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Destroyed Page 3

by Kira Johns

  I awaken to the sound of hushed voices. My face and body are riddled with pain and I cannot bear another beating. I slowly lift my head from the pillow beneath me, unsure as to where I am.

  The last thing I remember is being in that room. One of the monsters had come in. Bile rises in my throat when I recall him trying to force himself in my mouth. I bit down and the worse beating of my life ensued. The other monsters joined him, laughing while they began their torture of me. I remember wishing for death and then hearing a gunshot. Now I am here, but I am unsure as to where here is.

  I close my eyes when I hear the voices again. The room is dimly lit, and I am unable to make out who is speaking. There is a familiarity there, voices I have heard before, like in a distant dream. They hold no malice, but I am still riddled with fear.

  I slowly roll from my side and it is then I realize I am in a hospital and not in that torture chamber. I open my mouth to speak but cannot. Panic sets in and I knife up in the bed, attempting to escape.

  Three darkened figures come towards me, and I instinctively retreat, cowering into the corner. My back hits the wall behind me sharply, and all I feel is the pain shooting through me. I close my eyes and slide to the floor, whimpering. No more. I cannot take any more.

  One lone figure crouches in front of me, holding his hand out as he speaks, his voice so familiar yet alien. “Calm down, baby girl. No one will ever hurt you again.”

  I don't believe his words and I curl myself into a protective ball, retreating from his hand as it nears.

  “She’s still in shock,” the other voice says. A voice I know. I have heard it recently. The soothing sound that came from the man who came into that hell hole and promised he would save me. I peer up and recognize him immediately. He is really here. He kept his word.

  I don't even think as I rise to my feet and throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist. His arms gently encircle me and I know I am safe. I am free. He got me out of there. Tears finally break free as I sob into his chest. He says nothing at first as he holds me close, comforting me. And then he whispers the words I have been begging to hear over the last four years. “You’re safe now. I’ll never let anything happen to you.”


  I hold her close, whispering comforting words as she clings to me as though I am her lifeline. She didn’t even acknowledge Tank or Shadow and I can see the hurt in their eyes. I can understand the pain they must be feeling. Jade is Tank’s sister, and I can only imagine what he was feeling seeing her in this state. Shadow is no better. He might as well be her brother. The two grew up together and were best friends.

  She is pressed against me, relaxed, something she probably hasn't felt in forever. So I hold her close, promising I will always protect her because I vow I always will. She has lived in hell for four years and I will die before I allow any harm to come to her from this point on.

  I finally am able to return her to her bed, exhaustion taking its effect. She has been through more than any one person should ever endure, yet she was alive. I knew the physical wounds would heal in time, but the mental scars would forever haunt her. Just from my brief encounter at the club, I saw a glimpse of the kind of violence she had endured. She was stronger than anyone I had ever met, but she wouldn't be able to get through this alone. I made a silent promise to myself and to her that I would be there for her, every step of the way. Somehow I would help her heal. I would be her protector.

  She falls asleep, gripping my arm tightly. I have never felt so needed before now, not in this way. Like I am the reason for her existence. Like my being here will keep the demons away.


  Tank opens the door and motions for me to step outside of the room. When I exit, I see Shadow’s cold stare as he stands beside Dr. Phillips. I was comforted knowing that Jade was finally sleeping soundly and she desperately needed it.

  “What’s the deal, doc?” Tank asks.

  “I don’t even know where to begin. That girl has been through hell.” He shakes his head in disgust. He lowers his voice to almost a whisper. “The fuckers that did that to her, you take care of them?”

  Dr. Phillips has been working for the club for almost thirty years. He knows when it comes to club business, everything has to be swept under the rug. He has handled stabbings, gunshot wounds, you name it for us and has never been as disturbed as he appears now.

  “Some. We’ll get the rest soon.”

  “You take them all out. You hear me? None of those fuckers should have the luxury of breathing.” He takes in a deep breath before he continues. “I have never seen such brutality in all my years of doing this.”

  We could visually see the effect this was having on him. It was something none of us had ever witnessed before. All of us nod, silently agreeing that the Warriors will all pay with their lives.

  “Jade was brutally beaten, and from the scars covering her body, this wasn’t her first encounter. Her jaw is broken in two places. I wired it shut to give it the chance to heal properly. I’ll be able to remove it in about eight weeks.

  “Surprisingly, she had only a few fractures. Four ribs, which I bound, and an orbital fracture - the bone around her left eye. Other than the fractures, there were no other broken bones, at least no new ones. Apparently, her arm was broken before. Someone set it for her and it has healed, but it doesn't look more than a year or two old.

  “She has deep bruising all over her body and is obviously in a lot of pain. Scans showed no internal bleeding, which is good.” He quiets momentarily, as if he is gathering his thoughts. “The lashes on her back - some required stitches. She has a lot of healed scars, some of them very deep. I…”

  He lowers his head and takes a few breaths before he continues. “I have a daughter about her age,” he explains. “I can’t even begin to fathom what she has gone through.” No one could come close to understanding the torture she had been forced to endure, except maybe me. “She was raped, and I can almost guarantee it wasn't the first time. She has a lot of scarring indicating this was repetitive. And there were bites, some of them requiring stitches, all over her body.”

  I can see tears in Tank’s eyes as the doctor speaks. I know he is somehow blaming himself, but this falls all on Reaper and the Warriors. I am filled with rage as the doctor continues describing her injuries.

  Before he walks away, he adds one last comment. “You know, for someone that has been through everything she has, you would expect her to be full of hatred. But she wasn't. She was polite and courteous the entire time. Beautiful young girl with so much to give.”

  He turns and leaves the three of us standing there, feeling defeated. “Do you think she can forgive me?” Tank asks, not raising his head. I understand he feels guilty, but no one knew what Reaper had done until recently.

  “This wasn't your fault. What they did to her, you had no part of. We will get revenge, for us and for her. Every last Warrior will pay with their lives. But right now, she needs to heal. You heard the doc. What she went through was pure hell.”

  He nods his head, more than likely appeasing me. He will come around. But for now, his focus, all of our focus, will be on Jade. “I love her, man. She probably doesn't know it, but I love her. Always have. If I had known…”

  “You can talk about what ifs. Yeah, if you had known, all of this would have been all over it before it even started. But we can't turn back the clock. We can only move forward. I’ll help in any way I can.”

  He lifts his head and looks at me. “She went to you. I was down on my knees in front of her and she cowered. She saw you and she ran to you.”

  “Tank…” I don't want him to read more into this than he should.

  “I’m gonna need you to help me. We both are,” he looks over at Shadow. “She trusts you or she wouldn't have ran to you. I know Jade - at least I used to know her, and something you did made her trust you. Help her, Viper. Help us help her.”

  I don't know what to say. To have someone put so much trust in me
leaves me speechless. “Viper, you and Shadow are my brothers through the club, but you both are my friends as well, my blood outside of the club. I know your past. She is going to need your strength to get through this.”

  I see the confused look on Shadow’s face. He doesn't know the whole story and I don't know if he ever will. But what Tank says is true. I learned how to deal with my own demons with help. Jade would need someone to guide her, let her know how to face them.

  I inwardly make the decision that I will do anything for this girl. To protect her and keep her safe. Help her heal and make her whole again. I make a vow, from this point forward, I will be there for her. I couldn’t change my past, but if I could help someone deal with their own, maybe it was worth it. Maybe together, Jade and I could heal each other.

  I nod my head in agreement. Tank gives me a chin lift before making his way back inside the room leaving me and Shadow alone. The silence between us is awkward, neither of us saying a word for several minutes.

  “I know Jade is like a sister to you, Shadow. I wish I could have gotten in there sooner,” I tell him.

  He nods his head but refuses to say a word. Instead, he stares at me as if he is trying to figure something out. “I need to head back to Spokane in a few days,” he says. “I need you to keep an eye on her for me. Make sure she is safe.” The words coming out of his mouth are full of torment.

  “I’ll do my best,” I tell him, knowing full well that I will do whatever it takes to protect her. I don't even know this girl, yet I am willing to lie down my life for her.

  Again, he nods before walking into Jade’s room.

  Chapter Five


  Two Months Later…

  My life seems so surreal. It is like I am trapped in a dream. A good dream, not a nightmare. Being back at the compound had been terrifying to me in the beginning, only because my last memory of the place was of me being dragged out by the Condemned Warriors. Thankfully, Tank and Viper had been there for me, and had been patient with me. I don't know what I would do without them.

  I never thought I would see Tank again. Hell, I wasn’t sure if I would ever leave that place. But now I was here, safe. Tank had transformed one of the rooms in the compound and made it my own. Unlike the other rooms, mine had been painted a soft peach color, and he had gone all out accessorizing the curtains and comforter. I know he had help in picking everything out, but it was one of the kindest things anyone could have done.

  Viper has been my daily companion. Not only did he purchase a very large flat screen television for me which he mounted on the wall, but he bought me a Blu Ray player and a huge collection of movies. Since I have been cooped in my room since my release from the hospital, he wanted me to have something to do besides read, which I seemed to do a lot of.

  Every morning, shortly after nine, Viper came to my room, bringing me a smoothie, which since I couldn't eat, had become my meal of choice. I was shocked to find out he was making them for me. He had gone online and found an overabundance of recipes, trying to offer some variety until I was able to eat again. He talked to me, making me feel at ease, and soon I began talking to him more and more. Not about what I had been through, but about life in general. Favorite foods, music and movies. Stuff like that.

  I hear the soft knock on my door and know it is Viper. It is just a few minutes past nine and he is right on time like he always is. “Mornin’ babe,” he chides as he steps inside, closing the door behind me.

  “Morning,” I say through my clenched teeth.

  He chuckles as he comes to sit beside me on the bed. “Strawberry,” he says as he passes me a glass with a straw. I know he can't tell, but I am beaming. He has no idea how much this means to me. “You ready for the big day?”

  “Big day?” I look at him in confusion.

  “Your appointment. You’re getting those damn wires cut today.” He nods at me with a smile.

  I had completely forgotten. I had been counting the days until I could talk again. I mean, really talk. Not mumble through clenched teeth. When I could smile and frown and stick my tongue out. How could my appointment have slipped my mind? There was an easy answer to that question. Viper. He had kept me so occupied, I had lost track.

  “Are you taking me?” I asked, hoping he would say yes.

  “Would you like me to take you?” I nod my head enthusiastically. “Alright, I think I can manage that,” he smiles. He has the most gorgeous smile. It’s the kind of smile that reaches his eyes, and man when those dimples show, I swoon. “You better get your ass moving though. Your appointment is at ten.”

  I jump out of the bed and walk over to the dresser, pulling out a tank top and shorts before rushing into the bathroom to quickly change. I pull my unruly hair into a messy ponytail before marching back into the room where he is waiting for me.

  “You ready?” He stands and walks towards me as I nod feverishly. He reaches out to me, linking his fingers with my own before leading me downstairs and out of the compound.


  “Good morning, Jade. Viper.” Dr. Phillips enters the room smiling at me. “You seem to be doing much better.”

  I nod my head in agreement. There are still remnants of my bruises, but all in all, I look and feel better.

  “If you don't mind, I just want to take a look at your back and make sure everything looks fine before we remove those wires. Is that OK?”

  Again, I nod my head. He steps behind me and slowly lifts my shirt, my eyes remain focused on Viper. I see his smiling eyes turn dark. Dr. Phillips runs his hands slowly over a few of the spots that suffered the most damage. Then he lowers my shirt and comes around to face me. “You healed very nicely.” He smiles at me, but it does not reach his eyes. All I see is pity.

  It is the same thing I see in Tank’s eyes and any of the brothers I am around. Even Shadow, before he left looked at me with sympathy. I don't want their pity. That is why I stay by myself, only allowing Viper into my haven. He never looks at me with pity. He tells me I am strong and have overcome so much. He encourages me and doesn't feel sorry for me.

  “So, are you ready to get rid of those wires?” His smile has returned, the real kind, making me feel more at ease.

  “Yesh,” is what comes out of my closed mouth, and I hear Viper snicker in the corner of the room. I glare at him and his smile widens.

  “You sure we can't leave those in, doc? I have a feeling I ain’t gonna be able to shut her up once she can talk right.” He chuckles at his own words and then winks at me. I don't know what it is about Viper, but having him around makes every day a good day. He makes me smile, even though he can't see it. That will change after today. He makes me laugh. He has become more than just someone to keep me company. He has become my friend. The one person I depend on for everything.

  Dr. Phillips asks me to lay back and I do just that. I am anxious and excited. After thirty minutes, he has finished and is helping me to sit up.

  “Now your jaw is going to be sore for a while. That’s normal. But you should not feel any pain.”

  I nod my head as I open and close my mouth repeatedly. It feels so good to be able to do something so damn simple.

  “You look like a retarded fish over there,” Viper says, his face all serious for only a moment before he bursts into a fit of laughter. I pull off my shoe and toss it at his head. He catches it before it collides with his skull, roaring with laughter. “You see what I have to put up with?” he smirks at Dr. Phillips.

  My lips curve upward into a smile, something I haven't done in so very long it feels foreign. “Now that’s what I call fuckin’ beautiful,” Viper says, his eyes boring into mine.

  “Well, I'm going to leave Jade in your capable hands,” Dr. Phillips says. “Let me know if either of you need anything.” He leaves the room and I jump off the exam table, a smile still glued to my face.

  “A retarded fish? Really?” I say as I step in front of Viper.

  “Most beautiful retarded fish I've ever see
n in my life,” he says as he reaches past me, opening the door. He reaches for my hand, linking our fingers together before he steps ahead of me, pulling me behind him out of the doctor’s office.

  When we step outside, I feel like a new person. Like I am beginning life anew.

  “You ready to head home, babe?”

  I shake my head, my smile feeling like it is permanently affixed to my face. “I want ice cream,” I tell him.

  I see a glimmer in his eyes at my words. “Ice cream, huh? I think I can manage that.”

  Within five minutes, we are on the road. “What’s your favorite?” he asks, his eyes on the road.

  “Vanilla with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups,” I tell him. I was salivating at just the thought.

  “You got it, babe,” he says as he pulls up in front of the ice cream shop. I have my seat belt unfastened before he has the car in park. “A little eager, aren't we?” he chuckles.


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