Grip: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Grip: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 16

by Lacey Black

  He shakes his head and glances down at my feet. “Yeah, those heels have been the death of me tonight.” Taking a step closer and invading my personal space again, he adds, “All I’ve been picturing is seeing them wrapped around my waist.”

  Feeling bold and alive, I whisper, “That’s one fantasy I wouldn’t mind acting out.”

  Again, we’re on the move, this time at a much more manageable pace. The air is cool in comparison to my flushed skin as we step outside to await our limo. I notice the photographers and the frenzy of our departure is nothing like our arrival was. There’s not a camera in sight, but then again, it is just after midnight. They all got their action shots and their stories when we arrived.

  The limo pulls up, and before our driver can get out to escort us inside, Mack has the door open for me. Once I’ve cleared the doorway, he slips in behind me and shuts the door. Even though the limo is empty, we sit at the back, between the two doors. “Home, sir?” the driver asks.

  “Yes, please. Take your time,” Mack responds right before he engages the button to raise the partition.

  The moment we’re alone, he moves. Mack pushes me back gently, lying me across the seat. My legs open—well, as much as they can in the dress—and he comes down on top of me, cocooning me with his large body. I’m able to wiggle one leg out of the slit and hitch it over his ass just as his lips slam into mine in a dizzying kiss.

  “I’ve been dying to get my hands on you all night,” he practically growls against my jaw as his lips move down. I whimper as he runs his teeth across my earlobe. “Do you know what else I’ve been wondering?”

  I’m so lost in the touch of his lips, I almost miss the fact he asked me a question. Feeling bold and sassy, I reply, “What color my panties are?”

  Mack pauses, his eyes meet mine. There’s humor mixed with his desire. “Well, that too,” he replies, his lips ticking upward a hair. “Actually, I was wondering if you taste as good as I remember.”

  Suddenly, those eyes I was just staring into are gone. He moves down my body, crouching on the floorboard at my feet. He palms my calves and slowly runs his hands upward. I’m pretty sure I’m not breathing as I watch him work his way up my legs, my dress moving up as he goes.

  When he reaches my thighs, his eyes meet mine once more. There’s a question there, as if he’s seeking permission to go any farther. If I were to tell him no, he’d release me and never touch me again, but why in the hell would I do that? Why, when he makes me feel so fucking good.

  So, I give him a slight nod, a confirmation. I lift my butt as he pushes my dress up and around my hips. Mack tsks as his hands wrap around my thighs and gently push outward. “I was going to say black, Lean, but this surprises me.” His eyes meet mine again. “And pleases me too.”

  Back when I was younger, I swore the only lingerie worth having was black lace. Turns out, the older I get, the more I like the thought of changing it up every now and again. Like tonight. Tonight, I chose a light pink thong with tiny white stitching around the edges. It matches the strapless bra I’m wearing too.

  “I thought of you when I saw it,” I say, just as he rubs his thumb over the tiny lace triangle and makes me gasp.

  “Yeah? How so?” he asks, continuing to slightly touch the delicate material with the pad of his thumb.

  “It was different. Than before.” I can’t even form sentences when he does that.

  “Hmmm,” he murmurs, leaning forward just a bit to get a closer look. “Do you know what it reminds me of?” Barely able to breathe, I just shake my head in response. His eyes darken even further as he says, “This color reminds me of your pussy. Soft and pink and so fucking perfect.”

  And then his mouth quits talking and moves in another way. He licks across my clit, the coarseness of the material rubbing against me and sending shock waves of lust through my blood. He moves the little swatch of panties to the side, the cool air tickling my exposed clit. Mack slides his fingers along my wet skin. When he grazes across my clit, I almost come up off the seat, but he holds me down.

  With his mouth.

  His lips latch on to me, his tongue tasting and teasing with each stroke. Just when I think I can’t take any more, he slips first one and then a second finger inside my body. I can already feel my muscles contracting around him as he licks at my bundle of nerves. His fingers pump in and out, first a slow, seductive speed, and then as his mouth quickens the pace, so do his fingers. They curl upward, sweeping across my G-spot and making me moan.

  “Come for me, Lena. Now,” he demands, his lips sucking hard on my clit and sending me flying into the blinding white light of my release.

  My hands grip his head as I ride his face, my orgasm washing through me fast and furious. When he finally slows his mouth, I’m able to breathe for the first time in what feels like long minutes. His fingers slide out, my body missing the fullness they created. Our eyes meet under my heavily lidded ones and all he can do is smile.

  Cocky bastard.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” he says, right before moving his fingers to his mouth and sucking.

  I whimper. I want more. I want him.

  Before I can ask him to strip down and give it to me in the back of this limo, the vehicle starts to slow before it turns. Mack glances out the dark window and says, “We’re home.”

  I don’t bring attention to the fact it’s not my home. I’m too busy trying to right my panties and dress so when I walk into the house, it doesn’t look like I was just thoroughly finger-fucked in the back seat. Mack chuckles at my slight panic, earning him a glare.

  “You look gorgeous,” he whispers, placing his hands on the sides of my head and kissing my lips. “Freshly ravished.”

  I smack at his arm, making him laugh hard. “I can’t believe I’m about to go in there like this.”

  “You? Your hair is a little messed up, Lean. I’m the one who looks like he’s trying to smuggle a baseball bat into the house,” he says, waving his hand at the outline of his still-hard cock.

  I press my forehead against his. “I smell like sex,” I whisper as the car comes to a stop.

  He smirks. “Not yet, you don’t.” With a wink, he exits the car as soon as the door is opened, extending his hand for me.

  We’re side by side as we walk up the sidewalk to the front door. “I can smell me on your face,” I mumble, the burn of mortification tinging my cheeks.

  “That’s my favorite scent,” he replies, earning another slap.

  “Stop it! You’re terrible,” I murmur as we reach the front door.

  Mack stills before we go inside and slides his lips across mine. “I don’t recall you ever calling me terrible, Lena Stanley. Incredible. The best ever. A god. Those are the adjectives I remember you using.”

  Shaking my head, I can’t help but laugh. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Yeah, and I’m all yours tonight, baby,” he says before taking my lips with his. He still tastes like me, but I’ve never been too bothered by it. In fact, it used to turn me on more than anything, and if this tingling buzz between my wet thighs is any indication, I’d say the same is true still today. “I want you in my bed.”

  “I want to be in your bed,” I confirm with a peck on his lips.

  “Good.” Mack opens the door and we slip inside as quietly as possible. The television is on, but muted, and the light is on above the sink. However, my dad is nowhere to be seen.

  Just as I start to slip off my heels, I see Dad heading down the stairs. “Hey, you’re home,” he whispers, a warm smile on his face.

  “Just walked in. Everything go okay?” Mack asks when my dad reaches the ground floor.

  “It went perfectly. That little guy is something else,” Dad says with a chuckle. “He just had a bottle and diaper change and is already out. He should be good to go for a few hours,” he adds as he approaches me, placing a kiss on my cheek. “Did you have fun?”

  I can’t help but grin at my dad. “I did.” I’m ta
lking about the gala, but when my eyes meet Mack’s over my dad’s shoulder and I see the smirk on his face, I can’t help but think how true my statement is about after the gala too.

  Dad turns to Mack and smiles. “I’m glad you kids had fun. I’m going to head out and go to sleep. Hopefully that little angel upstairs is good for you the rest of the night,” he says with a slap to Mack’s back.

  “Night, Jim. Thank you again,” Mack replies, following him to the front door.

  “I’ll see you kids in the morning. Not too early though. I’m not as young as I used to be. I need my beauty sleep,” he adds with a wink before disappearing into the night.

  I feel another blush sweep across my face. “He totally knows.”

  Mack snorts. “Definitely,” he confirms as he closes the door and locks it. My dad has a key to the back door, so if there are any problems out in the motorhome, he has a way to get inside.

  Mack steps to me and grazes his fingers across my arm, causing goosebumps. “You ready for bed?” he whispers before taking a step back and toward the stairs. He extends his hand and waits.

  It takes less than a millisecond of time before I take his offered hand and look into his dark eyes. My heart hammers as I take a deep, cleansing breath, anxious to take this next step. “Ready.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Her hand is in mine as we move silently up the stairs. I want to take her to my room—to my bed—but Oliver is asleep in there in his bassinet. This would have been a perfect time to introduce him to the crib, but I’m not sure I’m there yet.

  We slip into my bedroom, the bed beckoning me, but I ignore it. Instead, I move to where my son sleeps. He’s stretched out, his arms over his head the way he always does as he sleeps in his milk coma. Lena leans her head against my shoulder and just stares down at the little man who has quickly become the center of my universe. I bend down and place a soft kiss to his forehead before reaching over and grabbing the monitor. Lena does the same, softly whispering something I can’t hear before standing up and looking my way. I place my hand back in hers and lead her out of my bedroom.

  “As much as I want to take you to bed in there, I can’t with Oliver beside it.” I pull her body flush against mine. All I can think about is stripping off this dress and exploring her body a little more in-depth than the limo ride. “There’s no way I can be quiet when I finally get naked and inside you.”

  Together, we slip into the guest bedroom and shut the door. I make sure the monitor is on and set it on the nightstand. When I turn to face Lena, she’s standing in the middle of the room, a vision in navy blue. “Turn around,” I instruct, my voice hoarse and deep.

  She obliges. I step behind her and run my finger from her left shoulder to her spine and then down to where the dress hits her skin. I grab the zipper and slowly pull it down, revealing inch by glorious inch of her creamy skin. The zipper stops just above her ass, the dress falling to her waist. With my hands on her hips, I move them downward, the material stretching over her hips before pooling at her feet.

  I take a step back and just enjoy the view, committing every inch of her body to memory. The strapless bra, the shape of her hips, and the tiny string that disappears between her ass cheeks. “Turn around, Lena. Slowly.”

  She glances over her shoulder and grins that seductive little smirk. Then, painstakingly slowly, she starts to turn and face me. Fuck me. She’s positively sinful, and she’s absolutely mine.

  I crook my finger, inviting her closer. My cock is so fucking hard in my pants right now, it’s painful. Between my dirty imagination that ran rampant this evening and making her come on my fingers and mouth in the limo, I’m dangerously close to losing all control.

  When she steps in front of me, I run a single finger across her collarbones before dipping it down to the valley between her tits. Glorious, I-want-to-fuck-them tits. No, not on the menu tonight, but I’m hoping to add it as dessert in the very near future.

  I place my lips at the hollow of her neck and slide them along her skin. She smells amazing, like vanilla and flowers. It drives me wild. Reaching back, I find the clasp of her bra and give it a flick. I’m surprised it opens so quickly, considering I haven’t done a blind remove in over three years. It falls to the floor, but I keep my eyes locked on hers. She’s breathing hard, and I’m lost in those big green, trusting orbs.

  Finally, my need overcomes, and my eyes drop down. She’s absolutely perfect and steals the very breath from me. “Hell, Lena, you’re…so fucking beautiful.”

  “I do believe you’re wearing entirely too much clothing, Mr. Cruz,” she sasses, gazing up at me in challenge.

  I’m unable to deny either one of us any longer. I keep my eyes locked on hers as I toe off my dress shoes, slip out of my tuxedo jacket, and toss it over in the corner. I remove the cuff links and set them beside the monitor before removing my tie. With each button I release on my shirt, I see her eyes following my movements until I’ve reached my shirttails and rip them from my pants.

  “You know, my little vixen, you could slide onto the bed,” I say, slipping off my watch and setting it on the nightstand beside my other belongings. She does as instructed, lying on her back as I pull my undershirt up and over my head. “Spread your legs.”

  She follows my instructions, and I can already tell that tiny scrap of panties is already ruined. It’s soaking wet and slightly stretched out from earlier, and I can’t help but grin.

  Unbuckling my belt, I slide it through the loops of my pants and toss it onto the floor. “Slide off those panties,” I tell her, my eyes feasting on her every move.

  When she shimmies out of the soft pink material and lies back completely naked, I have to take a few moments to count to ten. To think about something other than this woman—the woman—lying in front of me. I close my eyes and thank my lucky stars to be right where I am this evening.

  “Are you joining me?” Her words break into my thoughts, and when I glance back her way, I realize there’s no turning back. She’s lying there, touching herself the way I had my hands on her before. Her fingers slide between her lips caressing her swollen clit.

  A growl escapes from my throat as I quickly remove my pants, my boxer briefs off as well in one fluid motion. I rip off my socks and finally join her on the bed. Her long legs wrap around my waist as I press her into the mattress. “You were going to start that part without me?”

  I catch the hint of a blush in the moonlight reflecting through the windows. “I was hoping you’d join me.”

  My lips crash against hers, my tongue delving deep into her mouth simulating exactly what I long to do with my cock. My hands are everywhere. Her hips, her tits, her neck. I can’t stop touching, nor do I ever want to. She tilts her pelvis upward, my cock rubbing against her wetness. Without even moving, we’re lined up expertly.

  As if we were made for each other.

  So I flex my hips, pushing home. Home, buried all the way to the hilt. Home, with her in my arms. We both moan in pleasure as she adjusts to my size. Raw desire threatens to overcome my senses, but I refuse to let it. Not yet.

  Slowly, I pull out and thrust forward, filling her completely. She hitches her legs up higher, tilting her pelvis and giving me better access. My hips move precisely, yet I can already feel the frantic craving threatening to take over. It won’t take long and I won’t be able to slow down, won’t be able to stop myself from driving us both toward the finish line.

  Her nails bite into my back, causing my thrusts to become a little more hurried. Lena moves her mouth to my neck and sucks hard, most likely leaving a trace behind. Suddenly, all I can think about is marking her too. Sucking on her neck, her tits, and her back until little purple marks are left in the wake. But I don’t.

  At least, not yet.

  Her pussy starts to grip my cock as every ounce of blood I possess makes its way to that single concentrated area. My eyes find hers once more, a look of wonder and pure desire illuminating from those g
reen orbs. I thrust hard and rock my hips, grinding my pelvis against her clit. Her back arches off the bed and her pussy grips me even tighter, and that’s when I realize I’m there. Shit, I’m past it.

  The point of no return.

  I thrust hard, ignoring the sweat building around my forehead. Her eyes lock on mine, and I can tell she’s close. She’s almost there. “Mack?” she grunts as I piston forward. When I pause, she adds, “Make me come.”

  So I do.

  I pin her arms over her head and drive into her body. I feel the moment her orgasm sweeps through her. Her grip is so fierce I know I can’t ward off my own release. My spine tingles and my hips move on their own, my body now barreling toward the end.

  Lena gasps, followed by a moan of pleasure in the form of my name. I explode like a bomb, my body shaking and convulsing as I pump everything I have into her. Her name spills from my own lips as my muscles give out and I slide onto the bed, with her pinned beneath me. She rubs my sweaty back and kisses my stubbled jaw, never once asking me to remove my body weight from her chest. She just holds me tightly and lets me breathe.

  When I know I must be crushing her, I move to the side, pulling her along with me until we’re face-to-face. I push a clump of hair from her eyes, her earlier hairdo a total mess now. My lips seek hers out, only this time, the kiss is tender and sweet.

  As much as I hate to move, I know we need to clean up a little bit. “Stay right here,” I tell her, carefully getting up from the bed and heading to the guest bathroom. I grab a washcloth and clean myself up. I should probably jump in the shower, but all I can think about is sliding back into bed with Lena and sleeping for three days.

  I snort, knowing that’ll never happen.

  I rinse out the cloth with warm water and take it into the bedroom. Lena’s still there, her naked, sated body curled on her side. Her eyes are closed, and I wonder if she’s already fallen asleep. I move to her side and gently wipe off her thighs. Her eyes open, so full of trust and satisfaction. When I’ve helped her clean up as best I can, I toss the washcloth onto the pile of clothes and grab the comforter corner. “Come on, Lean. Let’s get into bed,” I say through a yawn.


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