Carnal Captive

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Carnal Captive Page 13

by Vonna Harper

  They hadn’t gagged her, but the barn so far from the main house that her cries wouldn’t disturb anyone. Damek, naked except for blue briefs, marched around her taking pictures. She started to turn with him, then gave up and hung in her bondage.

  “She really is lovely,” Damek said. “And this position really shows off her breasts.”

  “What’ll we do, each of us pierce one nipple? Equal opportunity and all that.”

  “Either that or draw straws.”

  Damek was in a mellow mood, probably a result of the two drinks he’d had. Reno had matched his partner drink for drink but with his larger frame, they probably hadn’t had the same impact. He felt cold sober and ready to get at the lesson.

  Leaving Damek to indulge in his hobby, Reno approached the slave and held up the rope he’d brought along. “To state the obvious, your master is an impatient man. He wants to get you in his house and under his control. That means we’re going to have to double up on your education. First and foremost, get rid of any notions you might have that you’re still a human being.”

  He slapped her cheeks to get his point across followed by pushing her hair out of her eyes. The moment he did, he regretted what she might take as a gesture of kindness. “You’ve been bought and paid for. Good money has changed hands. That makes you a possession.”

  “Our possession tonight,” Damek added.

  Instead of pointing out that he didn’t need any help, Reno worked his hand between her pressed-together legs. “You’ve dried up a bit. Don’t you know better by now not to let that happen?” Smiling, he pinched the inside of her thigh. Eyes widening, she tried to jerk free. He let the bit of defiance go, for now. “This isn’t good at all. If life’s going to be tolerable for you, you need to learn how to keep yourself lubricated.”

  “How?” she whispered.

  The slave spoke so infrequently that he blinked at the sound. “That’s your problem.” He pinched her other thigh, nodding when she obediently spread her legs.

  “Maybe she needs help.”

  “Could be.”

  Damek indicated the rope Reno held. “You want me to handle that?”

  Hell no. “Why don’t you watch. And you.” He pushed his thumb into the slave’s cunt hole. “You learn.”

  Her muscles closed around his thumb. “What’s that, a welcome hug?”

  “I didn’t mean—“

  “Of course you didn’t intend to say howdy. If you could, you’d cut off my thumb. I was just making sure you were paying intention instead of whatever the hell it is you do sometimes.”

  He studied her reaction but couldn’t tell what she was thinking. Was she capable of violence? Most women weren’t which worked to their disadvantage and his advantage. Women were prey animals. If they could, they fled. And if they couldn’t, they had no idea what to do.

  “Your master doesn’t expect much of you, just an open mouth, wet pussy, and clean ass.” He didn’t wait for her response but withdrew and claimed her labia. Watching her, he tugged.

  Whimpering, she tried to back up. Damn it, she should have figured out by now that her handlers knew exactly how to secure her.

  “Pain and pleasure, pain and pleasure,” he chanted. “But first the pain.”

  The way she watched him again put him in mind of a caged wild animal. Too bad she didn’t have claws or fangs. He’d enjoy the battle.

  When he let go, relief flooded her eyes. Then they became wary again. Some handlers believed in pushing their charges so far under they were no longer capable of independent thought, but to his mind, that defeated the whole purpose. Might as well buy a blow-up sex doll.

  Stepping back so she could see what he was doing, he shook out the rope and folded it in half. He wrapped it around her waist and threaded the long end through the loop at her belly. Then he placed that between her legs, making sure the twin strands split her pussy lips. Standing at her side, he tightened things down.

  “Rope is elementary,” Damek said in his teacher-to-student tone. “This one’s cotton. We sometimes use hemp, but we don’t want to irritate your skin down there, at least not tonight.”

  Hoping his partner was done flapping his lips, Reno tied the end to her handcuffs. If she tried to lift her arms, the rope between her legs would tighten even more. Unfortunately for her, he could easily haul her elbows higher.

  “Your master insists on being around for the fun when and if your nipples get pierced,” he unnecessarily reminded her. Damek had gone back to taking pictures, now concentrating on the marriage of rope and body. “But you should get used to what that’ll feel like. In fact, that’s what tonight’s lesson is about.”

  “Master, please, no.”

  “No, no,” he chided. “None of that.”

  Walking over to the equipment bag he’d brought with him, he selected a pair of gold nipple clamps with a silver chain between them. Damek and he had let her see other trainees wearing similar jewelry. They hadn’t said anything about using them on her, but she had to have gotten the message.

  “No more worrying about when you’re going to be considered worthy of these.” He waved the blunt-toothed clamps in her face. “I’m sure that’s a load off your mind.”

  More like a new load on her mind judging by her awkward attempt to break free.

  “No,” she whimpered. “Oh please, no.”

  He let her struggle for a while, then brought her front and center. “Go on.” He nodded at Damek. “Make her breasts hard.”

  “I know what to do,” Damek grumbled. Just the same, he cupped the slave’s right breast to stabilize and lift it. Teeth bared, he leaned over and noisily sucked her nipple into his mouth. Judging by her gaping mouth, Reno figured she was experiencing enough pleasure that she’d dismissed the rest of her body.

  That wouldn’t last long

  Damek nibbled and sucked. She reacted, as Reno had figured she would, by breathing deep and long and tossing her head about. Just as she pressed her thighs together, he spat out the breast with its rigid nipple only to close his teeth around it and pull.

  “Please, no.”

  “What’s that?” Reno demanded, slapping her other breast. “One more outburst like that and you’re going to be wearing your bridle again.”

  She hated the bridle. No matter how forcefully they reminded her that the bit belonged between her teeth, she always tried to spit it out. Tonight he was giving her a choice—kind of.

  Legs shuddering, she let her head hang.

  “Good decision.” He slapped her free breast again. Damek’s teeth had made indentations in her nipple. That had to hurt.

  Finally Damek straightened and rubbed the back of his neck. “Shit. I’m not as flexible as I used to be. However, I believe I’ve accomplished what I set out to do.”

  Just say it. Don’t make a career out of it. Hoping to bury his irritation under action, Reno took responsibility for the saliva-coated breast. As his partner had done, he grabbed and lifted.

  “Think you know what’s going to happen, do you? Well guess what, you’re right.” With that, he opened the clamp one-handed, positioned the teeth over her nipple, and let go. Yelping, she bounced in place.

  “It hurts. Oh God, it hurts.”

  “It’s supposed to.” The rest of the contraption dangled from her trapped breast. She looked down then jerked her head up.

  “Too awful to contemplate?” Damek asked.

  She wanted to close her eyes. He saw the need to escape in every line of her helpless body, but she was both too wise and scared to try.

  “For all we know,” Damek said, “the time you spend with us might be the easy part of your new life. Your master is one powerful man.” Cupping her jaw, he slapped the dangling clamp and sent it to swinging wildly.

  “Oh God. God, please Master!”

  “Shut up!” Damek struck her cheek hard enough to leave a red mark. “There’s no deity here, just us.”

  Studying her trapped breast, Reno tried to imagine what that f
elt like. He’d contemplated putting the suckers on his own nipples a couple of times only to stop in time.

  He’d been the one to start tormenting her breasts. A Carnal house rule stipulated that the handler who begins a particular exercise is responsible for finishing it. Why the hell was Damek taking hold of both her free breast and the clamp?

  Like he didn’t know the answer to that.

  She bleated like a sheep but barely moved when the second set of metal teeth gripped her nipple. Determined to let Damek know he didn’t like this particular turn of events, Reno pulled the digital out of Damek’s pocket and snapped shots of a lovely set of full, captured breasts with a chain swaying between them.

  Stepped back from the suffering subject, Damek joined him. Panting, she pointedly didn’t look at them.

  “Now that’s a work of art.” Damek held up his hands as if framing her for a shot. “From neck to knees she’s a walking, silent demonstration of the kind of product Carnal Incorporated puts out.”

  The Carnal website, accessible only to a select few, was constantly being updated. Slaves’ faces were never shown, making it easy for Reno to dehumanize them every time he accessed the site.

  As long as he didn’t look at this one’s—what was her name anyway?—eyes, he could simply appreciate what they’d accomplished. However, occasionally he had to forcefully silence the inner voice that demanded to know what the hell he was doing.

  “She needs weights on her boobs.” Not waiting for a response, Damek went over to the bag and withdrew a couple of half pound weights. Holding one up, he pressed it to the slave’s mouth. “Guess where this little toy’s going? Kiss it first to show how much you appreciate the effort we’re going to.”

  She spat.

  Surprised, Reno watched saliva drip off the weight. Damn but the little slut still had life in her.

  “Damn stupid cunt!” Stepping behind her, Damek jerked up on the rope running from her crotch to her wrists. She tried to stand on her toes but that threw her body forward so she hung by her elbows.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

  “Not sorry enough, bitch!” Glowering, Damek hooked a weight to a nipple clamp while keeping pressure on the rope.

  “Ah! Oh please, Master!”

  “Damek, that’s enough.” Reno kept his voice low. “Don’t let your temper get the best of you.”

  “What the hell do you know about my temper?”

  “More than I want to. You heard me, stay in control.”

  Studying Damek, Reno wondered if he was privy to every nuance of the other trainer’s battle. When they’d first met, he hadn’t understood why someone who looked as if he belonged in a corporation boardroom and talked like a college professor was in this line of business. He no longer did. Damek didn’t just take pride in transforming a captive into a sex slave. He was a sadist with a short fuse.

  “I don’t appreciate having some damn over the hill jock saying my work’s lacking in any way,” Damek grumbled. “He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”

  “That’s not what he said. He wants us to do the best we can.”


  Either Damek finally realized how much he was hurting the slave or his arm had gotten tired. Whichever it was, Reno relaxed a bit when his partner let go of the rope. Then he hooked the other weight to the second nipple clamp.

  Her eyes were watering, and her mouth kept opening and closing. She gasped repeatedly. “My turn,” he said. “A little more pain.”

  The slave started to shake her head but stopped when that caused her breasts and thus their decorations to jiggle even more.

  “Kind of have you between a rock and a hard place, don’t we,” he observed. “You need to move but you don’t dare.”

  She stared at him.

  “You know what it feels like to be whipped. Tonight, if you’re a good and docile little slave, you’re going to thank us for whipping you then letting you climax.”

  Damek selected a three-fingered whip. However, instead of letting Damek do what he obviously wanted to, Reno drew it out of his hand.

  “Not until I’m convinced you’re got yourself back under control.”

  “Damn you! You—“

  “Not in front of her.”

  Either that made sense to Damek or the other man knew better than to try to pit his strength against his.

  Because she knew what was expected of her, when he held it up, the slave pressed her mouth to the whip. He supposed he could have commended her for not spitting but one doesn’t praise a piece of meat for anything.

  “Suffer, slut, suffer.”

  Backing up, he let fire. The strands stuck high on her thigh. Yelping, she and tried to pull her leg back. He whipped her other thigh, then adjusted so the whip smacked both legs at the same time. He slowly circled her, aiming so each blow landed between waist and hips. She kept turning in the same circle, causing the rope connecting her elbows to the ceiling to twist. After two rotations, she had no choice but to stop and stand on her toes.

  “How’s that working out?” he asked. “Not the best idea you ever had, is it?”

  “No, Master.”

  “At least you’re smart enough to figure that out. Kind of hard to think when you’re all wrapped up, is it?”

  Helplessness fairly poured from her. “No, Master.”

  “You aren’t done, are you?” Damek demanded from behind his ever-present camera.

  “Hell no. Just getting started.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The trussed slave’s head bobbed up and down in time with the red streaks he layered on her buttocks. Her breaths wheezed. She might not know it, but he had no intention of breaking the skin. Turning her into a quivering mass of pain was one thing, scarring her—well, that was her owner’s prerogative.

  “You know,” Reno said as he continued to circle and lash. “She’s the first non-crier I’ve had. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  “Saves on the time we have to spend gagging her.”

  “That doesn’t mean we’re no longer going to. I love the sight of a bitch with her mouth plugged. Other holes too.”

  Reno stood in front of the quivering and wary slave. She was nicely marked in a small area of her body, but that added up to an unbalanced look. Rotating his wrist, he jammed the whip base into her mouth. She tried to push it out, compelling him to grab her collar ring. “Naughty, naughty. You wouldn’t do that if it was a cock, not if you want to live.”

  “That’s right” Damek fingered one of the nipple weights. Her eyes started to roll back. “There’s nothing worse a slave can do. Some have been killed for that one infraction.”

  “Back off,” Reno said tersely. “Let me finish.”

  Damek shot him an unfathomable look but did as he’d been ordered. “So finish,” he grumbled.

  Keeping one eye on his partner and the other on the suffering creature, Reno drew the whip out of her mouth and switched his focus to her breasts. He took care not to put much strength behind each blow, just enough to keep her attention fully on him and the educational tool.

  When he’d started in the business, he hadn’t understood what his mentor meant by finesse, but he’d learned. Some parts of a female’s body could take greater punishment than the rest, but more to the point, working through the gears kept her guessing.

  Each time he struck her distorted yet lovely breasts, the whip left behind three white marks. Her eyes were wide, but, she’d clamped her mouth shut as if holding back a shriek. He’d become aroused the moment he’d decided what tonight was going to be about. Years ago he would have been so impatient he’d have already thrust into one of her three holes. Now the pressure of unmet need was simply another part of his job. After all, his time would come.

  Striking her repeatedly, he pondered why having access to a naked, vulnerable female body no longer tied him in sexual knots. He wasn’t burning out, was he? He’d taken a week for himself before reporting for work at Ca
rnal. During that time, he’d gone fishing and attended a couple of baseball games with a cousin. He’d drunk more than he usually did while watching a friend compete in a stock car race. The days at his aunt and uncle’s well-loved suburban home had gotten him thinking about putting some money away for a down payment. He wasn’t sure where he’d live. A lot depended on whether he wanted to work for Carnal long term or go back to freelancing.

  Reminding himself that the video cameras were probably running, he shook off the memory of the afternoon he’d spent fly fishing.

  “Repeat after me.” He lashed the clamp on her right breast to make sure he had her attention. “I’m a piece of meat, a slave, a possession.”

  Don’t make me say it, please, her eyes begged.

  For no more than a half second, he was tempted to apologize. Then he killed the impulse. He whipped the other clamp, making her jump as best she could. “I’m a piece of meat,” he repeated. “Less than human.”

  Shaking from head to foot, she sucked in a breath. “I’m a slave.”

  “What?” Damek demanded. “I can’t the fuck hear you.”

  “I’m a slave.”

  “You the fuck have to do better than that.”

  “Meat,” she whimpered. “I’m meat.”

  Striding forward, Damek again snagged a nipple weight. “Say it like you mean it! Otherwise, I’ll beat the words out of you.”

  She screamed.

  “Hey,” Reno ground out. “What’s your problem?”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “The hell you don’t. Let me do my job.”

  Grumbling, Damek shook his head and backed away.

  “What’s going on?” Reno demanded. “I need to trust you.”

  “You can. I let a personal issue get in the way. It won’t happen again.”

  Crap. The last thing he needed was his partner going all hormonal on him. “Sorry for the interruption.” He aimed his comment at the slave. She was breathing through flared nostrils, obviously trying to get past what Damek had just done—and more. “Now, where were we?”


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