Her Man Flint

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Her Man Flint Page 15

by Jerri Drennen

  Adriana could hardly contain her anger as she watched them manhandle Flint, roughly pushing him into the car.

  She needed to stay cool so she could find Robert and somehow get Flint out before they hurt him.

  They had a vendetta against the DNS for whatever reason, probably for stepping on their toes at some point, and she feared they’d take it out on Flint.

  She raced back into the terminal to find a payphone. Please be with Billy, Robert. If he wasn’t, she had no idea how to reach him.

  * * *

  Flint sat in the back of the car, the gray-haired cop sitting next to him. It was obvious the man wanted to take all his frustration out on him.

  He never dreamed they’d be waiting at the airport, especially since they were informed that Hartford had kidnapped Adriana and was the prime suspect in Lindsey’s murder now. But, apparently the Denver police didn’t believe that. Or needed more proof before Flint was eliminated as a suspect.

  He glanced over at the man, who glared heatedly at him.

  “You think you’re pretty hot stuff, don’t you. Damned DNS with your Holier-Than-Thou attitudes. I’ve been Denver police for thirty years and not once have we gotten thanked for any help we’ve given you guys. What do you say to that?”

  “I’d say, how long have you had this chip on your shoulder?” Flint asked smugly.

  The man’s face contorted with fury and he brought his arm back and punched Flint in the nose with his fist.

  “Take that, pretty boy.”

  Flint’s head flew back from the force, and he felt blood trickling down his lip. His eyes glazed over in pain. This cop was going to make him pay for whatever he had against DNS, which meant he was in big trouble. But he would keep his big mouth shut for the rest of the trip, and hope he’d be able to walk into police station on his own.

  Adriana would find Robert and his uncle would know what to do to get him out. He always did.

  * * *

  Adriana punched in Billy’s number and paced, waiting for him to answer. He picked up on the forth ring.

  “Billy, please tell me Robert’s with you.”

  “Yeah, he’s right here. We’re having a drink, why?”

  “Flint’s been arrested. They took him down to the Denver precinct. Billy, the cop that took him has some kind of grudge against DNS. I’m afraid they’ll hurt him. Tell Robert to meet me there as fast as he can.”

  “I’ll tell him. Adriana, I have a friend down there. You want me to call and ask him to keep an eye out for Flint?”

  “Would you please?” Tears burned in her eyes. “Thank you, Billy.”

  Adriana swallowed the lump in her throat. She hung up the receiver and left the airport terminal.

  Quickly, she hailed a cab and gave the driver the address to the police station, then leaned back and prayed she would find Flint in one piece when she got there.

  Once at the precinct, Adriana raced up the steps, almost colliding with Robert who was waiting just inside the door.

  Her eyes narrowed. “How did you get here before I did?”

  “We were just around the corner when you called.”

  Adriana clutched Robert’s arm. “What are we going to do?”

  “First we’re going to calm down. You’re not going to help Flint one bit if you’re hysterical.

  She shook her head. “But Robert, that cop. He was so angry. I’m afraid Flint’s life is in danger.”

  “They’re cops, Adriana, not Mafia. He’ll be okay. Come on. Let’s find out if we can see him.”

  They took the elevator up to the third floor where they were told Flint was being held.

  The auburn-haired desk sergeant smiled when she spotted Robert.

  “Bobby, where you been keeping yourself? You promised you’d call me,” she said with a pout.

  “Nancy, I’ve been meaning to. I just got back to the states.” Robert gave the woman the onceover. “I have to tell you, woman, you’re looking really hot.”

  His words brought a blush to the officer’s face.

  Adriana nudged Robert none to gently. “Flint, remember?” She was about to lose her patience with his obvious flirting.

  “Nancy. Flint? Where are they keeping him?”

  Nancy’s face paled at his question.

  “What’s wrong?” Robert asked her.

  “Detective Bryer said he resisted arrest. They roughed him up pretty bad. I hardly recognized him.”

  “Where is he?” Robert’s tone drew everyone in the room’s attention. “I want to see him immediately. Or, I swear I’ll tear this place a part.”

  “Okay, Robert. Calm down. Let me call up to Captain Sikes office and see if he’ll let you see him.”

  “You do that. I think I’ll call a lawyer while we wait.” Robert looked over at Adriana.

  “He’ll be all right. Flint’s tough.”

  Adriana felt her stomach lurch. Flint unrecognizable. The mere thought made her want to lose the meal they’d eaten on their flight. What had they done to the man she loved?

  “Robert,” Nancy called. “The captain said you could go in and see him for a few minutes. But that’s all.”

  Robert patted her hand affectionately. “Thanks, Nancy.”

  A man in a gray suit came out from behind his desk and told them to follow him. They walked down a long corridor to the last door on the right.

  “You’ve got five minutes,” he snapped, then opened the door.

  Robert stepped into the room first, then Adriana directly behind him. Robert sucked in a deep, ragged breath.

  “What’s wrong?” Adriana froze when she saw what he was looking at.

  She felt the blood pool in her extremities. The room suddenly spun out of control and everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Flint tried to get up to catch Adriana, but his side hurt so bad he’d couldn’t move. He was positive some ribs were broken and his face felt swollen. His lip was busted in two places and he was pretty sure Adriana had fainted from the sight of him.

  He hadn’t gotten a chance to see what they’d done to his face, but judging by Robert and Adriana’s reaction, it must be pretty bad, at least as bad as it felt.

  Flint was relieved when Robert caught Adriana and lifted her up into his arms.

  “Call a doctor, now.” Robert took control of the situation. “I want Adriana and Flint looked at immediately. And if the doctor finds even one broken bone on Flint’s body, your asses will be in a sling. As I recall, police brutality is illegal in any state.”

  “Robert,” Flint called in a weak voice.

  “Yes, Flint. Are you all right?” Robert glared at the cops in the room.

  “They didn’t read me my rights. They have to let me go.” Flint flinched in pain when he tried to sit up straight.

  “Is that right? No one read him his rights. I see a civil case brewing here. I—”

  Adriana groaned and stirred in his arms.

  Robert placed her down into a chair and patted her hand.

  “Adriana, are you okay?”

  Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at Robert.

  “What happened? Where’s Flint?” Her eyes searched frantically around the room. A strangling sound escaped her throat when her gaze landed on him.

  “Dray, I’m okay. Don’t cry.” Flint tried his best to reassure her, but he didn’t think it would work. Adriana was in shock.

  “Robert, take her out of here,” Flint ordered. “I don’t want her upset anymore.”

  “I’m not leaving. These animals are going to pay for what they’ve done to you,” Adriana screamed hysterically. “Police are supposed to uphold the law. This is clearly criminal intent.”

  Adriana turned to Robert. “They handcuffed him and beat him with no way for him to defend himself. They have to pay for this,” Adriana spat.

  “Calm down, Adriana. They will.” Robert pulled her out of her chair. “You go wait outside. I’ll handle this.”

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  “No buts. Go.” At that moment the front door opened and two men came in, one, a uniformed officer, the other wore a black suit.

  “I’m a doctor,” the man in the suit said, glancing around the room, then immediately went to Flint’s side.

  “What happened to him?” the doctor asked in a sharp tone.

  “He resisted arrest,” all the cops around the table echoed.

  Adriana stared daggers at the gray-haired cop who’d arrested Flint. “That’s a lie. He was handcuffed when I left him.”

  “That’s your word against mine. Isn’t it, lady?”

  “How can you call yourself a cop?”

  “Dray, go out and wait in the lobby. You’re not helping,” Flint said, then recoiled when the doctor touched his ribs.

  “I’d say that one’s broken.” The doctor looked to Robert. His uncle’s face flushed with anger.

  “Are you going to let him go? Or am I going to call a lawyer friend of mine and see what kind of charges he can bring against the Denver P.D? What do you think? It’s up to you?” Robert crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for their answer.

  “We’ll release him for now. But don’t leave town,” the gray-headed cop said, glaring at Flint.

  “Right. Like he’s up to that after what you’ve done to him.” Robert looked at the doctor who was still examining Flint. “What do you think, Doc?”

  “I think we should head right over to the hospital. He’s going to need these ribs taken care of right away. I’d like to do a CAT scan too, just to be on the safe side.”

  Robert helped Flint out of the chair and placed his arm around his waist, trying not to do more damage than was already done.

  Robert stopped by the door, just long enough to look back at the cop who arrested Flint. “If it’s the last thing I do, you’ll pay for what you’ve done to my nephew.” Robert glared at them all, then turned and helped Flint out the door.

  * * *

  Adriana eased herself slowly out of bed, trying not to wake Flint who slept next to her.

  She made her way into the bathroom, glancing at herself in the mirror. She looked awful. Her complexion was so pale it made her eyes and hair look lifeless.

  It had been a week since she’d brought Flint home to take care of him, but it had taken its toll on her own health. She was so tired she could hardly keep her eyes open.

  Adriana’s stomach chose that moment to rebel. She leaned down and vomited into the toilet. As she wiped her mouth with a damp cloth, she wondered what was wrong with her. She grabbed for her toothbrush and when to work on her teeth.

  Turning on the faucet to her large garden tub, Adriana hoped that a nice hot bath would make her feel better. She filled the tub and poured in lavender scented bubble bath to sooth her tension. She stepped in and eased herself down into the hot, bubbly liquid. The scent immediately relaxed her tight, tense muscles. There was nothing better to Adriana than hot soothing water caressing her body to relieve her troubled spirits.

  The bathroom door squeaked open and Flint walked in, grinning wickedly when he saw she was in the tub.

  “How are you feeling?” Adriana asked as she picked up her sponge and squeezed sudsy water over her chest.

  “Actually, I feel great. Frisky, even.” Flint raised a suggestive brow at her.

  Adriana’s mouth went dry, wondering if she was up for what he was proposing?

  “Would you like some company?”

  Adriana bit her bottom lip as she paused in thought, her gaze running over his masculine frame.

  “There’s nothing I’d like better.” She smiled, and watched with hooded lashes as he released the drawstring of his flannel lounge pants and let them drop to the floor. The man was a God. Perfect in every way, except for the bruising still noticeable on his ribs and face.

  Adriana’s temper sparked when she thought of what the Denver cops had done to him.

  Flint eased himself down across from her, sloshing water over the edge of the tub, the white bubbles a contrast against the dark hairs on his chest.

  Adriana’s heart skipped a beat as she watched his nipples harden from the tepid water.

  “Come over here and wash my back.” Flint drew Adriana’s attention to his face.

  “Maybe you should wash mine.” She squirted water at him with the fist of her hand from under the surface.

  “I’m going to get you for that, woman. Come here.” Flint tugged at her until he had her squirming on his lap.

  “Is that a forty-five between your legs or are you just happy to see me?” Adriana turned her head slightly to note his reaction to her jibe.

  Flint winked suggestively at her. “No. Not a forty-five, but it’s hard as steel and it can fire when ready.”

  “Flint, that’s awful.” Adriana tried to wriggle out of his lap.

  Flint tightened his hold on her waist, drawing her back up against his chest.

  The feel of his slick, wet skin next to her own sent Adriana heart drumming wildly in her chest. His warm lips connected with the lobe of her left ear, bringing it into his mouth. Heat radiated between her legs and a jolt of current ran down to her feet and curled her toes.

  His lips continued their assault on her ear as his hands took on a life of their own, caressing her breasts, then kneading them gently. His touch, enhanced by the silky water heightened her senses and crushed any resistance she might have had to his intent. Every fiber of her body yearned for him. Even in her weakened state, she needed to feel him inside her. When his finger slid down her belly, between her legs, Adriana moaned with pleasure. His skillful fingers could do magic to her body. Adriana felt his body respond, now fully erect, rubbing against her bottom. She was lost in the sensations. Couldn't hold back any longer and turned in his arms. She kissed his mouth as she tightened her hold on his neck.

  “Dray, you don’t have hold me so tight. I’m not going anywhere,” Flint whispered seductively into her ear.

  “I love you, Flint.” She held his head in her hands, tears threatening in her eyes, as she thought about how close she’d come to losing him a few days ago. At the hands of someone who’d sworn to uphold the law.

  “I love you too, baby.” Flint brought her face to his and kissed her again—a sweet, tender kiss that turned to passion in seconds.

  Adriana hands found Flint’s erection and stroked him gently, receiving a strangled groan from him for her efforts.

  Flint clenched his teeth. “You’d better stop doing that or you’re going to be disappointed with the outcome. Come here.” He grasped her bottom, positioning her atop his cock, then swiftly thrust up inside her.

  Adriana’s closed her eyes, reveling in the incredible sensation. No man had ever fit so perfect. His body was made for hers. She tried hard to be content with his arousal within her, but she wanted more—needed all of him. She arched up and drew him deeper, moaning with ecstasy at the sheer feel of him inside her.

  Finding her rhythm, Adriana moved on top him, soaring higher with each thrust until her body tightened convulsively around him. She ignored water sloshing around them as she climaxed.

  Seconds later, she felt Flint’s own release, thrusting one last time into her limp body.

  They held each other tight, allowing their frantic heartbeats to ebb.

  Adriana could stay in his arms forever, but the cool water around them made her shiver, which forced both back to earth, and quickly out of the tub.

  * * *

  Flint stepped out of the bedroom, dressed and ready to go to his apartment to pack a bag. Though Billy had brought him what he needed to get by for a few days, he was anxious to move a few of his things in. Flint knew it was the right thing to do. Adriana was the woman for him. He wanted to be with her as much as he could, and moving in again seemed the logical solution.

  “Can I borrow the keys to the Porsche?” Flint looked around for her key ring before turning his attention to Adriana.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” Adriana stood
with her hands planted firmly on her hips, not happy he’d planned to leave.

  “I’m going to my apartment to pack a few of my things. I should be back in an hour or so.”

  “I don’t think you’re up to that yet, Flint. Wait until you’re stronger.”

  He grinned. “If I can do what we just did in the tub, I’m strong enough to go get a suitcase or two.”

  “Let me go with you then?” she said, jumping off the sofa. “I can help.”

  “Dray, I’ll be all right. You look tired. Get some rest while I’m gone. How about I stop on my way back and pick up some take-out from Fu-Chung’s. Does that sound good?"

  She sighed and sat down again. “Okay. But you promise to take it easy, right?”

  “I’m not an invalid, Dray. I’ll be all right. I’ll be back in an hour.” Flint placed his hand out. “Keys.”

  Adriana reached inside her handbag and threw him her set.

  “Don’t drive too fast. All you need is the Denver P.D. to pull you over for speeding.”

  “True. I’ll be careful. You get some rest. I may want to repeat the tub thing when I get back.” Flint winked at her, then left, intent on picking up a huge bouquet of flowers for her along with the food.

  Adriana had spent the last week taking care of him. He owed her not only his life, but also the loving care she’d given him when he was in bed nursing three cracked ribs and a concussion. It had taken its toll on her. He saw it on her face. She looked pale and gaunt, and if her health didn’t improve soon he’d insist she go to the doctor. But not Dr. Mike Terrell. It’d be a cold day in hell the next time she saw that man, professionally or otherwise. Over Flint’s dead body. Better yet, if Dray ever thought about seeing him again, it would be over Mike Terrell’s.

  The thought made him grin from ear-to-ear as he made his way to the elevator.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Flint fumbled with his apartment keys, then unlocked the door and stepped inside. It seemed as if it’d been a lifetime since he’d found Lindsey dead. The yellow crime scene tape was still stuck to the door, but the lock installed to preserve the crime scene was gone.


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