Blake: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel: Book 2

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Blake: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel: Book 2 Page 14

by Wade, Maddie

  Seeing them, he wanted nothing more than to turn and run and take her away from the people he knew had hurt her, scarred her, and not cared. He killed the impulse knowing deep down that for them to have the future he now wanted with her—meaning everything from marriage and kids, to retiring on a beach where she could wear a bikini all day—he needed her whole. He had to help her find peace one way or another and the only way to do that was for her to face her pain and for him to find the truth.

  It was the only thing she needed right now; the rest would come later.

  Pete nodded when they approached. “Hi, Miss Paxton,” he said, his tone gentle.

  Blake got a sense that these men were not out to harm Grace. There seemed a genuine affection for her when they greeted her.

  “Hi, Pete, Eddie. Is my mom in there?” She sounded anxious and he felt the tension running through her.

  “Yes, she is,” Pete responded opening the door for them to enter.

  Henrietta Paxton looked up as the door opened. Her eyes were red from crying, her make-up had run, and she had been dabbing at it with a tissue that was now scrunched up in her hand. Her clothes were couture and expensive but seemed to hang off her as her shoulders slumped. She looked grief-stricken and Blake was shocked.

  “Mom,” Pax said and let his hand go to move to her mother.

  “Grace, oh, Grace,” she said on a broken sob as Pax sat beside her and took her mother into her arms to cradle her.

  Blake gritted his jaw not ready to forgive the woman for what she had done to her daughter for so many years. But Pax didn’t have it in her to turn away when her mother was in pain and needed her. He watched for a second as Pax rocked her mother as if she was a child before he turned to the door and opened to speak to Pete or Eddie.

  “Can you ask the doctor or someone to come and fill us in. We can’t get much out of Mrs Paxton.”

  Pete frowned and looked at Henrietta, his face softening as he did. So it was like that—Pete was in love with Henrietta. But did she feel the same? Maybe they should look closer at that.

  “Mrs Paxton is distraught. Let me find someone.”

  He turned to Eddie and said a few low words before Blake shut the door and moved to sit opposite Pax and her mom, giving them some space. A few moments later a knock on the door proceeded an older man who was wearing a white coat and green scrubs. His face was leathery, and he clearly liked the golf course, but Blake didn’t judge.

  “Miss Paxton,” he said holding out a hand to Pax who had stood when she heard him enter.

  Blake had done the same, moving closer to Pax in case she needed him. Her hand shook the doctor’s hand firmly and then instantly grabbed his own holding it like a vice as she waited for news on her father, the man she’d adored her entire childhood and hated her whole adulthood.

  “How is my father?”

  The doctor tilted his head and pursed his lips and Blake stepped closer to Pax bracing for the bad news. “Your father is in surgery now. He’s had a severe heart attack and we’re performing a triple heart bypass. The surgery should take around six hours or so, but we’ll keep you updated as and when we can. Rest assured Dr Elliot, who is operating on him, is the top doctor in this field.”

  “Thank you, doctor—” She paused searching for his name and locating it on his badge continued. “Dr Frackle. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.”

  The doctor nodded. “Of course. If you need anything, please ask one of the nurses at the station.”

  The doctor left the room and Pax’s eyes came to his for a moment, the depth of understanding and fear for her father mixed with relief that he was still holding on. Blake pulled her close and held her for a minute hoping to give her some strength. Her body relaxed into him and he kissed her temple, the scent of her hair tickling his nose.

  “You okay?” He kept his voice low, so her mother didn’t hear. Pax nodded and gave him a tentative smile. He released her and she moved to her mother who looked ashen.

  “How you doing, Mom?” she asked touching her arm gently making her jump. The woman was away with the fairies.

  Henrietta looked up at her daughter and then across to him before back to Pax. “I…” She stopped and cleared her throat. “I need some air.”

  She stood and moved to the door, but it opened before she could touch it. A tall imposing man with salt and pepper hair, tan skin, and the bearing of someone who was used to people doing what he said walked in. Blake was on his feet as he stepped inside the room making Henrietta step back and the colour drained even more from her face.

  “Daddy! What are you doing here?”

  The man looked at Henrietta, his face harsh before he looked to Pax and smiled softly. Ignoring Henrietta, he took Pax’s hands in his. “Grace, my darling. How are you?” His voice was smooth and bellied his age. Blake guessed he was in his late seventies.

  “Grandfather,” Pax said kissing his cheek lightly. Blake could see she was somewhat reserved with him though. She also didn’t answer his question which the man didn’t miss. He also didn’t react to the fading bruises which Blake found interesting.

  “And who might this be?” her grandfather asked turning his full gaze to Blake.

  The man had wise and cunning eyes and Blake would bet his last penny that this man had a cupboard full of skeletons just waiting to be dug into. He guarded his reaction and smiled instead, stepping forward and offering his hand to the man who he hoped one day to be related to. Not because he had a burning need to be part of this fucked up family but because he was falling in love with Grace.

  “Calvin Blake. Nice to meet you. Sorry it is under these circumstances.”

  The man shook his hand in a firm grip slowly taking his measure before he nodded. “Albert Lawrence. Very nice to meet you, Calvin. I assume you are with my granddaughter?”

  “Yes, I am,” he said as Pax slid her arm through his and around his back making it very clear where things were with them.

  The man nodded slowly. “Very good. You will come to dinner while you are here.” He stated it as an order, and nobody argued, not even him. Dinner would be the perfect chance to find out more about Sana.

  “We would love that, sir,” Blake replied.

  The man turned away from him and Pax and his gaze landed on Henrietta who had moved back into the corner like a mouse hiding from a tiger. She looked nothing like the woman who had propositioned him earlier. Visibly shrunken and almost meek. Blake felt a sudden pang of sympathy for her.

  “Henrietta, please go and clean yourself up. You look like a disgrace. At least have some standards,” he barked at her making her jump.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She jumped from her seat and scurried to the door in relief.

  “Henri?” he called as he reached the door.

  She turned to him. “Yes?”

  “Clark is outside. Have him escort you.”

  Henrietta’s shoulders sagged low as if beaten. “Thank you.”

  The words sounded hollow and Blake was keen to get some answers on this family.

  He felt Pax bristle beside him and gave her a squeeze of reassurance. She could feel it too and he wondered if things had always been this way or if the strain was starting to make masks fall. Albert sat where Henrietta had been and crossed his legs, resting his hand on his knee, a large gold pinkie ring with a diamond flashing there. The cream slacks and navy shirt and blazer were probably as relaxed as this man got and Blake wondered if that was where Pax had learned to use clothes as armour.

  He didn’t ask about Robert and Blake assumed he had spoken to the doctor on his way in.

  “You’re British? What is it you do?” Albert asked.

  “I was a PPO for the London Met.” He left out the part about working for the Royals.

  “Very impressive and what is it you do now?”

  “I work for a private security company,” he said giving him the same story as he’d given Pax’s parents.

  “How did you two kids meet?”
br />   Pax answered this one as she leaned into him. “Blake was working security at the gallery I work for. We had some high-value artwork come in and the client wanted some increased protection, so he hired Blake. We hit it off and the rest is history.” She smiled and leaned her head up to catch his eyes. Her smile was genuine as she looked at him even if the story was bullshit.

  “You make a lovely couple, my dear.”

  His affection for Pax was as evident as his disdain for his daughter. It confused Blake. He showed no reaction to the bruises but seemed to care for Pax. He had contempt for his own child and yet had financed her husband’s business. Things were not adding up. He needed to call Waggs or Decker.

  “You want to grab a coffee, Gracie?” he asked, and she seemed to catch his mood.

  “Definitely.” She turned to her grandfather who was regarding them openly. “Would you like us to bring you anything back?”

  “No, thank you, dear. Clark will get me something.”

  “Okay. We won’t be long.”

  “Take your time. I won’t be going anywhere until we hear about Robert.”

  Pax nodded as Blake opened the door and stepped out first checking the hallway was clear. Eddie was standing beside the door, but Pete had disappeared. Perhaps he was looking out for Henrietta and this Clark who seemed to make her shoulders slump in defeat. He walked with Pax’s hand in his as they followed the signs for the cafeteria.

  Even though it was the middle of the night, the coffee shop was open and had a few people inside. They got in line as he grabbed a couple of muffins and some fruit for them both.

  Blake angled his head to Pax and spoke, “Do you want to go sit down?”

  Pax didn’t answer and he noticed she was looking across the room at something. He followed her line of sight and saw Henrietta having a heated discussion with a man of a similar age to herself. It wasn’t Pete, he was nowhere in sight. The man was tall, around six foot two, with a slender frame, blond hair which he thought looked dyed, and a black pinstriped suit. Henrietta was pointing at him and clearly upset but had lost the fear from her eyes now. The mouse was gone, and she was holding her own. The man shook his head angrily and moved to grab Henrietta Paxton’s arm, but she shook it off.

  Blake felt Pax move but stopped her. “Wait,” he said softly still watching.

  Grace went still but did as he said. The man looked furious now as they exchanged more words Blake couldn’t hear before Henrietta walked away. The man looked up, his face red with fury as he watched her leave before moving after her slowly. Pete stepped out from a pillar and came between the man and Henrietta, a warning in his stance as he slipped his hand into his inside pocket.

  Fuck, the last thing we need is a public shoot out.

  The man obviously thought so too because he backed up hands out. Pete walked after Henrietta and the unknown man walked in the opposite direction.

  Pax made to move again but he stopped her. “Blake,” she gritted out in irritation.

  “Let’s get coffee,” he said.

  They had reached the front of the line and he quickly ordered their usual and paid for them and some snacks. Pax was silent as she followed him to a table in the corner away from prying ears.

  When he had taken a sip of coffee, he looked at her. “Do you know who that man was?”

  Pax nodded her eyes on her coffee. “Yes, that was Clark Baker. He and my mom go way back. They went to college together and their families were friends. He’s the VP of finance for Sana.”

  “They didn’t seem very friendly now.”

  “It’s always been cool but polite between them. I have no idea what that could be about.”

  She sounded tired and he took her hand in his across the table. “You want to stick around?”

  Her eyes came to his. “Yes, just until we know how the surgery went. Is that okay?”

  “Babe, of course it is. You’re in charge, just let me know. I’ll need to make a quick call to Waggs though.”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  Her face brightened a little and he smiled back. She was so beautiful it made his teeth hurt to look at her sometimes. He wanted to kiss her so damn badly it was an ache. He didn’t though, he instead took out his phone and dialled Waggs. He stood as it rang and stepped into the corridor where he could talk in private and still keep an eye on Gracie. Her head was down as she texted on her phone. The phone went to voice mail, so Blake tried Decker who also went to voicemail. He left messages and then decided to call Reid and see if he could be reached. A tiny knot of apprehension unfurled in his belly.

  Reid answered on the second ring. “Hey.”

  “Hey, Reid. I was trying to reach Waggs or Decker but they ain’t answering. Can you add a name to the list of people who need looking into and push him to the top?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Blake heard some movement in the background before Reid said, “Shoot.”

  “Clark Baker. He’s the Vice President of finance for Sana. He seems to have some history with Henrietta Paxton and he and her dad Albert Lawrence seem tight.”

  “Sure, I’ll get on it.” Blake heard Reid pause as if he wanted to say more but stopped.

  “Thanks, and ask Waggs to call me, please.”

  “No problem. How is Pax’s dad?” he asked sounding genuine and making Blake feel like a complete douche bag.

  “He’s in surgery now. They’re performing a triple heart bypass on him. We should hear more in a few hours.”

  “Cool, look after her, man. I have a shitty feeling about all this.”

  “Yeah, me too, Reid. Me too.”

  Blake hung up feeling more confused than ever. He needed to start investigating but until Robert Paxton was out of surgery, they weren’t going anywhere. Maybe he could use the time to check out the dynamic between Clark, Albert, Henrietta, and Pete because there was definitely something going on there and he would get to the bottom of it.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Pax crawled across the bed in the room they had rented just a mile away from the hospital and felt the energy leave her body in a sigh. The long emotional day yesterday coupled with the long and nerve-wracking night had wiped her out. Flopping down still dressed, she face-planted on the pillow and used her toes to kick her heels to the floor with a clunk.

  She felt the bed dip beside her and then Blake’s heat at her back and at her neck as he shifted her hair from her face. “You need to get out of those clothes, babe.”

  “Too tired,” she replied with a muffled sleepy voice.

  She heard the chuckle in his voice as he rubbed her back. “I know but you’ll rest easier without jeans on. Let me help you.”

  Pax turned her head to face him and opened one eye to look at him. God, he really was gorgeous. He was the real deal and all hers for the taking. “Are you trying to get me naked?”

  Blake laughed again his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Always, babe, but this time my intentions are to let you sleep when I do.”

  Pax wished she had the energy for more, but she was dead on her feet. “Fine.”

  She moved to sit up and Blake leaned in and kissed her softly. “Glad your dad’s holding his own, Gracie.”

  “Me too.” Her voice was quiet as her mind replayed the last few hours like a film.

  Dr Frackle, who it turned out was the head of surgery, had come to tell them her dad had survived the surgery and was being moved to the ICU. Her grandfather had stayed with them until the doctor came, typing away on his phone and ignoring everyone mostly. Her mother had burst into tears when they got the news behaving almost like a different person. Someone Pax didn’t recognise, and it irked her.

  When they had left, Clark had been in the hallway using his phone while Pete glared at him from the door. She wondered why Clark hadn’t come into the relative’s room. He would have in the past. There were too many strands to untangle when her brain was shattered mush.

  “Lift your arms,” Blake urged, and she lifted them and let him pull the cre
am blouse over her head. He then pushed her back and undid the snap of her jeans and pulled them down, stopping to kiss her belly as he did.

  She couldn’t stop the shiver that coursed through her and the gruff sound he made in his throat made her panties wet. Pax closed her eyes wondering if he would continue his journey and found she was actually hoping he would, but he didn’t. The next thing she felt was soft fabric being pulled over her body and she knew it was his tee.

  It smelled of his laundry soap and him. Pax sighed as he rolled her and pulled the covers out before settling her under them. “You forgot my bra,” she teased.

  “I’m not a saint, Gracie,” he said as she heard him shuck his jeans, climbing in behind her and tugging her into his arms.

  She allowed herself a smile as a feeling of contentment rushed through her. Moving back, she snuggled close with her back to his front. Blake’s heavy muscled arm draped across her middle as their legs tangled.

  “Sleep, baby.”

  “Okay.” Pax lay there for a few minutes letting Blake surround her, giving her the warmth her heart craved. Her feelings around her father were so fucked up. She thought her heart would break when she had seen him lying in the ICU with tubes everywhere. Only Blake at her back and his sold warmth had kept her from losing her feet. She wondered what she would have done without him there supporting her.

  One thing she did know was that more was going on than she knew, and she had to find it out, regardless of what the answers might cost her. She couldn’t live her life not knowing anymore and she wouldn’t allow Blake to live under a cloud as she was. If she wanted to build a life with him as she thought he was suggesting, then she needed this over once and for all.

  Pax woke feeling more energised than she had in days. Looking at the clock she saw it was one in the afternoon. She reached back and found the bed behind her cold. Blake had obviously been up for a while.

  She sat up and swung her legs out of bed, his tee hitting her mid-thigh. She padded to the bathroom and took a quick shower tying her hair up in a bun to keep it dry. She didn’t have time to wash and blow it out so she would go for the messy look again today. Blake seemed to like it that way. Blake seems to like it all ways. She grinned to herself and rushed getting dressed in yesterday’s clothes although she had clean underwear in her oversized bag thank goodness.


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