Her Man Flint

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Her Man Flint Page 9

by Jerri Drennen

  “Who do you work for?” Adriana voiced the question, still working at her bindings.

  “You’ll find out soon enough. You know, you wouldn’t be here now if you’d have died when we tried to run you off the road,” the heavier set man said, grinned from ear to ear, flashing a chipped front tooth.

  Adriana looked at him as though he’d sprouted another head. “What are you talking about?”

  “I see you got your Porsche fixed. I would have bet money that when you hit that pillar, you were a goner.”

  Adriana’s mind whirled as the ramifications of his words sunk in. These were apparently the men driving the black sedan who ran her off the road the day she’d met Mike Terrell.

  “Why did you want me dead?” With the sudden realization that these men had no qualms about killing a woman, Adriana’s stomach lurched into her throat.

  “It was nothing personal. The boss thought it necessary at the time.”

  “Necessary? Why?” Adriana needed answers, ones that might save her life.

  “You ask too many questions. If you don’t shut up, I’m going to stick one of my dirty socks in your mouth. You want that?” He reached down to grab his foot.

  “No. I’ll be quiet.” Adriana almost gagged at the idea.

  “Smart move,” the other man said, “his feet reek.”

  * * *

  Flint jumped out of the Jaguar and raced to Adriana’s car. Robert had to be wrong, but he knew that car—loved it as much as Adriana did.

  He opened the door and looked inside. Her purse sat in the passenger seat. Quickly, he rifled through it and found her wallet, her license and credit cards still there. If she were at a gas station, getting gas then she wouldn’t have left her money. Something happened to her. God, please don’t let her be dead.

  “It’s hers, isn’t it?” Robert asked from behind him.

  “Yeah, it’s Adriana’s. Her wallet’s in the bag. She’d never leave it unless she was forced to.”

  Robert placed his hand on Flint’s shoulder. “Do you think this has anything to do with Hartford?”

  Flint shook his head. “I don’t know. How could he have known Adriana was here?”

  “Well, I know for a fact she used a credit card paying for a motel room in Goose Lodge two nights ago.”

  “How do you know that?” Flint turned to his uncle.

  “Three older gentlemen recalled her fondly. Said she was looking for a man. I guess she meant you. They thought she wanted some male companionship for the night, and offered their services. It’s the talk of the town. These old farts are walking around with their feathers all fluffed out like strutting roosters, telling everyone but their wives, the tale. I couldn’t help but be amused, though. Most of the story was obviously fabricated to make it look like Adriana had taken them up on their offers.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  Robert arched a brow. “No. Wish I were. So, they could have somehow accessed her credit card statement and found out where she was.

  “But why Adriana? Why not me?”

  “Because she means something to you. He’s trying to get to you through her is my bet.”

  “If that’s the case then he’d better hope he doesn’t hurt her, because if he does, I’ll kill him.”

  Flint jumped in Adriana’s car. “I’m going to take the Porsche back to the cabin and pack my bags. Hartford better hide, because I’m going after him, and if Adriana has even so much as a broken nail, he’ll pay with his life.”

  Robert nodded. “I’m right behind you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Adriana thought it best to keep quiet for the remainder of their trip. She had closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. Maybe if she were lucky, Huey and Louie across from her would reveal something that could tell her who they worked for, and more importantly, what they intended to do with her.

  Her mind drifted back to earlier that morning when she’d literally snuck like a thief out of the cabin. She couldn’t talk to Flint. He’d made her too angry. But she watched him for a few minutes before she’d left. He lay propped up on the Bear’s head, his hair standing on end, looking like a little boy.

  She’d swallowed the painful emotions churning inside her and left, still determined to help clear him of murder charges--just not in a way that would require her to be in the same room with him. It hurt too much. She loved him and he didn’t give one iota about her.

  Right as she pulled her Porsche onto the main road and the sun starting to come up, she spotted a white Limo. The driver waving at her. She’d assumed they’d broken down and needed a lift to the nearest town. When a man in a chauffeur’s uniform exited the vehicle and walked toward her, the hair on her arms shot up. Either, sixth-sense, a woman’s intuition, or her DNS training told her something was wrong.

  She went for her gun, but not fast enough. The man reached in and grabbed her hand, a round discharging into the floorboard. He then yanked her from the car as she struggled to get away. Seconds later a sharp prick stung her arm and everything faded to black.

  She assumed now he must have injected her with something—a drug that put her to sleep immediately and kept her out for a while.

  “Is she asleep again?” the larger of the men asked.

  “I think so. That Demerol I gave her could have her in and out for hours.”

  “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “Hartford wouldn’t have to know if we had a little fun with her.”

  “What are you talking about?” The man’s voice turned icy.

  Adriana’s heart hammered against her chest. She was at the mercy of these men with her hands tied behind her back. If they chose to touch her, she couldn’t do a damn thing to stop them.

  “Don’t even think about it. Mr. Hartford would do to you, what he did to that pretty redheaded girlfriend of his. Is that what you want?”

  Adriana opened her eye a smidgen to spy on the man who’d threatened to molest her and witnessed fear. Relief flooded her. Right now she was glad Hartford could cause such foreboding amongst his men, and she knew for sure that Hartford killed Lindsey. But they’d still need proof, and she had to escape to find it.

  Adriana smiled inwardly, intent on doing just that when the opportunity arose.

  * * *

  Flint picked up his cell phone and threw the rest of his belongings into his leather satchel.

  He dialed Billy’s number and waited.

  “Hello.” Billy’s was rough and scratchy as if he’d been asleep.

  “I need your help, Billy.”

  “Flint? Is that you?” His tone changed instantly. “You need to turn yourself into the Denver PD right away. They’re all out looking for you on a shoot first basis.”

  “I can’t do that Billy. Hartford has Dray. I need you to go to my apartment and get the bag that’s hidden behind the wall in my closet. You know the bag with all my special equipment. I have to go into the Hartford compound to get Adriana, and I need it.”

  “But Flint I…

  “You love her, don’t you? Do you want her to end up like Lindsey?” Flint knew he’d get Billy’s cooperation by using his feelings for Adriana. He hated to do it but Flint had no choice. Time was of the essence. “Hartford won’t hesitate to kill her, Billy. He murdered his own girlfriend without a second thought. You know I’m right. Will you help me or not?”

  “Yes, of course, I’ll help. Where do you want me to bring the bag?”

  “The compound. This evening at the west end. After dark.”

  Flint hung up, and headed out of the cabin to his Cobra, stopping just long enough to glance at Adriana’s Porsche.

  “I’ll find you, Dray. I promise.” He made the vow, and jumped into his car.

  Turning his Cobra around, he flew down the rutted gravel road, Robert’s green Jaguar following closely behind. He felt pretty confident they’d be able to get to the compound and find Adriana before Hartford had a chance to do anythin
g to hurt her.

  He loved Adriana, and he couldn’t let anything happen to her.

  * * *

  The Limo came to a screeching halt, then a few seconds later moved again. Adriana assumed they’d stopped at the gates of the compound, and that she’d be face-to-face with Hartford very soon.

  Her heart picked up speed. She knew this man had killed his own girlfriend, a woman he was supposed to have loved, and would have no qualms about doing the same to her.

  She had to play it smart and keep her cool. Riling him would just cause his awful temper to erupt, and she didn’t need that. Not when she was completely at his mercy. This wasn’t the time to be heroic, or stupid.

  The car came to a stop and the passenger door flew open. The two thugs yanked her none to gently out of the car, and dragged her up the walkway into the stone structure.

  Once inside, Adriana glanced around. Why did a few pieces of artwork on the walls in the foyer seem familiar? The room had a middle-eastern, Islamic feel. Everywhere she turned, she saw a vase or beautiful piece of sculpture. How strange. Totally out of character for a man with no refinement. He sure as hell had a home that looked as if he were cultured. Maybe they had all underestimated Ryan Hartford? Could what you saw, be not what you got? For some reason, that bit of information worried her. Who was this man really, and what did he want with her?

  Adriana had no time to ponder the question further before she was rushed through a door and shoved into a chair in front of the man.

  Hartford smiled at her, a smile that didn’t look at all friendly. She’d only seen pictures of him up until now and would have found him attractive if not for his dark, menacing eyes.

  “Adriana Kent. It’s a pleasure to have you in my home. I trust your trip here was a pleasant one?”

  Adriana snorted before she could control herself.

  He picked a paperweight off the desk in front of him. “I see that you’re not pleased.”

  “Yeah, right.” How could anyone be happy about being drugged and forced to come there. “Should I be?” she asked.

  He smirked. “Ms. Kent, let me assure you that you are a guest in my home. That’s all.”

  “And by guest, do you mean, I can leave whenever I’d like?” Adriana nervously bit at the inside of her lip.

  He shook his head. “Not exactly, no.”

  “Then I’m hardly a guest. I’d say… I’m a prisoner.”

  “Prisoner. Guest. We’re just mincing words here. I’d like you to feel at home. At least until I decide what to do with you.”

  His gaze ran the length of her, hesitating at her breasts. His left eyebrow arched.

  Refined my ass. Were all men pigs? “Do you mind?” Adriana grumbled, struggling to get her hands free.

  Hartford watched her thrash about, and then roared with laughter.

  “I like your spunk, Ms Kent. I think we’ll get along quite nicely.”

  “Don’t hold your breath. Better yet, do, because there is no way I’d ever find anything to like about you.”

  His eyes darkened. “We’ll see about that.” Hartford signaled to his men. They pulled her up again. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  Adriana allowed them to escort her to a bedroom on the second floor, where they untied her hands and left, locking the door behind them.

  Once they’d gone, her DNS training kicked in.

  She surveyed the room for some means of escape. No windows. “Damn it.” The only way out was through the door they’d just locked. “Now what am I going to do?”

  She paced the floor, wondering if Flint had found her car yet, and if he had, would he know where to look for her?

  Adriana sighed. Would he even bother to look after their argument last night?

  She stomped to the bed and sat down, renewing her nibbling on her bottom lip.

  Somehow she had to get out of here. If she didn’t, she’d probably end up dead.

  * * *

  Flint pulled his Cobra into a heavily wooded area around the compound and glanced at his watch. Billy wouldn’t be there for hours yet. Robert had gone into Denver to meet with a contact of his—someone who knew Ryan Hartford. He hoped the informer could give his uncle some insight into the man, and what they could expect from him.

  Flint had no choice but to wait for them both. If he entered the compound alone, he’d very likely get Adriana and himself killed, so he needed to be patient. But it was hard when he knew she was with that animal, a man who had no scruples whatsoever.

  “Adriana, I pray you’re keeping that beautiful mouth of yours shut. If you don’t, who knows what Hartford will do to you?” Flint visibly cringed at the thought. Adriana had a sharp tongue and had a hard time keeping it under control.

  Flint picked up his cell phone and pressed three, dialing Robert’s cell. He let it ring until it went to his voice mail, then threw it down. Where are you? He should have been carrying his phone.

  Throwing his head back against the seat, Flint closed his eyes and thought about Dray. She could stir his blood like no other woman could, in or out of bed.

  And last night everything had been going great with them until he opened his big mouth and ruined the moment. He could have spent the whole night loving her, caressing her firm, supple body. And, she sure as hell wouldn’t be in danger now. No. She’d be safe and secure at the cabin, complaining that they had nothing to eat. He grinned at the memory of her doing just that.

  “I love you, Dray,” he whispered, rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand. Why hadn’t he told her that?

  He loved her, and if it took a lifetime, he’d force her to admit she loved him too.

  But first, he had to get her safely out of the compound, away from Ryan Hartford’s clutches.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Adriana raised a large vase above her head and waited. It wasn’t something she’d planned, more of a quick, spur of the moment thing. But she needed to get out, and she couldn’t think of any other way to accomplish that.

  The door eased open, and she brought the vase down, smashing it over the head of a huge bulk of a man carrying a food tray. The urn vibrated in her hands as it shattered into pieces.

  He stared dumbly at her, and then slowly slid down the door.

  Adriana jumped over him and rushed down the staircase, looking left to right for any sign of guards. She ran to the hallway, only to be stopped by a familiar voice.

  “You’ll find that the door is guarded outside by two very large men,” Hartford said, leaning on the doorjamb of his office.

  Adriana’s eyes darted about. There had to be another escape route.

  Four men rushed in all around her.

  “You see Adriana, you’re trapped.”

  She let go of a very unladylike oath, then dived between a pair of legs and scrambled to get to another door.

  “Get her,” Hartford demanded. “And when you do, bring her to my office. I can see we’ve underestimated Ms. Kent. But that’s all right. I’ve made other arrangement for our beautiful blonde guest. Arrangements that will make not only me happy, but my good friend Prince Lenon as well.”

  Ryan laughed, a hearty peel Adriana heard as she thrashed about, trying desperately to get away from the large wrestler type man who had a hold on her.

  As he lifted her off the floor, Adriana bent forward and bit into his arm, only to be dropped onto the marble floor. She landed hard on her back. It knocked the breathe from her and she gasped desperately for air.

  He grabbed her by the sleeve and dragged her into the foyer.

  “Stupid bitch,” he hissed as he dumped her in front of another man, who yanked her up and hauled her into Hartford’s office.

  Hartford had his back to her, looking out the window. He didn’t bother to turn around.

  “You have proven to be more trouble than I need at this time, Ms. Kent. I normally would have no qualms about shooting you in the head, but I may need you at a later date. Flint Morgan has been a thorn in my side for what see
ms an eternity, and I intend to use you to pull that prick out for good. Besides, to me, it would seem such a waste to rid the world of such beauty. I have a friend who is, you could say, a collector of sorts. He accumulates beautiful woman, and I believe he would love to add you to that collection.” He turned, a cruel grin curling his lips.

  She scowled at him. “You’re crazy. It’s illegal to sell women.”

  “Very true. It is quite illegal to sell women here in the United States, but in the Islamic world, they have no problem with it.”

  His smile broadened. “Prince Lenon will enjoy the present I give him, and in return reciprocate in some way that will benefit me.”

  “You can’t do this.” Adriana picked up the heavy paperweight he’d had earlier and lunged at him with it.

  His reaction was swift. He grabbed her hand and sent her to her knees.

  “I can, and I will.” He laughed again, an evil cackle that sent a chill through Adriana’s entire body.

  Hartford nodded to someone behind her, and the next thing she knew, she felt a sharp sting to the arm again, and the room tilted, then everything went black.

  * * *

  Billy pulled his car up next to his own and Flint jumped out of his Cobra. His nerves were on edge after what seemed a lifetime of waiting.

  “What took you so long?” Flint snapped.

  “I had to sneak in. There are cops all around your apartment building.”

  Billy handed him the bag, and leaned against the hood of his car and asked, “How did Hartford get Adriana?”

  Flint hung his head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Billy shook his head. “Right. I knew it had to be something you did. You’re always putting her in danger.” His eyes glazed with anger. “If I didn’t think you could get her out of there, I’d kill you right now with my bare hands.”

  Flint jaw tightened. “Like you could.”

  Billy advanced on him. “Oh, you don’t think so, asshole?”


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