Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)

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Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series) Page 11

by Angelo, Judy

  “I can’t,” he moaned. “I can’t go to jail. Not now, when my mother-”

  He broke off on a hiccup, almost a sob.

  Dana’s heart almost broke, watching him suffer. He was guilty, yes, but he was also a victim of circumstances. Maybe he’d chosen the wrong way to go about things but he’d done it to try to save the life of someone he loved. She just couldn’t leave him to sink.

  “Trust me, Jason. There’s no other way. Rock is a reasonable man. If you confess and work out a payment plan I’m sure he’ll be lenient.”

  “And if he has me thrown in jail?”

  “He won’t. I promise.” And under the table Dana was crossing her toes even as the words left her lips. She couldn’t know for sure what course of action Rock would take but she felt she knew him well enough to know that in this case he would not harden his heart. And she would do everything in her power to sway him toward leniency.

  And, after what they’d shared in the Bahamas, he would take her opinion into account, wouldn’t he? She could only hope so.

  “I don’t know, Dana.” Jason shook his head. “I just don’t know.”

  Dana could only stare back at Jason, her heart sinking. If he didn’t come forward and confess she would have to give him up. And how could she do that, knowing what she knew?

  She closed her eyes and drew in her breath, her heart going tight with the thought: how would this all end?


  Four days. Not bad. Rock smiled to himself as he dropped his briefcase on top of his desk. He’d actually thought he’d be gone at least a week and had even told Dana so, but luck was on his side. He’d been able to tie things up last night and fly out that same evening. He’d come into the office early so he could get a head start on the day. He had a lot of catching up to do.

  In more ways than one. He was looking forward to seeing Dana. He could hardly believe how she had practically consumed his every waking thought.

  Never before had he met a woman who had so captivated his heart, his very being. And he felt reasonably confident that she had strong feelings for him, too. He could hardly wait to see her face when she realized he’d made it back earlier than planned.

  He glanced at the clock on the wall. Only seven fifteen. Good. He could get more than an hour’s worth of work done before the staff arrived. He booted up his computer and went to work.

  An hour later Rock was absorbed in his task when he heard Dana’s voice drifting in from the outer office. Immediately, his face broke into an involuntary smile. Christ, he wasn’t himself these days, grinning like the Cheshire Cat at the sound of her voice. He must really be in love.

  He was making to get up from around his desk, the grin still plastered across his face, when he heard another voice. A man’s voice. It was Jason Blake. What in the blazes-

  But then he caught himself. He was being possessive and stupidly jealous and he knew it. The man worked at the company and he would naturally have business to discuss with Dana. Rock sank back down into his chair with a sigh. The last thing he wanted to do was scare Dana off with caveman tactics.

  He was settling back into his chair when the strains of conversation reached his ears.

  “He’ll be back in a few days, Jason. You have to prepare yourself. Tell him about the money. And don’t worry,” her voice went earnest, as if she were trying to convince him, “I’ll be right by your side. We’ll tell him together.”

  The money? Rock’s heart almost stopped. Jason Blake was the thief and Dana was his accomplice? Jesus Christ!

  Feeling like he’d just been kicked in the groin Rock could only stare at the solid oak of his closed office door. Dana Daniels, the woman he’d fallen in love with, was working hand in hand with the embezzler? How could this be?

  No, this could not be happening. He shook his head to rid himself of the thought. It was preposterous to even think it. Impossible. But then the voices came closer, as if they were standing by Dana’s desk not far from his closed door.

  “You’re sure? You have to promise me you can get him to let me down easy. That’s the only way I’ll do this.” Jason’s voice was a plaintive whine.

  “Promise. I’ll talk to him. I know he’ll listen to me.” Dana’s voice sounded confident and sure. “Don’t you worry about that part. Just let me handle it. You just do what you have to do.” At her words, a boulder slid to the pit of Rock’s stomach and he felt his heart wrench inside his chest. So what had happened in the Bahamas had all been a farce, a ploy on Dana’s part to soften him up? Here she was, telling her partner in crime that he had nothing to worry about, she would handle things because she knew he would listen to her? So everything, even their love-making had been fake?

  The thought made him sick to the stomach.

  But then he frowned. Something was not making sense. He’d revealed his knowledge of the embezzlement when they were on their way back to New York, after they’d already made love. Before that, she must have thought their secret was safe so she would have had no reason to sleep with him for special favors.

  But then it came to him. Suddenly, he knew exactly what happened. Obviously, she’d felt genuine physical attraction for him and whatever kind of relationship she had with Jason, she’d still gone ahead and satisfied her desire by sleeping with him. Then, once she’d learned that he was aware of the embezzlement, fear of punishment made her decide it was best that they come clean. She knew they’d be caught sooner or later so she was going to use her newly acquired power over him to soften the blow. Or eliminate it all together.

  The devious little witch.

  But somehow, instead of the rage he knew should be feeling right now, all Rock could feel was pain. This was the woman he loved…had loved. How could he have been so wrong about her?

  His heart aching, Rock rose to his feet. Now there was only one thing to do. And for their sake and his, he would be quick and brutal. He crossed the room in five steps and flung the door open. Dana and Jason spun around and they both gasped.

  “Rock,” Dana, squeaked, her eyes huge in her face. “What are you doing here?”

  “Jesus,” Jason gurgled, his voice a choking whisper.

  Rock folded his arms across his chest and his glare was ice cold. “All right, you too. The game’s up,” he said through clenched teeth. “I want you both out of here. Right now. Take your things and go.”

  When they both stood frozen in place as if he hadn’t spoken he took a step forward. “I said to get out. Now. I’ll let the police deal with you later.”

  It was then that Dana seemed to find her voice. “But Rock, you don’t understand. We-”

  “Drop it, Dana. You disgust me even more than he does. After what we -” He stopped abruptly, realizing he’d almost brought up something that should never had happened. Something that had seemed special. But not anymore.

  He took one last look at her – he couldn’t help himself – and what he saw there looked strangely like hurt and pain. But no, that could not be. The only pain she was feeling was probably the pain of having been discovered.

  He was the one in pain, the pain of loving a woman who had betrayed him. The pain of knowing that, in spite of her deceit, he could never hurt her. No matter what he’d said, he would never take this to the police.

  Without another word Rock turned, walked back into his office and slammed the door shut behind him.


  “How could he, Becky?” Dana whispered, the tears welling up in her eyes. “He didn’t even give me a chance to explain.”

  “I know, honey. I know.” Becky sat on the bed beside Dana, wrapped her arms around her and pressed her head down onto her shoulder. “Just try to put it behind you.”

  “How can I?” Dana wailed. “He thinks I’m a thief. He’s going to have me arrested.”

  “No, honey, it won’t come to that,” Becky said, her voice soothing but firm. “You know the whole story and so does Jason. All you have to do is tell the police what really happened.”
She gave Dana a squeeze. “And Rock, too. You need to let him know that he made a terrible mistake. You’ve got to talk to him.”

  Dana pulled out of Becky’s arms and glared at her friend. “Never. I will never speak to that man again.” She tightened her lips and sucked in her breath, her nostrils flaring in anger. When she spoke again her voice sounded strange even to herself – frigidly cold and hard with bitterness. “He was so quick to think the worst of me. He never even considered that he could be wrong.” Then the cold mask of her face crumbled, even as her heart cried inside. “And to think I actually thought I was in love with him,” her voice cracked on the word, “and that maybe he loved me, too.” And then the tears came and she turned her face to Becky’s shoulder and this time when her friend held her as her shoulders heaved with sobs, she did not pull away.

  The man she’d said she would hate now hated her – and she didn’t know how she was going to live with that.


  Two days had passed since his catastrophic confrontation with Jason and Dana and still Rock felt like he couldn’t breathe.

  He was like an automaton, showing up at the office, doing what was required, but his heart, his soul, they’d both died inside him. How could he live with the knowledge that Dana would never more be a part of his life?

  Of course, she hadn’t come to work yesterday nor this morning. Why would she, after the way he’d thrown her out? But, idiot that he was, each morning that he’d come in his eyes had wandered to her desk as if he expected to see her sitting there.

  Feeling almost claustrophobic Rock got up, walked over to the plate glass window and looked down at the people hurrying along, totally oblivious to his suffering. He could not live like this, he knew. He had to see Dana again.

  And that was when he knew he had to find her. He could not let it end, not like this. He had to give this thing one more try.

  Dana was probably a victim in all of this. Maybe she’d succumbed to the bad influence of Jason Blake. Maybe now that she’d met him, that they’d shared that special night together, she would want to change. He had to give her that chance. He loved her too much to let her slip away, no matter that she’d done this.

  His mind made up, Rock moved away from the window and returned to his desk. He would call Dana, convince her to let them meet so that they could talk. It was his only option.

  Rock was dialing her number when he heard a knock at his door. He frowned. He wasn’t expecting anyone and he was definitely not in the mood for surprise visitors. “Yes?” he called out, his voice stern.

  “May I come in?” The muffled voice came to him through the closed door. “It’s…Jason Blake.”

  Son of a gun. The snake had some nerve, showing up at his door. And he was a fool, too. What if he’d followed through on his threat of reporting him to the police? Rock got up and crossed the room then flung the door open. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Jason cringed as if he expected Rock to punch him. His face ashen, he croaked. “Please. Give me a chance. There’s something important I have to tell you.”

  “What could you possibly have to tell me that I don’t already know?” Rock advanced on the smaller man and he backed away.

  “It’s about Dana. She’s innocent.”

  The words stopped Rock in his tracks. “Innocent?”

  Jason nodded, a look of relief flashing across his face. “Yes. She didn’t know anything about what I’d done. In fact, to this day I still can’t figure out how she found out. But she confronted me and told me it was best to confess and ask for your…mercy.” When he spoke the last word it sounded almost like he was asking a question.

  Rock shook his head, confused. “So if she wasn’t in on this why in the blue blazes would she say she’d confess with you?”

  “No,” Jason said, putting up his hands, “not confess with me, be there with me so I’d have the courage to do what had to be done. You see,” he looked down and heaved a sigh, “I skimmed the funds from my expense accounts because I needed to buy expensive medicines for my mom, to keep her alive. When Dana found out she insisted that I tell you and…I guess she knows I’m a bit of a coward…she said she’d be there for me to help me do it.”

  When Jason fell silent Rock could only stand there looking at him. He didn’t know what to feel – relief, anger, disgust? He could only stare at the bespectacled man in shock.

  And then it flowed through him – sweet, sweet relief. His Dana was innocent. He almost sagged at the thought.

  But then another realization struck him. He’d accused her of something she had not done.

  Rock dropped his gaze and looked at Jason with narrowed eyes. “Where is she?”

  Jason looked perplexed. “I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to her since that day-” His voice broke off as Rock turned and headed back into the office. He needed to get his car keys and get out of there fast. He had to find Dana.

  He looked around, surprised to see Jason following him into the office. “You’re still here?” he barked.

  “I…have to ask you something.” In his eyes was a look of pleading. “You’re not going to press charges, are you? I’ll pay you back every cent, even if it takes me a hundred years.”

  Rock gave a grunt of disgust as he shrugged into his jacket. “You’re the least of my problems right now. Get out of here and never enter this building again.”

  Jason was out in a flash and as Rock heard the outer door slam behind him he expelled his breath. Now to tackle the very sensitive problem he’d created. What do you say to an innocent woman you’ve accused of being a thief?

  As Rock backed his Mercedes Benz CL-600 out of the parking garage and headed down Fifth Avenue he dialed Dana’s cell number. No answer. Luckily, he’d scribbled down her home number and address before rushing out of the office. Her apartment was not that many blocks away so he’d be there soon but still, he didn’t like the idea of showing up unannounced. He dialed the home number. It rang without an answer. Well, there was nothing he could do about being a surprise visitor. He would just go and hoped she didn’t refuse him entry.

  But when Rock got to Dana’s building she was nowhere to be found. When he got to the lobby and enquired he was told she was not available. A generous tip got him a little more information, but nothing reassuring. It seemed she was away. She hadn’t passed through that lobby in the last couple of days, at least not that the front desk manager had noticed.

  Back to square one. Where the hell was she? Claire. She had to know. She and Dana seemed pretty close in the office. Claire would be his next stop.

  But the PR manager didn’t know where Dana was. Either that or she was a damn good actress. She seemed genuinely distressed when he asked. She’d thought Dana had taken some personal days. “Did you call Becky?” she asked. “Since Dana’s parents are all the way in England, Becky’s her emergency contact. They’re best friends.”

  And so it was that Rock ended up calling the number of Rebecca Smart.

  “This is Rock St. Stephens from Premier Holdings,” he said into the phone. “I’m trying to reach Dana Daniels. Has she been in touch with you in the last couple of days?”

  There was a pause and then Rebecca Smart spoke and her tone was just shy of cool. “I’m sorry but Dana does not wish to speak with you.”

  Rock released his breath at her words. “So Dana’s with you, then? She’s all right?”

  “She’s fine. She just wants to be left alone for a while.” Becky’s tone was beginning to soften. “I’ll let her know you called.”

  “Wait,” he said as he heard her getting ready to hang up. “Could you let her know I’m on the phone? I’ll hold on.”

  Another pause then she said, “All right, I’ll tell her. Hold on.”

  Rock held the phone to his ear, on edge till he heard her come back. “Sorry, she’s not interested in anything you have to say to her. Her words, not mine.”

  “Oh. I see.” Now where should he go from here? “Please tell
her…I’ll call back. Maybe she’ll talk to me later.”

  “I doubt it,” Becky said drily and hung up.

  After resting the phone back in its cradle, for a long moment Rock just sat there, staring blankly at the computer screen in front of him. That had not been very encouraging. But then, who could blame Dana for wanting to stay far away from him? He’d acted like a heel and he pretty much deserved anything she dished out.

  But he would not give up that easily.

  That evening Rock called Becky’s house as he promised, and again next morning. Still, Dana refused to come to the phone. “Tell her I’ll keep calling till she speaks to me,” Rock said, and he meant it.

  After another day of it, Rock changed tactics. “I’m coming over to see her,” he told Becky.

  She tried her best to dissuade him. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  But Rock had had enough of waiting. With each passing day, instead of waning, his feelings for her grew more intense. He knew he could not rest until he had done everything in his power to win Dana back.

  That evening he rang the doorbell to Becky’s house.

  She answered the door with a smile. “I’ve spoken to you so many times that I feel I know you already.”

  He smiled back at her, immediately liking this woman with the friendly face beneath her curly red hair. Encouraged by her warm welcome, he said, “Is she ready to see me now?”

  “Nope. Sorry,” Becky said, still smiling as she gently closed the door in his face.

  What the hell…

  After that, Rock decided to get serious. He called Becky one more time. “Tell Dana that I will not stop coming by until she sees me. I will not take no for an answer.” He held the phone while Becky relayed the message.

  She was chuckling as she came back to the phone. “She said if you do that she’ll call the police and have you arrested for stalking. Careful, Rock, I think she means it.”


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