Book Read Free

All the Way

Page 11

by Robert Schenkkan

  FANNIE LOU HAMER Dr. King? What do you think we ought to do?

  Everybody looks to MLK—torn between his conscience and political necessity.

  MLK If I were a Mississippi Negro, been through what you’ve been through, I would vote against it. But the solemn commitment to end discrimination in all future conventions is, as our friend Senator Humphrey suggests, a mighty big victory in which the MFDP could take real pride and as a Negro leader, I’m asking—I want you to take this.

  An awkward silence.

  EDWIN KING I don’t, uh, feel comfortable being the representative here in place of the grass-roots leadership. Maybe I should step aside, let Mrs. Hamer take my place.

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY The President is insisting on your presence Edwin because he wants an inter-racial delegation!

  EDWIN KING I’m sure that Mrs. Hamer has to be a part of this.

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY The President has said that he will not let that illiterate woman speak on the floor of the Democratic convention.

  RALPH ABERNATHY What kind of racist bullshit is that!

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY (defensively) I’m not a racist; that’s what the President said! And I’m sure what he meant by that . . .

  Stokely, furious, enters the room.

  STOKELY CARMICHAEL It’s on TV right now! The Credentials Committee is saying that we all agreed to your two delegate plan and they just passed it with a voice vote! It’s over.

  AARON HENRY This whole meeting was a set-up just to get us outta the way while you cut your damn deal.

  STOKELY CARMICHAEL You’re a fucking traitor!

  HENRY storms out, followed by Hamer, Abernathy, Stokely, and others, leaving only Humphrey, King, and Moses.

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY (bewildered and ashamed) Honestly, Martin, I didn’t know about any announcement. This is news to me. I swear it.

  Humphrey exits.

  BOB MOSES Well done, Doctor King. Solomon himself couldn’t have cut that baby in half any cleaner.

  MLK “The Moral Arc of the Universe bends towards Justice”; but very slowly.

  BOB MOSES I’d say the Moral Arc wasn’t much in evidence around here. When we were organizing the MFDP you stood up to Roy Wilkins and told him to his face, “After those three kids were murdered, we have got to take a stand.”

  MLK When LBJ wins and we get that Voting Rights Bill, this will all be worthwhile.

  BOB MOSES You think Goodman and Chaney and Schwerner will feel that way?

  Moses walks off. LIGHT SHIFT. LBJ in bed. Walter comes in.

  WALTER JENKINS Mr. President? It’s Governor Sanders of Georgia.

  LBJ Not now.

  WALTER JENKINS He says it’s urgent.

  LBJ sits up and takes the phone. SPOT on SANDERS.

  LBJ What is it, Carl?

  GOVERNOR SANDERS Mr. President, you can’t give those people two seats; makes it look like the niggers have taken over the convention!

  LBJ For Christ’s sake, Carl, it’s one Negro and one white minister.

  GOVERNOR SANDERS It’s the principle of the thing. Me and my delegates might just walk out ourselves and God only knows who will follow us. The whole South might bolt!

  LBJ Let’s you and me understand somethin’ here. “Those people” are Democrats, just like you and me, but those Mississippi good ole boys locked ’em out.

  GOVERNOR SANDERS They locked ’em out ’cause they aren’t registered to vote!

  LBJ ’Cause they won’t let ’em register! Intimidated ’em. Beat ’em. Shot ’em. Lynched ’em . . .

  GOVERNOR SANDERS . . . Now you’re tarring a lotta people with . . .

  LBJ . . . Carl, you and I just can’t survive our political modern life with these goddamn fellows down there doing things the old way and eating them nigras for breakfast every morning. They got to quit that.

  GOVERNOR SANDERS Mr. President . . .

  LBJ . . . No! You listen to me. You need to make up your mind once and for all, just what kinda Christian you are. Are you a once a week fella, or do you hold the Word in your heart? What kind of politician are you? You just out for yourself, or do you wanta make a better life for all the people of Georgia? And what kind of Man are you? You got the balls to do what you know is right, or do you just slink away?

  Lady Bird enters, holding the new suit we saw being tailored in the beginning.

  What you don’t get to do is threaten me. If you want to walk out then do it right now. And if not, then I expect to see your bright and shiny faces wearing your big, “All the way with LBJ” hats tonight when I take the stage!

  LBJ slams the phone down and sees Lady Bird.

  Go away, Bird, and leave me be.

  LBJ curls up in bed.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON No, Lyndon, I can’t do that. I won’t.

  LBJ You’re just like the rest of ’em. They’re all against me. All of ’em.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON That is so not true. Look at me. Look at me, Lyndon.

  Something new in her tone of voice makes LBJ sit up.

  There are many, many people up there at that convention, in this party, and in this nation who love you, love you dearly. And they are counting on you.

  LBJ I’m gonna resign. Let somebody else deal with it.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON No, you are not.

  LBJ Yes, I am.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON No, you are not going to resign. When your great-grandmother was hiding under the floorboards while the Comanches were raiding her house, did she flinch? It’s just not in your blood. To step down now would be wrong for your country. Your friends would be frozen in embarrassment and your enemies would jeer.

  LBJ The bastards would love to see me down.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON That’s right, they would. And are you gonna give them that pleasure? I don’t think so. That’s not the man I married.

  Walter runs in, excited.

  WALTER JENKINS Governor Sanders was just on TV, the Georgia delegation is not going to walk out of the convention.

  LBJ Sanders backed down?

  WALTER JENKINS Yes, sir, he did. In fact, the only delegations leaving are Mississippi and Alabama and you pretty much suspected that all along.

  LBJ gets up, reinvigorated, the prize fighter responding to the bell.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON It’s a great victory, darling!

  LBJ The South held?


  LADY BIRD JOHNSON Yes, they did!

  LBJ By God, that’s something, innit? Where’s my suit?!

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON I just had it pressed.

  Lady Bird helps LBJ to get dressed. Perhaps on the TB we begin to see images of the excited Delegates and hear the sound of their impatient clapping.

  LBJ Walter, tell Humphrey I wanta see him right away, he’s gonna be my candidate for Vice-President of the United States! Better have some smellin’ salts handy, and a stretcher and an ambulance, he might just keel over! No, no, get Walter Reuther first, we’ll give him the good news that his Golden Boy is on board and then call Humphrey. Then call a press conference for the Rose Garden in one hour. Round ’em all up. Tell ’em the big news they’ve been waiting for is ready to go! Maybe slip an early word first to Katharine Graham at the Washington Post. I’ll need to talk to Uncle Dick on the phone; I’m sure he had something to do with Carl suddenly growing himself a set of balls and keeping the South in line. And send a written note to Hoover from me thanking him for his service, and contributing to the successful outcome of the convention, etcetera, and, uh no. Hoover. Nothing in writing. Just call Hoover and tell him for me. (to Lady Bird) How do I look?

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON Magnificent, darlin’!

  LBJ and Lady Bird move down into a SPOT just backstage of the Convention Podium, where th
ey are greeted by Humphrey and Muriel.

  MURIEL HUMPHREY Mr. President!

  LBJ Muriel, you look good as gold!

  MURIEL HUMPHREY Thank you, Mr. President! It’s a great day!

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON We are so happy for you both; and so proud to have you beside us!

  While Lady Bird hugs Muriel, LBJ pulls Humphrey aside.

  LBJ Congratulations, Mr. Almost Vice President!


  LBJ You seem a little down in the mouth.

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY It just feels—different, than I thought it would.

  LBJ Oh, that. You get over that pretty quick.

  Music blares. LBJ ascends to the podium followed by Humphrey, Lady Bird, and Muriel. A roar of approval from the DELEGATES. LBJ inhales their applause. He is on fire—sending the troops into battle.

  I humbly accept your nomination to be the Democratic candidate for President of the United States! In the last few weeks shrill voices have tried to lay claim to the great spirit of the American past, but they long for a past that never was. In their recklessness and their radicalism they have kidnapped the Republican Party and if they win, they will bring this country to the brink of disaster. This is the most important election of your lifetime. The choices couldn’t be clearer. Peace or War; Brotherhood or Division; Prosperity or Poverty; a march into a bright future, or a retreat into a dark past. It’s all or nothing and every single one of you needs to go out there and fight for every single vote in every part of this great country of ours! God bless you and God bless America!

  Everyone on stage begins chanting:


  Cameras flash. Cheers abruptly cut out. New sound emerges—low, threatening—which will hover and build slowly in background until Election Night. LIGHTS SHIFT. TB reads: 40 DAYS TO THE ELECTION.

  LBJ moves into Oval Office—a man on a mission.

  LIGHTS UP on Witnesses scattered about the stage. Each interjection is like a hammer blow on LBJ’s heart. [X] indicates sound of thunderclap.

  WITNESS #1 Georgia. LBJ down by 5 points!


  WITNESS #3 Mississippi. Goldwater beating Johnson by 60 percent!


  WITNESS #5 South Carolina. LBJ down 6 points!


  WITNESS #2 Louisiana. LBJ down by 8 points!


  LBJ Walter!

  Walter runs in with stacks of polls and campaign materials which he puts on the desk. LBJ shuffles through them hungrily.

  Change my travel schedule to give me more time in the South, especially Louisiana, and put more money into our TV campaign, they’re beatin’ the hell out of me. GO!


  Walter runs out as Humphrey runs in. TB reads 37 DAYS TO THE ELECTION.

  Hubert! You see this bullshit Wall Street Journal “exposé” about my “corruption”?

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY Definitely planted by Goldwater.

  LBJ They’re spreadin’ rumors I’ve had another heart attack. I have cancer. I have a drinkin’ problem. (quietly panicked) He’s gettin’ on top, Hubert. The son of a bitch is turnin’ it around.

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY Mr. President, the polls have you well ahead in most of the country.

  LBJ And you believe those lies? It’s a trap. Goldwater wants to get down into the mud? By God, I can do that. I want you to pull together a special group here in the White House, separate from the campaign, and hit back hard with everything we’ve got. Don’t worry about what it costs; just get it done.


  Humphrey exits. LIGHTS SHIFT.

  Ladybird! Walter!

  Lady Bird and Walter enter quickly. TB reads: 33 DAYS TO THE ELECTION.

  Congratulations, Bird, you’re gonna make history: the first First Lady to campaign on her own! Walter will give you the details of your speakin’ tour through the South.

  LADYBIRD (horrified) Speak in Public?

  LBJ Unless you’d rather dance for ’em.

  LADYBIRD You know I can’t do speeches, Lyndon, I get too nervous.

  LBJ Well, it’s high time you learned! And you’re gonna take Lynda and Luci with you. It’s all hands on deck. Go on, get packed!


  Lady Bird and Walter run out. LIGHTS SHIFT. TB reads: 30 DAYS TO THE ELECTION. SPOT on Witnesses.


  WITNESS #1 LBJ now down by 7 points and falling fast!



  WITNESS #3 Goldwater beating Johnson by 70 percent!


  LBJ Walter!


  WITNESS #4 Goldwater beating LBJ by two points!



  WITNESS #5 LBJ down 10 points!





  LBJ Walter?

  LIGHTS SHIFT. Hoover enters, very worried.

  J. EDGAR HOOVER Arrested in the Men’s bathroom of the YMCA by the Washington, D.C., Vice Squad.

  A drunk, disheveled, and terrified Walter is frog-marched through the Oval Office in handcuffs by two VICE SQUAD OFFICERS to a position SR. Tight SPOT on Walter.


  LBJ (incredulous) Walter was arrested?

  J. EDGAR HOOVER Yes, sir. The other man arrested with him was a retired Staff Sergeant in the Army.

  LBJ No. Gotta be some kind of mistake.

  J. EDGAR HOOVER No, sir. (hesitant) Apparently, he was arrested, under similar circumstances, five years ago.

  Simultaneously, Walter’s mug-shot is photographed: Left Profile, Right Profile, Center Front.

  LBJ (furious) Why didn’t I know that?

  J. EDGAR HOOVER None of us knew.

  LBJ Sounds like some kind of a Republican dirty trick set-up to me.

  Camera flash.

  J. EDGAR HOOVER We’re investigating that angle but it’s hard to see how this could have been arranged.

  Camera flash.

  LBJ But Goldwater will use it. You know the son of a bitch will use it. This close to the election? This could be the whole ball of wax!

  Camera flash.

  J. EDGAR HOOVER There doesn’t appear to be any Security compromise at all.

  LBJ There damn well better not be. Your people were supposed to vet him. You said they did. I have that in writing with your goddamn signature on it.

  J. EDGAR HOOVER (panicked) Some things you can’t predict.

  LBJ That’s your job, Jay!

  J. EDGAR HOOVER I will take care of this, Mr. President!

  In response to a command by the Vice Squad Officers, Walter begins to remove his clothes until he is in only his underwear.

  LBJ Why doesn’t that make me feel better? Christ on a cross. Get me Walter’s Air Force Reserve records. Goldwater was his Commanding Officer and with any luck, he signed off on his Fitness Evaluations. We get a hold of those and Goldwater won’t be able to say shit. Walter will have to resign immediately. See that his Doctor issues a statement: nervous breakdown, workin’ too hard and just snapped. Then get him into the psych ward at Walter Reed. No visitors. No incomin’ phone calls. Nothing.

  J. EDGAR HOOVER I can’t just lock him up . . .

  LBJ CLEAN UP YOUR MESS! I worked with that man for twenty-five years. Not a clue. (a threat) How do you know when somebody’s that way?

  J. EDGAR HOOVER Well, well, there are certain signs; mannerisms. The way a man—dresses or combs
his hair. Or walks kind of funny.

  LBJ News to me. I’m not questioning you; I’m sure you’d know—in your line of work, I mean. Take care of this.

  Hoover leaves. Vice Squad Officers leave. LIGHT SHIFT. Lady Bird enters.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON Marjorie is just beside herself; can’t believe it’s true! I can’t believe it’s true. I’m going to make a public statement of support.

  LBJ No! Absolutely not. The First Lady can’t be involved in this. None of us can be involved.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON He’s distraught, Lyndon. He might injure himself!

  A NURSE enters and brusquely helps Walter into a hospital gown.

  LBJ That is not my problem.

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON (shocked) He is our friend!

  LBJ He was our friend and then he stabbed me in the back!

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON Are we never gonna see him again?

  LBJ You think I like this? Goldwater is killin’ me in the polls! I loved Walter like a . . .

  Walter exits SR.

  . . . I am holdin’ this campaign together with bailin’ wire and spit and if you are not with me, then you are against me!

  LADY BIRD JOHNSON (furious) I’m not against you, Lyndon; I have speeches to make.



  TELEVISION ANNOUNCER And in what is sure to be a very controversial decision, the winner of this year’s Nobel Prize for Peace is Dr. Martin Luther King!

  Cheers. TB: NOBEL PRIZE CEREMONY. OSLO, NORWAY. SPOT on King and Coretta as they make their way to DSR where the KING OF NORWAY is waiting. Hoover and Deloach stand CS in their own SPOT watching in disgust. TB: FBI HEADQUARTERS, WASHINGTON, D.C.

  J. EDGAR HOOVER I’m supposed to have psychic abilities to protect the President from deviants like Jenkins but when it comes to King, when it comes to King apparently no warning is strong enough! That’s it. Get me the goddamn sex tapes of King with those women.

  LIGHTS UP CS as LBJ crosses to meet Humphrey at the “backstage area” of an auditorium in New Orleans. LBJ is anxious and angry. TB: NEW ORLEANS. DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN RALLY. 12 DAYS TO THE ELECTION. The audience sounds hostile; clapping and jeering.

  SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY I don’t understand why you’re ignoring Dr. King. Surely a public acknowledgement from the White House is important?


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