Blake: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel: Book 2

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Blake: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel: Book 2 Page 18

by Wade, Maddie

  “It was more than date, babe. They were engaged and weeks away from being married when she called it off to marry Robert.”

  Pax felt shock trickle through her at the announcement. Nobody had ever said a word to her. But why would they? She had been a child. “Wow. I had no idea.”

  “I’ve asked Decker to look into Clark and Waggs is going to poke into his connection with Albert.”

  “Okay, honey, you do what you need to do.” He waggled his eyebrows and she laughed. “Behave yourself for a minute.” She was about to say more when Blake’s phone rang. He stood and walked to the window.

  “Hey, Will, how’s it going?”

  Pax pointed to the hairdryer and he nodded as he looked out over the garden. Pax couldn’t hear the conversation from her end, but it seemed tense and was over quickly. Shutting off the dryer she looked at him as he dropped the towel and pulled on some dark wash jeans that hugged his sexy butt perfectly. Throwing a white tee over his head and hiding his magnificent chest was only acceptable because even clothed, her man was delicious.

  “Everything okay?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes, I just need to speak to Reid for a minute.” He moved into a crouch in front of her, his hands on her bare thighs. “Why don’t you get ready and we’ll go for dinner—just the two of us.”

  The thought of her and Blake on a date was exciting and little butterflies took flight in her belly. “Really? Shouldn’t we be helping?”

  “It’s all covered. We can’t do anything until we hear from my police contact about any leads on Sally and Marvin Nixon. Your father’s doctor hasn’t cleared him for us to speak to him yet and I want to hear from him before we talk to your mum.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She watched Blake leave and instantly started tearing her suitcase apart for the perfect outfit. He hadn’t said where they were going so it needed to be smart-casual to cover all bases. Tagging on a black halter neck jumpsuit which was slashed to mid-thigh on either side, she looked for her nude pumps.

  Perfect. Especially with her hair down around her shoulders. This would be her first date with Blake. It was funny to think they had done it backwards, professions of love before the dating, but they were not an average couple.

  Her heart jumped as she thought back to the shower when he’d told her he loved her while their bodies were still connected in the most primal way. It had been perfect and allowed her to see the man who had stolen her heart in Monaco just as surely as she had handed hers over to him. She finished getting ready with a smile on her face.

  * * *

  The call from Will had Blake taking the stairs two at a time looking for Reid. He poked his head into the lounge and saw Tori Reid reading a book. She looked up as he entered and blushed when she saw him watching her. The girl was painfully shy by the looks of things.

  “Have you seen Reid?” She frowned and he amended himself. “Kirk?”

  “He was in the garage earlier working on his bike.”


  The girl nodded and dropped her head back into her book.

  Blake headed for the garage and found Reid working on a black Harley with a red skull motif on the front. He stepped inside and saw Reid’s head come up. He looked at him cautiously and Blake knew Reid was still pissed about earlier. He didn’t have time to smooth his ruffled feathers now though.

  “We need to talk.”

  Blake crossed over to him, passing the bike and the selection of tools at his feet, noting the wrench in Reid’s hand.

  Reid eyed him before going back to work on his motorcycle. “What about?”

  “I think you know what about.” Blake skimmed closer, keeping his eye on the door and Reid.

  Anger made his voice gravelly. “I have no fucking clue.”

  Blake knew this conversation could go south fast and he had to protect Grace. “Come on, Reid, don’t play games.”

  He stood to his full height and faced Blake, anger emanating from him. “Only fucker here playing games is you.”

  Blake blew out a breath. He had been glad to get the call from Will but now he wasn’t so sure he should share what he had to. With a deep breath and prayer that Reid wouldn’t react badly with his family in the house he blurted it out. “We have a mole at Eidolon.”

  Reid went stock still, his body freezing in place as the shock hit him before realisation filtered through. “And you thought it was me?”

  Blake couldn’t ignore the hurt in his friend’s voice. “You were one of three people who was suspected.”

  “Were?” Reid asked tightly.

  Blake pushed his fingers through his hair as Reid dropped the wrench and leaned back against the workbench. “Yeah. Will just cleared you. He and Jack gave me permission to share with you, but it’s not common knowledge, obviously.”

  “I can’t believe you thought I would betray the team.”

  His voice was tortured, and Blake felt like a total prick for doubting him, but he felt the same way about the other two still under suspicion. “I didn’t believe it. I find it difficult to believe the other two would either, but the evidence Will and Jack have is overwhelming.”

  “Who are the others?”

  Blake wasn’t sure if he should say but seeing the look on Reid’s face, made a judgement call. “Gunner and Mitch.”

  “Fuck. I can’t see either of them being a traitor.”

  “Me either, man. I didn’t think you were any more than I think they are. Hence my fucked up part in this.”

  “Why you?”

  “I had been cleared and with my background, I guess I was the perfect choice to investigate.”

  “How does being over here help you find the traitor?”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure that was who shot at me on the balcony and then in the car. They leave no evidence and seem to be firing warning shots as none were close enough to injure us.”

  “So they followed us? Surely that’s easy to check. Just see who’s out of the country.”

  “Yeah, except Gunner is at his aunt’s funeral in Jersey, which is confirmed as real, but his attendance is not, and Mitch has gone dark.”

  “Jesus H Christ. What a fucked upped situation. I guess with Nessa being ill I was a prime candidate. We’re up to our necks in debt and mom won’t let me help her out more than giving her the odd hundred here or there.”

  “I had no clue about your sister being sick.” He stopped and decided honesty was best. “But yes, it did make you a more likely candidate than the other two so far.”

  “So what now?”

  “Now we clear this case and then find the fucking traitor. I could do with some help on this if you’re willing?”

  Reid nodded and moved closer until he was toe to toe with Blake. “Of course, brother.”

  He stuck out his hand and Blake shook it. And just like that all was forgiven. It was one of the best things about Reid, he was reliable, logical, and a fucking grade A operator. Blake felt shame for ever doubting the man.

  “I’m going to take Pax out tonight to give her some downtime. Could you go and look into her mum a bit more? I think she’s hiding something. That woman blows hot and fucking cold.”

  Reid smirked as he nodded. “You are so gone for her.”

  “Guilty as charged. She is the piece that was missing all this time and I didn’t even know it.”

  “Pleased for you, man.” Reid was a good guy and Blake was as relieved as fuck he wasn’t the traitor.

  “I really am sorry, man,” Blake said with sincerity.

  “Forget it. You were doing your job and much as I hate it, I understand. The fucker to blame is the person betraying us and he won’t be forgiven quite so fucking easily.”

  Blake had no doubt that when the mole was identified, his life would be over because he would have every last man at Eidolon out for his blood. He just hated it was a man he had considered a good friend—whoever it turned out to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

After scoping out the local restaurants Blake had decided on a bar and grill with live music. It was somewhat dressy but casual enough that they could kick back and relax for a few hours.

  When he had walked into the bedroom and seen Grace dressed in that sexy as fuck jumpsuit with all that hair around her shoulders, and the fuck-me-heels she wore everywhere, it had taken every ounce of self-control not to strip her naked and drag her back to bed. The excitement on her face as she’d asked where they were going had convinced him she needed this, and he always wanted to give her what she needed.

  He stepped out of Reid’s truck which he had loaned him, saying it was safer than his mom’s Prius before shaking his head and walking away. The fact that Reid had forgiven so easily, and accepted things was a testament to the man he was.

  Crossing to the front, he scanned the parking lot of Bert’s Bar and Grill and noted the cars and motorcycles parked near the door. He wasn’t overly concerned, just mildly interested as he made sure there were no immediate threats to Grace. The fire exit was at the side of the building beside the dumpsters, with a door onto a street behind.

  He had done a quick check of the map to familiarise himself with all the available escape routes. Reid had confirmed the bar was a favourite hangout with an excellent reputation for food and music but warned him that the beer was not like he was used to back home. The warning had made him smile. With nothing to suggest trouble he had been happy it was a good place to go for a meal. He for one could murder a big, fat juicy burger with fries and onion rings.

  His belly rumbled reminding him he hadn’t eaten since lunch. Grace smiled as she stepped from the car, her hand in his and he walked with her to the door. He kept his body covering hers as he held tight to her. In part because it was his nature and was ingrained in him and partly because who wouldn’t want to hold the hand of this woman and stake a claim on her for all the men in the room to see? She was his and off limits. The knowledge made him grin.

  The interior of the place was as he’d expected. A long, dark wood bar ran along the side with stools in front filled with customers. Tables and booths littered the sides with a large stage and dance floor in the middle. A piano was in the left corner of the stage by a pretty woman in full cowgirl outfit including denim skirt, boots, check shirt, and cowboy hat while a man with a full grey beard played the guitar. A couple that made the chemistry between Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper look tepid, sang ‘Shallow’ at the mic.

  They followed the hostess as she led them to a corner booth against the wall and nearest to the fire exit at his request. From here they could get out either side and had visual on the entire area. Blake took a seat next to Pax, not wanting to be out of touching distance. The waitress handed them both menus and took their drinks order. He ordered a beer and Pax decided on a gin and tonic. He looked up and caught the secret smile on her face that he loved so much. It was probably the first thing he’d fallen in love with and would always be his favourite look on her.

  “What’s the smile for?”

  She looked up and angled her head the thick hair falling over her shoulder as she regarded him. “Just feeling happy, I guess. Despite the drama going on around us, I feel content and free.” She reached over and grabbed his hand in hers. “That’s your doing. You make me feel safer and happier than I can remember. I haven’t thanked you for that.”

  “Baby,” he said her words hitting him right in the heart.

  “It’s true. You barged into my life and made me see the mistakes I was making and how I allowed the fear of failing to rule me. You made me brave.”

  He swallowed past the lump of emotion in his throat at her heartfelt words. Grace had the power to wash away everything he had ever believed he’d felt for a spoiled princess. He had thought he knew pain and love but losing Grace would not just wound him, it would kill him. His love for her was nothing he had ever felt, and Blake realised it was exactly what his parents had. He had found the other half of his soul but knew it wasn’t the time to share that with her.

  “I think technically you barged into my life,” he said trying to relieve their emotions and lighten things up again.

  Pax scowled at him and then pinched his thigh. “That was rude,” she said with a flip of her hair.

  He grabbed the hand she was using to torture him with a chuckle and brought it to his lips kissing it. “Babe, you gave me no choice. Any more from you and I’ll drag you to the ladies’ room and show you exactly what you mean to me, and I know you’re excited about this meal so cut me some slack.”

  Her smile was back in place as her eyes softened. “Well, when you put it like that.”

  Blake chuckled again, giving her hand one last squeeze before letting go.

  They both ordered burgers. His had extra bacon, onion rings, and fries and Pax decided to add grilled halloumi and avocado to hers. He loved that she dove in, getting her hands around the burger. His eyes caught on a group of eight men who walked in probably on a stag do if their drunken state were anything to go by. They took a booth just behind them and were loud and obnoxious enough to irritate the shit out of him.

  He was going to say something when Pax put a hand on his arm. “Leave it, Cal. They’re just drunk.”

  He sat down with a growl of frustration and he and Pax chatted for a bit longer about her childhood and he told her more about his sisters and his adorable niece, who his sister was positive was going to be a hellion when she was a teen. He couldn’t disagree with that, the kid had sass already and she was barely out of nappies. For some reason the thought of her raising hell made him smile and then his thoughts turned to him and Grace.

  “You want kids, Gracie?”

  She nodded, sucking on her bottom lip as if not wanting to admit it. “Yes, always have. I would love to have a couple of kids.”

  Blake sipped his beer and silently agreed; it wasn’t what he was used to as he watched Pax. “I want four. Three boys and a girl.”

  Pax laughed. “Not sure I can manage four, Cal.”

  He leaned in closer his mouth almost touching hers. “Three?”

  “Why don’t we wait and see but three sounds acceptable.” The words were cut short as a burly man from the table beside them fell into Pax as he walked past, his hand going to her breast as he tried to stand.

  Blake saw red and immediately pushed the man off as he stood and moved between her and the table of drunks.

  “Watch what the fuck you’re doing,” he snarled.

  The man weaved on his feet for a minute before glaring at him. “You can go fuck yourself,” he said as his friends joined in, crowding them.

  Blake could easily take these pricks but had no intention of doing so with Pax in the firing line. He caught the eye of a bouncer who came over quickly and with the help of a colleague, escorted the clearly pissed off men from the bar.

  “Sorry about that.” The bald bearded security guy nodded and left.

  Blake glanced at Pax with a worried frown. “You okay?”

  She smiled. “Contrary to common belief, I’m not a delicate wallflower.” Her head tilted as the band started playing Billy Joel’s ‘Uptown Girl’. “I love this song.” She grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the dance floor. “Dance with me.”

  Blake resisted. “Babe, I don’t dance.” The pout on her full lips made his own tip up as he quickly conceded. “Fine, but no laughing,” he said as he followed her to the floor and took her in his arms.

  He danced with her through that one and when Joe Cocker’s ‘You are so beautiful’ came on, he held her tight against him his lips at her ear as he swayed with her and sang every word to her. The soft look in her eyes when he pulled away nearly pierced his heart it was so beautiful.

  “Wanna get out of here?” he asked her, and she nodded. Not letting go of her hand he paid the bill and pulled her through the door with his arm around her, not wanting to let go for even a second.

  The moment they hit the parking lot his senses went on alert as five men
stepped from the shadows.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t the Brit and his pretty little girlfriend.”

  It was the man who had fallen into Pax. He felt her stiffen in his arms but remained still as he assessed the situation. Five against one wasn’t great but then he wasn’t worried about himself. It was Pax he was concerned about. He moved sideways, his head down, fear on his face as the men followed him in a semi-circle formation until he had Pax between him and the car.

  “Go to the car and lock the doors,” he said low as he shoved the keys in her hand.


  “Go. Now.”

  He felt her move away from him. He kept his breathing calm despite the helpless vibe he was showing the men who were still clearly quite drunk.

  “Listen, I don’t want any trouble from you drunk pussies. I just want to go home with my girl. Not pansy around with you assholes.” The words had the desired effect as the large man with short blonde hair and the Tweedy-Pie build of weightlifter stepped forward, anger on his face.

  “What the fuck did you just say?”

  Blake now had the pecking order sorted and would take this fucker out first. Not many people realised that when Jack took his men on, he had them all do a four-week course in the Russian Martial Art known as Systema, with the top instructor and a personal friend of his. The man had looked unassuming with a quiet calm about him that had fooled them all until one by one he had taken out every member of Jack’s team as Jack had stood back with a shit eating grin on his face.

  It had been the best training he had ever had and at this second, he was more than grateful. Staring down the leader he straightened his stance but still maintaining a non-threatening pose and kept the other men in his peripheral. The carpark was relatively empty with no immediate weapons they could use, although he easily identified plenty of things he could use.

  The leader moved, aiming a kick to his groin. Blake avoided it with a sidestep then caught the man’s leg, extending the movement and unbalancing his attacker who fell to the ground with ease. Needing to make sure he stayed there, Blake stomped on his jaw, feeling the bone break and the man pass out.


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