The Legend Of The Wizard's Apprentice (Book 1)

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The Legend Of The Wizard's Apprentice (Book 1) Page 14

by Mike Ezekiel

  This broach will allow us to communicate with one another over distances.

  Just look deeply into the broach and say my name three times and it will let me know you are trying to contact me. The same will happen if I need to contact you; your broach will light up and let you know that I am waiting to talk to you. Please don’t be mad at me for breaking my mother’s decree. But I need to know that you will be safe and I wanted you to know that I will be here waiting for you upon your return.

  Oh one other thing: I saw Master Faunus and he wants to see you first thing tomorrow morning.

  With love,


  Kerwyn read the letter a few more times and couldn’t help but smile knowing Erlina did in fact love him and that he loved her as well. Somehow he was going to have to prove to her mother that he was worthy of her daughter’s love.

  A motion in the corner of the room caught Kerwyn’s attention. His eyes found the origin of the movement and there, looking at him, was his little imp friend Hernes.

  “Come here, Hernes, you and I are friends and I won’t hurt you,” said Kerwyn.

  Hernes trusted his strange elf friend but old habits were hard to break. Slowly he disengaged himself from the shadows and made his way over to Kerwyn. Bending down, Kerwyn reached out his hand for Hernes to climb up onto. Feeling safe with Kerwyn, Hernes climbed up and let him be lifted by Kerwyn.

  “How are you today, Hemes?” asked Kerwyn

  “I am worried, Master, because you are leaving and once more I will be left alone and hiding in fear and living on any scraps that I can steal. I want to go with you. I promise I won’t be too much of a bother and I promise to help you in your quest in any way that I can. My mischievous ways are gone from me as I have been living in fear and alone for far too long. Now all I want is a friend and not to be always by myself,” Hernes said, his little head downcast, as though he were begging not to be left behind by his only friend.

  “Hernes, of course you can come with me, but how will we hide you from everyone? Or maybe once we are on the road you might like the rest of the group and we could all be friends,” suggested Kerwyn.

  “Oh no, Master! I will stay hidden in your belt pack and if you need me I will be watching so that I can help,” said Hernes.

  “Ok, Hernes, it’s a deal. I’ll take you in my belt pack and you and I can stay together so that you won’t be lonely and when I need help, you’ll be there to watch my back. Well, so to speak,” laughed Kerwyn.

  “Oh Master! You have made this imp very happy and I will never forget your kindness at not leaving me alone. I don’t know how much longer I would have been able to hide from the sharp-eyed forest elves,” said Hernes with a shake of his head.

  “Well Hernes, I need to get some sleep as I have to go and meet Master Faunus tomorrow morning, “said Kerwyn.

  “Oh, please be careful, Master. I cannot go there with you. Master Faunus scares me and I know he doesn’t like imps at all. I will wait here in your room till you return to get me tomorrow. Now don’t worry Master, you can go to sleep and I will watch over you. No one will bother you while I’m on watch,” said Hernes with a smile so big that almost split his face in half.

  “Good night, Hernes,” said Kerwyn as he climbed into bed. Dreams of Erlina filled Kerwyn’s head, and smiling at thoughts of her beauty, sleep wasn’t long taking him.

  chapter eight


  The following morning Kerwyn had an appointment with Master Faunus at the elf wizard’s house. Kerwyn knocked on the door and Master Faunus opened it, welcoming Kerwyn inside.

  Kerwyn was amazed at what he saw. There were spell books and scrolls everywhere. One massive scroll was laid out on the kitchen table and was held open by four skulls, which looked like they could have belonged to imps at one time. Cringing, Kerwyn now understood why Hernes did not want to come here.

  “So, Master Kerwyn, do you know why I have asked to see you?” questioned Master Faunus.

  “No, Master, I do not know why you wanted to see me. But I guess it must have something to do with our trip to see the forest witch, Druantia,” said Kerwyn.

  “Your guess is half right. The other half was because I haven’t seen a wizard as powerful as you in a very long time. Also, I wanted to know what it is like living with Mother Nature, a god, inside of you. Does she take over when she is there? Or is it more like a symbiotic relationship where she is there in your head but you still have total control?” asked Master Faunus.

  “Hmmm... it is like the last one you mentioned. Mother Nature never takes direct control of me but I feel her in my head and when the time is right I can feel her helping me with casting some spells and stuff. It is almost like I become and extension of her will. Take the barrier for example; I think it was Mother Nature the brought it to life. Sure, I was the one that cast the spell, but I think it was Mother Nature who directed me,” explained Kerwyn.

  “That is what I thought. Now, what about this other being inside of you?” Master Faunus asked, approaching Kerwyn to get a closer look at his black eye. Master Faunus narrowed his own eyes and peered into Kerwyn’s black eye very deeply, almost as though he were trying to see behind Kerwyn’s head.

  “This being is very strange; it has adapted enough to take over one of your eyes but lays dormant as if waiting for something. I can tell that it is, or at least was, a very powerful being when it still had life to it. I can tell that it still has a lot of power but it just sits there, not doing anything. Have you had it take control of you or do the same thing as with Mother Nature where you become the extension of it?” asked Master Faunus.

  “Yes, Master, I have felt it take control and it made me cast dark magic. It helped me when the shrieker was attacking; that’s how I was able to destroy it. I cast a pure black beam of energy that disintegrated it. I have no idea how I cast such an evil and deadly spell,” said Kerwyn, not wanting to lie about what he had done.

  “Now that is very interesting. So it has the power to cast dark magic when it needs to keep you alive. I wonder what it’s waiting for?” mused Master Faunus as he looked again into Kerwyn’s black eye, shook his head and stepped back.

  “Well, enough about that for now. Tell me, do you love our young and impulsive Princess Erlina? I know that you two have a special bond and one I don’t think her mother yet realizes. But it is there none-the-less and I think that there is another being involved that might make your joining with her possible. If the queen allows it, that is,” finished Master Faunus.

  “What do you mean there is another being involved who can make it possible for Erlina and I to be together?” asked Kerwyn

  “Oh, I have no idea but mark my words: there is one who is looking out for you and your future interests,” with a nod, Master Faunus turned and walked towards the stove.

  “Would you care for some tea, Master Kerwyn?”

  “Yes please, Master Faunus,” answered Kerwyn and then asked, “Master, why me? Why have I been chosen to have multiple beings living inside of me? What I mean is; I’m nobody important. I’m just an apprentice wizard. My own family gave me away when I was just little, so why me? I still cast spells wrong and sometimes I’m more of a danger than the creatures we are facing,” said Kerwyn, looking at the floor.

  “Oh Master Kerwyn, it is because you are exactly who you are that you have been chosen for greatness. Fate has big plans for you, and you just don’t understand it yet. But one day I’m sure all will be made clear. You are a remarkable young man Master Kerwyn and I respect you. You have shown strength, compassion, love and humility. You are well deserving of what fate has in store for you. You are an honest man and one worthy of being our king one day,” said Master Faunus with a smile as he tussled Kerwyn’s hair.

  “Master Faunus, I do not want to be your king. I just want Princess Erlina to love me,” said Kerwyn.

  “That is what will make you a great king. Don’t ever lose your human side. A little bit of humanity is what we
elves need. Anyway, enough about that, here is your tea and the reason I wanted you to come for a visit was for this,” reaching into his pocket he pulled out an elaborate golden ring with runes all over it.

  Handing it to Kerwyn he said, “Now this is an item that I found when I was just a young lad. I found it in the old dragon Fafnir’s cave. I don’t know if he knows that I have it but he was really angry with me and told me to not touch any of his treasure. Dragons are funny that way; they accumulate so much treasure that all they can do is sit on it. What would he do with one single ring anyway? Kerwyn, this ring makes you impervious to fire; it puts a barrier around you that is there all the time and fire cannot harm you. Wear it always and be protected. Now that you’re done your tea, let me see those tea leaves.” He looked into Kerwyn’s cup at the tea leaves in the bottom that Kerwyn had finished without even realizing it. Master Faunus went into a trace and said,

  “The bearer of the staff,

  Must accompany you,

  Even though it will spell

  Your certain doom.

  The Creator of Life

  Must pick up the staff,

  And cast in death,

  Life’s renew.

  In death there will come

  A time for rejoice,

  For from the shadows,

  The tree of life,

  Shall be reborn.”

  “Oh, sorry Kerwyn, I must have dozed off. What were we talking about?” said Master Faunus as though he had just come out of a sleep.

  “Nothing, Master Faunus, but it is getting late and I need to get some breakfast before we depart. Thank you for the ring of fire protection and I will see you when we get back,” Kerwyn rose from his chair, feeling a bit rattled, and walked out the door.

  Back in the Great Hall Kerwyn went and picked up some breakfast from the cooks, as he was late for breakfast and the cooks had already started to clean up. After he was done eating he decided that he needed to find Master Sernett and find out what time they were leaving.

  When he got outside he saw that Master Sernett was already there with the Cyclopes and Durin the beardless dwarf. All were dressed in their new armour and you could tell that it has been cleaned and shined and they all looked like they were knights right out of legends.

  The Cyclopes being as big as they were dwarfed everyone else, but Durin looked like one of their children. Kerwyn had seen Durin in a fight and he was just as fierce as any of the Cyclopes.

  Kerwyn had changed Byamee with the magic of Mother Nature and now he had some special sight that he hadn’t explained to anyone what it did yet. Also, his strength was increasing and Byamee was now extreemly fast for a creature his size: Mother Nature’s gifts to him.

  Kerwyn couldn’t help but think that he had changed everyone he had been close to in some way. Master Sernett had never wanted children but now he looked at Kerwyn as his son. Byamee had special abilities and the rest of the team were forced to go on this crazy mission to find the forest witch, Druantia. Kerwyn felt that he was always brining bad luck and when he had tried to ease the fight between himself and Erlina, he almost cost both of them their lives. Now there was the prophecy that Master Faunus had spoken of and Kerwyn recited it to himself again and again so that he would remember exactly how it went, and he needed to talk to Master Sernett about it.

  “The bearer of the staff must accompany you, even though it will spell your certain doom. The Creator of Life must pick up the staff and cast in death, Life’s renew. In death there will come a time for rejoice, for from the shadows, the Tree of Life shall be reborn.”

  “What does it mean I wonder" said Kerwyn to himself, “For sure and certain, doom is bad and death is also bad, but what about this tree of life? That sounded good. And it’s going to be reborn which is also good, but cast in death: that’s bad.” Kerwyn was still talking to himself and he didn’t notice Master Sernett walking up behind him, and Celie wave to them.

  “Master Kerwyn!” Celie called out when she saw him, “We have been in the same area for quite some time but we have hardly seen you. Have you been well? Your face looks pale Master Kerwyn. Master Sernett is Kerwyn well? He was sick a few times in the past little while, maybe we should stay until he is well,” said Celie not really wanting to leave as she had been getting lots of training on how to use her new sword from the elves.

  In fact, all of the Cyclopes had become very proficient with their new weapons. They were fifteen feet tall and deadly accurate with them. Durin had become a master hammer-wielder with his mighty battle hammer. Even Master Sernett had been practicing with his new staff and his magical attacks had been amplified to the point where even he was impressed.

  Kerwyn had the feeling that again he was the only one in the party that wasn’t really needed. That is until he remembered that all of those people had joined forces for him. He was the reason that they were all going on this dangerous mission in the first place; because of his evil black eye and the being that had come to be inside of him.

  “I am fine, Celie. I am just tired that’s all. How have you been? You look amazing! All of you do. Each one of you looks like a legend come to life. If I were a bad guy, I'd run for the hills if I saw you come around the corner in the forest. Looking at all of you makes me feel like there won’t be a force in the forest that would be a threat to you. I think even the Dark Master would have a problem trying to beat you,” Celie was beaming with pride and was actually turning red with pleasure at Kerwyn’s compliment.

  “Oh Master Kerwyn, you do know how to sweet talk a warrior woman. If you weren’t in love with Erlina and I wasn’t already married to Byamee, I’d scoop you up and make you mine forever. I never knew that you were such a ladies' man,” she said laughing and laughed more when poor Kerwyn had turned a few shades darker than an apple. “I also love the way you humans really change colour; we Cyclopes never go as red as you humans.

  But truly, I am pleased that you approve of us. Many humans have run screaming from us and called us monsters. Just because we only have one eye and are bigger then you humans, it doesn’t mean that we do not have feelings.”

  “May I ask you a personal question, Master Kerwyn?” asked Celie.

  “By all means, please do,” said Kerwyn

  “Now that you look like an elf, does that make you an elf? Or are you still a human? You have changed since we came here but you are still yourself to us. We are your allies and no matter what you look like, or the fact that you have that creepy evil eye. Oh sorry! I didn’t mean any offence,” finished Celie who stopped talking and looked down.

  “That’s ok, Celie, no offence taken. I know that I look different and I do have strange eyes that glow. But you are right; I am still the same person on the inside that I was before coming to this place. You are all my friends and there isn’t much that I wouldn’t do for each and every one of you who have chosen to come with Master Sernett and I,” said Kerwyn.

  “That’s right, Master Kerwyn, we are friends and I am happy to say that you and Master Sernett are the first humans that we have ever been friends with. I also know that we would lay down our lives to make sure you and Master Sernett do not come to harm. Also, Durin has become a really good friend to us and he is the first dwarf that we have ever had as a friend also: all because of you and Master Sernett,” reaching out, she picked Kerwyn up and gave him a big wet kiss on his cheek along with a big hug, “Thank you for being our friends and showing us that there is more to our lives than living in a cave and beating our lunch to death with old tree stumps. We are a very proud people; we just didn’t know it until we met you,” said Celie.

  “Celie, put poor Master Kerwyn down; the rest of us want to see him too and if you squeeze all the goo out of him before the rest of us have a chance to say hello, well, there are going to be some angry Cyclopes here,” Byamee called with a smile from across the yard. Celie put Kerwyn back on the ground and the rest of them came over to see how Kerwyn was.

  “Aye, ye looks like a horse a
nd wagon ran ye over, Master Kerwyn. Maybe that’s just ‘cause the filly just about squeezed the goo out of ye. Or maybe you have been ran over and ye just don’t know it yet,” laughing Durin said.

  “It’s good to see you, Master Kerwyn. We were all worried about your health,” said Baldred

  “Did you really fight a shrieker and win, Master Kerwyn? I have heard of them nasty creatures. I hear they are hard to kill because they are not affected usually by wizardry and most weapons, unless magical, won’t hurt them. I sure would have liked to have been there and tried out my new spear on it. I bet I'd show it a thing or two. I'd jab it and twist and parry and jab again, just like these elves have been teaching me. It’s so much different than just trying to club something to death with a big old tree stump,” said Elden while making the actions with his spear.

  “Put that spear away. What are you doing trying to do, kill someone? If you’re not careful you’ll end up back in the Elvin hospital like you did just the other day when you slipped with your spear and cut your self through your leg. It’s a good thing these elves have lots of healing potions. You are a bit of a mess when you fight,” said Baldred, “So Master Kerwyn, if there is a fight I would advise you to keep your distance from Elden or you might end up as a skewered rabbit on a spit for cooking. Elden has cut himself at least three times and they all needed healing done by the elves.”

  Laughing, all the Cyclopes were teased Elden.

  “Talking about putting a rabbit on a spit, Baldred has become an amazing shot with his bow and arrows. He hardly ever misses and he hits the bull’s eye more time then not. He has even learnt how to fire his arrows while riding on a wagon. His skill has improved to the point that the Elvin archers say that he must be part Elvin.” Said Byamee


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