the course of my life but that was always in the hypothetical daydream sense, not the actual pull the trigger sense.

  Adam set the gun down on his nightstand and then took me by the hands, pulling me up. He worked his arms around me. “I think step one in learning to trust me starts now.” He tipped my chin up and gave me a very sweet kiss.

  I spent the next half hour musing about him being mostly naked while watching him buzz around his house packing for our next adventure.

  “BREATHE OUT,” ADAM whispered into my ear. “Then squeeze.”

  It was difficult to ignore his instructions; they affected my entire body, setting every one of my nerves on a heightened level of awareness.

  His arms were supporting mine, holding them up to help me aim while giving me his patience and expertise. I’d listened carefully when he had demonstrated how I should stand, how I shouldn’t fear the cold steal gripped in my hands. I knew my fears were unfounded, based solely on seeing the aftermath of what a bullet could do to the human body. Still, I needed to do this.

  Every move Adam made was executed with commanding precision, adding a new level of sex appeal that I hadn’t been quite aware of before. How he was completely at ease with a lethal weapon in his hand, making him appear even more foreboding, was also a sight to be appreciated.

  His hips shift as he widened my stance; the hard wall of his chest pressed into my back and braced me as I tried not to outwardly tremble.

  It was important to Adam to make me feel safe and “empowered” as he emphatically stated in his truck on the way here, and seeing this additional glimpse at how enthralled he was bringing me to the indoor range where he trained was infectious.

  “Use the dots, line up your sights first.” He adjusted my arms higher. “Remember; bring the gun up level to your eyes, not your eyes down to the gun.”

  It was nearly impossible to concentrate while feeling the stiff ridge of his pants brushing the seam of my ass. “It’s hard.”

  “No it isn’t,” he quickly admonished, missing my point but brushing his against my butt again. “Don’t doubt yourself. We’ve gone over the mechanics. You know how to load and unload it and work the slide.”

  My inner dirty girl was having a field day with this. “That’s not what I meant. Well, not completely.”

  “Adjust your grip. You’re squeezing too tight. Relax your fingers, babe. That’s better. Nice and easy. This finger stays on the trigger.”

  The size of the gun alone was making me nervous. His lips mere centimeters from my neck was even worse. His partial erection brushing my ass was making concentration damn near impossible. “I still think I should start out with a smaller gun.”

  “It fits you perfectly.”

  I wasn’t sure we if we were even talking about firearms anymore. I rested into the reassuring safety of his chest again, enjoying the many freedoms that came along with being intimately familiar with someone. Innocent contact wasn’t so innocent anymore, but more of an inalienable right. I brushed my butt over his package once more just because I could.

  He sucked in a quick breath, followed by a throat-clearing groan and a reciprocating press into me. “You have seven rounds in the magazine so when you’re ready you’ll chamber it and aim just like I’ve shown you. When you’re ready.” He let me go and pulled the headset up off his neck and placed them over his ears. I was on my own with Adam in full-blown teacher mode.

  I was glad that the only other guy inside the range left so we had the entire place to ourselves. I felt awkward at first, like I should have had prior gun knowledge before stepping foot in this place.

  The black circles on the paper human target were just twenty feet away, but felt looming nonetheless.

  Adam folded his arms across his chest and gave me an encouraging nod, like an overindulging parent.

  I tried to focus, aim, and breathe, while the only sound I could hear under my headset was the constant thrum of my own heartbeat.


  I looked over at him, instantly reacting as if he’d called out my real first name. He was smirking, holding one muff off his ear. “You look sexy as hell holding my Glock. I know the minute you pop your first round you’ll be addicted, begging me to bring you back here. Don’t overthink it. Just relax and enjoy it. It’s a hell of a stress reliever. Trust me.”

  His small phrase repeated in my mind, evoking both my comfort and apprehension while I replaced the brand name of his gun with visions of his cock. “You say trust me a lot, you know that?”

  His smile widened. “I just put a loaded gun in your hands. There’s a tremendous amount of trust going on here. Besides,” he shrugged, “trust is the basis for everything. Without it, relationships are superficial.”

  I focused back on my target instead of his sexy mouth and the potentially meaningful words coming out of it. “You feeling awfully poetic, Cop?”

  Adam laughed. “Gotta say, watching a hot doctor fire one of my weapons is pretty fucking inspiring.”

  I fought my smile. “Quit distracting me.”

  “You need to learn how to block it out. Now relax, remember to exhale, and squeeze. Oh, and you might want to chamber the round first before you pull the trigger.”

  Shit. I’d forgotten. I wanted him to do it.

  He put his hands up. “Oh no, no. This one is all you.”

  I set the gun down on the ledge,
pulled my hearing protection off, and motioned for his hand.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Your hand. Let me see it.”

  “You’re stalling.”

  I scowled at him. His wellbeing was more important to me. “I am not. Give it. Please?”

  He pulled the headset off his ears, rolled his eyes, and held out his right hand.

  “No, the other one. The one with stitches in it.”

  As soon as he placed his hand in mine, my suspicions were confirmed. “You popped a stitch.”

  He pulled his hand back and inspected it. “Yeah, I know. Happened in the shower this morning as I was taking you up against the wall.”

  My mouth fell open; his turned up into a wicked grin.

  “It needs to be restitched. It’s all red. It’s open here.”

  “Nah. I’ll live. Besides, I think we should remove the rest of the stitches that way. Would make it a lot more interesting, don’t ya think?”

  I wanted to yell “hell yes” but opted for stunned demureness instead. “As your doctor, I cannot advise that. You’ll run the risk of infection.”

  “As my doctor, I’ll let you give me a complete physical later. You can examine anything you want.” Adam took my chin and kissed me. “Now quit stalling,” he said on my lips, then turned me toward the target. “You can fix it later if it bothers you that much.”

  I eyed the target. “Good, because it does.”

  Adam chuckled indulgingly and turned his ringing cell phone off.

  “You get a lot of calls.”

  He was busy looking at the screen; his brows were pulled together. “Not usually.” He shoved it back into his pocket. “Put your ears on.” He wrapped a finger on the headset gripping my head.

  I readied myself and pulled the slide back like he’d shown me. There was no turning back.

  I took a deep breath and exhaled.

  I didn’t expect the crack to be as loud as it was or for my wrists and arms to tingle after absorbing the recoil, but it wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be. I actually flinched afterward but Adam was right—the power was heady. He helped me aim, taught me how to use the sights and I pulled the trigger six more times, each one more powerful than the last.

  For a moment, I felt invincible. Well, at least seriously badass. The shot of adrenaline flowing through my veins created an instant addiction, clearing my mind of everything but the weapon in my hands and the release it created.

  Adam pulled his headset off; his concern that I’d been injured somehow clearly painted all over his face. “Are you okay?”

  I wanted to hug him for giving me this experience. I set the gun down and threw myself at him.

  “Whoa!” he chuckled, rocking back on his heels. He patted my butt, hugged me tightly, and kissed me. “Yeah, you’re good.” His smile was laced with pride. “Let’s see how you did.”

  The paper target sailed toward us on the mechanical track.

  He pinched the paper in his fingers. “Not bad, Doc. You blew his kidneys apart with this one. You’re aiming a bit low though.”

  I was thrilled that I actually hit the paper, but I did a lot better than I’d thought. “I want to do that again.”

  Adam slung his arm over my shoulders and dipped his head for another toe-curling kiss, effectively stopping my excited bouncing. “I’ve created a monster.” He laughed on my mouth.

  He’d created more than a monster. In the course of a weekend he’d created an addictive package that is sweet and fascinating and makes my blood feel alive in an entirely new capacity. I was completely drawn to him; there was no denying it now.

  “You keep looking at me like that you’ll get me permanently banned from here for lewd and lascivious behavior.” I got another encouraging squeeze and a smack on the butt. “Come on. Practice makes perfect.” He set an entire box of bullets on the counter in front of me. “Hit the target seven more times and I’ll buy you lunch.”

  I checked the small box, disappointed by his limiting challenge. “Only seven? There’s like fifty bullets here.”

  While I tried to count the brass rounds, I found myself pinned, pressed between the counter and the unyielding wall of Adam’s chest. He peeled my headset off and set it in front of me. His temperate breath brushed my neck. Strong hands covered my stomach. “Weaving your way deeper, Doc.” His warm lips slid up and down the column of my throat. “Mmm, I want to do you so bad right now.”

  His playful growl tickled my ear. I wanted to kiss him in the worst way. I turned my head so he’d grant my wish.

  “Christ. Get a fucking room, Trent,” a man’s voice boomed.

  Adam’s fingers tightened before he released me, his body tensing as he tucked me behind his back. I peered around his shoulder, getting an eyeful of the man putting Adam on high alert. He had a short crew cut and a smug attitude that looked like he could become an asshole easily with the right incentive.

  Adam held me behind his body. “Sidel,” he said tightly.

  Another man, shorter, very thin, with a dark, greasy comb-over and pockmarked face came through the door behind Sidel. I thought they might be together as there seemed to be an air of familiarity there, but as soon as he spotted us, he came to an abrupt halt, hesitated while trying to appear inconspicuous, and then with a barely perceptible chin nod, set his gear down at the first booth.

  The man Adam addressed as Sidel glanced back over his shoulder; his cocky smile faltering quickly. Adam scrutinized the man at the far end, tilting his head slightly as though there was some recognition.

  “Surprised to see you here on a Sunday,” Sidel said to Adam. It was my guess that it wasn’t a pleasant surprise for Sidel, either.

  I didn’t need to be a mind-reader to sense Adam wasn’t too fond of this guy.

  Sidel was eying me over; his blatant leering made me feel violated. “So, who you got with you? One of your adoring fans?”

  I saw the instant when he recognized me. “You! No shit!” He turned his smug look to Adam and then pegged me again with his attention. “You’re the doctor woman we pulled over a few weeks ago. Trent, you sly dog. You actually hooked up with her? Unfuckingbelievable.”

  “Exercise some couth, Sidel,” Adam ordered low.

  Sidel ignored him and held out his hand to me. “Brian Sidel. Nice to see you again.”

  My manners insisted I greet him back. Adam’s posture was anything but relaxed, making me question whether touching Brian Sidel’s hand would be a poor judgment call on my part.

  Adam glanced back at me. “Sidel is in my unit.”

  My manners won out after that. “Hi. Erin.”

  I swore I heard Adam growl the second Sidel touched my hand.

  The weird man at the far end of the range periodically glanced our way, making me slightly uncomfortable. Adam backed up, backing me up with him. He was wearing his Glock on his hip, which he touched briefly. He picked up the gun I was shooting, popped the magazine out, and fished out another from the carry case. This one contained a full row of bullets.

  I swallowed hard when he slapped it back in and chambered the first round.

  “Teaching her how to shoot?” Sidel asked, doing a poor job at masking his amusement.

  I was hoping he’d go off and mind his own business, but no such luck.

  Adam handed the loaded gun to me, keeping it pointed down, but he barely took his eyes off the two men while he did it. “Just enjoying some time at the range, like you.”

  Sidel nodded and set his gear down on the floor. “Well, let’s see what you got, sweetheart,” he said to me, raising his eyes expectantly. He exposed the gun under his jacket when he put his hands on his hips.

  Adam read my hesitance. He stepped back even farther; I presumed so his back would never be vulnerable. I was starting to understand him better, too. Gone was the playful folded-arms posture he had when we’d arrived. Adam looked ready to enter a quick draw contest. I imagined he would win it, too.

  “Go ahead, babe,
” he said with a nod.

  I put my headset back on while Adam floated a new target back out.

  All eyes were on me as I lined up my sights. I exhaled and pulled the trigger. I took my time, shooting until it was empty. I wanted to see how well I did but Adam nudged me safely out of the way, putting his body between Sidel and me again.

  In one fast swoop, he drew his weapon from his side and without hesitance, pulled the trigger once. He put his gun back in the holster on his hip and locked eyes with Sidel as the target floated back to us.

  I could see the light shining through several holes on the paper. When the target stopped, one hole stood out.

  It was the one dead center in the target’s forehead.

  “Who’s your friend?” Adam asked Sidel, casually noting the direction with his chin.

  Sidel glanced down the range, seeming bored with the question. His lips twisted. “No idea. Don’t know him.”

  I may not have a PHD in human behavior, but I was cognizant enough to know a lie when I heard one. Adam’s throaty “hmm” told me he thought that answer was bullshit, too.

  Adam pulled the target down and nudged me privately. His apprehension was palpable. He made a point of looking at his watch. “Shit, it’s getting late. We need to get going. We’ll come back again when we have more time. Load this empty mag; I’ll do the other one.”

  While we worked, I leaned closer to him, taking another bullet out of the box. I knew we had plenty of time to goof around, so I gathered his outward comment wasn’t really meant for me. “You’re going to explain this to me later?” I whispered.

  His expression was impassive though his eyes never stopped scanning. “Yep.”

  I didn’t question him further. I finished up and put my coat on.

  “Leaving already?” Sidel asked, forming his question with a big brush of underhanded sarcasm.

  Okay, I was really starting to dislike this guy.

  Adam didn’t buy into the baiting. He even smiled at the ass. “Got other things to do before shift tonight.”

  Sidel raised his brows, sliding his eyes my way. “I bet you do. You gonna film that for the show, too, or just add another one to your private collection?” Sidel leaned to speak directly at me, as though he was sharing a secret. “He’s got quite the fan girl following, you know.”


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