Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine

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Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine Page 21

by Nicole Rae

  As Sebastian slid his arm out from under Beth’s head, she let out a tiny groan. It was the first sound that the listless girl had made since they found her. That must be a good sign. At least Emily hoped it was a good sign. Beth really didn’t look so good. Her skin was completely void of any color. It was as stark white as the vampires that had tried to make a meal out of her. Luckily for Beth, they had just succeeded in making her a snack instead of the feast they had probably hoped for. Even so, there wasn’t much of her that wasn’t covered in blood. Beth’s face held no expression. Her lids were closed making her appear as though she were merely sleeping. This made her look younger somehow, more innocent. Then Emily’s eyes drifted back down to the gory display that engulfed the rest of her. Maybe not.

  Alexander was ready and waiting when Sebastian retreated back to give him room. There was a roll cart next to the cot at Alexander’s side. It had lots of shiny instruments that Emily didn’t recognize. Alexander opened a drawer and pulled out a syringe. Next, he pulled out several long tubes. Emily was completely bewildered. What was he going to do to her?

  Her expression must have matched her thoughts, because Sebastian said, “he’s going to give her a transfusion. She’s had way too much blood drained out of her tonight.” Emily nodded weakly but said nothing.

  “It’s her only chance of survival at this point. There is nothing else we can do but wait for this to take effect. It’s a good thing you found her when you did.” Alexander’s words were meant for all of them. He didn’t look up from his work as he spoke. He expertly injected Beth with the needle and then immediately sent a steady stream of blood to her through the tubes.

  Within minutes, he pulled off his gloves with a snap that made Emily jump. “Sorry,” Alexander apologized softly. The senior hunter had never even looked up. Apparently his position gave him stronger senses of motion. Or, he had eyes on the back of his head like moms and teachers. He slid over two machines. They looked like a heart monitor and she thought the other one might be oxygen.

  In no time at all, Beth was hooked up to the machines. Emily had been right on what they were. Alexander informed them all that a ventilator wouldn’t be necessary since she was breathing on her own. Her breath was shallow and sporadic enough though, that he thought putting an oxygen mask on her was important to keep her stable. The heart monitor bleeped in time with her heart. It was slow. Too slow in Emily’s opinion, not that her opinion meant anything of course. She wasn’t a doctor after all. To be perfectly honest, she barely knew how to check her own heart rate. It was either fast, or it was slow. She just knew that Beth’s heart rhythm was going much slower than her own and hers seemed to be normal.

  “What now?” Ty ler asked breaking the silence.

  “We wait,” replied Alexander. “I will stay with her for now so the three of you can get some sleep. We will need to take shifts in the morning.” As if the conversation was over, he moved to a table on the other side of the room and grabbed a book. He brought it back to the chair that he had placed beside Beth’s bed.

  “Sounds good Alex,” Sebastian agreed. His hero worship of Alexander was obvious.

  They walked back to their rooms in silence. The sight of Beth lying on the ground back in the alley traveled slowly through Emily’s mind. The memory of her blood stained body was inescapable. They seemed to imbed themselves into every nook and cranny of Emily’s brain. She counted how many steps it would take to get to her room to keep her brain occupied. It didn’t work, she kept losing count.

  Pictures of her mom lying in a too bright hospital room stained the forefront of her awareness. The situation with Beth brought all the memories out of the locked vault that she had buried deep in the back of her head. She felt tears prick her eyes, and didn’t allow them to spill over. Beth wasn’t Melissa. The two were in no way connected and in no way alike. Even still, the blinding light of the infirmary and the tubes attached to Beth’s arms begged to differ. Her mind could distinguish between the two but her heart ached in protest.

  This day was just too exhausting and not just physically. Emily yearned for a switch that could be flipped that would transfer her passed this portion of her life. Truth be told, she wanted a time machine that could take her back to five years ago. There are so many things that she would have done differently. There were so many things left unsaid that left gaping holes of regret deep within her soul. Maybe things could have been different with Sam too, everything could have been different. The past had come back to torment Emily and she wanted desperately to have the power to push it all back into the vault where it belonged. Once it was tucked safely away she would be sure to wrap impenetrable chains and a cement barrier around it. She couldn’t afford to fall apart now.

  “Here we are,” said Sebastian breaking into her thoughts.

  They were standing in front of Emily’s room. Tyler nodded and went off next door to his room without a word. He looked exhausted. She watched as the door closed behind him with a light click.

  When Emily turned back Sebastian was still standing there watching her. He looked as though he were waiting for her to say something. Emily wasn’t really sure what that was. Man, he sure looked hot standing there under the sconce lighting in the hallway. The light reflected in his eyes making them sparkle. Emily wished he didn’t have to be such a jerk sometimes. It made her angry that she had to like him. She just couldn’t help it. He was completely gorgeous. They had been through a lot together, and that day spent in the book store was awesome. They talked about anything and everything. He was witty and charming. Ever since then though he had been flipping a switch and turning into a guy that thought she were an inconvenience. It was so confusing and it sure didn’t help her headache that seemed to have a pulse all of its own.

  How ridiculous, she finally was attracted to a guy and he had to be the wrong one. He was a bad boy by nature, who is completely arrogant and self-assured. Emily imagined that if Sebastian walked passed a mirror, he would probably gaze at himself lovingly, blowing himself kisses as he admired his reflection.

  “What?” Emily asked him accusingly. “Why are you staring at me?”

  Sebastian’s cocky grin was back. “Paranoid?” He leaned casually against the wallnext to her door. “Someone can’t just look at you for the sake of doing so? So touchy aren’t you?”

  Emily took a deep breath and fought back the fury that threatened to explode all over him. It was somewhat irrational but she couldn’t help it. Enough was enough. “Um yeah, let’s see, pretty sure I have the right to be touchy. Don’t you? I have been ripped out of a world that already wasn’t all that normal and thrown into freaking Masterpiece Theatre. All things considered I’m doing pretty well I think.” It was true too. She had survived horrifying attacks multiple times, all of which she later found out were by vampires. She had been brought down to some underground mystery location. She beheaded someone. Granted, that someone just happened to be one of the undead monsters that would have killed her, as well as Tyler and Sebastian if given the chance. Oh, and some poor girl she went to school with was fighting for her life. She couldn’t fight in a hospital because a vampire drain and run, was pretty hard to explain to Emergency Room staff. Well yeah, just another day in the life of Emily Jameson.

  “Okay okay, you’re right. I’m sorry. You didn’t exactly have time to get used to all this like me. You are doing quite well all things considered.” His eyes pleaded down at her.

  Dramatically, Emily put her hands on her hips like all those girls she hated. “Damn right I’m right. And another thing,” she paused waiting for him to jump in and cut her off. Surprisingly, though, he didn’t. “Why do you act like we’re friends one second and I have leprosy the next? Do you have split personalities or something? While we’re at it, I’m not a baby or a little girl. So,you don’t need to treat me like one is that clear? I can run by myself and apparently I can take care of myself too. I’ve survived three attacks, not to mention during one of them I killed one of those
monsters. If this is some kind of sexist thing…”

  “You’re right.” His eyes looked her up and down appraisingly. “Definitely not a little girl.” His words might have been a compliment but his look was something else. In one motion he moved off the wall and was inches away from her. They were so close Emily could feel the heat from his body.

  His lips came crushing down on hers before she had a chance to put up any sort of fight. In reality, she didn’t want to. Her body tingled all the way down to her toes. Sebastian’s lips were strong, aggressive and soft all at the same time. He moved both of his hands up to cup both sides of her face. It was Emily’s first real kiss and she felt like she could do it forever. A small moan escaped his lips against hers. Her body responded sending white hot desire flooding all over her to places that had never before been awakened. Just as she felt herself melting into his chest where she so longed to be he pulled away from her abruptly.

  He shook his head as if trying to erase the last few minutes. “This is wrong.” Sebastian turned and walked down the hall to his door. Before he stepped in he glanced back at her for just a second. His expression was carefully blank. The door closed leaving her in the hall alone.

  Emily took a deep breath and let it out loudly, totally exasperated. “Well, goodnight to you too.” She grumbled the words to the empty air where Sebastian had been standing. “It’s been fun.” Then Emily too turned and went into her own room. She was suddenly void of any fatigue. She was completely amped in fact thanks to that little episode in the hall, she didn’t think she would be able to close her eyes even if she wanted to.

  When she flipped on the light and flung off her shoes she was stopped in her tracks by an over dramatic sigh. She wasn’t alone in the room. That couldn’t be, they said all were safe down here,hadn’t they? Vampires supposedly had no way of getting in here. She was so tired of these surprises.

  For a single heart stopping second she just stood with her back toward whoever was in her room. Her annoyance was immediately followed by an even bigger feeling of being petrified. What if it was Andre coming for revenge? Quickly she recovered herself and jammed her hand into her pocket. Crap! There wasn’t enough powder in her pocket to even pinch out. Looking slightly too either side of her for anything she could use brought her up short. Of course there was nothing that would stand up to the strength of an undead super killer. She eyed the door wondering if she would be able to get out of it and to Tyler’s room before the intruder caught up to her. There was no use. Vampires had the ability of super speed. That was why the slayers had been gifted accordingly. She unwillingly gave up and slowly turned to meet her fate.

  CHAPTER 20 “Isn’t love grand?” The female voice was light and airy speaking through another sigh. It was Ivy. She was lying across Emily’s bed with her hands folded behind her head looking utterly relaxed. A wicked sneer stretched across her cherub face. Her right leg was casually crossed over her left. She wore thick soled black boots that Emily thought for sure were steel toe. Those were ass kicking boots no doubt about that. Ivy’s foot danced rhythmically to music that wasn’t playing.

  Emily envisioned some sort of Goth Satan worshiper music playing through Ivy’s mind while she lay across the bed looking as though she belonged there. “What are you doing here?” Emily’s whole body grew tense with anger. She could feel her muscles contracting, readying themselves to spring on the awaiting enemy. Wasn’t Ivy supposed to be one of the good guys? Ivy was a hunter or slayer or whatever. That was supposed to mean shewas one of the good guys. Emily didn’t know why but she really didn’t like Ivy and it verged on hate. She hadn’t even known the girl that long but it was one of those unavoidable feelings that conjured up on its own.

  “Girl talk of course,” Ivy said with o bvious fakeness dripping off her lips like acidic syrup. “Maybe we can even do each other’s hair and nails.” Suddenly, all the false cheer vanished from her face. Her beautiful sapphire blue eyes turned to wicked flames before narrowing into slits. “And then, I can let you in on a little secret. Sebastian, yeah he’s mine. That means keep your little newbie hands off of my man. You got me?” Even with her cat like stare, the false smile never left her lips. It made her tone sound sugary sweet and not overtly threatening, like the words suggested.

  “Not that I saw your name printed on his forehead or anything, but we are just friends. If that status were to ever change, it still wouldn’t be any of your business,” Emily spit at Ivy full of venom. Her face though modeled Ivy’s fakeness with a similar smile. “You got me?”

  “Is that so?” Ivy stood and glared at Emily fiercely. “Then why is it that our little hottiewas in my room last night? Hmm… maybe he was helping me balance my check book. Oh wait. I don’t even have a checkbook.” Ivy’s hand flew to her chest in mock horror with a gasp. “That must mean… he’s mine.” Ivy walked purposefully toward Emily until she was only a foot away if that. “He and I have always had a thing for each other. I’m not going to let you waltz in here and ruin that for me. Just back the hell off,or you’re gonna get hurt,understand? There’s only room for one woman slayer around here,and that’s me. Don’t think because you suddenly have been let in on the little secret, and supposedly have a few meaningless powers, that you mean shit around here to Alexander or the other guys.” Her tirade was long enough that when she finally stopped, she was panting slightly.

  Emily didn’t understand Ivy’s crap about being a woman slayer and all that. She figured she would have to figure out that part later. For the moment she just focused on the possessive boy drama Ivy was trying to conjure out of nowhere. So bad she wanted to shoot back, HE KISSED ME YOU BEACH! That probably wouldn’t have done anything but push Ivy over the edge. Plus, she wouldn’t understand Emily’s word and just make fun of her for that too. Ivy was the kind of girl that would have made it all Emily’s fault, no matter what she said.

  Emily fantasized about punching Ivy right in her pretty blue eyes. That would have felt so good. Too good, unfortunately though, it couldn’t happen. Ivy seemed just crazy enough to manipulate the situation to her favor. She would probably tell Alexander and Sebastian that Emily attacked her for no reason and that somehow she was a traitor to their whole operation. Like it or not, the slayers were all she had to count on. It was obvious the vampires wanted her and she couldn’t stay with Sam. He might be a jerk, but he didn’t deserve any of the undead drama.

  Ivy interrupted her mind babble making Emily jump a little. Ivy smiled at that. “Are you even listening to me loser?” She looked furious at the thought of being ignored.

  “No, not really. Truth is, you’re kind ofboring.” It was true. Emily had been so absorbed in her fantasies that she hadn’t even realized Ivy was still speaking. Oh darn, she must have tuned her out. What a pity.

  “Whatever, I don’t have time for you to try and be cute. Just lay offSebastian and we’ll be straight.” Ivy didn’t wait for a response from Emily. Instead she stalked passed her pushing into Emily’s shoulder hard on the way out. “Oops,” she said innocently before exiting.

  “Stupid beach,” Emily muttered to herself as she turned to close the door. Well, slam it rather, a little too hard actually. She heard the bang echo down the hallway probably following Ivy on her evil way. Good, Emily thought. At least she sort of got the last word she figured smugly. It was stupid she knew. All it probably achieved was that it gave Ivy the satisfaction that she so didn’t deserve.

  An hour later, Emily was still sulking about the argument and what she should have said or done differently. Ivywasn’t worth the time it took to say her stupid name but that didn’t seem to matter. There Emily sat on the end of her new bed, wiping hot furious tears from her eyes. That always happened when she got too angry. It wasn’t that she was sad or anything. There was just too much pent up emotion coursing through her that needed to be released.

  It made her angrier that she was allowing herself to get so worked up over the whole thing. It really wasn’t worth it.

  Emily had never wanted to hit another human so badly in her whole life. That wasn’t like her at all. Normally, if someone made her mad, she just shrugged it off, no big deal. Ivy however, had the art of getting under someone’s skin, down to a science. The day had been too much. Ivy coming in her room all crazy Beach-like, was just the last straw.

  Was it totally wrong that Emilycouldn’t help but wish that someday a vampire would eat Ivy? Okay, so maybe she didn’t want anything to eat her. It would be nice if someone could at least wipe that snooty look off her face. Ivy acted like she owned this place and that had to change.

  Sebastian seemed to have more authoritythan Ivy that’s for sure. Emily wasn’t sure about Kyle though. They seemed to be on the same level. He too was angry the last time she had seen him but at least he didn’t lash out at her directly. Instead, he just lashed out about her to someone right in front of her, as if she weren’t really there. Is that the same thing?

  Either way, she wasn’t real keen on the idea that half the people in the compound didn’t want to jump on her welcome wagon. They were so crazy. It wasn’t like she chose to be there. In fact, she didn’t want to be there anymore than they wanted her there. There had to be another option.

  Going through the motions, Emily pulled off her clothes and moved to the dresser. It was an unconscious action that she was used to doing at home. Before realization could dawn on her, she pulled open the bottom drawer. It wasn’t until she saw the neatly folded pajama sets that she reflected on the weirdness of that. She carefully picked up a light blue pair of sleep pants that had a camisole to match. The pants had cute little blue and green stars on them. Sure enough, they were her size. How was that possible? They weren’t her pajamas from her house. When had anyone had time to get them from the store? Shrugging off the mysterious appearance of perfectly fitting clothes she just put them on and crawled into the big comfy bed.


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