Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)

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Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series) Page 9

by Angelo, Judy

  Dana got down to the beach long before Rock did. She’d run down as soon as she’d hung up the phone. Now she sat on her beach towel, her back to the ocean, watching the steps that led from the pool patio to the sand.

  And then she saw him, tall, bronzed and muscled, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses.

  Immediately, Dana hopped up and waved Rock over. He waved back and headed in her direction.

  As she watched him saunter over, Dana’s heart did a backflip. He looked so sexy with his chest bare, wearing only knee-length swim trunks and sandals. Why did he have to be her boss? How she wished he could be hers.

  As he came up to her she dropped to her knees, back to the safety of her beach towel, but she pointed to the space beside her. “You can put your towel there.”

  He made no move to comply but frowned slightly and looked around. “What about lounge chairs?” he asked. “Did I come all this way to bum it on the ground?”

  “Wimp,” she teased, a flash of bravery coursing through her. “It’s Saturday. All the lounge chairs are taken. What? Too sophisticated to rough it on the ground beside me?”

  Rock laughed and dropped his towel on the ground. “What do you know about roughing it? I bet you’ve been pampered all your life.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she growled, digging her fingers into the sand.

  “Yeah,” he responded with confidence as he flopped down beside her. “You’re probably a daddy’s girl and a spoiled brat.”

  “We’ll see who’s spoiled,” she challenged. “Take that.” And she threw a handful of sand right in the middle of his chest.

  His body jerked in surprise but he recovered quickly. With a low growl he reached for her but she was expecting his move.

  Quick as a flash, Dana shot up and took off for the shoreline. “Last one in is a rotten egg,” she yelled, her hair flying in the breeze. She didn’t look back but she knew Rock was after her when she heard footsteps pounding on the sand behind her. And they were gaining on her.

  With a squeal she speeded up, trying to reach the water and dive in before he caught her.

  But too late. With a roar Rock reached her side then his arm shot out and he lifted her off the ground. “You’re going to pay for that mud pie, little missy.”

  And even though she yelled and squealed and pleaded, Rock walked with her held high in his arms then he threw her up into the air and watched her plummet like a stone into the rolling water.

  Dana’s body slapped the surface and she sank beneath the waves but she shot up straight away and flung her body at Rock with such force that he stumbled back, arms flailing. Then he, too, was underwater.

  Revenge. What could be so sweet? Dana burst out laughing as her victim struggled to his feet, coughing and sputtering as he rose. His sunglasses were gone…somewhere underwater. Rock blinked, then as he caught her in his sight, he glared. “I’m coming to get you.”

  This time there was no way he could catch her. Dana was an expert swimmer who had been on her college swim team. It would take quite the man to catch her once she got her first two strokes in.

  But Rock did try. He took off after her. She could hear his splashes behind her but then they got fainter and fainter until she knew there was no longer any need to flee.

  When she looked back Rock was a speck bobbing in the distance. She treaded water and waved to him and he beckoned to her to come back. She stayed out there for a while longer, just to rub it in, then she headed back toward him.

  When she finally floated to a halt by his side he shook his head. “You are such a show-off. Why didn’t you tell me you were so good?”

  She gave him a crooked grin. “And spoil the surprise?”

  After that, things settled down and they began to behave like adults again, swimming side by side in a leisurely fashion and actually engaging in friendly conversation. Now the day flew by and before Dana realized it, two hours had passed and Rock began to complain about feeling hungry.

  “Starving would describe the way I’m feeling right now,” he said as he took her hand. “Come on. Let’s go get some food.”

  Dana had no objections. The morning’s swim had left her hungry, too, so she ran alongside him as they headed for the barbecue hut on the beach.

  After lunch they got dressed and went for another drive, this time to a totally different part of the island, away from the hotels and tourist sites. Dana enjoyed driving through the communities of Clifton Bay and Adelaide Village on the southwestern side of the island, and enjoying the view of the impressive homes on Eastern Road. They even got a chance to visit Fort Charlotte, which provided a panoramic view of Paradise Island and the city of Nassau. Their final stop was the Queen’s Staircase which, they were told, was built by slaves to honor Queen Victoria for her help in abolishing slavery in the Bahamas. For this one day, while on the island of New Providence, Bahamas, she felt like a real tourist.

  When the day finally came to an end and they rolled up to the entrance of the hotel, Dana turned to Rock with a sigh. “Thank you for the most wonderful day ever.”

  He tipped his head to her. “You’re most welcome, mademoiselle.” And then he did something that made her heart melt. He leaned over and gave her a soft peck on the forehead.

  The gesture seemed so genuine, so full of affection that she had to blink back a quick tear. Did he truly like her?

  “I’m glad you enjoyed your day,” he whispered.

  The lump in Dana’s throat made it impossible for her to answer. Instead, she gave him a nod and a shaky smile.

  When he got out of the car to walk around to her passenger door she knew that she didn’t want to say goodbye. Not yet. She couldn’t bear it if this amazing day ended like this. She began to think fast.

  By the time Rock opened the door to help her out Dana had made up her mind. She would be bold and assertive. She would be the old Dana that Mr. French used to laughingly call his bodyguard. She’d deferred to Rock’s powerful personality for long enough. Tonight she would go for what she wanted. As she took his hand and stood up she spoke before her courage fled. “I’d like you to have dinner with me. I…I don’t want to be alone tonight.” She bit her lip. That hadn’t come out quite like she’d planned. A Freudian slip, if there ever was one.

  “It’s a date,” Rock said, and if he’d noticed her blunder he didn’t let on. He put up a hand to brush a strand of hair away from her temple. “I can think of no better way to spend the evening.”

  And the way he said it, as if he truly meant it, made Dana’s heart soar. And a wicked plan began to form in her mind.


  That night at dinner with Rock, Dana did something she’d never done in her life. She had three whole glasses of wine.

  She knew she’d pay later for her sin of overindulgence but right then it was what she needed. A good dose of Dutch courage. For what she was about to do, she needed a whole keg of it.

  The evening passed pleasantly enough, with Rock revealing his secret comical side as he shared several of his schemes and escapades from his college days. Then she shared some of hers but, of course, they weren’t half as daring or interesting. Still, he paid attention and laughed at all her jokes, and that made her feel good.

  And confident. And strong.

  And so when Rock walked her to the door that night she didn’t bid him goodnight and disappear into her suite…as she should have done…if she hadn’t made up her mind to throw caution to the sea breeze and break a cardinal rule.

  Tonight she was going to sleep with her boss.

  Okay, it was stupid, it was dangerous, it was wanton. But tonight she wanted it more than anything. And she might never get the chance again.

  And so, before Rock could even wish her goodnight, she said, “Would you like to come in?”

  Rock looked at her askance. “Are you sure?”

  Dana gave him a smile that she hoped was reassuring. “Of course. It’s only nine o’clock and I’m not tired.”

  Rock still
looked wary but she was determined to get him inside so, without waiting for his answer, she opened the door and walked in, leaving him to follow.

  And he did. A bit hesitantly at first but then he walked over to the sofa he’d occupied before. As soon as he’d settled into it Dana headed for the fridge. “Apple juice, right?”

  “No, give me a glass of the Dew.” Dana almost looked around. Rock sounded breathless, which was weird for him, but she resisted the urge and leaned down to get the drink he’d requested. She helped herself to a glass as well…not that she needed it, the way she was wired tonight.

  This time when she handed Rock his glass she did not fly away to hide on the distant armchair. Instead, she slid onto the sofa beside him.

  As he watched her move, his brows fell but he said nothing.

  Time for conversation, Dana. Say something. “Uhm, it was really great, hearing all those crazy college stories of yours.” Okay, not exactly brilliant conversation, but keep going. “I still can’t believe you used to be such a fun guy.”

  He raised his left eyebrow. “Used to be?”

  She smiled and took a sip of her drink. “Well, you have to admit, now that you’re older you can’t do those daring things anymore.”

  He looked over at her, his golden eyes intent and, never releasing her from his gaze, he put his glass to his lips and downed the liquid in one smooth swallow. Then he deposited his glass on the table and turned on the seat, shifting his body in her direction.

  “Do you want me to be daring, Dana?” he asked softly, his eyes boring into her. “Why did you invite me in?”

  Dana blushed and curled her fingers tighter around her glass. Now that he’d put things into words it didn’t sound like such a brilliant idea. The man was her boss. How could she forget that? “Well, I…” she began then stopped, searching desperately for the right words…if there were any, in a situation like this.

  Rock reached out and, just like he’d done last time, he took her glass from her nerveless fingers. It, too, ended up on the coffee table. Then he turned his attention back to her.

  “Well, I…?” He repeated her words, his mouth twisting into a smile. “Is that all you can say?”

  Dana frowned. Was he mocking her? He’d better not. What she was going to say next would be such a shock it would wipe that crooked smile off his lips. “I invited you in because I wanted…to make love to you. But I changed my mind.” There, she’d said it. Out loud. And now he’d know what a wicked woman she really was, and he’d never want to speak to her again, and he’d fire her, and she would never see him again, and she still didn’t know what it was to make love to him, and…

  She put her fist to her lips to suppress the sob that was threatening to spill out.

  Rock reached over to touch her hand and, gently, he pulled it away from her mouth. “Did you really…change your mind?”

  Dana’s lips curled down and her brows crinkled as she accepted defeat. How could she resist him? Feeling ready to cry, she shook her head.

  “Dana, Dana, Dana,” he crooned, and pulled her into his arms.

  This time she didn’t wait for him to kiss her. She’d blundered enough by talking. Now was the time for action.

  Dana reached up to cup the back of Rock’s head in her hand and pull it down toward her. When his lips touched hers she pressed against him, reveling in the feel of his mouth on hers.

  Rock’s arms tightened around her and then he was kissing her back, taking control, demanding her willing response.

  It was just what she wanted. At his urging, she opened to him and as his tongue slipped between her lips she moaned. He tasted of Mountain Dew and passion. A heady combination.

  When he released her lips, Dana pushed Rock back into the couch until his body was tilted back against the arms and then she was climbing onto the seat, bending over him, determined to take everything she could from this man. Tonight would be hers and nothing would make her back down.

  Now on top, her body pressing against him, Dana kissed Rock with all her pent-up passion until he groaned against her mouth. She released his lips for a moment and turned her attention to his shirt where she made quick work of the buttons, baring his perfect body to her gaze.

  Rock helped her out when he tilted his body forward and pulled the shirt off completely and threw it on the floor. Then he was reaching for her, pulling her down to kiss her some more, kiss her till her bones felt like they’d turned to jelly.

  Soon, though, the kissing was not enough. For either of them. When Rock stood up, taking her with him, then moved into her bedroom Dana did not object. And when he laid her on the bed and began to undress her, she helped. She slid out of the silky sheath and soon all she wore was a black lace bra and matching panties.

  Rock’s eyes glowed as he stared down at her near-naked form. Then he reached down and, almost reverently, he opened the clasp at the front of her bra, letting her full breasts fall free. “Delicious,” he whispered then bent forward to suckle her breasts.

  Dana arched her back and reached for him, wanting more of the sweetness that flowed from his lips. Her body was ready for him, all of him. “Oh, Rock,” she whispered. “Please.” She couldn’t wait any longer. She wanted him now, deep inside her.

  As if he understood her plea, Rock backed away but only to loosen his belt and shed the garments that hid the rest of his body from her.

  And when she saw him her breath caught in her throat because he was…so beautiful. Straight and proud, his manhood stood out from its bed of soft brown hair, his desire for her obvious in its tiny jerks as it throbbed and pulsed.

  Before she got caught up in the moment, before the heat of their passion could sweep her away, Dana rolled over and reached into the night stand for the box of condoms she’d bravely secured from the hotel gift shop. She turned back to Rock and when she saw that he’d come nearer, when she got a full frontal view of his anatomy, her mouth went dry.

  “Let me get you ready,” she whispered.

  With not an ounce of shyness about him Rock came closer still, his manhood jutting forward, and rested his hands on his hips.

  Dana tore a packet open then with trembling fingers she proceeded to roll the condom onto his shaft. This is it, Dana. No turning back now. And even as the doubt beat against her brain she kept on rolling.

  The job done, Rock put his hand on her shoulder and pressed her back into the pillows. Then he climbed onto the bed and ran his hand over her belly and down to the lacy panties she still wore.

  Rock gave a low growl deep in his throat then bent his head so his lips were at the waistband of her underwear. To Dana’s surprise he took the narrow waistband in his teeth and pulled it down over her mound, down her legs and completely off. Then, with the garment still in his mouth, he jerked his head, letting it float away and onto the floor.

  And then he came to her, sliding his body up the length of her, covering her with his muscled frame. As he positioned himself, Dana wrapped her legs around his lean hips and held her breath.

  And then slowly, carefully, he lowered himself and as the tip of his member pressed against her she closed her eyes and drew in her breath, preparing herself for his entry. He pressed forward, pushing past the slight resistance, until he was sliding into her moist heat, sinking deep into her core.

  She released her breath in a soft sigh, her body filled with the length of him, every nerve ending tingling in response to his presence.

  And then he began to move, rocking gently back and forth, waiting for her body to grow used to him. Then he began to thrust into her, slow and deep, then smoothly, rhythmically until he was going faster, deeper, his breath coming in gasping groans.

  And with each thrust she rose up to meet him, her body taking in all that he had to give, her breath growing tighter in her throat, her body consumed by their embrace.

  And then her body stiffened, and the heat that had been rising in her inner core burst into a thousand stars that shot through her body, sending waves of
ecstasy rippling through her.

  “Rock,” she whimpered, and clung to him as the waves of passion dashed her against the rock in her arms. He was her Rock tonight.

  As she clung to his shoulders he gave one last thrust. His body stiffened and he groaned her name out loud. And then he was following her, reaching his peak of passion, climaxing deep inside her. For long seconds he held her tight as his body jerked and his manhood pulsated inside her. And then, expelling a rush of air from his lungs, he collapsed on top of her.

  Almost a minute passed with neither of them speaking. The room was filled with the sounds of their recovery as their breaths came in choking gasps then slow, deep breaths, until they both slid down off the pinnacle.

  Then, with a sigh, Rock rolled over onto his side and pulled her into his arms, stroking her gently as his breathing slowed and his body grew calm. And still, they said nothing. It was enough to be in each other’s arms, enjoying the moment and what they had just shared.

  And when Rock settled deeper into the bed and pulled her hips into his groin, holding her in spoon fashion, she did not fight his embrace. And when he held her like that for several minutes until his chest rose and fell at her back and his soft breathing told her he had drifted off to sleep, she did not murmur or pull away. She relaxed against him and closed her eyes, a soft smile of satisfaction on her lips.

  Soon enough, she would wake up with Rock in her bed, probably snoring softly just as she’d dreamed, and she would tickle his nose and kiss him awake.

  And whatever happened after that, she would handle later. For now, she was living her precious dream.


  Dana’s plan to deal with reality later was easier said than done. She’d woken up to find Rock gone, no trace of him left except for the dent his head had made in the pillow. He hadn’t even woken her to say goodbye.

  And that could only mean one thing – he regretted the night he’d spent with her. She’d seduced him, lured him into her room, and now he probably hated her for it.


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