Love in the Limelight: Volume One

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Love in the Limelight: Volume One Page 15

by Brenda Jackson, A. C. Arthur

  “And now that you’ve tried to get me to avoid talking about you and Ethan Chambers, I think that we need to finally get to the meat of your problem.”

  Rachel pushed away her plate. Dinner had been delicious and now she was ready for desert and coffee. But she would wait awhile until after she answered the questions she knew her sister had for her.

  “There’s really nothing to tell, Sofia. You know how I detest being in the public eye and Ethan’s popularity right now puts him there, as well as any woman he’s involved with.”

  “So the two of you are involved?”

  Pain rolled through Rachel. “We were involved.”

  Sofia studied her sister’s features, saw the pain that settled in her face. “The two of you kept things between you a secret from everyone—including me—which evidently was working for a while. So what happened?”

  Rachel took a deep breath, and then she told Sofia about what Paige had done.

  A deep frown appeared on Sofia’s face. “And this Paige person works on the set of Paging the Doctor?”

  “Yes, she’s a production assistant.”

  “Not for long,” Sofia muttered under her breath. “Tell me something, Rachel. Did your affair with Ethan have substance or was it all about sex?”

  Rachel met her sister’s inquisitive gaze. It would be so easy to claim it had been nothing but sex, but this was Sofia and she’d always had a way of seeing through any lie Rachel told. Besides, she would tell Sofia what she hadn’t told anyone, not even Ethan.

  “I love him, Sofia. It wasn’t all about sex.”

  Her sister stared at her for a long moment, and then a smile touched her lips when she said, “Then I can see no reason why the two of you can’t be together.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. In a way she was surprised at her sister’s comment, since Sofia of all people knew how she guarded her privacy. “You know that’s not possible, Sofia. Ethan is an up-and-coming star, and being the focus of a lot of attention is what will boost his career. I can’t risk that kind of publicity with the career I tried so hard to build.”

  “And what else?”

  Rachel gave her sister a confused look. “What do you mean what else?”

  Sofia leaned in closer. “This is me, and I can read you like a book, Rachel. So level with me and tell me the real reason you and Ethan can’t be together. Since I’m always on the lookout for potential clients, I’m well aware that Ethan Chambers is hot news. I’m also well aware that during the time the two of you were having your secret tryst, his name wasn’t linked to any Hollywood starlet, which made the tabloids wonder exactly what he was doing and who he was doing it with. And when it seemed he had decided to just live a boring life, they backed off. When the news hit the papers about the two of you, the tabloids had basically given him a rest.”

  Sofia paused to take a sip of her wine and then asked, “And what’s this I hear about you taking a temporary leave from the show?”

  Rachel placed her wineglass down after taking her own sip. She didn’t have to wonder where Sofia had gotten the news. Few people knew that Frasier considered himself as their godfather. “I thought it would be best, and I met with Frasier yesterday. He wasn’t all that keen on the idea but said since there was only a week left for filming, he would go along with it. But he wanted me back on my job when they began the new season. I can handle that.”

  Sofia lifted a brow. “Can you? They aren’t writing Ethan out of the script, so he’ll be returning, too. Will you be able to handle that?”

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Yes, you do. For once you can fight for what you want, what you have every right to have.”

  Rachel was still surprised by her sister’s attitude. She’d expected her to be the voice of reason and agree with her that the best thing was to put her career ahead of anything else. That was certainly what Sofia was doing these days. She couldn’t recall a time when her sister had gotten serious about a man.

  “You don’t think my career is important, Sofia?”

  Sofia waved off her words. “Of course I do, but your heart takes priority.”

  At Rachel’s frown, Sofia reached out and captured her hand in hers. “Hear me out for a second, Rach.” She paused and then said, “This is the first time I can truly say I believe you’re in love. It shows on your face every time you say Ethan’s name. You, little sister, are truly in love and I don’t believe it’s one-sided. I’ve been waiting to see how Ethan was going to respond to the tabloids. He hasn’t denied the two of you are having an affair. In fact, he’s gone on record with Joe Connors to say that you were not using him to boost your career. Other than that, he’s been low-key about everything, which shows me he’s doing whatever he can to protect you, and I like him for that. He could take all this publicity and run with it, but he hasn’t. He’s trying to fade to black.”

  Rachel had to agree with Sofia on that. Ethan was keeping a low profile these days.

  “A man like that is worth keeping, Rach. And it’s time you do what I haven’t been able to do yet.”

  “And what is that?” Rachel asked, taking another sip of her wine.

  “Stop hiding behind your career as an excuse to avoid falling in love. It’s an unfortunate Wellesley trait. I’m guilty of it, too. We’re both scared that if we love someone, they will abandon us like Mom and Dad did.”

  Rachel met her sister’s gaze. Is that what she had been doing? Was that the reason she’d deliberately kept men at arm’s length? Although she was barely out of diapers when her parents were killed, and her uncle and aunt had always been there for her, she had grown up feeling a tremendous loss. It had been hard during her early years when all her friends had had someone to call Mom and she had not. A part of her had always had that inner fear that to love also meant to lose. Wasn’t it time for her to finally take a chance on love and believe she was deserving of a forever kind of love like everyone else? Did she want to live the rest of her life afraid of the unknown? Wasn’t a life with Ethan better than a life without him? In her heart she knew that it was, and it was time for her to take a leap of faith and take control of her life.

  A smile touched Rachel’s face when she recalled the party planned for the cast and crew this weekend. “You’re right. It’s time for me to stop hiding.”

  Chapter 19

  “You look simply beautiful, Rach,” Charlene said, smiling as she gazed at her best friend from head to toe.

  “And I feel beautiful,” Rachel responded, looking at herself in a full-length mirror. She glanced over her shoulder at the woman who was smiling proudly at her handiwork. “Livia, I’m thinking that maybe I ought to be worried. You could take my job as a makeup artist.”

  Livia chuckled as she waved off her words. “You don’t have to worry about that, and thanks to your sister I won’t either. I appreciate you putting in a good word for me. It’s a dream come true to be represented by Limelight Entertainment.”

  Rachel smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror again. Sofia had gone shopping with her and helped her pick out her dress, Charlene had selected the accessories and Livia had done her makeup and hair. She felt like Cinderella about to go to the most important ball of her life. And her Prince Charming was waiting.

  At least she hoped he was waiting.

  She’d heard from Livia that Ethan had gone home to Napa Valley last weekend and that on the set for the season finale he had thrown himself into his work and pretty much kept to himself. More than once she was tempted to call him but decided to do things this way. Now nerves were setting in and all those “what-ifs” were stirring through her mind.

  She turned to her two friends. “Are you sure he’s coming to the wrap party tonight, Livia?”

  Livia smiled. “I heard him assure Frasier that he’ll be there to walk the red carpet.”

  Rachel nodded. “What if he brings a date?”

  “I doubt that, and I even heard him tell Frasier that he’s coming alone,” Livia re
sponded. “And just so you know, Paige was dropped from the show. All I know is that she got called to John’s office and he told her she was no longer needed. So the only thing she gained by stirring up that mess with the tabloids is an unemployment check.” Livia smiled and added, “And I heard she’s having trouble finding a job. Seems like someone put the word out around town about her.”

  Rachel didn’t have to guess who. Her sister was that influential.

  “I think it’s time for you to leave now,” Charlene said, glancing out the window. “Martin just pulled up.”

  Nervous flutters raced through Rachel’s stomach. Sofia had called her from London, where she’d gone to meet with a client, and given her another pep talk. Then Uncle Jacob and Aunt Lily had called and told her to follow her heart, and since they would be at the wrap party, they would see her later.

  Rachel knew she was doing the right thing. Ethan had said he wanted her to tell him that she loved him and she was prepared to do that. And it no longer mattered who would be listening. She did love him, and she needed him in her life more than anything. It was about time that he knew it.

  * * *

  Ethan drew in a deep breath when the limo he was riding in alone pulled to a stop in front of the red carpet. The crowd was massive and, as usual, reporters were out in droves. People were standing behind the roped areas, and cameras were flashing from just about every angle.

  More than anything, he wished Rachel would have been there with him, by his side, to bask in the moment of his accomplishments. He had worked hard to reach this point in his career and, more than anything, he wanted the woman he loved to be with him.

  He had told her that he loved her and now the next step would have to be hers. And he could only hope that sooner or later she’d make it.

  He had to believe that one day she would realize that together their love was strong enough to withstand anything. Even this, he thought, glancing out the car window at the crowd that seemed to be getting larger by the minute.

  As soon as he stepped out of the car, flashbulbs went off, momentarily blinding him, and he was immediately pulled center stage to be interviewed. The cheering crowd made him feel good, but nothing could heal his broken heart.

  “Everyone, we have Ethan Chambers, who this season became known as Dr. Tyrell Perry on Paging the Doctor. And how are you doing tonight, Ethan?”

  Ethan smiled for the camera while giving his attention to the red-carpet host for the evening, Neill Carter. “I’m doing great, Neill, and looking forward to a wonderful evening.”

  Neill laughed. “I can believe that, but you came by yourself, man. Surely there was a special lady who would have loved to make this walk down the red carpet with you.”

  It was Saturday night and, more than likely, millions of people were sitting in front of their television sets watching the festivities, including his family. He hoped Rachel was one of those watching because he intended to give her a shout-out. Even if no one else knew whom his message was meant for, she would.

  “Yes,” he said, looking directly into the camera. “There is a special lady for me and I want her to know that I...”

  He stopped talking when he glanced over Neill’s shoulder and saw a woman strolling toward them. He blinked. She was beautiful, from the way her hair was styled on her head to the gorgeous red gown she wore—down to the silver shoes that sparkled on her feet.

  His gaze returned to her face and for a moment he didn’t believe what he was seeing. Rachel was here, in the spotlight, and it was obvious she wasn’t there to make anyone up behind the scenes tonight. She was standing out and she was walking toward him.

  All eyes were on her, including his. When she reached his side, she smiled and leaned closer and whispered in his ear, “I love you, Ethan. Thanks for waiting on me.”

  He couldn’t help the smile that touched his lips. He had waited on her. And that wait had not been in vain. He pulled her into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her right there in front of everyone. It was a move that caused the crowd to roar with excitement. Photographers snapped pictures, taking it all in. When Ethan finally released Rachel’s mouth, he grinned down at her as flashes continued to go off around them.

  “I take it you two know each other,” Neill said with a teasing grin.

  “Yes, we know each other,” Ethan said, pulling her closer to his side. “This is my special lady, and she has something I’ve never given another female.”

  “And what’s that?” Neill asked.

  “My heart.”

  * * *

  Later that night, Ethan opened the door to their place and swept Rachel into his arms. The party had been great. He’d made more contacts and had gotten numerous offers from new agents looking to fill Curtis Fairgate’s place.

  But the highlight of the entire evening was the woman in his arms, the star of his heart.

  He tried to maintain control as he carried her to the bed. His hands began shaking as he slowly undressed her, hoping and praying this wasn’t a dream and he wouldn’t wake up to an empty room.

  It was only after he’d gotten them both undressed and eased on the bed with her, right into her outstretched arms, that he finally accepted this was the real deal. He took her face in his hands and stared into the darkness of her eyes as his heart swelled even more. “I love you, Rachel.”

  Her smile brightened his whole world, and her voice was filled with sincerity when she said, “And I love you, Ethan.”

  For a suspended moment in time they stared at each other, and then he captured her lips with his as joy bubbled within him. He knew at that moment that he’d been made to love her, to be her shelter from the storm, to protect her, to honor her for always.

  He deepened the kiss and felt her body tremble. When he settled his body over hers, he knew he was almost home.

  He had wanted to take things slow with her, but it had been too long since they’d been together like this and his body was craving to get inside of her. When she moaned his name he knew he couldn’t wait any longer.

  He broke off the kiss to gaze down into her eyes at the same time he thrust inside of her, entering her with a hunger that shook every part of his body. As her scent swept through his nostrils and her inner muscles gripped him for everything they could get, he threw his head back and surrendered to her.


  His sexy pixie was making her mark, and each time she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts, stroke for stroke, he was pushed even more over the edge. When he felt a mind-blowing explosion on the horizon, he glanced back down into her face and saw his passion mirrored in her eyes.

  When the climax hit, he could swear bells and whistles went off. Their bodies exploded together, escalating them to the stars and beyond. They shuddered together as the power of love drenched them in an orgasm so potent he wondered if they would ever be able to recover.

  But deep down he knew they would—only to take the journey over and over again, for an entire lifetime.

  When their bodies ceased shuddering, he rolled to the side, pulled her into his arms and held her close to his heart. Just where she would always be.

  * * *

  Rachel lay contented in Ethan’s arms. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed coming here, being here with him, until they’d stopped being together. But never again.

  They had made love several times, and she kept telling him how much she loved him because she loved hearing herself say it and he seemed to enjoy hearing it. And he told her how much he loved her as well. She knew now that together they could face anything. She was no longer afraid of what the tabloids might print or how her career could be affected.

  Tonight Frasier had congratulated everyone and indicated that he expected them all back for the new season. Everyone except Paige, of course, who ironically wasn’t invited to the wrap party she’d been dying to attend with Ethan. And Tae’Shawna Miller. Apparently she had whined one time too many, because rumor had it she’d been releas
ed from the show as well.

  Rachel shifted her body to glance up at Ethan. “You’re quiet. What are you thinking?” she asked him.

  He smiled down at her. “I was thinking about how surprised I was to see you tonight. Surprised and happy. What made you come?”

  She reached up and her fingers touched his cheek. “You. I knew I loved you and you kept telling me that you loved me, breaking down my barriers.” She paused a moment and then said, “And I also realized Sofia was right. I was hiding my love on the pretense of protecting my career when I was really afraid to admit loving you. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle it if you were to leave me the way my parents did.”

  Ethan held her gaze. “I’ll never leave you, sweetheart. And by the way, while you were talking to Frasier tonight, I got a call on my cell phone. It was my mother. She was watching the whole thing on television and heard me when I said you had my heart. So she wants to know when’s the wedding.”

  Rachel laughed. “The wedding?”

  “Yes. I told her I hadn’t gotten around to asking you yet.” He pulled her closer into his arms. “So, baby, will you marry me?”

  She smiled up at him. “For better or for worse?”

  He nodded. “And richer or poorer.”

  “In sickness and in health?”

  He chuckled. “Until death do us part.”

  She leaned up and threw her arms around his neck. “In that case, I accept!”

  He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her, sealing what he knew would be a Hollywood marriage that would last forever.

  * * * * *

  Sing Your Pleasure

  A.C. Arthur

  To Julian Hawkins—for having the strength to just be you.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


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