The Price of Secrets

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The Price of Secrets Page 6

by Terry Poole

  Closing his eyes, Kelly let his head fall back against the webbing, a crisscross of straps for cargo that hung behind their seats through the entire length of the aircraft. He tried to allow himself a few minutes of calm, taking some deep breaths in an attempt to center himself. Nathan’s face appeared in Kelly’s mind immediately, despite his best attempts not to dwell on what might be happening to Nathan at this moment.

  Clenching his fists, he could feel his engagement ring on his finger. He remembered how excited Nathan had been that day, the day they had picked out engagement rings, each with a small diamond in the band. Once the rings had been sized, they had gone on a romantic weekend and given them to each other.

  Walking along the beach, Kelly had knelt and formally proposed to Nathan. After placing the ring on Nathan’s finger, Nathan did the same, placing the other ring on Kelly’s finger. They had celebrated on the beach, which Nathan swore would never happen again because sand was not meant to go there, and in the cottage on nearly every available surface.

  Kelly smiled to himself, eyes still closed. When they had returned, Nathan had shown everyone his ring. He had been so happy, so proud to belong to Kelly and have Kelly belong to him. The wedding bands were being inscribed at the jewelers and would fit alongside the engagement rings to form one single band.

  It always amazed Kelly that such a smart man had such a childlike love of the world around him. Nathan saw the beauty in everything, despite the abuse he had suffered through his childhood. At first, he had seemed cold and aloof when Kelly had been reunited with him more than ten years later, after the disastrous kiss they had shared as teenagers. That kiss had forced them apart and had Nathan’s father severely beat and throw Nathan out on the streets. But Kelly had taken the time to break down the thick shell Nathan had been steadily building to protect his caring heart. In turn, Nathan had helped him overcome much of the guilt haunting him over the death of little Samuel Varga.

  Now that same caring heart belonged to Kelly just as much as Kelly’s belonged to Nathan. Kelly absently rubbed the scar on his chest through his tac vest. The thin white line over his heart was a stark reminder that he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Nathan’s brilliant skill with a scalpel. Not many could survive a bullet lodged in their heart from a crazed killer out to destroy the evidence of their crimes. Evidence Nathan had found purely by accident.

  The horrors that Danna could be inflicting on Nathan threatened to overwhelm Kelly again, his emotions flooding his system with heat. Kelly forced his anger and fear down once more, reminding himself that letting go would do neither of them any good. She wanted revenge, but Kelly harbored no illusions. He knew… hoped, that Danna would not hurt Nathan too badly until he arrived. She wanted him to watch, to suffer, as Nathan was tortured in front of him.

  Hang in there, my love. I’m coming for you.

  Kelly tried to think of something else other than how Nathan might be suffering at Danna’s hands. He thought of the taste of Nathan’s luscious sweet lips against his own, how soft they were. Kelly pictured the way those golden rays that radiated from Nathan’s pupils brightened Nathan’s brown eyes to amber or deepened them to a deep warm dark chocolate hue when he was aroused. The look and smile that Nathan saved just for Kelly that made him harder than stone. The seductive sighs and moans that came from Nathan, which made Kelly lose his mind when he was buried balls deep in the familiar heat of Nathan’s welcoming body…


  Nathan rested his hips back against the pool table to face Kelly, a smug expression on his face. “Beat that, Mr. Hot Shot FBI Agent.”

  Kelly hummed as he surveyed the arrangement of the balls on the table. Nathan was good; no question about it and Kelly was hard pressed to keep up with him. It didn’t help that the man was absolutely delicious looking and kept distracting him. Nathan wore casual slacks and a dark burgundy button down shirt. The sleeves were rolled up his arms and the top two buttons undone. The burgundy set off Nathan’s creamy skin and the open collar revealed Nathan’s throat. Kelly loved to nibble on that tantalizing smooth column and Nathan knew it, the little shit.

  It was getting harder and harder to concentrate on the game when one of Kelly’s favorite parts of Nathan’s anatomy was constantly being shoved into the air, teasing him and testing his patience. Every time Nathan bent over the table, his slacks stretched and that amazing round ass was pressed tightly against the fabric, showcasing it to perfection. It was a miracle Kelly didn’t have drool running down his chin. He was beginning to suspect Nathan was doing it on purpose from the sidelong glances Nathan kept giving him.

  Kelly moved past Nathan who was deliberately pushing his ass into the air again as he leaned over the pool table to get the shot. Deciding that turnabout was fair play; Kelly stopped, took a step back, and then ran his hand along Nathan’s hip to his rear, stroking the round mounds. He slid his finger between them to rub at Nathan’s entrance. Nathan arched his back into the touch with a soft exhale. Kelly moved his fingers lower, brushing against Nathan’s taint through his slacks then back up to give one of those tempting globes a firm squeeze. Nathan shuddered then gazed over his shoulder at Kelly, his brown eyes so dark, they seemed almost black.

  “Are you trying to make me miss this shot?”

  Kelly gave him an innocent look. “Me? Nope, not me.”

  Nathan snorted but Kelly didn’t miss the cheeky grin spreading across his face. “If that’s the way you want to play it, bring it on.”

  Oh, I intend to.

  The rest of the game was filled with lingering touches and purposeful bumps. They rubbed against each other and every time they passed one another around the table their lips met. Each kiss became longer and deeper until it was almost impossible to keep track of whose turn or what the score was.

  By the end of the game, Kelly was hard and aching, sure that the zipper of his jeans would leave marks along his length. Nathan, it seemed, wasn’t in much better shape. Kelly ran his hand along the hard bulge outlined through the front of Nathan’s pants. Nathan moaned, his eyes slowly drifting shut. He pushed his straining erection against Kelly’s palm seeking friction.

  “Okay, that’s enough foreplay,” Kelly growled before lifting Nathan and then placing him onto the edge of the pool table—the perfect height.

  Kelly pressed himself between Nathan’s legs, grinding their groins together, but as good as that felt, it wasn’t nearly enough. He stepped back slightly and undid his jeans.

  Nathan glanced at the doorway then back to Kelly, his eyes wide. “Here? Now?”

  “Brendan and your folks are supposed to be at that function till really late, right?”

  “So they said…”

  “Then yes, here and now. Besides, there’s no way we’ll make it to our bedroom before I lose control and ravage that hot body of yours.”

  Nathan ran his hands up Kelly’s chest. A devilish grin pulled at Nathan’s lips as he thumbed and rolled Kelly’s nipples, pushing the blood in Kelly’s veins from a simmer to a boil.

  “Ravage my hot body, hmm? I do like the sound of that.”

  Kelly eagerly pushed the flaps to his jeans aside, his hard cock bouncing out, pointing directly at Nathan. Kelly smirked at him.

  “See? He knows where he belongs.”

  “Yes. Yes, he does.” Nathan gently stroked the head of Kelly’s cock before leaning over and kissing the tip of it. “Such a good boy,” he crooned as he gave the tip a slow lick with his tongue, dipping into the slit at the top.

  “Baabyy,” Kelly whined, his cock jerking as Nathan gave it another teasing broad swipe. “I’m not gonna make it if you keep that up.”

  “That’s what he said,” Nathan snickered, straightening up then wiggling back on the table, he undid his pants and slid them down his hips.

  “Damn, baby, you’re not wearing any underwear.”

  “Neither are you,” Nathan reminded him as he shifted some more to get his pants down and off his legs.

han’s cock was painfully hard and almost purple with his need. Kelly watched as drops of glistening pre-cum formed at Nathan’s slit and trickled down the veined length.

  “You are so gorgeous, my love.”

  Nathan hissed as Kelly ran a finger along Nathan’s cock from root to tip, gathering several of those droplets and bringing them to his lips. Nathan’s breath became more labored as Kelly locked gazes with him and slowly, almost obscenely, licked his finger clean.

  “And you taste amazing,” he said, smiling as Nathan’s eyes blazed with heat.

  Leaning forward, Nathan lightly brushed his lips against Kelly’s. “So do you,” he whispered before claiming Kelly’s mouth in a hot wet kiss.

  Without breaking the kiss, Kelly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small single use packet of lube. Reluctantly, he angled back slightly so he could see what he was doing.

  “Just like a Boy Scout, always prepared.” Nathan grinned at him then lay down with his ass on the edge of the pool table, his slacks pooled on the ground.

  Kelly nearly swallowed his tongue at the wanton erotic picture Nathan made draped as he was across the table. The look Nathan gave Kelly was filled with love and desire and ratcheted up Kelly’s need for him. He felt like he was going to go up in flames if he couldn’t get inside his love’s body right the fuck now.

  Giving up trying to tear the packet with his fingers, Kelly quickly tore the corner of the packet open with his teeth, squirting lube onto his fingers in the process. Circling Nathan’s hole, Kelly massaged the wrinkled pucker for a moment before slowly, steadily inserting a finger into Nathan.

  “Mmm,” Nathan moaned. “More.”

  Kelly inserted another finger and scissored them apart, stretching Nathan to accommodate his width.

  “I’m ready. Please, Kelly, I need you,” Nathan pleaded, writhing on Kelly’s fingers as he rubbed Nathan’s prostate.

  “I’m yours, love. Always and forever.” Kelly slid his fingers free, lubed his cock and lined up with Nathan’s entrance. He gripped Nathan’s hips as he steadily pushed into Nathan’s channel breaching the guardian muscle and gliding into Nathan’s heat.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you feel so good.”

  “So do you.” Nathan groaned as Kelly slowly bottomed out.

  Kelly paused to gather his control before he went off like a rocket and to make sure Nathan adjusted to him.

  “You good?” Kelly asked. There was no way in hell he would ever hurt the love of his life.

  “Oh yes. Very, very, good. Now, please move.”

  Kelly chuckled as he began a slow movement, in and out of Nathan’s body. He paused, hooking Nathan’s legs onto his broad shoulders and thrust forward again. His groan matched Nathan’s as he sank even deeper into Nathan’s heat.

  Nathan held onto the edge of the pool table as Kelly plunged into him harder and harder. The sounds Nathan made spurred Kelly on until he was pounding into Nathan. Tossing his head back and forth, Nathan raised his hips into every thrust. Kelly moved one hand to grasp Nathan’s cock and drag his hand up Nathan’s length in time to his rhythm.

  Yelling Kelly’s name, Nathan arched his back, his cock swelling in Kelly’s hand as he spurted shot after shot of cum across his chest. He painted the burgundy shirt with white stripes and in Kelly’s opinion; it never looked as good as it did with the evidence of Nathan’s pleasure decorating it.

  Nathan’s channel clamping down on Kelly’s cock sent him over the edge, his orgasm barreling through him, stiffening his spine. He groaned Nathan’s name as Nathan’s body milked his cock and balls of every drop of cum they contained.

  Completely spent, Kelly lowered himself to Nathan’s chest, he felt Nathan lock his heels around his hips to keep them linked together. Kelly gathered Nathan tight to him, he knew that Nathan, just like him, liked to prolong their joining for as long as possible.

  “Oh, my God! I need bleach for my eyes, for my brain!”

  Kelly quickly shifted his body, keeping Nathan tucked securely against him, before lifting his head. Brendan stood in the doorway, both hands covering his eyes.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he growled at Nathan’s brother.

  “I live here.”

  “Smart ass. Are your folks back early too?”

  “Yes!” Brendan backed away, hands still covering his face. “I’ll distract them while you two hightail it out of here.”

  Kelly grinned down at Nathan who had become an endearing shade of red with embarrassment. “You do know we will never live this down, right?”

  Nathan glanced apprehensively at the empty doorway. Brendan’s muttered words about seeing way too much, far more than he ever wanted to see of either of them, drifting down the hall.

  “Come on, love.” Kelly rose to his feet. Both of them gasping as he reluctantly withdrew from Nathan’s body.

  He held his arms out to help Nathan from the pool table and once Nathan was standing beside him, he reached down and pulled up his jeans. They had stayed around his thighs. Nathan frowned at his ruined shirt then dragged his slacks up his legs, doing them up. He nodded to Kelly who then peered out the doorway to make sure the coast was clear. Kelly could hear the sound of Nathan’s parents and Brendan talking in the kitchen.

  “Come on, love, let’s git while the git’n is good as Granda used to say.” Kelly clasped Nathan’s hand and they slipped down the hall to the stairs then scooted up them and into their bedroom.

  Once the door was closed, they both spun in place, putting their backs to the wood. They glanced at each other and broke into giggles, which quickly turned into roaring laughter as they slid down the door’s length to the floor.

  As they slowly calmed, Kelly drew Nathan to him, rubbing his face in Nathan’s dark curls as Nathan melted against him.

  “I am never doing that again,” Nathan said against Kelly’s throat.

  “Bet I could change your mind.”

  Nathan chuckled. “Yeah, you probably could do that.”

  They both laughed once more as they held each other tight. Taking a huge breath, Kelly inhaled the scent of Nathan’s shampoo and beneath that Nathan’s own essence. He closed his eyes, at peace with the world. He was where he belonged, in the arms of the man he loved more than life itself.

  “I love you so much.” Kelly sighed into Nathan’s curls.

  Chapter Five

  Kelly felt a hand grip and shake his shoulder. Snapping his eyes open, he looked around the belly of the plane for a moment disoriented. It had been a dream. He had relived in his sleep what Nathan playfully called ‘the pool table incident’.

  Kelly glanced up into Moose’s concerned face. Judging from Moose’s sympathetic expression, Kelly suspected he’d said something out loud while he dozed.

  “Hang in there, bud. We’ll get him back for you.”

  Nodding, Kelly patted Moose’s hand appreciating the man’s caring. “I know.” He sighed heavily. “Thanks, Moose.”

  Moose inclined his head before returning to his seat. The man was one hell of a warrior and there was no one better to have at your back. But sometimes Kelly couldn’t help but wonder how a man with a heart as huge as Moose’s had ended up in this harsh life. That part of his past was private and in the six years he’d known Moose, the man had refused to ever speak about it. The rest of them respected his wishes and didn’t pry. When, and if, Moose was ready to tell them, they would always be ready to listen.

  Kelly closed his eyes again, trying to let the steady thrum of the engines soothe him. He had to calm his emotions or he wouldn’t be much good to anyone. He had to prepare himself mentally for what he had to do. At least he hadn’t come in his pants but it had been a near thing, he thought wryly. He began the breathing exercises Granda had drilled into him, focusing on each breath of air he drew into his mouth, then down into his lungs and back out his nose. He kept his back straight and his heartbeat steady, his body steadily grounding and centering.

  He felt a mental nudge, a sudde
n urge to go over the case files again. Damn it, Granda, I’ve been over them a thousand times. The urge grew. Fine then, have it your way, a thousand and one times.

  Huffing, Kelly pulled out his phone and brought up the files, scanning them one by one. Suddenly, he frowned as he realized what was wrong. He checked the file names again, just to be sure but it definitely wasn’t there. Kelly had never seen that particular file, never wanted to, but the ballistics report file should have been there with the rest.

  Unhooking his harness, he carefully made his way over to Cookie. “I think we’ve got a small problem.”

  Cookie looked up curiously. “What’s the problem?”

  Kelly held up his phone and wiggled it. “I got all the files for the case off the server but the ballistics report wasn’t included.”

  “It should have been.”

  “I know it should have been, but it isn’t. The file’s not there.”

  Cookie frowned at him before taking his own phone out. “Let me make some calls. Give me a few minutes.”

  Kelly nodded before returning to his seat. The unsettling urge was gone and calm washed over him. This time, when he dropped into a deep meditation, nothing disturbed him and he didn’t fall asleep or dream.

  A few hours later, Kelly’s phone buzzed, alerting him. He rose to his feet feeling more relaxed and ready for what was to come. He headed to the cockpit to confer with the pilots.

  The plan was to have the plane land at an airfield, controlled jointly by the DEA and the Columbia Jungas and arranged for by Cookie, to await further instructions. Kelly had to admit that Cookie really was kind of handy to have on this mission. Kelly and the others would parachute through the night sky to a small clearing within five clicks of the estate of Danna Varga and hump it in as the sun rises.

  Getting out was a little more complicated and a lot more dangerous. The team would meet at the drop-off point then move through the jungle another five clicks to the helicopter pick-up point. They had arranged for a 60M Blackhawk medical helicopter, because they really had no idea what shape Nathan would be in, to then deliver them to the plane which would bring them home.


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