Forced Erotica

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Forced Erotica Page 104

by Emmie Combs

  "Yes well we both have had to cover our past. We two were probably the top money-earning students of our time. It was so exciting, far better than our studies, but that sort of excitement can wear off. For your ears only keeping on with it hardened me and these days I only service my husband and he moans that's not often enough."

  "It's an activity where attitude, caution and commonsense are likely to be paramount, isn't it."

  Betty looked at Mira closely and then smiled, "Let me make us coffee darling. If you have the need to earn money I'll assist you. What about selling lingerie."

  "Please don't disappoint me Mrs Lucas."

  "An excellent response. That was a bit of a test of your preparedness to commit. Please call me Betty. I'll talk to you about what's involved including my share of revenue. Then you will be in a better position to decision, particularly after I tell you about the occasions when things go wrong, sometimes dreadfully wrong. I agree prostitution can be fun and lead to wonderful experiences but be aware it also has its very dark side. Care and maintaining physical fitness are a girl's best friends. I must say you appear to be in outstanding physical shape and don't worry about the smallness of your boobs. Many men dislike anything but smaller breasts. They know even small ones are a mouthful."

  "I'll bear that in mind Betty."

  Over the next week Mira spent up to two hours a day with Betty being briefed. She was amazed there was so much to learn about sex including absolute hygiene and although she was aware of anal sex had never really thought about guys wanting to push their tongue and dig into her crap hole.

  "God aren't men disgusting."

  "Oh and so are females angels?"

  "Well in that respect yes."

  "Darling let me tell you about possible female clients, some of whom will want your butt."

  They were both aware Mira had turned a little white.

  Mira had to borrow $800 bucks from her mom for the sign-on fee that included the cost of a range of attractive lingerie and that was accompanied by the warning it might be ripped asunder the first time a client got his hands on it

  "Oh darling, just one more thing, your name. You'll have no wish to discredit your family if you are unlucky enough to appear in court on a charge of prostitution or whatever. Here is a list of names I've collected off gravestones. Chose a name or a combination of names and use that in your business work. You'll protect your family better if you have an attorney register it as a change of name and gets the change made to your driver license and driving record, Social Security Number and whatever but I suggest you don't do that unless you choose prostitution are your preferred career."

  "Preferred career?"

  "Some women see it as that and spend all their working life on their back, so to speak. One tip, never, never call yourself a prostitute. The name I suggest is a working professional or in your case you might know enough to get away with calling yourself a pharmacist. Well that's all for this week. On Monday we'll begin your training if you are prepared to have me use plugs and dildos on you."

  "Oh yes that will be fine. Plugs and dildos will be great. Here was I thinking you'd have to use your husband on me."

  "Darling I couldn't do that. He has a heart condition. You'd be far too much for him. God you are so fit and lithe. I predict you'll be a huge money-earner."


  Ellen Cole, formerly Mira Langley, went to a motel to service her first client.

  "Excuse me ma'am," called the receptionist. "Are you a guest?"

  As trained, Ellen replied, "No a visitor. My stepfather has arrived to see me and is in unit 17 (her client's room).

  The receptionist said thank you and looked more confident when, as trained, Ellen smiled at her and said, "It pays to be careful these days. Guests will appreciate your vigilance."

  Ellen thought they weakness of that trained response was the word vigilance. Some receptionists might not know what it meant. She had looked it up to find what it meant.

  She knocked. The door opened wide and the portly guy with white close-cropped hair did a double take.

  "Christ, you're younger than my youngest daughter."

  "These things happen sir. You asked for the best and not too old so guess who you got."

  He grinned. "Let me watch you get your gear off. That helps me get it stiff. I need a little help these days."

  "I'm confident enough to say I'll offer a money-back guarantee if I fail to get you hard."

  "Fine well here's the fee baby (Betty's standard charges were $500 to $1200, depending on time and other requirements). I'll give you another $200 bucks if you can assist me to a vaginal climax."

  "Well you do have problems apparently so I'd like greater incentive, say $350?"

  "Okay but if you fail you pay me $350."

  Ellen believed she'd been coached by an expert and had watched training videos intently."

  "No problem sir if you cooperate fully. Flip out your dick and I'll start stripping but you better react quickly because I'm not wearing much. I'll attempt some fill in wriggling and tit play to extend out the time."

  "I've only hired you for an hour."

  "I'm aware of that sir."

  "Call me Freddy will yah Ellen."

  "Freddy. Lovely name."

  Later Freddy was struggling, panting like a dog on a hot day after a run. Ellen waited patiently until his eyes appeared to be out of focus, or cavorting in the sockets as Betty called it. She rammed her little finger up Freddy's ass and squeezed around his dick.

  Freddy face turned purple, his eyes bulged and he bellowed into his ejaculation.

  "God you're great," he panted. "My wife pushes a finger up my ass but she does it too delicately. I must teach her to ram it in."

  "The trouble is Freddy she cares so much she doesn't want to hurt you whereas the truth is I don't care a shit."

  "I like it baby. That's a retort I can share with the guys at the club. Look instead of $350 here's $500. You were the best fuck I've had for some years. I'm staying here to rest... actually I doubt that I can stand right now. Just be available next time I come to this city huh?"

  "Oh at your service Freddy. You are the best fuck I've ever had."

  Freddy grinned and threw a pillow at Ellen who was beside the bed dressing.

  Freddy chuckled, "You lying young bitch but I liked you saying that."

  Ellen had only just reached her bedroom at home when her phone went.

  "Hi Betty. Everything went fine. I received a tip."

  "More that once I guess but I suppose you meant it as a gratuity? That's great dear and you know the policy, you keep 100% of gratuities. I'm only calling because it was you debut and I admit to being a little worried."

  "Thank you for your motherly concern Betty. It went as smooth as oil on a breast. Good night."

  After cleaning up Ellen as she was now even to her parents, went and made coffee and joined them watching TV.

  "Good movie?" asked her mom.

  "God it was full-on sex."

  "What's the name of the movie?" asked her father sounding interested.

  Ellen looked at her mom and winked. "Daddy's Baby."

  "Christ I'm not going to that. Movies like that ought to be banned," snorted her father.

  Ellen plugged away at her career and quite quickly had acquired enough from her tax-free income to buy a pre-owned Ford Escape.

  She really enjoyed her first $1000 client.

  "Lucky you are young and fit," leered the young guy who called himself Buck.

  "My wife likes her sex delicately and no more than twice in twenty-four hours."

  "Oh you poor guy... you must feel you never get your motor running."

  "Yeah that's it," said Buck. "You look okay but I would have preferred someone with bigger tits."

  "What I have is more than you can get into your mouth so what's the beef?"

  Buck grinned and said, "I really like your attitude you cheeky young bitch."

  That was the night Ell
en learned there was a limit to her capacity. Buck left her legless and he grinned looking at her proudly. "I was worried back there thinking you would out-last me. I must get you again when my body is telling him I must have power sex."

  "Thank you Buck. You are the best fuck I've ever had."

  "That's the truth baby. I'm the best fucker you and my wife will ever have."

  "Next time fuck your wife just before you come to me at this hotel."

  Buck laughed and said he liked Ellen's style.

  Betty called one afternoon and said, "I have someone who likes the sound of you and wants you this evening. I urge you to consider carefully."

  "You've never said that to me before."

  "The client is a businesswoman."

  "Omigod... a woman."

  "There has to be a first in everything darling. It's a fact of life."

  "What do you recommend?"

  "Have you found your career?"

  "Yes definitely."

  "Then do it. It all counts as experience but never admit to anyone you have sex with females. Some people can't stand the thought so you must not risk your young, clear-cut image. Of my girls you are currently receiving the greatest number of repeat clients. Repeat clients say a lot about the standard of professional and appeal of any prostitute. You are doing very well and helping to make me rich."

  "My pleasure Betty. Perhaps you might like to be a private client sometime. You are still not old enough to allow your pussy to retire."

  "Oh darling, what a sweet thing to say to me. Do I rate a discount, I give you a discount in the store?"

  "Of course. You have been so kind to me."

  Ellen has a wonderful time with the businesswoman who'd hired her for three hours. Di as she called herself was a sharp-faced 40-something brunette with a very pleasant manner. She said she was on the road pretty much all the time as a trouble-shooter for data processing systems installed in banks.

  Banks have their own systems engineers but these problems can be very tough to resolve. I get called to detect and fix what they have failed to remedy and if people like me fail clients are sold new software or have it replaced according to the terms of their warranty. The more people tinker with their systems to get more out of it the greater the chances of system faults occurring, she explained.

  Ellen thought she understood.

  Di explained she was a lesbian because it suited her philosophy but it also seemed a safer option than men for a road-warrior.

  "But how do you find gay females when you are flitting here and there?"

  "Don't worry you pretty head about Di going without. They are everywhere in large numbers. I occasional pay for professional service but you are really not gay are you?"

  "No but I'm an extremely flexible person."

  Soon Di was bent over Ellen licking her nipples and both of them had vibrators up their pussy and ass. Later when Di replaced the vibrator in Ellen's butt with a larger one Ellen had what she claimed was her biggest release ever and Di yelled "Wow", feeling the spasms rip through the young woman's body.

  Ellen wearing a strap-on for the first time got Di off with a big one when pounding her ass and rolling all four fingers deep inside Di's pussy.

  "Young lady you earned your wings tonight with a superb performance for a novice," Di smiled, handing across a $300 tip to go with the fee. "I must point out we went at it like bitches on heat. Most gay women are more subdued, with many quite refined about their approach to same-sex bedroom play. You'll eventually learn just how dignified some women-on-women can be, not at all like most men I believe."

  Ellen left totally replete and thinking it was she who ought to have paid the fee and tip. She felt very sorry about the intense life Di led and wished she could have known her better and be able to love her.

  "God I'm doing what Betty warned me about. I must stop have soppy thoughts."

  Within a year Ellen had become Betty's most successful girl with men now asking for her because of her spreading reputation. Her father still thought she was working in a lingerie store.

  "My personal sales figures have goon through the roof and I can afford this," Ellen told her father as she took him outside to see the 13-month old metallic blue Mercedes coupe she'd just acquired. She had no intention of buying a house and had to spend her money on something as well as salting some of it away.

  A couple of months later two of her friends said people were talking about her and they'd both heard people say that Ellen Cole was actually Pauline Langley's daughter. Ellen spoke to Betty about it and Betty sighed and agreed the best thing for Ellen to do was to move to another city.

  Ellen didn't know anyone in Chicago, a drive of some six hours away, so went there.

  She rented a small but nice and well-situated apartment and then attempted to build up a business and operate from there. Her landlord was a rather deaf elderly guy and she thought she'd mention he might see guys coming and going from her apartment. If he objected she might offer free weekly service. But all he said was an reassuring, "Young women like you have to get all the sex you can before babies come along and rip the heart out of your life."


  During the next few weeks through trial and error, Ellen learnt to be a better businesswoman.

  She'd assumed from hearing guys brag that all guys liked sex.


  Some kept right away from it because it disgusted them.

  Some only had it with their wife or steady girlfriend and most never did it with woman they didn't know.

  However on the bright side there were heaps of men around and a large number of them would have sex with any woman who looked clean and 'normal', for example weighed well less than 200 lbs or wasn't anorexic and didn't have any deformities although a woman with three tits might get lucky and obviously any woman with two vaginas might attract three males who were friends and did everything together... everything.

  Ellen had grown up frequently hearing her father say this: "For every problem there's a solution."

  She was quick to find a big problem: although many guys would have sex with almost any women the one thing they were firm on was they would never pay for sex.

  Eventually Ellen found the solution: "Pick up guys from bars. After a few drinks they would be thinking about sex and when asked to pay for it they would have forgotten their rule never pay for sex. Their usual response when told the fee would be, "Is that all a babe like you who looks certain to be a great lay charges?"

  Some of course would fall asleep.

  The solution was to drag them into the elevator and leave them, sending them to the top floor. Apparently they would awaken or be kicked awake and wonder why the hell they were in that building. That's why it paid to take the money as soon as negotiations concluded.

  Yes bars and hotel lobbies were very productive places to find paying clients.

  Before long Ellen found she had to work a large number of establishments to avoid becoming instantly recognized. She had been threatened by several hotel security guys and learned to stay away from hotels that pimps working for organizations and arrogantly acted as if they and their girls owned the monopoly on prostitution in those establishments. The usual threat from pimps was, "If we see you in her again you'll do worse than suffer a prolapsed uterus... we'll rip it out and tied it around your neck with steel wire."

  Although Ellen thought that might be bullshit she was in no mood to challenge the creeps. Chicago had plenty of hotels.

  She also found the expectation on fee rate for an hour with a girl was tied loosely to the rack room rate. Guys at a cheap hotel expected a cheap fuck... without any drop in standards or offered options.

  Loitering in hotels attempted to rope in a guy for an hour or so was quite tiring work and often unproductive. Then one evening came the breakthrough. She met a guy called Al at the local diner. He slid behind the other side of her table and said "Hi my name is Al. I've seen you in here a couple of times."

  "Hi A
l, you look muscular."

  "Hey lady I would like to be tempted but I'm married. What do you do?"

  "The name is Ellen. I turned nineteen a few months ago. What would you like me to do for you Al?"

  Al looked at her and did a double take. "Christ you ARE a prostitute."

  "Easy Al, I prefer the title Professional Lady."

  They laughed and settled down and chatted amicably. Towards the end of dinner he asked where she lived and she told him and said she worked from there or in hotel rooms."

  "Listen Ellen, I work as a gang boss two streets over from you. We are erecting that 32-floor apartment block. The pressure to get it finished is on so the site is teeming with guys. Let me post a notice of your availability."

  "Okay, just write 'Have a memorable hour with Ellen, aged 19, very experienced' and here's my phone number to add."

  "Ellen darling, please allow me to advise you expertly. Allow me to write, 'Have a memorable hour with Ellen, aged 17, very inexperienced'."

  "Are you sure that will work?"

  "Dead sure. Guys I work for lie about plunging into young and little-used cunt. Want me to do it for you?"

  "Yeah and I'll give you a free one Al for being so good as a counselor."

  "I'll have to think about that tempting offer," Al said. "Yeah young cunt. I've thought about it; can we go to your apartment now?"

  "Of course we can Al. I rather like you all ready."

  Thereafter for the best part of three months Ellen's phone went several times a day with guys from the building site interested in bedding her. She didn't have to go near hotels because she gained more than enough business from the building site. In those eleven weeks before the workforce on the project began to run down during the final weeks of construction, Ellen had lost almost 10 lbs and looked gaunt.

  As soon as business had fallen away almost completely, she accepted no more calls and as soon as she was free of commitments went to a resort in Colorado to rest and put back some of that lost weight.

  Returning to Chicago she began working her hotel circuit. One afternoon a manager nabbed Ellen. He hauled her off to his office warning her unless she stopped struggling he'd call to cops and they could deal with her.


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