Blue Mazurka

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Blue Mazurka Page 8

by Shūsuke Amagi

  "It seems he's in Falnir."

  "So these people appear in Military Arts Competitions?"

  "Seems so. Last time we had one in Zuellni, probably since there was a roaming bus. Not every city had one."

  "I see........" Layfon looked at the man again.

  He was a Military Artist that bore no weapon harness. That was probably hidden beneath his uniform. The lumpy part of his left side might hide a Dite. Layfon saw no openings from this person. He looked to hold some strength. Since it was the Academy City Alliance, it must hold several incredible Military Artists.

  "Well....... Never mind that."

  That had nothing to do with the present Military Arts Competition. Layfon turned his gaze to Falnir's Military Artists. They were all students. How would they fare? Though it was difficult to speculate on the strength of a group, he could tell by looking at them that they held confidence. They might have won in other places.

  Recently? Or.........

  Their aura was frightening. Zuellni did win against Myath, but that was three months ago. Everyone had gradually come to forget the feeling they had in victory.

  "Captain, what's our deployment?"

  "Uh? Aa, this time we're in the frontline. Gorneo's team will infiltrate the city."

  "I see........"

  "What is it?" she asked.

  "I've something to talk to you about."

  "What? About the plan?"

  "It isn't really a plan......."

  "What is it?"


  Dalshena came over too. He told them in a small voice. They both widened their eyes.

  "..... Is that good?"

  "But that's the basic."

  "Well, even so......." Dalshena fiddled with her golden curls.

  "But that's still an individual fight."

  "It's ok. I think........." he nodded with a smile.

  "Even if there's one more person, the feeling in battle won't be much different."

  "True, if we do that, we can dampen their spirit........" Nina said after some consideration.

  "Can we do that?"

  "Though I'm not too good with it, it's just a matter of grabbing the right timing," she nodded. "Ok. Let's decide this then. Dalshena-senpai, please lead the front troop. Layfon and I will rush into the enemy formation afterwards. Is that all right?"

  "Ok. Leave it to me," Dalshena nodded.

  "Right, next is to win," Nina said with resolve.

  Layfon smiled. Yes, next was to win.

  At this time, Dixerio finally woke from his long slumber.

  "As I thought.......... It takes a long time to heal continuously."

  He had been sleeping on a tree branch. He stood up and stretched, confirming his body condition.

  "Looks ok."

  The wounds caused by Barmelin had completely healed.

  "Aaa, my left leg had become charcoal. One night's sleep wasn't enough to heal that," he laughed lightly in irony. Still, it had been a long time since he was injured.

  Many tens of years had passed since his body turned into this condition. And the events he had experienced made him feel that time was extremely long and slow. The network of Electronic Fairies that was formed inside the Aurora Field, which was called "En", and his fights against the Wolf Faces in recent years.

  Just when did he stop growing? When did he stop being human and Military Artist?

  Dixerio. He used to be a spoiled and arrogant kid living in the City of Strong Desire – Velzenheim. He had become like the two people that he met on that day.

  Who were they? His current purpose was to confirm the answer of this question. However, he had something else to do before that. He must find the man that destroyed his city. That was why he infiltrated Grendan's Inner Court for the second time. He had found a violent welcome waiting for him both times.

  He didn't get along with the Heaven's Blade successors. They were different from him, as they had obtained power as normal Military Artists. Though he knew a Heaven's Blade could fully release a wielder's potential, the result of that far exceeded his expectations. Either way, his misconception was formed when he was still a kid.......

  "......... In that case, the 'motto' lives there too."

  His expression turned sour. The girl he met before did get caught in this whole affair. Through the baptism of the Wolf Faces, her body had an easier time traversing the Aurora Field.

  No. He should say that she had become less resistant to it.


  This was an urgent matter in this world. He got her involved in his fight without reason, and that saddened him.

  "I must do something for her."

  Something had happened in that city, so Dixerio had come to visit Zuellni several times. The possibility was high that that girl was the key. Either way, she had obtained the Haikizoku. And that implied....... She had no other choice but to walk the same path as him.

  The Student Presidents signed the contract, shook each other's hand and returned to their own city. The representative of the Academy City Alliance returned to Falnir without a word.

  The contact point of the cities was the main battlefield. Military Arts students from both cities stood in formation. They faced each other and waited for the signal to begin the battle.

  Layfon looked at the opposing formation. He held the restored Shim Adamantium Dite. Blue phosphorescence reflected off the dark blade. The gazes of the enemy Military Artists gathered to one spot.

  The sky was cloudless. Strong sunlight lit up the ground and steam rose in threads. Both Zuellni and Falnir scolded the heat. Sweat rolled down Nina's face. Sweat wetted her hands.

  "It's ok," he said.

  "Don't look everywhere," she scolded.

  "Don't worry. I know the timing."


  "Stay calm. If this works, we rush straight into the enemy formation."

  "You said that so easily."

  The flutes sounded at the same time from Falnir and Zuellni, signaling the beginning of the battle. At the same time, Military Artists from both sides shouted. The air vibrated from the impact of internal Kei.

  "Go!!" Vance shouted.

  Kei exploded from Dalshena. She was leading the front troop and was waiting for Nina's signal.

  While studying Falnir's front troop, Layfon took a large breath. Just when he was about to give the signal before Nina gave hers.......


  A thunderous voice filled the space between the two sides. Internal variation of Kei – Sound to War.

  Layfon had released his breath along with Kei. His voice sent Falnir's troop into confusion and chaos.

  "Go!" Nina shouted. Dalshena rushed into the enemy's frontline. Her lance created an opening in the frontline.

  "Second team, follow!"

  As if to chase after Dalshena, Nina's team moved forward and expanded the opening that Dalshena had made.

  Sharnid was waiting on the city's edge, somewhere to the right of the frontline. He was with the cannon team. Naruki was in Nina's team, and Felli had stayed behind for support work.

  Layfon didn't have any subordinates. He made a huge leap and landed well ahead of Dalshena's team, right in the midst of Falnir's second team.


  "Wa!" A Falnir Military Artist shouted at the sudden landing of Layfon from above. Layfon swung the Katana. External variation of Kei – Enreki.

  A massive amount of Kei flooded out from Layfon, sweeping the Military Artists around him into the air.

  "..... Fu," he made a sound as he confirmed his move. He had executed a Psyharden move that he hadn't used for a long time. It appeared his skill hadn't gone rusty. He remembered he was in a battle. No time for him to sigh in nostalgia. He wouldn't underestimate his opponents.

  His feelings were more intense and colorful than usual. He held the joy of the time when he boasted of his newly learnt skills to Leerin.

  Some Falnir Military Artists probably thought Layfon was fu
ll of openings. Someone attacked him from behind. He half turned around and hit his opponent's wrist with his elbow, making him drop his weapon. He then fought back the other Military Artists who sought to close in on him. He fought Kei with his Katana. For attacks that he didn't have time to counter with his weapon, he used his fists and kicks. He reserved his strength when he executed a kick, and he also used that chance to sweep up the dust and soil from the ground and create a dust screen. Sometimes, he countered using his enemy's weapon.

  The school of Psyharden had never nurtured someone as incredible as Layfon. There was also a saying that said Heaven's Blade successors were nurtured in Grendan. Most of the Military Arts school in Grendan were branch schools that descended from a main school. That main school became famous because it had nurtured Heaven's Blade successors. Those that failed to give birth to any Heaven's Blades faded away with time. With the Psyharden school, no Heaven's Blade was born between its founding and Layfon's birth. Why then didn't it fade away like others? Because people who held Psyharden tended to survive their battles. And that was what Psyharden was like. The Salinvan Guidance Mercenary Gang became famous thanks to the skills of Psyharden.

  It wasn't difficult for Layfon to evade the attacks aimed at him. But he suppressed his Kei and sustained the attacks because of the restrictions placed on him.

  To people who knew Layfon in Zuellni, they might have found him "intolerable", but as Heaven's Blade successor who had to keep fighting the same filth monsters, that sense of danger was essential. Hence Layfon always stayed alone in the Training Complex to train his basics.

  "What're you waiting for!" Dalshena's team had invaded Falnir's second line of attack. Their team had it easier because of Layfon's action. Next, Nina's team completely suppressed Falnir's second team. Falnir's frontline ended up collapsing.

  "Ah, yes," Layfon said and made another leap.

  Keep on moving and he should be able to confirm which moves he was more rusty with.

  While in midair, he stiffened at a sudden gaze from somewhere.


  He cautiously searched for that presence but he couldn't feel it anymore.

  (Was that my imagination? But........)

  He had always felt someone was watching him since Leerin came to Zuellni. That gaze was sharp, but it always disappeared when he noticed it. He didn't know who it was, but since he didn't feel any hostility from it, he chose to ignore it.

  (But why now?)

  He had thought that it might be a non-Zuellni Military Artist who was watching him from a distance. He couldn't fathom the reason behind that act, but that was a possibility. Besides, no normal Military Artist could catch up with Layfon's speed with his eyes.

  (Who is it?)

  Haia.........? But he shouldn't be in Zuellni anymore. The Salinvan Guidance Mercenary Gang was still in Zuellni, but they had announced that they had exiled Haia. The Student Council and the City Police had done a thorough investigation, and they couldn't find Haia and Myunfa. So it shouldn't be Haia. Then who was it?

  "Aa, that was a close call," Savaris cringed on the top of the Student Council building. He was right beside the flag. "As I expected, his sensitivity in this battle is higher than before. Well, he has been a Heaven's Blade successor. Close call. Close call."

  No one could tell what he truly meant from his expression. In fact, he was enjoying himself.

  "But he's finally picked up the Katana, his favorite weapon. Now this is getting more interesting."

  Though he once showed displeasure in Layfon's performance, he was now very happy with his choice of weapon. Because the two of them would one day clash. He had heard of this from the current head of the Gang – Fermaus. Since the Gang aimed to take the Haikizoku, then sooner or later, it'd have to face Layfon. Savaris was disappointed of how relaxed Layfon had become in his peaceful life in Zuellni, but now he was happy to see him change.

  Either way, he wanted to fight a strong Layfon. And since he himself also didn't have the Heaven's Blade, then the conditions matched.

  "But........ When would that be?"

  The Haikizoku wouldn't appear as long as the city was safe. He heard Zuellni had gone on a rampage before and had headed for filth monsters like Grendan, but that was before he arrived here.

  He knew the reason. One, this had something to do with Grendan, and two, that person was in the Queen's care.

  "......... I don't want to listen to Her Majesty's complaints. What should I do?"

  Leerin Marfes. She had interfered with his mission, but he couldn't do anything to her. Because of her, he had been lazing around for three months. That was why he had time to train Gorneo and observe Layfon. Well, he couldn't say the three months were totally wasted.

  "It's about time I get tired of this."

  He thought of what to do. He could block Layfon's way when filth monsters attacked Zuellni, allowing Zuellni to face extreme danger. He remembered hearing from Gorneo of how Zuellni fought. Though it probably wouldn't face another group attack from larvae, a crisis still existed if a crowd of mature filth monsters came. But Savaris couldn't wait for filth monsters to show up. He had already waited for three months, and the battlefield of Grendan beckoned.

  The other way was for him to create a crisis by destroying the city. Though the Haikizoku's hatred was bent on the filth monsters, it might come to possess someone in face of danger. Either way, the person that the Haikizoku possessed at first did not face the danger of filth monsters at that time.

  ".......... How about I just do that now?"

  What was ironic was that a battle was right before him. This kind of child's play fueled his impatience.

  "I say, what do you think?" his gaze slid to that person.

  "As expected from a Heaven's Blade successor. I can't hide from you."

  A man wearing a grey coat appeared behind Savaris. A moment ago, he was just at the contact point of the cities. As the representative of the Academy City Alliance, he should have already returned to Falnir.

  "I thought you might do something. What's going on?" Savaris said.

  "Well......" the man shrugged. "I can't meet your expectation on my own."

  "But you don't die, right? Nothing would harm you even if you die a hundred times. You give your opponent mental pressure."

  "That's not possible. Though our thoughts are separated from our bodies, we are still weak in front of despair," he said simply.

  He was one of the Wolf Faces.

  "Is it ok to tell me this so easily?"

  "Of course. Dying a hundred times is not enough to reach true despair."

  "I see, since you have no real body, you can't feel pain."

  Savaris remembered the foolish young man he met in Myath. That young man's fear of filth monsters was extreme and unusual. It must be a side effect of becoming a Wolf Face.

  (What. As I thought, he can't match Layfon.)

  He looked at the sky, bored.

  "Then what do you want with me? Let's leave the conversation if you're here to persuade me to surrender. Grendan's battlefield is still the most attractive for me."

  "I want to help you return to that battlefield quickly........"


  "Aa, you don't believe me?"

  "It's not that I don't want to believe. You're Grendan's enemy. Can I trust you like that?"

  "Then do you plan to keep waiting?"

  Savaris gave a bitter smile. This person knew of his thought and had suggested accordingly for the negotiation.

  The man continued speaking without fear. "Filth monsters will attack Zuellni today."


  A topic that Savaris had been waiting for.

  "What's the catch of telling me this?"

  "No matter. This is a filth monster with a name," the man said something that only people of Grendan would understand.

  "This is becoming more interesting. The Haikizoku will definitely appear. What useful information. As thanks, I won't destroy
your body."

  "Not at all. I still haven't yet asked for your help," he said.

  "Then what do you want me to help with?"

  "We'll take the Haikizoku off its vessel."


  "Why? Don't you want the Haikizoku? It'll be troublesome to take it back like that. You can't be thinking of asking us for help when you're at your end?"

  True. That made sense. Savaris did not have the tool to capture the Haikizoku. He'd probably use the same method as the Mercenary Gang. Find a random person and let the Haikizoku possess him. That wasn't enough. The Haikizoku would be very unstable because the vessel lacked willpower. In addition, Layfon would be there to interfere.

  The Queen knew the Gang would fail in this mission, so she sent a Heaven's Blade over.

  But once the Haikizoku had settled in its vessel, next was Savaris's turn to contend against it. He didn't think he would lose. Actually, it'd be interesting if the vessel was Layfon. In that case, he had to make sure he had enough strength left to fight Layfon after contending with the Haikizoku.

  "But can your way ensure nothing will happen on the way with delivering the Haikizoku back to Grendan? If it was in a city, I could suppress it with force, but if it was on the roaming bus.........?"


  As he thought. This would get troublesome. Besides, that consciousness in Leerin might not take his side.

  "We can take the Haikizoku off its vessel and hand it to you in its real form."

  "You can do that?"

  "Only we can do this."

  It sounded like a good trade.

  "Then what're you getting out of this? Do you want me to fight that filth monster?"

  If that filth monster did have a name, then Layfon himself wasn't enough. This would also be difficult for Savaris as he didn't have his Heaven's Blade. But if they were to cooperate, they might defeat it.

  "I want you to protect Zuellni."

  Savaris's eyes widened at the unexpected. "You do know how to joke. According to what I saw in Myath, destroying Academy Cities is what you like."

  "Yes, Myath doesn't mean much to us, but Zuellni is different. It has something that we want."


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