Queen Mecca

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Queen Mecca Page 8

by Leia Stone

I finished the rest quickly, my final line being, “So, he offered to call off the war if I promised to rule by his side.”

  Kade was now in his half bear shape, towering over everyone in the room. “What can we do to make sure he can never take her like that again?” He directed this blast of words at Baladar and Violet.

  Violet was rubbing her chin. “Arianna can break spells, so that’s why she was able to get out of there so easily.”

  The dark expression did not lift from Kade’s face. “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  Violet tried again. “He’s a dark magic wielder, Kade, so we can’t exactly keep him from doing his dark voodoo magic stuff, but I believe that if it happens again Ari can get out of it in the same way. She has incredible untapped power. If she trusts in her magic, no one can hold her against her will.”

  That seemed to calm my mate; fur disappeared, and he was back to being normal giant-sized Kade. Our hands reached out and found each other.

  “Violet might be right. I’m just going to have to be more careful. Sleep with one eye open if possible.”

  It didn’t sound possible to me right now. I was exhausted, cold, and wanted nothing more than to curl up with my mate and sleep for days.

  Baladar frowned. “That won’t work. He isn’t physically coming into the room. He’s pinpointing her essence and snatching her from her bed in a millisecond, pulling her through the magical ley lines, those which crisscross all the mecca stones. Obviously, he is able to tap his dark magic into that network too. The best thing we can do is train Ari’s powers — teach her to hone her defensive skills.”

  Kade did not like the sound of that, ignoring Baladar to say, “I’ll take first watch. Arianna, get some rest. The rest of you, we’ll meet first thing in the morning for training.”

  I already knew that my sweet bear wouldn’t be able to sleep again until the Dark Fae Lord was dead.

  Baladar nodded. “As you wish.”

  Violet crossed the room and gave me one of her rare and brief hugs. “All spells are breakable,” she whispered in my ear, and it gave me a small measure of comfort.

  I just hoped I wasn’t going to find myself on that frozen lake anytime soon. Or at least not before I got some more training with Rowan and Violet in. Alone in the room with just Kade and Finn, I sighed and walked over to my dresser to grab some socks. I slipped them on, and then my hiking boots for extra measure.

  “What are you doing?” Kade asked, from where he stood beside the bed. Arms still crossed, face still frozen in lines of fury.

  “Don’t ask.” I fell onto the pillow, pulling the covers up over me again.

  If I was going to be caught on that frozen lake again, I sure as hell was going to have shoes this time. Kade curled himself around me, his warm palm stroking my back until I fell asleep.

  I hadn’t expected to, but my exhaustion got the best of me. I woke with the early morning light. Kade was hunched over at the foot of the bed, a deep snore rumbling from his chest. Poor guy, he would never be able to keep up with night watches. And I had a feeling Baladar was right. It wouldn’t help either way. It looked like I was sleeping fully clothed from now on, shoes and all. Hell, I’d even sleep with my sword.

  After a quick shower, I was dressed and ready for training. Kade was awake when I went back into the bedroom. I gave him a quick kiss and told him I was going to get breakfast.

  “I’ll go with you,” he said in a husky voice.

  With a shake of my head, I kissed him again, lingering for a few extra moments on his lips. “Get some sleep. If you insist on taking night shifts, you’re going to have to get some sleep during the day.”

  He didn’t look convinced. “Promise me you’ll stay with someone at all times, and don’t leave the mansion without letting me know.”

  I wrinkled my nose at him. “You got it, boss.”

  He chuckled. “About time you realized who the boss was.”

  I pounced on him, wrestling him down, pinning his arms under my thighs. “You’ll never tame me, King Kade.”

  His eyes were sparkling now, laughter bringing out some of the gold in them. “I would never want to change you, your fire or your fight. They’re the things I love the most about you.”

  He flipped me over then, and I realized I didn’t have him pinned at all. His huge body pressed into mine and a moan escaped from my lips as our mouths met in a fiery kiss. He was just wearing sleep shorts, which meant I had full access to all those bronzed muscles, running my hands across them as our kiss deepened.

  Need slammed into me. The need to claim my mate, to brand our scents across each other. Kade must have felt the same way as he stripped my clothes off, his lips kissing along my jaw and down my collarbone as he moved. The dark fae was fighting a losing battle trying to coerce me to his side. There was literally nothing in any world, no power or stone, that could tear me away from Kade.


  Later that morning, I got dressed for the second time, leaving a snoozing Kade in our bed. I’d lost some time with our morning love making, but even in the darkest of times one couldn’t skip out on the beauty of life and love. None of us knew how many tomorrows we would get.

  I made my way toward the main dining room, Victor, Jen, and Monica joining me. All of my guards took shifts through the night, making sure they were rested.

  It would be a big day today. Blaine would have to go to the Otherworld; he’d already agreed he was the best candidate for the position. I still felt uneasy about it, but there was little I could do except have faith in him and his abilities. Kade also had to choose his representative today. We all knew it was a real priority now. Training with the fae, learning what to expect in the coming battle, and hopefully bridging the gap between our peoples.

  When I walked into the dining area I was surprised to see Bianca, the Boston alpha sitting with Blaine and Violet, eating breakfast. The moment I saw her, an idea popped into my head.

  “Your Majesty…” Bianca stood and gave a slight bow. Blaine and Violet just waved at me; protocol was long forgotten between us. Jen, Monica, and Victor joined the others at the table. They might protect me, but they were my family first. We all ate together.

  “Bianca, lovely to see you again. To what do I owe the pleasure?” I sat on Violet’s right and started to pile food onto my plate.

  Bianca took her seat again. “I wanted to ask your permission to move my pack and dominants into the city. We would like to be stationed here to help until the threat is over.”

  She was a true alpha, one who pushed forward with the duty of her people in mind. If she had the proper lineage, she would have made a wonderful queen.

  “Permission granted. Now I have a request I wanted to ask you,” I told her.

  “Anything,” she answered readily.

  “I’m sending Blaine to the Otherworld to train with our allies in the Summer Court. I think a second representative would be a great idea, someone else I can trust to be a liaison between our two peoples. I would like if it were you.”

  Her sharp gaze remained on me for a few long beats. I could tell she was analyzing what I had said, working out how she felt about it.

  I decided to add, “I want you to know that this isn’t an order. I know you’re an alpha with your own pack. You’re busy, and instrumental in this war, which are all the very reasons you would be my first choice to go with Blaine.”

  Her head bobbed a couple of times, and her expression softened. “I would be honored. My people will be fine without me, especially when they are here under your direct command.”

  I smiled. “I hear you have a very capable second-in-command.”

  She nodded. “Jason. Very dominant. I definitely trust him to keep the shifters in line.”

  Popping a piece of bacon into my mouth, I looked at Blaine. “Can you catch Bianca up on what to expect in the Otherworld? I need you both to leave tonight.”

  “Of course, Ari.” Blaine’s voice was rough with unconcealed emotions.
Something was bothering him about all of this. I wished there was time for me to find out, but he was already rising and turning to Bianca.

  “Shall we?”

  She nodded, standing again and giving me one final bow, before they both left the room together. It was a good choice. I trusted no one more than I trusted Blaine. He was strong, skilled, and dominant. He would make sure we learned all we could from the fae. But a second voice was also important, especially a true alpha’s.

  Violet, who had just shoved a handful of grapes into her mouth, jumped to her feet as well. I tilted my head back to see her and she swallowed roughly, rasping out, “I’m going to round up Rowan. Meet us on the roof when you’re done with breakfast.”

  With a shake of my head, I let out a chuckle. “One day you’re going to choke.”

  Violet snorted as she left the room, taking her overwhelming energy with her.

  Peering at Jen and Victor as they piled their plates high, I dived right into my breakfast, needing to fuel up my energy for the training I would undertake today. As I ate, my mind inevitably wandered to the Dark Fae Lord, that evil fae with the black-tipped horns. My road to being queen was already so rocky, it was hard to believe I was only a few months crowned. And while I might have taken care of Selene and her threat to our people, now it seemed I had three more adversaries to finish off before we all got our happily ever after. The winter queen, her son, and this dark fae … they all needed to die. If they didn’t, none of us would have a moment of peace.

  The next few hours I spent getting beat down by Violet and Rowan. Their magic lessons were getting more grueling. I even lost the contents of my stomach after breaking a particularly complex spell — which didn’t halt their torture in any way. They trapped me in boxes and held me under water. They called it an extra incentive to break the spells quickly. Which thankfully I did, because I was not a fan of drowning — not one of my preferred ways to go.

  Exhausted and starving again, I hauled butt away from those two sadists and went to meet up with Kade for lunch. He wasn’t in the main dining room, and after a few minutes searching I found him sitting in the magic library, on one of the old high wing-backed chairs. He looked stressed, leaning over the dark magic book, staring at the crystal on it, brows furrowed. Lying beside it was the cloth that Baladar had spelled to keep it contained.

  “Hey, you all alone in here?” I asked, quickly glancing around the room.

  He wasn’t startled; no doubt he’d heard my footsteps from a long way away. When he turned, a slow smile crossed his face. It was the sort of smile he always reserved for me.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?”

  “Fine,” I said, moving closer to him. “If you discount Rowan and Violet trying to kill me.”

  He chuckled, reaching out to pull me into his lap.

  “How’s it going with the book?” I was surprised he was in here with it alone, but maybe his unique way to read the mecca was involved. I knew he’d wanted to keep an eye on Baladar and Nikoli to make sure they didn’t succumb to the book’s powers.

  He let out a ragged exhalation. “I’ve been trying to get a read on this dark energy. Usually energetic stuff comes easy to me, but this … something about it feels different, and yet familiar.” His hair was all messed up, like he had run his fingers through it repeatedly.

  I felt the pull of the book’s dark magic; it was strong. “Should you be so close to it?” I was half turned so I could run my fingers along his shoulders, hoping my touch would loosen the tight muscles there.

  He pulled me even tighter against him. “I don’t feel too much pull, so hopefully I’m managing to resist its draw.”

  I couldn’t stop the flashback I had of the Dark Fae Lord. He had been a handsome male, just like Kade, until the dark crystal corrupted him. But … he had sought out the power, Kade was already powerful from mecca and wanted nothing to do with the dark energy, so hopefully that would make a difference in Kade’s ability to resist.

  “Did you know that Violet popped in out of nowhere today and randomly told me that the dark crystal could bring people back from the dead? Then she left. A few moments later, Baladar showed up with the book and asked me to keep an eye on it until he got back.”

  I furrowed my brow. Why were magic born so freaking weird and cryptic? “I thought we were going to use the book to find the other crystal? Do you think they want us to try and figure out how to use this magic now? Like … read the book? I’m not sure messing with darkness like this is a good idea.”

  Kade turned to look at me, his copper eyes swirling with concern. “I’m starting to worry that the reason Violet told me that is because she feels you might die in this war. Maybe I’m supposed to use this to save you.”

  I shook my head. “No one is dying. Violet is still recovering from her time in the Otherworld. She sees death everywhere. She worries a lot more now.” I wasn’t sure if I was saying this because I believed it or because I just wanted it to be true.

  Kade’s hand came up and wrapped around the back of my neck, pulling me closer, pressing his lips to mine. “Let’s go out. Get pizza, go for a walk in Central Park or something normal.”

  I smiled. “That sounds perfect. Let’s do it.”

  I missed normal. I would take any of it I could get.

  Chapter Six

  Who ordered the two large servings of rebellion? Extra betrayal on the side.

  Kade and I decided to take Finn and Nix with us. They were our first and best line of defense in detecting an early fae attack. But more than that, we missed them. We had both been spending a lot of time away from our familiars. And to be separated from them for long periods of time, it was like being separated from a limb. Everything felt painful, awkward and difficult.

  Victor, Jen, Monica, Violet, Nikoli, Calista, and Baladar were also coming along, which I wanted to object to, but I knew it was not in my best interest. These were our best soldiers, our strongest magic born, and we were their leaders. We needed protection, because if we were taken out early in the war, our people would fall apart. Mecca would leak everywhere. It would be a disaster.

  But they were my family. I would not sacrifice them for my life, no matter the consequences. I just had to hope I was strong enough to keep all of us safe. Truthfully, between all of us—our power—we could take out a small army.

  “Have you heard from Kian or Gerald?” I asked Kade as we waited in the front lobby of our Manhattan home for everyone to finish up their tasks and meet us.

  Kian and Shelley went with Gerald to California. Only for a short period, as it was Kian’s wish, to make sure everything was set up securely. And to settle their son. I wished I could go to Winnie, but there was no chance. At least I was getting updates through Annette.

  “Yes, he sent a message. They have all arrived in California. Everything is secure and stable there. He’ll return with Shelley in a few days.”

  Kade threaded his fingers through mine, and I snuggled closer. “That’s good to know.”

  Footsteps sounded across the tiled hallway, and I felt the strong pulsing energy of multiple magic born. Violet, Baladar, Nikoli, and Rowan were coming toward us. Violet was in her usual medieval-style gown, a pretty turquoise color. The others were dressed in form-fitting and dark clothing, like they were preparing for a fight.

  I smiled at the fae. “I didn’t know you were coming along. Violet said you were busy cooking up some new tortures for me.”

  Her elfin features lit up as a tinkling bell-like peal of laughter left her. “I wouldn’t be much of a trainer if I let my charge go out without me. Even though we aren’t in active war, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.”

  I straightened away from Kade. “Do you think it’s unsafe for us to leave? I won’t risk anyone because of my need for some normalcy. We can order pizza in. Or have the kitchen make it.”

  Rowan shook her head, her expression sobering again. “There are no guarantees, but I sense no reason we shouldn’t get out for a little whi
le. Sometimes the best thing you can do is have a few moments of normalcy. It makes the hard times a little easier to bear.”

  Calista nodded, coming over and giving me a hug. As she pulled back she said, “I think it’s a great idea. You’ve been working so hard since gaining your crown back. Don’t burn yourself out.”

  “We need you, Your Majesty,” Baladar playfully added.

  It was my turn to laugh now. “Okay, okay, you’ve all convinced me.”

  I felt Kade press his lips to the top of my head. It was such a sweet gesture that my eyes closed involuntarily at the perfect moment. By the time I had them opened again, the rest of our guard was there.

  Victor gave me a low bow, followed by a fist bump. “Blaine said to bring him back a pizza with the works, and that they are pretty much ready to head across to the Otherworld. Bianca’s people are all being housed in the Bronx right now.”

  “Great! We’ll be back in time to send them across.” I tilted my head up to Kade. “Did you choose a representative?”

  He turned toward Nikoli, eyebrows slightly raised. The magic born gave a firm nod. “Yes, Luka has agreed to go into the Otherworld. He’s one of our highly-trained soldiers, well respected by the rest of the army. They will follow his lead and teachings. He should be arriving here in the next hour or so.”

  It was nice to tick things off the to-do list, even though they all felt like Band-Aids over a bullet hole. At the end of the day, I had no idea if any of this would help to save us in this war, but all we could do was try.

  The moment we walked into Vinnie’s, my favorite pizza place, I smiled. That smell, the fresh dough, basil, and mozzarella, it permeated the air and made my stomach growl.

  “This was a good idea,” I told Kade.

  The usually bustling place was pretty empty, and there was a sign hanging over the door. Take away only. No dining.

  Just as disappointment hit me, Calista winked. “I called ahead,” she said. “Thought we could use some privacy.”

  Thank the pizza gods for that.


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