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Destroyed Page 1

by Kira Johns


  Satan’s Rebels MC Series (Book 1 - A Novella)

  Copyright 2013 Kira Johns

  Published by Kira Johns

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  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About Kira Johns

  Other books by Kira Johns

  Connect with Kira Johns


  First and foremost, I want to thank my husband for being so understanding all the nights I ignored him because I was so enthralled in finishing what I had started. You have been more patient than I probably deserve. I love you, baby!

  To my daughter, who helped in the editing of this story: Since I could not pay for an actual editor, you fit the role perfectly and I appreciate all you did to assist me.

  To my son, who would patiently wait for me to finish a chapter before asking me to make his dinner. Thank you for being so understanding. You are just as much a part of this book as I am.

  To my best friend (you know who you are), who listened to my rambling on and on about what I wanted to say and helped me come up with the words. Not only are you an amazing friend, but you were the one to push me to share my story with others.

  To the readers of this book: I am an independent author and this is my very first attempt at writing a book. Although I read and reread this story over and over again, there are bound to be many, many mistakes in grammar, spelling, and the like. I did not have an editor, so please be kind and know that I tried to make my story as perfect as possible.


  Life: the existence of an individual.

  Death: the permanent ending to one’s existence.

  We exist and then we cease to exist. It seems so simple. Cut and dry. Just read any novel or movie on the topic. A baby is born to a loving family. They adore him or her from day one. They nurture the baby and eventually that baby grows up to be a toddler, learning the basics. How to walk and then talk. How to feed themselves. They grow older, begin school, and make friends. Learn new things. All the while, their parents are there for them, offering guidance. Eventually, the child becomes an adult, goes to college, gets a job, and then falls in love. They get married and have children of their own. They take care of their parents and inevitably watch them die. They grow older themselves. And then, one day, they too meet their demise, surrounded by those who love them.

  That is the storybook version. The life depicted in storybooks and movies. The one that fills my dreams each and every time I dare to close my eyes. The perfect life that most people live on a daily basis. Yes, there are tragedies that come in to play, but ultimately, most lives are not touched by evil. Only in their nightmares do they catch a glimpse of my life.

  I too was born to a loving family. I knew what love was. I had parents who put me first, before their own needs. I lived the dream life, the one I wish still remained. The one where my mother had dinner waiting for me after school each day. Where my father sat in the front row at my recitals. Both were supportive of me in every way.

  But my life began to crumble when I was sixteen. Watching your mother slowly deteriorate after being diagnosed with breast cancer has an effect on those around them. She was so young, far too young to die. Yet, that is what ultimately happened. Her death impacted my father and me, more than anyone realized. We fell apart.

  Daddy began drinking heavily. It was his way of alleviating the pain of losing the love of his life. I stood by helplessly as my father slowly killed himself in less than a year. I was powerless to stop his demise, and I was the one to find his body. An overdose of pills and alcohol. I was completely devastated, lost without him. In a little less than a year, I had lost both of my parents, leaving me alone.

  Well, not completely alone. There was my brother, Tank. He was five years older than me, and he played the big brother role well. He took pride in intimidating the guys I wanted to date in high school. But no matter what he did, he was my brother, and I loved him dearly.

  Then there was the club. The Satan’s Rebels had always been my family. Being the daughter of the club president, I was family to each and every brother. And when I was orphaned, they were the ones to take me in. I had a roof over my head and food in my stomach. But an MC is not the place for a child to grow up.

  Reaper, my uncle, took my father’s place as MC president after his death. This was a good thing, as far as I could see. I had always thought of Reaper as a second father. He had been as much a part of my life as my own parents, I loved him with every fiber of my being.

  And then there was Shadow, the son of the Sergeant at Arms. Shadow and I had grown up together. Even though he was two years older than me, we were the best of friends. We have each other’s backs forever, or at least in my mind we did. I loved Shadow, and had been since I was six years old. I could depend on him, no matter the situation. He watched my back, made sure no one messed with me. He was like my knight in shining armor.

  A year after my father died, Tank had been transferred to Spokane, being named the new VP. Shadow and his dad were the next to go. I was heartbroken, being left alone, but I understood club life. I vowed we would stay in contact, but that never happened. The moment they left, I was forgotten.

  I was left alone in a club run by my uncle, around people I had known all my life, and slowly everything changed. The ongoing war with a rival MC, the Condemned Warriors, was fierce. Lockdown became the norm. I was rarely allowed out of the compound. I hated it and I hated my life, but I loved the men around me. They were all I had left.

  The conflicts between the two rival clubs came to a head only weeks following. The tension within the club was high and I knew war was inevitable. I won't lie, it terrified me. Being in the club my entire life, I knew a lot of blood would be shed and more lives lost. Neither club would give up.

  And then one day, it all came to an end. There would be no more fighting. No lives would be lost. Peace between the two clubs that had despised one another for all of my life. The news spread quickly throughout the compound and I was more than relieved to hear that it was finally over.

  And then it all came to a screeching halt. My life was forever changed in a matter of minutes. My existence ceased to exist.

  “You wanted to see me?” I ask as I step inside Reaper’s office. The office that was once my father’s.

  He motions for me to take a seat in the chair in front of him, and I do without hesitation. Women are not allowed in here unless they are cleaning, and that is a rare occurrence.

  “I’m sure you've already heard that The Satan’s Rebels and The Condemned Warriors have come to an agreement.” It’s a statement, and not a question. Either way, I nod my head in agreement.

  “I doubt you realize that my brother, your father, was the cause of this entire ordeal.” This was news to me, and I wondered what my father could have done to cause it. As if he could read my thought, Reaper continued. “Halo had a way of pissing people off. The Warriors had a sex trafficking operation that y
our dad halted. Let’s just say that caused a lot of hard feelings and a lot of money was lost.”

  This didn't sound like a bad thing. “The Warriors have been seeking vengeance since then, but up until a few months ago, they didn't have the numbers to go to war with us. That changed recently.”

  That explained the lockdowns, and all of the changes I had seen the club undergo. “With Halo gone, they saw an opportunity and took advantage. With their numbers and without Halo’s connections, there was no way to stop them.” He pauses for a moment before he continues. “I had a meeting with their president last week. My first priority is this club, you realize that, right?”

  “Yes,” I reply.

  “I knew you would.” He stands and begins pacing behind the small space behind his desk. “Negotiating with them was not an easy task, especially under the circumstances. I had to give in to their demands. They wanted to resume the business they had set out on years ago and I was helpless to stop them.”

  I swallow hard at his words. I had seen enough television shows to know what kind of horrors happened in this kind of business. “I gave my word to turn a blind eye. It was a difficult decision, but it was one I had to make for the club.”

  I nod my head, not because I agree with his decision, but because I know I have no say. Club business was just that. Club business. And I wasn't a club member.

  “I thought it would be enough, but they wanted more.” He stops and looks at me with regret. I don't understand what he is getting at. What more could they possibly want?

  He walks past me and opens the office door. Two large bikers enter, men that I have never seen. They take their place at opposite sides of the door, hands behind their backs, as Reaper comes to stand in front of me.

  “They wanted insurance, so to speak. I have to do what is best for the club.” He nods to the men behind me and they come to stand beside me. “I’m sorry, Jade.”

  He turns away and lowers his head just as the men grab me by my arms and jerk me to my feet. “Reaper?”

  “Please don't make this any harder on me. This is for the club, Jade. You are what they want.”

  I struggle against the holds of the men, trying to break free. “What do you mean they want me?!” I demand. “Reaper, answer me!”

  “They have promised that you will not be sold. If I give them you, the club is safe. You are only one person, Jade.”

  “I’m your fucking niece!” I snarl. “You’re just going to hand me over to them? They are going to kill me!”

  He turns to face me, his eyes suddenly cold. “I would do anything for the club Jade. Even if it means giving you to the devil himself.” He motions to the men to leave and then turns away, as though nothing is happening.

  I scream - biting, kicking, and flailing myself, trying to escape their holds and hoping someone will rescue me. But instead, I am hauled out of the compound, my home, into a dirty blue van parked outside where I am bound and gagged. My life as I knew it, ending. The Jade that once existed, was no more.

  I fight the urge to cry knowing this will continue to be my existence, while I beckon death to end my torture.

  Chapter One


  “I’ll give you one more chance to answer my fuckin’ question! Where is she?!” Viper’s voice is now filled with rage, unlike his previous calm. He is accustomed to getting answers quickly and with Reaper, he is finding it more difficult. I’ll give the fucker credit, he ain't a fucking pussy. But we will get answers. If he cooperates, he will die quickly instead of enduring more of the torture I know Viper is prepared to unleash.

  Viper’s blade slices into the side of Reaper’s face, carving out his cheek, leaving a bloody mess. Normally I don't watch one of Viper’s interrogations, but this one is personal.

  When we traveled from Spokane to Rockingham, it was to uncover who was behind the money laundering. We never expected to find out the truth that had been hidden from Tank and I for years. Jade, the girl I grew up with, my best friend and Tank’s baby sister, had not run off like Reaper had lead us to believe. When we ransacked Reaper’s office, we found the proof. Photos, around thirty of them, dated over the last four years, evidence that instead of her living her dream life somewhere was being held somewhere, tortured and brutalized. Every picture within his desk showed a beaten and bloodied portrait of the girl that meant more to me than my own life. The questions we needed answered were where was she, who had her and could we get her back. That is where Viper came in.

  Viper’s reputation was known outside of the Satan’s Rebels. He was a killer, dangerous and brutal. I was one of the few that knew about his past and how heartless he could be, although I didn't know the details. He had slit his own mother’s throat when he was a teen. There was no remorse, no hesitation. He killed her. Once released from prison, he found the club and worked his way to the rank of Sergeant at Arms. He got things done at any cost.

  Tank stepped up, whispering something in Viper’s ear before coming to stand beside me. His eyes were filled with worry, mirroring my own. Nothing mattered at this point except for finding her, and I knew he had instructed Viper to show no mercy.

  Viper walked over to his table of torture devices and grabbed a syringe. I glance over my shoulder at all the brothers lining the wall at the back of the building. All of them stared straight at their former president in disgust. Even the ones who had not known Jade had turned their backs on the man they once would have died to protect. He had deceived them all.

  I turn back to the scene before me. Viper removes the cap from the hypodermic needle and grabs Reaper’s chin harshly. “You better start talkin’ fucker!”

  Reaper has withstood a hell of a lot tonight, and hasn't uttered so much as a whimper. I was beginning to wonder if the fucker still had his tongue with as quiet as he has been. Most men couldn't tolerate an ounce of the punishment Viper was dishing out, but Reaper was refusing to give us an inch.

  Viper shakes his head and I watch that evil gleam of his cross his face. In an instant, the needle pierces Reaper’s eye and Viper pushes the plunger, injecting acid into his socket. Finally, Reaper wails as the acid begins eating away at the globe.

  “I did it for the club!” he cries out.

  Viper steps back, looking somewhat satisfied. “Where is she?!” he orders.

  Reaper clams up, refusing to speak. Shaking his head, Viper grabs a set of pliers from the table, making his way back over to Reaper. Slowly, he grasps his finger and jerks harshly. Reaper’s screams echo through the once silent room as Viper shatters the bones in every finger on his right hand.

  “I had to do it! To keep peace!”

  “You had to do what?!” Viper is not giving him a break as he begins working on the left hand.

  “The Warriors!” Reaper howls.

  Viper’s pliers drop to the floor the instant the words leave Reaper’s mouth. He turns, looking at both Tank and I with concern. The Condemned Warriors were not only our rival, but a cruel and sadistic bunch. They gave no consideration to even family. Everyone was disposable.

  Tank steps forward, his fists clenched at his side. “Why?”

  Reaper looks at Tank with a hint of remorse as he speaks. “Insurance. I had to keep the peace. Keep the club safe. It was the only way!”

  “You gave her to them?”

  “I didn't have a choice! It was that or war. They outnumbered us. I couldn't take the chance!”

  Tank glances over at me and I can see the fear in his eyes. “Finish him!” Tank orders Viper as he storms from the room. I follow behind him, hearing Reaper’s screams echo into the night.

  “What are we going to do?” I ask as I catch up to Tank.

  When he turns to face me, I see tears in his eyes. He is not only upset, he is filled with rage. Jade is his only family. All he has besides the club. “We’re getting her back. We’ll go to war. We’ll kill every last one of them, but she is coming home!”

  I nod my head in agreement and follow Tank inside the
compound, silently praying she’s still alive to save.

  Twenty minutes later, Viper walks in to see myself and Tank sitting at the bar, downing our sixth shot of Jack. We have been going over everything that has been revealed, trying to come up with a plan. Getting into the Warriors compound wouldn’t be easy. In fact, it would be downright deadly.

  “So, what’s the game plan?” he asks as he grabs a shot glass and pours himself a shot.

  “That’s the issue. Getting into their compound is gonna cost a lot of lives,” Tank reaches for the bottle and pours the amber liquid into his glass.

  “We can’t just walk in there,” I add.

  “What if they invite one of us in?” Viper asks, looking at us both.

  “Yeah, like that’d ever happen,” I chuckle.

  “I’ve got an idea.”


  I land with a thump to the floor, my body lying in a crumpled heap. Dried blood crusts in the corner of my mouth and nose. I can barely see out of my left eye it is so swollen. My body burns from the welts across my back and the bruises that litter my legs and torso. My punishment has ended after what seems like weeks, but it has been only days.


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