Blake: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel: Book 2

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Blake: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel: Book 2 Page 3

by Wade, Maddie

  It was going to be another hot day and he knew that he would be back in here by nightfall. Quickly he squeezed some shower gel into his hand and washed his body and hair trying to ignore his hard cock, but his mind kept skipping back to Pax in that damn running outfit. The image of her hot and sweaty filled his mind, her long thick hair wrapped around his fist as he fucked her mouth while he watched her swallow his length.

  A droplet of pre-cum on the head of his cock had him taking it in his hand and jerking off. He felt the tingle of his impending climax along the base of his spine before it moved up his balls and he released all over his hand in a powerful orgasm that had him panting way more than his morning run had.

  Blake cleaned off and feeling slightly less frustrated, but definitely more like an asshole, he wrapped a towel around his waist and moved to the kitchen to grab a fresh coffee. It was his third already this morning—none of which he’d actually managed to finish. Taking it back to his room, he sat down on the end of the bed to get dressed—pulling on jeans and white polo shirt before adding socks and cool grey and blue retro Adidas trainers.

  Standing, he snagged his wallet off the dresser and slid it into his back pocket, tucking his phone into the front one, and a knife onto the sheath on his leg. Lifting the mug he downed the almost too hot coffee, nearly burning his throat in the process and glanced at the hoodie on his bed.

  Without thinking, he picked it up and brought it to his face burying his nose in it and inhaling like some testosterone filled fifteen-year-old with a crush, not a grown man who could get pussy whenever he wanted it.

  The scent was a mixture of his deodorant and something that was all Pax. He had recognised the smell as hers straight away. It was sweet and delicate, slightly citrus but with floral hints to it. The scents mingled together made his stomach tighten and his dick harden. He liked the smell of her on his clothes and a strange part of him wished she had kept the top. He liked the idea of her wearing his clothes.

  Coming to his senses he tossed the top in the laundry and made his way to the door ignoring the half-empty mugs on the coffee table. He had shit to do today and answers to find. He didn’t have time to spend thinking about Pax and her problems, or her sweet body. He needed to know what was going on with his team.

  Arriving at Eidolon he used his ID code to get past the new gatehouse Jack had added a few weeks ago. It was an added measure of security for the grounds and the people inside. Frank Drake was the new guard on the gate and was a highly decorated former soldier in the US military. He was also their friend Zack Cunningham’s father in law. Frank and his wife had followed their only daughter to the UK when she’d married Zack, but Frank wasn’t enjoying retirement and wanted a little action. Blake wasn’t convinced this was it, but he was a good guy.

  “Hey, Frank, another hot one today.”

  “Gonna be a scorcher,” he said.

  Blake could tell by his grin that he was happy to be useful again. “Make sure you get Jack to sort you out a fan or something.”

  “Boy, I’ve spent many a day in the desert. I don’t need no fan, and I certainly don’t need no coddling.”

  “Yes, sir.” Blake grinned back at Frank and offered him a quick salute.

  Blake drove through the gate and around the back where the team parked. Blake parked his Audi A8 Sportback in the almost full space and looked over his teammate’s cars. Alex had a BMW M5 which perfectly suited him, Reid a Harley, Jack drove a 4 litre Range Rover that looked like it could run over all their cars without moving from second gear, while Decker had opted for the Mercedes E-class. Finally there was Mitch’s Ford Ranger truck that needed to be fucking cleaned.

  He stepped out and moved to the rear entrance stepping through using his thumbprint and then waiting for the biometric scanner to let him into the central hub of the compound. And that was what it was, with a gym, a training room, weapons and shooting area, three conference rooms, and a barracks-style bunk room with kitchen, showers, and chill out area for when they had short periods of downtime but needed to be at the base.

  He walked down the hallway past the conference rooms and through another set of secure doors passing the fully equipped medical room complete with surgical table, and towards Jack and Alex’s offices. Behind their office space were the weapons rooms and even a tiny panic room for any high-profile clients to use if needed.

  He rapped on the door and waited for Jack to call him in. He was a few minutes early, but Jack expected that. He wouldn’t tolerate his men being late for anything, it showed tardiness and he wouldn’t excuse it.

  “Come in,” Jack called, and Blake pushed down the handle and moved into the room closing the door behind him.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  Blake looked around the office. It was a clean space with no windows and only a few certificates on the wall. A large desk and two chairs on his side and Jack had a black leather office chair that reclined. Jack spent a ridiculous amount of time at work so that made sense to Blake. A large side unit housed a permanently full coffee pot and a stack of mugs.

  “Yes, Blake, take a seat,” he said indicating the chair. Jack sat back, his hands lose in his lap, posture relaxed as he studied Blake for a second. Blake got the distinct impression Jack was looking for something, only he didn’t know what it was.

  “How’s the leg?”

  “Good. I have another round of physiotherapy later and I’m hoping Waggs will sign me off so I can get back to work.”

  Jack nodded his blue eyes piercing. “That’s excellent news.” Jack leaned forward suddenly, his arms leaning on the empty desk, fingers linked.

  “Yeah. I hate being injured.”

  “Don’t we all. What about the others?”

  At his question, Blake got the feeling in his gut that perhaps he was missing something. “They seem fine.” He crossed his foot over his opposite knee and placed his hands on his belly as he leaned back in his chair. “You going to tell me what’s really going on or are we going to play cat and mouse?”

  Jack chuckled but there was no humour in it, just a hint of exhaustion. “We have a mission coming up. It’s dangerous and there are a lot of moving parts that could go wrong. It’s one I need to handle personally but I need someone here to have Alex’s back while I’m gone,” Jack said thoughtfully.

  “Why me?”

  “Because you’re the only one I trust right now that can do the job apart from Alex.”

  Shit Blake knew it was bad, but he didn’t think it was this bad. “What is going on, Jack?” Blake was annoyed with everyone giving him partial answers today—first Pax and now Jack.

  “We have reason to believe there’s a traitor inside Eidolon.”

  “Bullshit. Not one of these guys would sell out.” Blake stood, angry now and moved around the room needing to pace.

  “I thought that too, but there have been a number of mission failures and leaks that can only have come from inside. I’ve narrowed it down, but I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure who it is and their reason for betraying us.”

  “Fuck. This is shitty fucking bollocks.” Blake felt the ache in his knee from pushing himself too hard this morning as he paced.

  “Yes, it is, but I need you to keep a lid on it. We can’t have the men distrusting each other and pulling this team into the grave. It’s bad enough Alex and I feel that way.”

  “Alex knows?”

  “Yes. Him and Gunner. Gunner overheard a phone conversation I had with Alex when they were in Monaco. Alex noticed it first on the case with Evelyn. There’s no way Michaela Kirk should have known where to find him in Paris. That’s classified information. Only members of the team know we did that job.”

  “I did wonder at the time but honestly, I forgot about it. So you going to tell me what you want me to do?”

  “Just keep vigilant. Act normal and keep an eye on these three men.”

  Jack handed Blake a sheet of paper containing three of his teammate’s names. He looked u
p suddenly with shock on his face. “No fucking way.”

  “I know. It’s an absolute clusterfuck to even think it let alone say it, but we’ve narrowed it down to those three. Everyone else checks out, and believe me, we checked thoroughly. I know what laundry tablets you use, what porn you like, how much you spend on clothes… fucking everything. If there’s one thing my brother does well it’s cyber snooping.”

  He was right. Will was not only a hacker but a gifted inventor of all things technical. He was the silent partner in Eidolon and therefore wasn’t around much, but he was a good guy and always the go-to for this sort of thing. Lopez was their NSA analyst and he was good on computers and with data, but Will was the dog’s bollocks.

  “Has Decker given you a profile?” Blake asked not seeing his name on the list.

  Jack shook his head. “No, as I said it is only me, Alex, Gunner, and now you at the moment. I want to try and keep this on the down low. It isn’t exactly good for business or moral.”

  “Yeah, understandable. So, I go about my business as usual and look into things discreetly?” He would need to flex his investigator’s muscles as police work was a slightly different skill to busting asses on missions or guarding targets for the government or Royalty.

  “Yes. Just stay off one more week on the,” he paused to do the air quote sign then, “sick, and cover Alex while I’m away. Use Pax’s case for cover if you need it,” Jack said making it clear that he knew about that. Blake didn’t bother asking how, Will more than likely.

  “I’m not going undercover at the Palace.” That was the one thing Blake wasn’t willing to give an inch on.

  “I don’t care what you do, just keep me updated on this.”

  “I can work the US angle, but I’ll need to go out of the country for a few days. When do you leave?”

  “Five days, six at most and I’ll be gone for four or five days.”

  “Is anyone going with you?” Concern for Jack and his friends filled him, and he wasn’t able to stop the bitter taste of betrayal that one of the three men on the sheet were responsible.

  “Yes. Mitch, Waggs, Liam, and Reid.” Jack held Blake’s eyes at the declaration.

  Blake watched him, not sure of his response because he didn’t know what to think. “Is it wise taking men you know may have betrayed us?”

  “Maybe not, but like I said, we can’t let doubt bring this team down and even while we investigate, we have to believe in innocent until proven guilty. It’s the only way.”

  Blake and Jack were similar that way. Both believed in the black and white of innocent or guilty, friend or foe, which was why he left the Met. He hadn’t known whose side he was on in the end.

  “Okay. I’ll look into it and let you know. If I decide to help Pax, I’ll let you know too.” Blake stood, knowing the meeting was over.

  Jack stood and walked him to the door. “I’m sure I don’t need to say it, but nobody must know about this.”

  “Of course.”

  “Now get your lazy ass to physio. There isn’t room for slackers on this team,” Jack bellowed as Blake walked away chuckling.

  Physio was a fucking bitch and Waggs pushed him hard. The ex-Green Beret didn’t seem to know anything other than full speed. Sweat was pouring off Blake by the time he did the last set of reps on the rowing machine. His legs felt like jelly when he stood to do the cooldown.

  “You trying to kill me?” Blake gasped as he bent over trying to catch his breath.

  “If I were trying you wouldn’t be talking,” Aiden Wagner aka Waggs said.

  Blake sank to his ass before lying on his back and stretching his leg out above him. “You think I can go back on duty yet?” He knew the medic wouldn’t pass him unless he was absolutely sure.

  “Probably another week of light duty then we can get you back on the rota.”

  Reid and Mitch walked in then bullshitting about who had the best shot. Both had buckets of experience with firearms. Mitch was ex-SO16 swat, and Reid was Hostage Rescue. Blake wasn’t sure who he would put his money on in a straight-out competition. The two men made their way to the boxing ring gloves on, ready to spar. He couldn’t wait to get back to that. He missed sparring, it gave him a release much like fucking did with the adrenalin and endorphin rush.

  “Hey, Reid, you fancy a pint later?” Blake shouted.

  Reid looked over at Blake, his hands already up guarding his face. As an ex-FBI hostage rescue member, Reid was well rounded as an operator, and he also had that Southern USA accent that had women fighting to drag him into bed. The fact that he was a complete gentleman and charming with it meant that he was the perfect wingman. The muscle and tattoos didn’t seem to hurt either. “Sure. See you around eight-ish?”

  “Waggs, you fancy it?” Blake asked.

  “Na, not me.”

  Not one to go out socially a lot, nobody really knew what Waggs did with his time. His family were in the States and he only seemed to go out with the team occasionally.

  “If you change your mind, you know where we’ll be,” Blake said as he headed to the showers.

  “Yeah, thanks, man.”

  Blake showered and dressed in clean clothes consisting of dark wash jeans and a navy polo. He was combing his hair when Alex walked past the door. Slamming his locker door closed he jogged to catch up with Alex. “Alex,” he called. “You coming out tonight?”

  Alex turned. “Not sure. I’ll see what Evelyn’s wants to do.”

  “Come on, man, bring her out. Reid’s coming and I’m gonna give Gunner and Decker a call. Liam is away for the weekend, but I’ll see if Jack wants to come.” Blake had an ulterior motive for trying to get the team together. He wanted to see as many of the potential traitors in a relaxed setting.

  “Yeah, sure. Why not? See you later.” Alex turned again and walked away towards his office, probably to call Evelyn. That man was so pussy whipped it wasn’t funny, but Alex was happier than Blake had ever seen him, so it was all good.

  At 8:15 that evening he took the tray of drinks from the bar and walked out to the beer garden of the Vault. It was a traditional British pub complete with a dark wood bar, brass pumps, and glass optics with cardboard beer mats on the wooden picnic tables. It was also their favourite haunt and he reckoned they probably put about eighty per cent of the takings in the till every weekend.

  Placing the tray down he handed out drinks to everyone. “Evelyn, my favourite woman in the entire world.” His words got him an eye roll from Alex and smirk from her.

  “Dry spell, Blake?” He could see the laughter in her eyes.

  “Of course not. You know I only have eyes for you.” He watched Alex frown at his joke and laughed at him.

  “Dick.” Alex threw a bag of peanuts at his head in retaliation.

  The night progressed. Everyone was relaxed and nobody seemed the slightest bit tense. Whoever the traitor was, he was a fucking good actor because Blake couldn’t detect anything. This was going to be harder than he’d thought.

  As Blake lay in bed around midnight his mind went to the three men on the list. He had played the situation with Eidolon over and over in his head and couldn’t find a tell of any kind.

  He felt dirty investigating his friends. It seemed disloyal. He remembered how every single member of the force had hated it when the IPCC started sniffing around. Kicking the sheet off, he turned on his side trying to get comfortable. It was hot and muggy and while he loved the sun, he hated the night heat.

  Heat led his mind straight to Pax and how she’d looked that morning. She was fucking beautiful, but it was more than that. Beautiful women were ten a penny. She had something unique—a fight, a spirit, and sexy sassiness that made his dick hard. He tossed onto his other side as he replayed their interaction and realised it wasn’t just that he wanted to fuck her. He did but it was more than that. He fucking liked her—talking with her, teasing her, making her smile.

  Blake groaned. When was the last time he’d really liked a woman and wanted to sp
end time with her? It hit him like a punch as he remembered the previous woman that made him feel this way. Immediately, he locked those thoughts away not willing to go down that path again. That part of his life was over, and he wouldn’t go there. Pax had asked for his help though and he couldn’t shake the heavy feeling of guilt he felt every time he thought of her. Maybe there was a way he could help her look into her father without involving himself in the Palace bullshit. Satisfied with the decision to help her he made a mental note to wake up early and go see her before his morning run.

  Chapter Four

  Pax hung up the phone resisting the urge to scream in frustration. Everything had gone wrong today starting with her disastrous decision to ask Calvin Blake for help. What had she been thinking of, asking that playboy for help? He was conceited, arrogant, entirely too sure of himself, and though she didn’t like to admit it, played havoc with her libido.

  Pax was a normal woman with normal sexual needs, and when faced with a pretty face and hot body, she responded to it in a completely normal way. That did not mean she had to act on it, and she’d had no intention of doing so. But now, now she wanted to kick and scream at the unfairness of it all.

  She wasn’t a woman to feel sorry for herself—she had a good life, an excellent job and friends, and her upbringing had been to all intents and purposes, idyllic. That fact she’d been blind for most of that, to who her father was, didn’t distract from the fact she’d had it easy. So now fate, the miserable fucker, had found her and was going to play games.

  Make her want a man she shouldn’t. Make her need his help because he was the most viable option. Then when she’d finally swallowed her pride and asked, have him turn her down. Well, fuck you, fate, and the horse you rode in on.

  “Hey, Pax, you closing up soon?” Bebe walked from the back office towards her. Bebe was one of the Zenobi girls who regularly took on undercover work. Her background was sketchy and one she didn’t share with anyone.

  “I have a client coming in twenty minutes to view the Renoir then I’m out. This day can go to hell.”


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