How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps

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How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Page 6

by Josephine Myles

  Jeff flexed his fingers and winced. “Yeah. It is.”

  “Right, and we don’t want either of us to sustain any permanent injury, so you need to learn to listen to your body too. I’m guessing you didn’t feel it while you were spanking me because of all the endorphins coursing through you.”

  “I thought it was just you who got high off them.”

  “Trust me, you’re getting them too. Didn’t you feel euphoric? I could feel how turned on you were.”

  Jeff’s hands went to his crotch again, and Eddie was pleased to see there was still a distinct bulge in the denim. The man looked hung. Fuck it, Eddie couldn’t resist licking his lips.

  “You got off on it too.” Jeff gave a very deliberate look at Eddie’s erection—now drooping slightly, but it wouldn’t take much to make it perk up again. Just Jeff’s gaze might be enough, in fact. Eddie’s cock stirred with an infusion of fresh blood.

  Eddie grinned at Jeff’s wide-eyed appreciation. At least, he thought it was appreciation. Eddie liked to think he had a nice cock. Might not be the largest around, but it had a good curve to it and a nicely flared head. If there were penis beauty contests, he thought he’d be in for a chance of winning the sash. And then he’d tie it around his balls. Mmm…

  Eddie wiggled his arse, feeling the soreness as he moved his muscles. Lovely. “How about you try out something else next. The crop, perhaps? Just don’t put quite as much welly into it as you just did, or you’ll probably break it.”

  Jeff’s eyes narrowed. Was Eddie being too bossy? “Bring me the tawse,” he said. “And the cane.”

  “You’re not seriously going to cane me after that, are you? It’ll fucking kill.”

  “Are you a painslut or not?”

  Eddie folded his arms.

  “Well? Answer me, bitch!”

  Oh, that tone of voice had done the trick, making Eddie’s little beauty queen stand to attention. “Yes, Sir. I’m a painslut.”

  “Then bring me the cane. Now. Come on. Faster. No, stay on your knees.”

  Eddie dropped back down again and shuffled over to the table. Jeff could dole out humiliation too. This boded well. He grabbed the cane and tawse, then paused. What the hell, he might as well bring the whole lot.

  Jeff was still sitting there, looking insanely hot in his football shirt. It added to the whole thuggish, working-class vibe. Eddie did love a bit of rough. The glare worked with it too, especially under those dark, lowered eyebrows.

  “I said the cane and the tawse, slut,” Jeff snarled.

  Eddie’s toes curled with anticipation. “I’ve been a bad boy.” He tried to keep his face straight, but it was impossible not to smirk just a little. “You’ll have to punish me for my disobedience.”

  “You’re bloody right I will. Over my knee. Now!”

  Eddie flopped down over Jeff’s lap eagerly, making sure he rubbed up against Jeff’s cock while he did so. Jeff grunted and turned it into a cough, but he wasn’t fooling Eddie. Oh no. The man wanted to come, and there was a very good chance he’d come inside Eddie. Or perhaps over Eddie. God, that would be good. He loved being covered in spunk.

  The first crack of the paddle took him by surprise, shocking him out of a fantasy of Jeff’s monster cock splurting all over his face. It was followed by another in quick succession, and Eddie had to wonder if that was the paddle after all. Not the crop or the cane, definitely, but there was something of a sharp edge to it. Oh yeah, the tawse. He’d only had them used on him a few times, and not for ages, but now he remembered the sting you got from that gap down the middle. Made it faster than a paddle too, raining down on Eddie’s arse like a hailstorm. Eddie groaned out all the pain and pleasure, humping against Jeff’s meaty thigh as the blows continued. If he could only get a bit more friction…

  “Stop that.” A hand crashed down on the small of Eddie’s back, pinning him down, and then he couldn’t move anywhere. He just had to endure.

  “Enough!” he gasped at one point, and “Stop, you bastard!” but Jeff just laughed and carried on giving him what he wanted. The bastard learnt quickly, that was for sure.

  By the time Jeff stopped, Eddie was soaring. It didn’t feel like pain anymore. Each blow was a burst of electricity, sparking off a chain reaction all through his body. All thoughts were gone from his brain. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t protest. He was like a rag doll.

  “Eddie, Eddie? Are you okay?”

  Eddie grinned. He was drooling a bit, but he didn’t care. Couldn’t Jeff see Eddie was still rock hard? He’d have pointed at his cock, but his arms were stuffed with cotton wool.

  Jeff didn’t look reassured. And he was cradling Eddie’s jaw in a way that was more sweet than commanding. Shit. Eddie had to try for an explanation, but words were near impossible like this. Bugger. He pulled his brain cells together, that wonderful feeling slipping away as he did so.

  “Subspace,” he eventually managed to say, although it came out kind of slurry. “S’good.”

  Jeff obviously understood enough to get what was going on, as his frown cleared and lust took over. Mmm, his face was more beautiful than Eddie had thought. When he looked like that, he was possibly the best-looking man in the universe. Even with the broken nose.

  “On your knees, bitch,” Jeff said

  Eddie tried to move, but his arms and legs didn’t want to listen to his brain. “Can’t move,” he explained and was grateful for the rough hands that shoved him down to the floor. Oh yeah, that made him feel like a proper slut.

  Eddie sat back on his ankles and smiled up at Jeff. What would come next? Jeff let go of Eddie’s hair. Fuck. Without that to anchor him he was going to fall backwards and probably bugger up his knees in the process, but he didn’t have the vocabulary to explain all that right now.

  Jeff’s eyes turned black, and his hands went to exactly the right place. His crotch. Oh yeah. Eddie willed them to undo the zip. He somehow managed to raise his own to help, but Jeff batted them away. “Hands behind your back. Now.”

  Mmm, his favourite position to give a blowjob from. How had Jeff known? It was like he’d reached into Eddie’s brain and ransacked his store of fantasies.

  When Jeff’s cock finally sprang out, Eddie gasped. “Fuck!” It was the thickest, reddest, meanest and veiniest dick he’d ever seen. Oh yeah, that was another page torn out from his fantasy book. It looked almost evil, especially with that bush of black hair at the base. And those large, pendulous balls hanging behind.

  Eddie was drooling again.

  “Please, Sir,” he whispered, but he couldn’t force the rest of the words out. Little bastards were still not cooperating. “Please.” He could manage that one at least.

  “What do you want, slut? Answer me.”

  Eddie struggled, and eventually the words came unstuck. “You. In my mouth. Please.” Balls or cock, he wasn’t fussed which. Hey, he’d even settle for a finger or a tongue. Or a toe. Toe-sucking was degrading in a particularly hot way.

  But Jeff’s cock would be best of all.

  Jeff wasn’t smiling, but he had an intense look on his face that Eddie wanted to see so much more of. I did that. I did it to a straight man. Or one who at least thinks he’s straight, even if his cock doesn’t.

  The cock in question battered against Eddie’s lips, and he opened eagerly and sucked on that head. Ooh, tasty. Bitter and ripe, like Kalamata olives. Eddie hoped Jeff liked drool, because he was going to be salivating like crazy with that flavour in his mouth.

  Oh, but Jeff had to use a condom. Bugger. But those were Eddie’s rules, and no matter how tasty Jeff was, he had to wear one. “Condom,” he said, staring up at Jeff.

  Jeff frowned. “I honestly don’t have anything you need to worry about.”

  “But I don’t know that for sure.” Eddie slumped sideways and found his jeans. There were rubbers in the pocket. And damn it, he di
dn’t want Jeff to have second thoughts, but he didn’t want to give in too easily. It was so fucking tempting just to take Jeff’s word for it.

  He eventually found one of the packets and rolled a cola-flavoured condom onto Jeff, who wrinkled his nose. “Can I still come on your face?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Jeff smiled then, briefly, before pulling a stern expression. “Hands behind your back and stick your tongue out. Right out.”

  Yeah, like Eddie needed someone to coach him in how to give head. But he did what Jeff asked anyway, because deep throating this baby was all he wanted to do right now. He shoved his head as far forward as he could manage, but it wasn’t deep enough without anything to grab hold of. Fuck it. It was time to break some more of Jeff’s rules.

  He grabbed hold of Jeff’s buttocks. Oh yeah. Firm and strong. Jeff had a great body. He dug his fingers in and took down that last inch. Couldn’t breathe. Yeah, so good.

  “What did I tell you?” Jeff growled. “Hands behind your back, bitch.”

  Eddie looked up into Jeff’s eyes, and he liked what he saw there. Lust and wildness, with just enough determination to stay in control. He dropped his hands and tried to get that deep again without them, but it just wasn’t happening. He moaned in frustration.

  “You want my cock deep in your throat, do you? Yeah, you do, dirty slut like you. Bet you love choking on cock.”

  Eddie did his best to nod and say hell yes, but it came out as a needy-sounding whine. He tried again, but he still couldn’t quite bury his nose in Jeff’s pubes.

  His scalp pulled as Jeff took two handfuls of his hair, and then it was all about trying not to gag as Jeff pushed in deeper than Eddie thought he could take. So good!

  “Yeah, that’s it. Take it all, you dirty slut. That’s what you came here for, wasn’t it? You were hungry for my cock. And now I’m going to fuck your face with it, bitch.”

  Eddie moaned with pleasure as Jeff made good on his promise. There was almost no time to breathe, Jeff fucked him so hard and fast, keeping up a string of dirty talk, but Eddie managed to snatch the occasional breath when he had to. Bloody hell. His lips were going to be bruised and swollen with the way Jeff was battering in. Saliva ran down his chin. Tears ran down his face. It was heaven. Or at least, it would be if he could taste Jeff rather than the sickly cola-latex combination.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Oh yeah, I’m gonna come. Come all over your face, coz you’re such a slut. You don’t deserve me coming in your mouth.”

  Eddie could come like this, he was sure. If Jeff just kept up a bit longer.

  Jeff pulled out and whipped the rubber off.

  Eddie whined.

  Jeff’s cock hit him in the cheek. One side, then the other. Oh, he loved a good cock battering.

  Jeff pumped his hand while Eddie looked up into his face. He was concentrating hard, deep lines between his brow. So fucking sexy.

  Jeff’s face went slack, and wetness hit Eddie’s cheek. Fuck his rules. Eddie wanted a taste. He stuck out his tongue, eagerly chasing the tip of Jeff’s cock. But Jeff kept hold of Eddie’s hair and wouldn’t let him suck him down again. Instead, he painted it over Eddie’s face. It was joining the spittle and tears and dribbling down Eddie’s chin and onto his chest.

  Fuck. Jeff came like a bloody war horse.

  Another spurt hit him square in the mouth, and Jeff grunted. This time he didn’t resist as Eddie found the head of his cock and licked it clean. Jeff’s body was heaving, and it felt like he was using Eddie’s head as support to stop him from falling over, but that didn’t matter. Eddie’s lust was keeping him upright.

  “Enough,” Jeff finally said, his voice all hoarse.

  Yeah, Eddie had done that to him.

  He looked up into Jeff’s face. He had this look of utter bliss there. Eddie should take advantage of it. Who knew when the weirdness would hit? Because it was bound to, wasn’t it, with a straight bloke like Jeff.

  “Do I get to come too, Sir?” he asked.

  Jeff stared at him, and for a moment Eddie thought he might have pushed him too far. But then Jeff gave a kind of what-the-hell grimace. “Touch yourself,” he croaked. “Come at my feet.”

  Oh yeah, Eddie didn’t need asking twice. He fumbled his zip open somehow. The moment he took hold of his erection, his balls responded, pumping jizz out. Eddie tried to keep his eyes open to watch it spurt over Jeff’s tan-coloured Caterpillar work boots and his rug. Oh yeah. That was the stuff.

  His body finally gave up holding itself upright, and Eddie flopped forward, catching hold of Jeff’s legs for support. It was like hugging a tree trunk or two. If they were rather short trees. Not that Eddie was exactly the tree-hugging type, despite a brief flirtation with vegetarianism in his teens.

  But these trees shifted uncomfortably, and as Eddie pulled himself together, he remembered that he really didn’t want to spook the straight bloke. Not if he wanted another chance at that.

  Which he did. Oh yeah.

  Which was why he pushed himself back so he was sitting on his ankles, wobbling dangerously. “Now, this is the part where I should probably go through aftercare of your sub after an intense scene.”

  Jeff looked down and frowned. “Never mind that. What about the aftercare of my rug and boots?”

  Eddie blinked as he gathered his thoughts. He’d never have taken Jeff for being particularly house or clothing proud, but now he looked around, he could see that the place was well looked after. There wasn’t a great deal of furniture or ornamentation, but the pieces Jeff had were sturdy and comfortable, and everything looked clean enough to eat your dinner off.

  Except the rug. “Don’t worry. Spunk cleans off easily enough. You must know that from washing your sheets, surely.”

  Jeff shrugged. “Mum does my laundry. And she comes round to clean too. I can sort out the boots easily enough myself, but I don’t want her finding that on the rug. What’s she going to think?”

  “I imagine she’ll think it’s yours, and that you’ve seduced some woman down in front of the fire.” Eddie pushed himself to his feet. Last thing he felt like doing right now, but since he didn’t want Jeff weirded out, he’d make a sacrifice. “If you’re not up to cleaning a small spot on your own rug”—and how pathetic was that?— “then you could always order me to clean it up for you.”

  Jeff crossed his arms. The tough-guy look was kind of ridiculous with his spent dick hanging out of his jeans. “And would you?”

  “Only one way to find out. But it’d be a pretty hard-line approach, and I wouldn’t recommend you try it with anyone else. Especially not a woman. They don’t usually take kindly to that kind of thing. Especially if they’re coming down off the high of a scene.”

  Jeff scratched his neck. “Shit. Like you are. I’m not doing too good here, am I?”

  Ooh, vulnerability. That was nice. Maybe Eddie could utilise it for a teaching moment. “After a scene, you generally want to spend some time with your sub, bringing them down gently. Cuddling and kissing is good, although obviously that’s out of the question here. But something like offering me a shower or a flannel to clean up with would be good. And then a warm blanket to wrap up in. And a cup of tea with two sugars. Builder’s strength.”

  Jeff looked at him with something like respect. “Wouldn’t have had you down for drinking proper tea. Thought you’d have gone for that herbal muck.”

  “Nope. I like my tea strong and sweet.” He bit back the urge to add that was just like Jeff, because he had a feeling the bloke wouldn’t be flattered by being called sweet. And Jeff probably wasn’t, by most people’s definitions, but there was a sweeter side buried under the gruffness, Eddie could see. It was intriguing. It would definitely make Jeff easier to get along with between scenes, because full-on testosterone-fuelled machismo could be tiring. Eddie had figured that out the last time he’d tried to have a
romantic relationship with a Top.

  Not that romance was ever going to be in the air for him and Jeff, but still. Friendship and occasional sex would be good. More than good, if he got more of that.

  Jeff grunted as he tucked himself back into his trousers. “I’ll find you a cloth to clean up with.” He disappeared into the kitchen.

  Great. So much for the sweetness. Jeff wanted a domestic slave after all.

  When the wet dishcloth was handed to him, Eddie sighed and bent forward, scrubbing at the rug.

  “What are you doing? That was for you. To clean up your face and…you know. Whatever else needs cleaning.”

  “Oh.” Eddie’s heart warmed. “Thanks.”

  Jeff shrugged awkwardly. “S’all right. I’ve got the kettle on. You want normal tea or decaf?”

  “Normal, please. I’m going to need it to be able to concentrate on the drive home.” Then it struck Eddie. “Now I wouldn’t have had you down for a decaf man.”

  “I’m not, but my dad is, so I keep it in for him.”

  And there it was, another sign of Jeff’s innate sweetness.

  Eddie cleaned up and got dressed again, all the while playing through his evening. Sometimes it could be hard to remember the details of a scene afterwards. Something about the endorphin haze made it tough to put together a narrative, but moments would leap out. Eddie found if he reviewed it soon enough and made some notes in his diary when he got home, it was easier to fix the good times in his memory. He sat on the sofa, strangely reluctant to follow Jeff into his kitchen. He didn’t want him to feel crowded.

  But eventually Jeff came through with the tea.

  “Cheers,” Eddie said. “Appreciate it.”


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