Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine

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Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine Page 25

by Nicole Rae

  ”Now where would the fun be in that?” Mr. Johnson asked seeming genuinely curious.

  “Enough! Where is Andre?” Sebastian barked. His dagger was poised and ready, as he stepped closer to the male vampire.

  The slow smile Mr. Johnson gave him in return was sickening. It revealed that he was definitely one of the bad guys. His K9’s were fully lengthened to a sharp point like thick needles. Emily wasn’t sure but she thought she saw blood on one of them.

  “He’s busy right now but if you’d like to leave a message...” his voice trailed off. The sarcasm in his impersonation was thick. “He’s making more-”

  “Shut up, Michael!” Mrs. Cleary instructed. “Remember what Master said.”

  Mr. Johnson, or Michael closed his mouth and gave her a tight nod. He took two purposeful steps towards Sebastian. He didn’t get any further though because a crossbow bolt struck him in the chest. Blood pooled around the arrow and Michael fell to his knees. He grabbed at the arrow but couldn’t gain proper purchase. With a gasp his upper body pitched forward and hit the floor with a thud.

  Sebastian turned to Tyler with a half of a smile tugging the corner of his lips. “Thank you.” Sebastian didn’t offer up any further praise. That would mean he would have to admit he was just saved by a newbie.

  Tyler didn’t answer, turning he regained his focus on Emily. Repositioning the crossbow, he threatened, “wantsome?” The malevolence in his voice made it barely recognizable.

  Mrs. Cleary however, was not impressed. She simply laughed. “Go ahead and shoot. Who do you think you’ll hit? Me? It’s more likely you’ll get dear sweet innocent Emily here.” She crooned the part about Emily as though she were talking to a baby.

  “Kyle go check out the rest of the rooms down there.” Sebastian motioned in the direction they were headed before Emily had been grabbed.

  Kyle swallowed. “Sure thing Bass.” He didn’t seem very enthused about heading off alone.

  Emily couldn’t blame him. They had no idea how many newly made vampires were waiting to attack. One man walking into a nest alone didn’t sound that appealing to her either.

  This had gone on long enough! She had just about had her fill of almost dying. Without giving herself time to think, she reached for the knife sheathed at her hip. Using all her strength she jerked her body to the side and thrust her knife back and up. Mrs. Cleary instantly let go of Emily and fell to the ground. She lay there flat on her back. Her body was in an unnatural position with Emily’s knife sticking out of her chest. Emily had killed another vampire. Not just any vampire but a vampire who she had known and loved her whole life.

  Sebastian didn’t give her much time to regret what she had done. Without a word he strode to the body at her feet and made a smooth downward arc with his dagger. When Emily looked down she saw that Mrs. Cleary’s head was no longer attached to her body. There would be no coming back for Mrs. Cleary that was for sure. Turning to Tyler she saw that he was giving Michael the same fate.

  Tyler winced at the sight at his feet. “Yuck. How do you people get used to this?” He bent down and wiped the blade of his knife on Michael’s pants.

  Sebastianraised a sardonic eyebrow at him. “You people? You are one of us, or have you forgotten?” As if he had just remembered Emily’s presence he turned to her. “Are you alright?” He put a hand under her chin and lifted it up for inspection. “You’ve got a nasty welt but that will be gone soon. Our kind heals fast.”

  Before she could respond to that information, three vampires burst out of a door from down the hall, no, two vampires and Kyle who was flying into the banister with a sickening crack. He recovered quick and positioned himself to spring at a linebacker sized vamp in front of him. One of the rings to the banister had splintered with the force of his landing.

  Emily’s first reaction was to hide. Standing in a hallway didn’t leave many options, so she moved against the wall. Sebastian and Tyler jumped into the action without hesitation. Part of Emily wanted to join thembut she couldn’t seem to make her feet move.

  The smaller vampire wasn’t nearly as big as the linebacker, though his ruthlessness was still just as menacing. He threw a punch at Sebastian’s face that should have sent him sailing. Just as fast as the punch was swung, Sebastian dodged, masterfully avoiding rearrangement of his face. The fist did manage to connect to his shoulder and push Sebastian back a few feet. Tyler and Kyle were teaming up against the burly one. Emily noticed while he was big, his accuracy left something to be desired. His moves seemed clumsy. He had the brute force, but no skill to back it up.

  She was clenching her fists at her sides so tightly it made her knuckles turn white. She kept expecting another door to open and more monsters to get in on the fight. Her eyes darted to the other end of the hall. It seemed clear for the moment, so Emily trained her eyes back on the rumble happening not more than six feet away from her.

  The linebacker got a good hit on Kyle sending him into the wall about a foot from Emily. She immediately went to him checking to see if he was okay. His arm was dangling at an unnatural angle. There was blood streaming down his mouth and the back of his head, where he had impacted the wall.

  Before Emily could properly assess his injuries, she heard Tyler cry out in pain. Without thinking, she shot up to find the source. The stupid linebacker had his hands around his neck and had him backed up against the banister. Tyler’s body was bowed back so far that if the vampire let go, Tyler would fall over the rail. Emily looked to the other slayers in the hall for help.

  Unfortunately, Sebastian was in nowhere near the right place to be of any assistance. All of his focus was on the vampire he had managed to throw into a door. The wood had snapped and broke off the hinges. She looked down at Kyle. CRAP! He was definitely still out of commission. It was up to her. What was she going to do? That thing was ungodly huge in epic proportions.

  To her advantage, his back was to her. She could get the drop on him if she could just move fast enough. The knife she had used against Mrs. Cleary lay discarded on the floor of the hallway. For one ridiculously scary second Emily thought maybe she hadn’t really killed her. Then she remembered that vampires turned to dust once they were dead. That fate seemed oddly fitting. They were unnatural creatures that deserved to turn into dirt. Ignoring the thick blood that coated the blade, she picked up her dagger. When the light caught the blood, it glistened. Her stomach twisted.

  Before she could give herself a chance to think about it, she charged. As she neared the monsters, her abdomen felt as though it would explode from the pulsating cramps that tore through her insides. There wasn’t a choice, she had to keep going. Tyler was in serious trouble, and that really pissed her off. Once she was in closer proximity, Emily plunged the knife into the linebackers back with all her strength. She felt the blade hesitate on his ribs and she pushed harder still. When it was all the way to the hilt, she twisted.

  For a heart pounding second she thought she had done something wrong. The vamp’s hands were still pressing down on her friend. Time seemed to have stopped moving all together. Finally, his arms relaxed and he pitched forward against Tyler.

  The limp weight of his body would send them both over for sure. Emily got a hold of Tyler’s arm and pulled with everything she had. Tyler used his other hand to push against the dead linebacker’s chest. He grunted with the strain but managed to push him to the side. Now free, he fell into Emily toppling them both to the floor. Emily looked up just in time to see the vampire fall. His weight broke through the banister hurling him to his final resting place.

  Emily gasped. This was really happening. She had killed another one. There really wasn’t time to examine the growing number of notches on her belt. If the two of them stayed put, they were like sitting ducks. Moving didn’t really seem like a good option either. Emily’s muscles screamed and burned just under her skin.

  She and Tyler were both panting hard from all the exertion. She willed her breath to steady and her heart to calm dow
n to at least two hundred beats a minute. If it kept up at the rate it was, it would probably beat right out of her chest. She tried to inspect Tyler’s injuries but he shrugged her off assuring her he would be okay.

  They were so engrossed in their own melodrama that it wasn’t until just then that they both turned their attention toward Sebastian was doing with his efforts. Not surprisingly, he had made his kill and had just finished with the decapitation. Emily winced. This might be her life now, but that didn’t mean she had to like it. With a heavy sigh Sebastian turned to them.

  When he saw them on the floor he hurried over. “Are you alright?” His eyes were on Emily. “You’re not hurt are you?” He reached out a hand, helping her up.

  Emily brushed the hair out of her face that had escaped the pony tail. “I’m fine. Tyler and Kyle got the brunt of it.” She waved a hand toward Kyle indicating his form that still lay on the floor against the wall.

  “I’m fine Bass.” Kyle said hoarsely. “My shoulder’s out of the socket though. It hurts,but I’ll live.”

  Sebastian moved to his side and assisted him up. Without a word he grabbed a hold of Kyle’s arm and reefed it back into place. Kyle grimaced but otherwise had no visible reaction. Emily’s mouth dropped open brilliantly with a pop. She would have been screaming like a banshee if she were him.

  Apparently unfazed, Kyle continued. “Those two were the only ones I found when I did the sweep on that end. We still need to check the other side.” He took the bow from his back and inspected it for damage. It must have been broken in some way, because he cursed to himself and threw it to the floor. Reaching to his belt, he pulled out a dagger, which matched Sebastian’s.

  “Let’s get it done,” Sebastian replied firmly. He looked to Emily and Tyler. “Watch yourselves. Andre’s been having fun tonight and who knows how many more newborns we’re going to find.” He started to turn to head down the hall, but Emily stopped him.

  “Where’s Ivy?”

  Sebastian’s face went cold but his eyes were sad. “She’s probably standing guard outside. Casey’s death got to her.” With that he turned and started down the hall again. That subject was not one of his priorities. He didn’t hide his true emotion on the subject. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was worried about Ivy.

  The rest of the upper floor of the big house was clear. Emily was surprised. She kept expecting boogie men to jump out of every closet, or grab her ankle from under every bed. She followed Sebastian and Tyler down the stairs. Sebastian stationed Kyle at the rear of their group. He evidently didn’t think Emily could handle it after what had happened with Mrs. Cleary.

  When they had first come in the house the lights downstairs were all off. The first thing Emily noticed when they turned the corner from the stairs was that the light from the office was now on and the door was cracked. She could have sworn they left it all the way open. Every fiberof Emily’s being told her to run. She had enough of the fighting and of the supernatural for a life time.

  Tyler and Kyle posted themselves on either side of the door. Kyle looked to Sebastian and nodded.

  Taking the cue, Sebastian threw open the door and rushed in like the swat team with Kyle and Tyler in tow. Emily not wanting to be alone followed behind. She was not prepared for what they were walking into.

  CHAPTER 25 Andre stood to the side of the room, as Tyler aimed a crossbow at Andre's chest. Kyle and Sebastian were bent into a defensive crouch, ready to spring at the first sign of danger.

  Emily entered the room and recognized Andre, as the one who had taken her hostage earlier. The second she entered the room, she saw him. She could still feel the way his hand had felt around her throat, as though it was still there. Part of her tried to look threatening, but he intimidated the heck out of her.

  The burn from the silver powder that Emily had inflicted was not visible. Aside from a little redness, the wounds were completely nonexistent. Even with the red, his skin looked like marble. He stood as still as a statue.

  When she had first come into the room, fear pounded through her at the sight of Andre. He carried the air of an alpha that demanded attention. Everything else in the space melted away leaving nothing except Andre, Emily, and her own terror. Thanks to that she hadn’t noticed that he wasn’t alone in the room. There was a female with him and she didn’t look happy.

  “So nice of you to finally join us.” Andre’s voice crooned. “Miss Ivy and I were just having a little chat. We wondered how long it would take you to find us.” He put a hand on Ivy’s shoulder, probably to fake camaraderie. Ivy flinched but couldn’t move away from his touch. His melodic voice took on a more confidential tone. “Truth be told, the dear girl isn’t much of a conversationalist.” He said it, as though Ivy were ignoring him, which wasn’t the case. He had gagged her and must have forgotten about that minor detail.

  Emily couldn’t help herself. “Let her go!” She didn’t much like Ivy but noperson deserved to be a vampire’s play thing.

  Andre focused on her for the first time and smiled, revealing way toomany teeth for comfort. “My sweet Emily, you’ve returned to me. I was so hoping you would.”

  Emily raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, not by choice. Let Ivy go and we’ll be on our way.” Her inner core shook wildly, but she couldn’t let this creep, see how much he got to her.

  The vampire laughed, actually laughed. “Now, there is no need to be hasty. We will get to Ivy soon enough. You and I have much todiscuss first.” Even through the unnatural green of his eyes, the glint of excitement that passed through them was plain to see.

  It was more than a little likely, that Andre had no intentions of talking to Emily. It was more feasible that he wanted revenge for the burns she had inflicted on him. He probably had plans to tear out her throat and eat it for a snack. Ugh, she thought utterly disgusted and threw up in her mind, just a bit.

  Sebastianmoved forward. “Andre this is over. We’ve already killed four of your people. One, I might add was one of your valued henchmen. I know you’ve been busy tonight. Tell us where the other newborns are.”

  Andre’s eyes turned shocked at the sound of his henchmen being killed. Despite the moment he was taken off guard, his expression and posture didn’t waiver. “I’m not surprised about the three newborns but you’ve destroyed Charles?”

  A cocky grin stretched across Sebastian’s face. “I did. It wasn’t difficult.” He took another slow but purposeful step toward Andre. “I took g reat pleasure in making it as painful as possible too.”

  “No matter. My second in command can be replaced.” Andre crossed his arms casually just for show. He tried to act like Sebastian’s closeness was no threat at all. “I gather you intend to destroy me aswell.” It wasn’t a question. He spoke casually about his own death, the way others might discuss the weather.

  “That’s the plan,” Sebastian answered dryly.

  “I can respect that boy, but there are matters we need to discuss first. Then you may be free to unleash your attack.” He turned to Emily. His eyes bore into hers, searching for something.

  “Unless you’re picking how you want to die we have nothing to talk about.” Tyler retorted sarcastically. He was gripping the crossbow so tightly it should have snapped under the pressure. The expression on his face and the way he held his position was so determined and completely focused. The boy who was afraid to behead a vampire back in the alley was gone. In his place, stood a gallant warrior, itching for the chance to take down the enemy.

  It had to be said, Andre wasn’t ignorant that was for sure. He was always careful not to fully expose his chest to Tyler. Thanks to the vampire’s age and speed, they couldn’t just jump him. He'd dish out a counterassault, faster than they could blink.

  “Oh,but we do young man. You’re a cute puppy, seriously adorable. Unfortunately, you really don’t have enough bite for my taste.” although his words were for Tyler, his eyes never left Emily’s. “Besides, I’m sure dear Emily will want the information I wish to bare.”

  “Sebastian.” Kyle’s voice was hard. “Don’t let him play this game. Just take him.”

  Something in Andre’s words must have peaked Sebastian’s curiosity because he stayed put. Ignoring Kyle he spoke to Andre. “What do you want with Emily? She burned you, get over it. You’re old it won't take you long to totally heal from that.”

  Andre gave an exasperated sigh and uncrossed his arms. “I’m growing tired of this.” His eyes narrowed as he stared at Kyle and Tyler with great intensity.

  Emily felt a wave of agonizing pressure in her mind. She pressed fingers to her temples, trying to stop it and saw that Sebastian was doing the same.

  Kyle and Tyler dropped to the floor. Whatever Andre was doing, caused them to pass out. At least, Emily prayed they had just passed out. Lord knew what Andre was capable of. Their current position on the floor could be the result of something more drastic. Ivy strained against the ropes that bound her to no avail. The pulsing power became too much for her and her head lolled until she too was unconscious.

  Andre clapped his hands once with finality. “There now, that’s better.” The pressure in the room receded,but didn’t completelydissolve. “Now that the children are asleep, we adults can get down to business.” Power surged again seeming to bounce off all of the walls. Two chairs slid across the room behind Sebastian and Emily. “Have a seat my friends.” When they didn’t move his eyes narrowed again. “I said sit down.”

  A strong pulse of power pushed them both into the chairs and pinned them there. Emily tried to move her arms away from her sides and found her efforts were useless. If Andre had this sort of power why did he have to use rope on Ivy? Sebastian looked as though he wanted to speak but couldn’t.

  “Are you comfortable Emily?” Andre asked drawing her attention back to him. “Can I get you anything?”


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